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Status Replies posted by Kaze

  1. Wow. I just realized that Tiki's English voice actress, Mela Lee, is going to be at the anime convention I'm going to in June! :D She'll be the second voice actor from Fire Emblem: Awakening that I meet. The first being Kyle Hebert(Frederick and Validar).

  2. Okay, to pass the time I decided that I would reclass Tharja, Laurent, and Ricken for the first time. XD I'm trying to drag out playing Fire Emblem: Awakening some more until Priam's chapter is released. XD

    1. Kaze


      Yeah. I want to do a male avatar playthrough once I finish this one and see how that goes. I'm considering having him marry either Panne, Anna, or Say'ri.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  3. Been playing Fire Emblem: Awakening every now and then. Also been reading Witch & Wizard: The Kiss by James Patterson.

  4. Welp, I officially finished Micah's Story and my second playthrough of Awakening. Same deal as my last one, Micah let Chrom finish it cuz I'll do the other ending later when I'm near 100% done. Also because I needed to get Tiki's special quote from that ending. It was a fun ride, especially having a wonderful, beautiful, roflstomping Manakete wife and daughter; forget the rest of the army --- Micah, Tiki and Morgan were their own 3 person doom bringing team. XD

  5. Been playing Fire Emblem: Awakening every now and then. Also been reading Witch & Wizard: The Kiss by James Patterson.

  6. Welp, I officially finished Micah's Story and my second playthrough of Awakening. Same deal as my last one, Micah let Chrom finish it cuz I'll do the other ending later when I'm near 100% done. Also because I needed to get Tiki's special quote from that ending. It was a fun ride, especially having a wonderful, beautiful, roflstomping Manakete wife and daughter; forget the rest of the army --- Micah, Tiki and Morgan were their own 3 person doom bringing team. XD

  7. Welp, I officially finished Micah's Story and my second playthrough of Awakening. Same deal as my last one, Micah let Chrom finish it cuz I'll do the other ending later when I'm near 100% done. Also because I needed to get Tiki's special quote from that ending. It was a fun ride, especially having a wonderful, beautiful, roflstomping Manakete wife and daughter; forget the rest of the army --- Micah, Tiki and Morgan were their own 3 person doom bringing team. XD

  8. Been playing Fire Emblem: Awakening every now and then. Also been reading Witch & Wizard: The Kiss by James Patterson.

  9. Been playing Fire Emblem: Awakening every now and then. Also been reading Witch & Wizard: The Kiss by James Patterson.

  10. Only Aversa and Priam's paralogues left now, and Aversa's should come out next week.

  11. Been playing Fire Emblem: Awakening every now and then. Also been reading Witch & Wizard: The Kiss by James Patterson.

  12. Only Aversa and Priam's paralogues left now, and Aversa's should come out next week.

  13. Well, I finally got to unlocking all the spotpass paralogues out thus far, and last night I got Emmeryn. Once I had Lissa use a Rescue staff, it was easy to KO the enemies on her map.

  14. Well, I finally got to unlocking all the spotpass paralogues out thus far, and last night I got Emmeryn. Once I had Lissa use a Rescue staff, it was easy to KO the enemies on her map.

  15. Well, I finally got to unlocking all the spotpass paralogues out thus far, and last night I got Emmeryn. Once I had Lissa use a Rescue staff, it was easy to KO the enemies on her map.

  16. So there's only Aversa and Priam's Paralogues left for us to get. Based on the Paralogues being released every two weeks, we won't get Priam's until April 25th...

  17. So there's only Aversa and Priam's Paralogues left for us to get. Based on the Paralogues being released every two weeks, we won't get Priam's until April 25th...

  18. >_> So the Paralogue 18: Dead King's Lament is a pain to deal with...I realized that after I recruited Gangrel that I could have utilized Olivia during that paralogue. >.<

  19. >_> So the Paralogue 18: Dead King's Lament is a pain to deal with...I realized that after I recruited Gangrel that I could have utilized Olivia during that paralogue. >.<

  20. >_> So the Paralogue 18: Dead King's Lament is a pain to deal with...I realized that after I recruited Gangrel that I could have utilized Olivia during that paralogue. >.<

  21. >_> So the Paralogue 18: Dead King's Lament is a pain to deal with...I realized that after I recruited Gangrel that I could have utilized Olivia during that paralogue. >.<

  22. AH NO! Chrom...T_T Huh? Basilio's here? Hahahahahaha! In your face Vaildar. Wait...Grima's back, off to Mount Prism then. Just beat Chapter 23.

  23. While I'm still at chapter 24 (haven't started it yet), I am trying to figure out who I want to finish off Grima. I'm leaning towards my Avatar for this playthrough and then Chrom for the next one. Not sure yet, though.

  24. AH NO! Chrom...T_T Huh? Basilio's here? Hahahahahaha! In your face Vaildar. Wait...Grima's back, off to Mount Prism then. Just beat Chapter 23.

  25. While I'm still at chapter 24 (haven't started it yet), I am trying to figure out who I want to finish off Grima. I'm leaning towards my Avatar for this playthrough and then Chrom for the next one. Not sure yet, though.

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