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Posts posted by Kaz

  1. Double post? Oh well. With the lack of a GS rep in SSB3DS/Wii debuting during E3, I suffer from a resounding "meh." I'll still be getting them though.

    That palette meme/challenge that's going on is pretty... uh... something. Not what I'd consider fu- oh, somewhat entertaining. Yeah, mildly entertaining.










  2. The little after-pic of Brady and Lucina was hilarious!

    Wanted to make it more detailed, but I got lazy that time.

    Reblogging that crap, asap.

    Everyone's free game for mockery! Even little what'sherface that turned into a doggirlsomething from FMA.

    Dump - the more... risqué content isn't part of this so-called collection.

    Except the very last one. But who can blame me.

    Also, repeating myself from... somewhere, scarface and patchy are two of my OCs.











    Marth is out-of-character.


    "Girls are hard draw."

  3. Holy shit, these are great. I'm gonna watch the FUCK out of you now.

    Might be a little late, but watch out for the UNSAVORY stuff.

    I love seeing your stuff on tumblr as I mostly follow along there, but it's nice to see everything in one spot here too for when I miss things. Your comic of Fred up above is actually amazing.

    More like a small package whenever this happens, I guess. If you're talking about the "screwing with the head" part, I personally like doing that.











  4. Well, an update for the few people who might care:










    Along with a snide response to that "If you want to do something, who cares what other people think and just do it" stuff all over tumblr, except finally drawn.


  5. Wow. Someone reminded me that I probably had an account here. Uh, yeah. Anyway... dump:

    It's all FE after this set, though not much since I just got back into it (gradually).


    (also, FE:A ending spoilers, I guess)

    Also also, that 3x3 grid somewhere down this post is outdated.



















  6. Haha, thanks. I didn't know they were actually "energetic," but it's really nice to know that some of them have some "life" in them.

    Same. Honestly, I tried to like team .hack, but I didn't like their combo output - Zephyr and Leanne's bullets are hilariously all over the place.

    The bottom probably isn't finalized since I still have at least 5? more to go/add for that.



  7. RickenxBench 4evr

    just noticed the i love chrom sign, curses

    There's such a thing called polyamory.

    Drew up another FIre Emblem thing before I went back to GS. Again. Might as well show some of the more recent stuff, like that OC insert/palette swap from that 30 day challenge.






    Didn't realize that I'm this inconsistent with some linework when I made this one:


  8. Hi.



    Man, this one got so many "feels" stuff. Kind of surprised at that - and it was a spur of the moment thing too.

    ...I think I got cussed out by several people because of this.



    "- You were cryin’, weren’t ya?
    - Heh! The blood of a hero burns through my veins; I was shedding tears for how pathetic our enemies were!
    - …You know, you’re not the only one.
    - What manner do you speak of, o’ grumpy-brows?
    - Listen to me. You don’t need to keep up with this charade all the time. Everyone knows.
    - …
    - If you need a shoulder to cry on… someone to talk to… The others are here for you… If not, then you got me, at least.
    - …
    - Hey, I know I cry all easy, but-
    - …I miss her… Gods… I miss her so damn much…
    - …We all do."

    EDIT: Forgot this.




  9. the thing is that post #817 has already transcribed that support so I didn't add that in.

    ...Oh. Whoops.



    Sully - Rraagh!

    Soldier - I yield! I yield! M-mercy! [leaves]

    Donny(alone) - She's just like one of them knights out'a the stories Ma used to tell! I'm jealous somethin' fierce...

    Sully(appears) - I'm not LIKE a knight, kid. I AM a knight.

    - Urk! Ya heard me then, did ya?

    - Half the camp hears your every thought! You're not exactly subtle.

    - B-beggin' your pardon, Sir Ma-am! I didn't mean nothin' by it. So, uh, do ya think maybe you could tell me what bein' a knight's like?

    - As longas you promise to stop calling me "Sir Ma'am." Why are you asking, anyway? Thinking of becoming a knight?

    - Oh, gosh, no! It's just that knights and such is the stuff'a legend to me.

    - Ain't never seen one back on the farm, and now here you are, and... Well, I reckon I'm curious, is all.

    - Curious to see how close I am to your storybook version?

    - I ain't tryin' to impose on ya. If it's a big ol' hassle, just say no.

    - It's fine. Come find me at dinner. We can talk there.

    - Thank you, Sir Ma... Er, Sully! That's mighty kind of ya!


    - Thanks again for before, Sully. Mighty kind of ya to take the time.

    - What, our chat about knights? I'm just glad someone actually cares.

    - Ya mean that? 'Cause I'd sure love to hear more, if ya don't mind none.

    - Oh, come on. It couldn't have been that interesting.

    - I reckon not to you, but it's a whole new world to me!

    - Hmm... All right, then. Let's barter.

    - Barter? Ah, shucks, Sully. I ain't got nothin' to offer. 'Less you wanna take an IOU on a couple'a piglets...

    - I don't want your livestock, Donny. I want your stories.

    - You want me to tell ya 'bout life back on the pig farm? Well, it ain't like I mind talkin', but farm life's dull as rocks.

    - To you? Sure. But to me, it's probably going to be fascinating. I grew up in a damn castle, remember? I'm curious how you farm folk live.

    - Well, I reckon I own ya a tale or two. What say I come find ya at dinner?

    - I reckon that sounds great.

    - Hey! Ya sound just like me!


    - Heya, Donny. Thanks for the wild stories the other night.

    - Ya mean like the one 'bout the greased-pig run? Why, sure! Farmin' ain't as glamorous as knightin', but I s'pose we have our laughs.

    - I'd never have guessed how much fun I missed out on as a city girl.

    - I wouldn't be too eager to trade live if I was you.

    - Hmm?

    - Well, I hate to spoil the fun, but there's lots on the farm what ain't a hoot. Stories I told only covered the good times. There's plenty what ruin a year's crop. Flood, drought, raiders... Plus, we lose pigs to sickness darn near every season. Yessir, the farmin' life's a hard one, and no denyin'.

    - I'm sure you're right, but the knighthood's no bed of roses, either. Sure, it's glamorous, but there's politics and backstabbing behind the scenes. And you've got to follow the orders you're given, even when they're stupid. Believe me, farmer aren't the only ones with troubles.

    - So you was just cherry-pickin' the good stories too, eh?

    - Maybe we should sit down and swap horror stories next time.

    - I don't much go in for scary talk. Ain't got the stomach for it.

    - No, not literal horror stories. ...Just the less-happy ones. You can't understand someone's world until you know both sides of it.

    - I reckon yer right about that... All right, then. It's a deal!


    - Hey, Donny. You up for another story session?

    - Well, sure, but... Do ya really wanna hear more'a me flappin' my gums? Ain't I keepin' ya from other things? ...From other people?

    - You aren't keeping me from a damn thing. Look, if you're tired of our little chats, just say so.

    - It ain't like that at all, Sully! Heck, I like talkin' to you more'n about anything.

    - Then get to it! I'm always interested in what you have to say.

    - Oh gosh! Is she sayin'... Wait, she ain't sayin' she's INTERESTED interested, right?

    - Er, Donny? You're mumbling like a madman again.

    - But she ain't said she AIN'T either... Hmm, but no...

    - Hey! Mumbles! If you've got something to say, then out with it!

    - Gah, fine! Here! Take it!

    - ...Is this a ring?

    - Oh gosh, Sully! Marry me, please!

    - ......

    - Aw, heck. This ain't how I wanted it to go, but I was fixin' to burst if I didn't ask ya! I told ya my whole life's story, the good and the bad, and ya listened to it all. I knows yer a knight and a beautiful lady and I'm just a grubby ol' pig farmer. But ya listened, and ya cared, and darn it all if that don't make me love ya.

    - Pig farming's not so grubby.

    - Ya wouldn't say that after muckin' stalls for ten years.

    - But it's honest. I know the work is hard, your village is poor, and times are lean... But I'd take the smelliest sty over the festering rot you find in court society. There's a beauty to farm life. That much is clear, listening to your stories. And I think I might like to give it a try.

    - Then... Will ya...?

    - Yes, Donny. Once this war is over, I'll experience farm life, firsthand.

    - Yee-haw! I feel like I'm dream'! Someone pinch ol' Donny!

    Don't really feel like typing the rest out if someone else is going to do them, so just give me a heads up (if I come back in time to notice).

  10. Since the OP hasn't been updating let me help from post 870 and onwards.


    [spoiler=Gen1 romantic]Sully x Donnel

    [spoiler=Parent/child]Henry x Brady(son)

    Gaius X Yarne(son)

    Vaike x Owain(son)

    Donnel x Kjelle(daughter)

    Libra x Noire(daughter)

    I have all of these if you want me to type them out. Also, I did the Inigo+Chrom(father) a page ago too.

  11. And here you go: Gerome X Frederick (Parent - Generic)


    -Hello, Gerome.

    -What do you want?

    -Oh, nothing in particular. I just-

    -Then why are you talking to me? I'm not here to make friends.

    -Apparently not. But what of your family?


    -I was thinking: we're father and son... Perhaps it's time we started acting like it. Lucina calls Chrom "Father," you know? We could start there.

    -You may look like my father, but you are not the same man. My father is dead and gone. ...You are a stranger.

    -Gods, is everyone so tactless in the future? I know your true father is gone, and I know you must miss him greatly. ...But I thought perhaps our relationship could help heal that wound.

    -Then you are a fool.

    -Mind your mouth, Gerome. I'm only offering this out of a sense of-

    -This conversation is over. I have business elsewhere. I must feed and clean Minervykins before bedtime.


    -Er, that is... I did not mean to... Bah! Your stupidity is contagious! [leaves]

    -*Sigh* That child...


    -Hello, Gerome. Have you been taking good care of little Minervykins?

    -I did NOT call her that! The very idea is ludicrous! ...You must have misheard.

    -There's no need to get so upset. Cherche sometimes calls her wyvern Minervykins, too. Eventually, I picked up the habit as well.

    -Oh... Er, right. I knew that.

    -Heh heh. You know, you're adorable when you're flustered.


    -All right, all right. No need to glare now. I meant no offense...

    -...Apology accepted.

    -Heh, well that is most generous of you, Your Grace... Though I must say, seeing you so angry reminds me quite a bit of Cherche.

    -What do you mean?

    -Mmm? Oh, er, nothing... Hey! Is that your Minerva over there?

    -It is.

    -Hmm, more intimidating than Cherche's... Scarier, more ferocious...

    -Truly? In the future, people oft remarked she was the prettiest wyvern in the realm. Just look at those big, smoky eyes... She's such a cutey-poo! Er, I mean... Um... You tricked me into saying that!

    -I didn't trick you into anything. You said it all by yourself.

    -That's it. I'm leaving. WE'RE leaving. ...Minerva, to me! [leaves]

    -Heh heh. Adorable when he's flustered indeed...


    -Hello, Gerome. Spending quality time with Minerva again, I see?

    -...Why do you insist on following me everywhere?

    -It's nothing so sinister as your tone implies, I assure you... I just wanted to talk about our relationship again. About being father and son... Now that I've seen your sensitive side, I thought we might-

    -I have no sensitive side.

    -Er, right. But remember when you said Minerva was a cutey-poo? The look of love that flitted across your face was so tender and sincere, I-


    -Minerva would never attack me, Gerome. She knows I'm family. There, there, little Minerva. You remember me, don't you?

    -M-Minerva? ...Do you truly consider this buffoon part of our family? ...... ...I see. Very well, Minerva. If that is your wish...

    -So what did Minerva say?

    -Hmph. You claim to be part of the family, but you can't understand her?

    -Er, well... It's an acquired skill.

    -It matters not. Minerva says you are family, and I am thus duty bound to accept you. I'm... I'm sorry I treated you poorly. ...Father.

    -...Did you just call me father?

    -Don't get used to it. ...Minerva, to me! We're leaving!

    -W-wait, Gerome! Son! Let's hear it just one more time!

    -Bah, enough already!

  12. I didn't touch the Dancer, Nightseeker, or Bushi after naming them, to be honest. The other 7 were used. Sniper's currently level 80-something, but I'm playing as female MU in Awakening right now to max out her supports (all of Chrom's and Sumia's other candidates were completed so I don't need to make extra playthroughs).

    ...I just have to fill out all of female MU's, male Morgan's, and Grego's supports before I'm done.

  13. Uh, might as well just post one if it hasn't been done yet: Inigo X Chrom (Parent - Generic)

    Maxed out all possible supports on my MaleMU file (within Olivia+Chrom restrictions and Gregorwithnootherwivesandkids since I accidentally spawned Owain too quickly).


    -Ugh, Father! That gorgeous girl was just about to say yes to a date! JUST about to! Did you really have to drag me off like that?!

    -We have a battle to prepare for, Inigo. Everyone else is ready to march. If you're mad, be mad at yourself for losing track of time.

    -Oh, heh heh heh... Whoops... All right, time to go trounce some enemies and find a village lass to reward my efforts!


    -You're staring, Father. Is there something on my face?

    -No. I just... I was wondering if you were like this in the future as well.

    -Depends on what you mean by "like this," I suppose.

    -For someone who came from an apocalyptic hellscape, you're awfully carefree. Seems like you haven't a care in the world past whose bed you'll be sharing tonight. Lucina's so driven and serious... It's strange you don't have any of that purpose.

    -No purpose?! I'll have you know I'm EXTREMELY driven!

    -Oh, is that the case?

    -Indeed! I will not rest until every woman in the realm swoons at just hearing my name!

    -...Your purpose in life is to be popular with girls? You literally traveled across time...to be popular with girls?!

    -To be popular with ALL girls. Genius, I know. But stop, Father. You're making me blush.

    -I... I don't even know what to say.

    -What? It never bothered you when Mother would blush in front of you!

    -No, that's not what... Where do I even begin? Suddenly I'm feeling very tired... I'm going on ahead. [leaves]

    -...... ...Not a care in the world, huh? Not a thought in my head, he means! For being such a softy with everyone else, he sure doesn't pull any punches with me...


    -Ow! This one's pretty bad. I can't go back to camp like this...

    -Something wrong, Inigo? Everyone else has already headed back.

    -F-Father?! Er, I just...thought I saw a cute milkmaid at the edge of the battlefield!

    -...You're a worse liar than your mother. It's obvious your leg is wounded.

    -It's fine, it's -GYAAAH! Ow! Ow, ow, ow! No, don't touch it! Don't touch it!

    -This is a serious injury, Inigo! Why didn't you say something?

    -What, and ruin my reputation? The ladies want Inigo the Invincible.

    -Gods, ENOUGH, Inigo!


    -You can barely walk, and you're still thinking about girls?! Be serious for once! Really, why did you travel back from the future? Lucina fights so hard, but you... Honestly, I'm disappointed. You have no idea what it means to be at war.

    -...... You don't know a damned thing! You're the one who's clueless, Father!


    -Do you think I'd be out here if I were ONLY after girls? Out here fighting every day, wondering if this is the time I don't make it home?!

    -Inigo, I didn't-

    -You may think me a dandy and a fool, but a lot of people depended on me in the future. Every day, I was out there fighting Risen and risking my life. With everyone looking to me to be strong, I had no choice. I HAD to be invincible. I couldn't complain or show weakness. Not with everyone else struggling in that damn war-torn wasteland... Even with you and Mother gone, I had to pretend it was fine. That I wasn't hurting. I had to fight every day of my sorry life and wear a smile while I did it!


    -...You said I looked like I didn't have a care in the world? Well, I'm sorry to tell you, but that's not the case at all. I smile and joke around because I don't want to show the world any weakness... If that disappoints you...then I guess you'll just have to be disappointed.

    -Inigo, listen...

    -That said, I do appreciate the concern... I'll get the leg looked at. [leaves]

    -...... I... I had no idea...


    -Inigo? I wanted to speak with you.

    -Hey, Father! Here, have a look! My leg's all healed, see?

    -That's good, Son.

    -Thanks for making me get it looked at. ...And...I'm sorry to have worried you.

    -No, I'M sorry. For what I said. It was...insensitive... You've been fighting with all you've got. I had no right criticize you.

    -Pfft, you still thinking about that? Ancient history. Plus...it was my fault, too.


    -Seriously, it's fine! Cheer up!


    -You always seem so gloomy lately. Let's see a smile for once!

    -Ah ha ha! Stop that! S-stop! It really tickles! Ha ha ha!

    -Ha ha, there it is! That's better! I didn't come all this way to see you mope around, you know?

    -...That was why you came back? To make me happy?

    -Well...yeah. You, and me, and everybody. The whole world, I guess. Anyway, I suppose I'm okay telling you that now.

    -You can tell me anything.

    -You say that now, but I don't want to hear any complaints once I get going! I may be all smiles on the outside, but I'm actually pretty sensitive. And pessimistic. ...Oh, and I cry at the drop of a hat. Whenever a girl turns me down, I'm a complete mess for days.

    -Ha! You can stop kidding now, Inigo. I'm already smiling.

    -Oh, I'm not kidding... All the stuff about the girls-it was never part of the act.

    -Well, that's fine...in moderation, of course. You're a strong man, Inigo, and I couldn't be prouder of you. But no one is invincible, and you shouldn't pretend to be. If something's wrong, come to me. We'll figure it out together.

    -Father... I knew you loved me, but... Oh, thank you!

    -Waugh! N-neck! Inigo, my neck! Too tight! C-can't breathe!

    -I-it's your own fault! I don't think you've ever said anything like that to me before! And listen-the same goes for you. Whatever the problem, I'll help. I'll be damned if I'm going to lose you twice.

    -And I'll be damned if I'm ever going to lose such a wonderful son.

  14. Wow, I'm really neglecting my account here.

    Ohman, so much cool Owain! Really neat style there, man! Your stuff has such a nice flow to it, too!

    Thanks. Although I don't know what you mean by style since I can't tell if it is one or not.

    Now that I've played awakening I recognize more of these characters! And the fact that Vaike can wield a ladle... It's just so stupid. I don't understand how that'd be considered an axe, let alone a weapon (with the same might as a log, no less). xD

    I don't recognize the guy standing with Henry though...

    [spoiler=This should probably go in a spoiler because FE13 spoilers probably]I doubt it's one of Henry's sons because lolgeromebradyowainyarneinigolaurenteverdoingthatwellpossiblyowainonasugaroverdose

    Well actually, I forgot he can father a male Morgan. MORGAN IS MY FINAL ANSWER

    It's MU/Avatar/Ford (in my game).



  15. None to C: engage in a SpotPass battle. That usually does the trick, but if you want to be sure, use a Seed of Trust.

    C to B: one SpotPass battle with 1 use of Seed of Trust.

    B to A: two SpotPass battles with 3 uses of Seed of Trust. Remember to spread the 3 uses as 1+2 or 2+1 rather than buring all 3 in one battle.

    A to S: three SpotPass battles with 5 uses of Seed of Trust. Or two battles with 4 seeds in some cases.

    You can also use Reeking Boxes on Ferox Arena for a smaller map with easy-to-kill enemies.

    And, yes, parent-children supports are an utter pain. Pair everyone with everyone, and then there's MORGAN as a sibling. That's why my MUs are going to be single forever (or at least until all the characters are finally available).

  16. Just trying to unlock everything in the Mario Kart 7 game that was pre-installed in my XL bundle.

    Already got 3 stars in all cups and that golden steering wheel thing in less than a week. Just collecting coins/points to unlock the last parts.

    It sucks.

    After getting everything/FE:A, I'm never touching it again.

    In fairness, it seems time goes by so fast especially at work...

    That I can agree on.

  17. There's also one change that bothers me--Mad King Gangrel (originally "Foolish King"). I love how it's a reference to Ashnard, but I'm unsure if Ashnard and Gangrel are "mad" for the same reason... Oh well, I guess it depends on the language and I supppose both are total warmongers.

    Contextually, he's probably "mad" from the ?Ylissean? perspective.

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