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Everything posted by Volke29

  1. I went with GK only because of Luna.
  2. Yea, after Awakening came out the price for PoR and RD skyrocketed. It was about $30 for the longest time on eBay.
  3. Bummer. IMO, it is worth the $100 price tag I'm seeing it sell on eBay CIB for. I've beaten it so many times, over so many years of my life. I'll never get tired of that game. PoR is what got me into this series. Back in college, me and my roommates each had one system (I had gamecube, them, 360, ps3). Did a search for strategy games on GC at the time and saw Fire Emblem. Bought it for like $20 at my local gamestop complete. Just fell in love with that game. That's what prompted me to get RD on release. Still, I have to admit to myself that it is cool that more FE games will be made now. I used to throw money at anything FE ... I worry I might be able to now because it's selling out now and likely will again in the future! I mean, Gamestop was sold out of the standard versions where I'm from.
  4. I think it is sad and weird that I get upset by this. I liked Fire Emblem before it was cool .... I bought Radiant Dawn at release. Grumble grumble... get off my lawn!
  5. Look, someone took a social science class in college! GO AWAY. PLEASE GO AWAY.
  6. For newbies who are just starting to play this game that just came out.
  7. This was a helpful post for me. I didn't know any of this. Thanks.
  8. I just bought the All-Star DLC for $3.99 from the e-Shop and used the Fire Emblem Stone to summon Ike, Black Knight, Tibarn and Reyson. It's a lot easier that way.
  9. My best units: Rhys, Mia, Rolf, Oscar (beast, OP), Soren, Jill ... if you want to get cute, Volke, too. Oscar and Rolf are among the strongest characters in the game. Jill is also an insane beast. But her and Rolf need some effort to make them uber strong. Mia is due to favoritism, but she is an excellent unit (not as good as RD, where she is an evasion tank you can leave alone on front line). Titana is good, but toward the end she is very meh. I think Mist is actually amazing in this game if you level her and an end game unit. Anyway. Each unit mentioned is someone I would 100% have for final battle. EDIT: If I had to rank - Ike - Oscar - Rolf - Jill - Rys/Soren - Mia / Tiatnaa EDIT No. 2: Forgot about Stefan. He is God like for a large portion of the game.
  10. I'm playing Birthright now, but am saving Conquest as I like the limited EXP and harder game play. I plan on playing Hard/Classic. What makes conquest so hard? Is it just cheap? Or is it one of those where one or two units do most of the killing early on? Really curious.
  11. I find the game a lot more challenging than Awakening. Playing Hard/Classic and having a blast ... the game has bested me a few times where I've had to restart a map. Started with Birthright because I heard Conquest was the harder of the two ... I'm basically saving what I think is the best for last.
  12. I can see how someone who played the game once or twice would think Shinon is the better archer. I did ... I'm sure I'm beating a dead horse at this point. I've said my peace. Any who. .... Who is this Takumi guy I keep hearing about? Is he any good? =D
  13. Perhaps the most logical -- and best -- response I've read on this thread yet. With BEXP -- and meeting challenges where the game drops you a boatload of it -- Rolf is easy to invest in. Maybe give him a strength tonic here and there, too. If you're very savvy at the game, you can still invest in all the other units ... I usually bring up players like Reyson, Mist (she is great despite what anyone says), Soren and Mia come to mind. Other units can come up naturally through combat. To each their own I guess ... But to say Rolf is one of the worst characters when he is easily one of the best archers in the entire series is ridiculous Anyone that has played PoR and RD more than once knows this. Personality wise ... yea, Rolf is one of the worst lol ... I mean, he is a whinny little s*** !
  14. They sound like sheep. Maybe most people haven't figured out how to invest in Rolf to make him pay off much much earlier than everyone here is suggesting. I've beaten both games at least 6 times.
  15. You have Rolf pretty much the entire game while you get Shinon here and there? Also, as you stated, Rolf turns out as the better archer. =D EDIT: I can't believe I'm having this conversation regarding Rolf ... He is without question up there with Oscar and Haar as one of the best characters in the PoR / RD series. I'll take a break from posting, hear what others think. Fun conversation without question, though!
  16. Astrid is terrible. She is way too fragile. Reyson is awesome, but unlike Rolf, he can destroy any class on the map, including those with high RES. I thought this forum was well informed ... Rolf is a top 5 character in both games, without question.
  17. Rolf is the best archer in both PoR and RD. Give him the Knights Ring and he becomes God like. Just my two bits ... Shinon comes out the box strong, but come end game, he really can't compare to Rolf. It isn't favoritism either ... I think Shinon is a cool character but honestly, Rolf is OP.
  18. I'm on Birthright and pairing Hayato with Orochi is a deadly combo. The speed boost Orochi gets lets her double some enemies. Plus, what's up with that skill that Hayato has that does +3 damage to units that are the same level or higher?
  19. I'm looking at the two like Oscar and Kierian. I'll take speed over damage all day. Wouldn't be surprised if Hayato turns out to be a beast if trained properly.
  20. Yes! That's the term I was looking for. Is there at RTU in place already?
  21. Perhaps it is early, but because EXP is limited in Conquest shouldn't we have a character rating going? I want to know which character is the next Rolf?
  22. I started with Birthright because I can't wait for the challenge on Hard/Classic for Conquest! So excited to go back to old school style where EXP is limited. Picking which characters you want to invest in is part of the fun for me.
  23. Thanks for the tips! I was also wondering what this year's Galeforce skill is. I looked through the list, and nothing stood out to me as OP as Galeforce. Maybe I missed it. Also ... got the Villager with aptitude. Is she basically like Donny; Strong out the box, but hits her ceiling with lesser stats after that? I got the SE and started on Birthright and saving Conquest for later as I like that style of game play and strategy much better.
  24. Hey everyone! I've played FE dating back to PoR, but there are always tips or characters that you can miss or mess up on. Does anyone have any advice? Like, what is something you think is important to know before jumping in?
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