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Everything posted by Volke29

  1. I *really* want a copy of Earthbound + the massive manual / guide it came with. Can't pay sticker price for that, I'll have to find it .... One day.
  2. Everyone has their preferences when pairing units. Thought I'd get a thread going to see what who the community is pairing with who. One I've liked thus far is Prince Marth (love this guy) and MU. MU best stat was speed and weakness was Res. I figured I could either one shot or skirt those damn mages ... The speed boost the two get makes them almost unhitable. Marth is lvl 13 with 17 speed and MU is lvl 13 with 16 speed. Pair the two together and you get a pretty nice speed boost. Chrom and Kellam are my best frontline guys at the moment. The Defense boost they get makes neither of them take any damage, unless a mage comes along. Literally, these guys take no damage and if they do, it's like 1 or 2 hp. Kellam has 18 defense and Chrom has 15. They also get a nice Defense boost when paired together. Anyway, if you guys have some powerhose combos please share! Playing on hard classic. Played Lunatic when Demo was up and I just told myself I have to learn this game before I play Lunatic.
  3. I certainly did not see this coming. The 3DS FE Bundle is selling for a small fortune on eBay brand new. Here is a link to just one auction: http://www.ebay.com/...=item3a7e21eb3e At time of writing this, it is $285 plus $15 shipping with a little over an hour left of bidding. It does not come with the art book and has eight bidders at the moment. From my understanding, this bundle was $199.99 brand new. I'm sorry, and to each their own, but $300 for this is a ripoff. I'm honestly shocked people are willing to dish out this kind of dough for the bundle. I collect games and LEs. I know the trade and can spot a future game that will go up in price in the future. I understand the delayed release and the game just coming out has built up *a lot* of hype around this game and the FE LE bundle. But $300 for a handheld? And you don't even get a physical copy of the game? If you got the bundle at $199, then you got a great deal. I personally would have bought it myself if I didn't already own a 3DS. The XL itself is $200 and the regular 3DS is $149. So that makes sense. (Still would have been a little salty not owning a physical copy, though). I've seen this so many times with games, and the hype is driving up the price for sure. Within a few months you'll be able to purchase a used version of this unit for well under $200. If I knew this was going to happen I would have snagged a few of these bundles during pre order. Think about it: It is a 50% markup. Nuts if you ask me. edit: grammatical stuff
  4. You're right about getting steamrolled lol. Some magician type girl popped up on my map (Nino I think her name was. Not familiar with her) and I went to fight her. All the units surrounding her had like 28 strength and 30 speed. I was like .... uh, I'm dead. So I just quit and now I avoid her. BUT - if I was able to defeat her, I would get her for free? Is that how it works?
  5. Thank you for all those that responded. I get it now. The only DLC I've ever bought in my life is Dark Souls (it was my 2012 GOTY). Other than that, I've never been interested in paying for DLC or even buying games that I know will be DLC heavy. This game, however, might make me broke. There are a TON of characters I want. Well played Nintendo, well played.
  6. WARNING - *minor* spoilers below for those that haven't DL free DLC First, thank you for those in the community who answered my question on getting Nintendo's free DLC (thread here: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=2277153) I'm a console fan, and Ike is by far one of my favorite units ever (next to Volke, Oscar, Rolf, Nephenee ... OK this list will drag out forever). I'm playing the free DLC now, and I see Ike as an ally unit. I can't control him and he is a manic - just rushing into danger with no regard to his low stats. He just died. I'm wondering - if he survives this mission do I get to keep him and add him to my team or is this just a "play this mission and that's that" kind of deal. Is this how I recruit former characters? Any input would be appreciated. There's so much that's different with this FE than previous entries and I'm trying to learn as I play. Thanks.
  7. Bring back Canto. Otherwise everyone on a horse, flying mount is just for show. Just my two bits
  8. From what I know, all at different times. Otherwise Ike would be on my team by now.
  9. Thank you. I just went to eShop and couldn't find it. I did see Mega Man 2 ... might have to check that out later. I think I have a lot of catching up to do with this game ... so much is different than previous titles ... not in a bad way, but I feel way behind compared to everyone else on this forum.
  10. Much thanks. Wasn't sure if there was some code or what. haven't even checked out eshop either.
  11. Not true: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=2275673
  12. This was my sarcastic thread to this thread ... http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=37642
  13. Forgive me for such a simple question. I just dusted off my 3DS after buying this game. I know there's Marth DLC for free until March. How do I get it? I did a search and didn't find anything. Forgive me, but this whole DLC concept is pretty new to me, I usually don't buy DLC for my console let alone my handheld. Thanks to anyone that doesn't flame me even though I deserve a little flame. =D
  14. Y'hear me? Good. It's happened in just about every FE game forum so far, except here. I'd appreciate it if people held off until FE13 released in Europe and we've had a decent amount of time to play it and get to know the units enough to contribute to such topics. Nobody say anything about this game period until Europe gets it. Forget not clicking on threads you don't want to read. That's too logically. I'm entitled to this so obey. Y'hear me? Good. Ugh.
  15. Hello fellow Fire Emblem fans. First, I want to say how great it is to have an engaged community with this series. I haven't seen this much love for the game since, well, ever. That being said, one of the more helpful things in the past were Character Guides - guides that pretty much graded a character on a scale of 1 - 10, ie, Chrom is an 8.5 because of X and Y and Z. (example not official score). In the past, this was helpful because I didn't know which characters would turn out to be studs or duds. For example, Rolf, from PoR and RD is a terrible character when you start off. And Shinnon was so much better. But, after reading some character guides I realized that Rolf was an absolute POWERHOUSE after he leveled. That being said, I wanted to get a thread going on what characters are worth investing experience into. For example, the archer you start with (can't recall his name ATM), I'm wondering, should I give this guy EXP or hold off for someone better? There are a lot of experienced players on this forum - some that imported the game some time ago. I was hoping you could share your opinions on characters you feel you have a strong grasp on and rate their pros and cons. I'll do the same, but I'm obviously behind. That being said, please post away below. I'd like this thread to stay on topic. If you feel player X isn't as good as someone else said, then post your own rating rather than simply dismissing them. My goal is to make this an official character guide thread for the community.
  16. For clarification they had extra artbooks. I didn't get someone elses.
  17. First - my apologies to all those who have yet to get the game. Sorry for gloating here. Second, my local gamestop is awesome. While I did bash a GS employee recently (not so much bash, but more point out how silly he sounded) that person was not from the store I frequent. You can find that thread here (Check page 5 on this thread, too): http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=37546 Now, this is why my local GS is awesome. They had 6 copies of FEA and 10 preorders. They set one aside for me because I'm a regular and even threw in an "extra" bonus. That extra bonus is everything to me because I collect retro games, strategy guides and the fact this is from one of my favorite series ever makes it that much sweeter. And no, I'm not going to sell it on eBay (Xenoblade artbook was selling for $23+ on eBay after launch). =D Thanks Gamestop!
  18. Dude I honestly love Gamestop. It's a happy place - all video games - how can you not like that? The one I go to is really awesome. The store I called (the very first post) was at a different location. Yes, Gamestop offers you $35 for your 3DS, but you don't have to sell it to them. That's my logic. The one I go to (It's in Village Crossing) is filled with awesome employees who I talk video games with all the time. I can see how my original post made me sound like a basher, but, in all honesty, my tone was a result of me being so salty about not getting the game yesterday. I've been waiting for this game for so long. It is my most anticipated title for 2013. So, yea, I was bitter and aw struck that the employee agreed that there was a world wide typo lol. Also a big XCOM fan, and my local gamestop gave me this just because I'm a regular -
  19. Oh yea! I'm gonna try and one up you because I'm seriously jealous and without the game!
  20. Xenoblade art book was selling for $20+ after it was released. Some games, I'd download. They're a select few. But for RPGs - especially one like this - I want a damn physical copy. And my art book. =D
  21. I just called another store (the one I have mine reserved at) and the guy is like, "We're more sure about getting the bundle in tomorrow than the game itself. But if not tomorrow, then Wednesday for sure." Gamestop is starting to sound like my drug dealer.
  22. So, like many on this forum, I did not get my most anticipated game of the year today. I called in the morning and was told by a Gamestop employee that they had nothing. I *just* called again today, and here is the official response: Employee: "So, this is what happened. Game Informer ran several ads for Fire Emblem saying the game is coming out Feb. 4. That was a typo. We should be getting the game Feb. 5 around noon." Me: "OK. That's great that I only have to wait a day. But we *both* know that it was no typo. Every publication on the Internet said this game was coming out on Feb. 4. So, I'm guessing it was a world wide typo?" Employee: "Yea, it must be. Games don't come out on Monday. They only come out on Tuesday." Me: "All right. Thanks. So tomorrow, for sure, you will be getting the game in?" Employee: "Yes." I'm in Chicagoland area. Side note, I work as a journalist for corporate media. I have *NEVER* heard of a world wide typo lol Ah, lLamestop, er, that was a typo, Gamestop. =D
  23. Anyone in the Chicagoland area have success getting a copy from Gamestop? I want my artbook ... If so, which location? Let me know. I called my GS and they say they dont have it. Then some kid on the phone said, "Nintendo never releases games on Monday." He's telling that to a guy whos been following this game for a year. Like I dont know when release date is. Anyway, if you're near Chicagoland, please post below if a location has it. thanks!
  24. Well, I thought RD was most recent in FE series (not a remake). Double move was great. Getting the Knight Ring in PoR on Hard Mode was even better. Rolf with double move + Brave Bow / Longbow? Game over.
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