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Posts posted by Lushiris

  1. I just thought I'd mention it (since well, I think the link in gameFAQ post and yours are the only known emails about this, that I can find anyway) since both emails give non answers, I thought it might help answer the rumor for a bit. So as not to have an skinship-like mess allover again.

    Honestly, it's most likely better to just wait until Nintendo (or whoever, I guess) releases a video or the game is out before we can truly say anything.

    (Also, I hope you didn't mind me linking it. I'm so sorry if you didn't want anyone linking it.)

    Oh not at all, don't worry about it :P I just wanted to clarify since things are kind of heated everywhere at the moment. Nice to see other Fogu users here! Are you a user there too or an anon?

  2. I'm just going to wait until Nintendo makes a official statement before anything else (as unlikely as that is at this point). Something solid would be really nice, right about now.

    Then again, they probably feel like they can stay silent until the storm blows over. Admitting it's not in there is just opening themselves up to more criticism. Is it the right thing to do? Surely not, but I guess from a marketing standpoint it makes a little sense, I guess.

    I said the very same exact thing over on another forum :P Word for word, lol.

  3. Okay so I read Piere's skinship lines. A lot of Yandere lines but there is that one quote..............yeah, >_>

    Your throbbing place, it looks like the flesh is tearing....

    Maybe a few touch up could help things slightly I don't think some suggestive lines and skinship are that big of a deal to get all bent out of shape on but yeah there are things that are going to get changed around whether folks like it or not.

    By the end of it all its going to get a T-rating nothing here really warrants an M.

    That Pieri line is completely mistranslated wrong. This is why you have to be careful with fan translations :/


    "I want to tear open your chest and see inside".

  4. may I ask, where is the information confirming that Kaze must have an A Rank in his death chapter? I've looked it up but I haven't found anything…was it confirmed in a stream?

    Was probably me. Izzy in another thread had a hunch about it, so I got him up to an A support in my file and he lived, while a friend of mine didn't support him at all and he died in her playthrough.

  5. The best theory I've heard is 'get an A rank with Aqua' due to the way he returns. But even if that does work it might have a time limit on it. Worth a try though if you don't already have an A rank with her.

    I'll try that then. I only have Aqua at a C rank at the moment, but I have a save right before I started the chapter... so after I grab some lunch I'll get her support up to A, replay it and see if that helps any.

    @ I love fire emblem

    Great idea! Yeah, Ganz totally bit the dust in my chapter 3, so that might be why he's dead for me. Curious to see the results!

  6. So happy now lol

    Though what chapter was Gunther supposed to show back up in? If it's 15, then he's dead in my playthrough since he didn't show up :/ For the rest of the rumors I'll try various things to save the characters if I can.

  7. So, I think I figured something out...

    ... about saving Suzukaze in chapter 15, that is.

    I took a look at the script, and noticed the following.

    After defeating the Garou, Suzukaze tells you that he feels responsible for letting Nohr kidnap you, and that he wants to serve you directly from now on.

    He did so during hama's stream as well.

    However, he also tells you this during his A-support.

    In the "Suzukaze survives" path, he doesn't tell you that he feels responsible for letting Nohr kidnap you.

    I'm guessing that this is because you already knew this from his A-support.

    So what I'm thinking is that in order to let him survive, you need to have an A-support with him by chapter 15.

    I think you're onto something. I'm on chapter 11 right now, and for science I got Suzukaze up to S rank... while you still get Kanna, you do NOT get his child yet. The paralogue doesn't spawn for it. I reset and S-ranked Joker, and you get the paralogues for both Kanna and Dea immediately after. So there's something up. Keeping Suzukaze at an A rank, so when I get to chapter 15 I'll post my results.

  8. Are you sure? They look like Corrin's dragon form, and have swords and tomes in addition to stones.

    Here are the comments from the person that uploaded it so someone can double check my horrible Japanese:

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