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Lord Raven

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Everything posted by Lord Raven

  1. Where? I'm not doubting it since I recall hints too, but I'm not sure where the hints were.Is it the whole Narga thing?
  2. I'm still compiling enemy stats and averages... I can post what I've got so far. :/ Characters I've done: Abel Arran Catria Jeorge Marth Midia Minerva Ogma Sheema Shiida Sirius Yubello Yumina Chapters: everything up to chapter 20 (it would help if people requested things so I can have some will to get them done faster)
  3. I know. :3 There's a Crimean Knight chapter in Part 3. I have little faith in that too, but hey I'm a bored person. Pegasus Knights. High Move. Armors. Low move. They both have these, which is one thing that is respective to their class. Their stats are different from their class, so they're meant to do a different role than they're "supposed to." They fail anyway, but for other reasons, not because they can't do their class's role. FE3 has only one difficulty.His strength is only like one more than Cain's, too. Level does not directly correlate to stats. More levels = more potential stats, but base level != base stats. Nolan's like level 12ish by the way, everyone else is right about to hit 9. And Sothe is like level 1 still.
  4. You guys wouldn't happen to be MDers would you?
  5. That part wasn't a joke, though. Yeah people who rip into others to show off their ego are pretty big assholes.
  6. I can imagine Tibarn stands a chance. you decide who opens.
  7. That's true, and FE6 HM (even ranked) is easier than FE10 HM. I'm just saying, you seemed to imply she had low bases because she was at a low level. Crimean knights were nice. The subjectivity contributes to argument then. You should try it.. No, they still retain their move. They just have atypically high stats for a stat an Armor is not supposed to have any of or a stat a Pegasus is supposed to have a lot of. Then again Jagen's saving graces would be better growths everywhere but he lacks them too. :/ Starting out. Compare her to the laguz in the chapter she comes right into. Her stats are getting owned worse than the rest of your characters'. <_<
  8. Actually I think I'll defend Oscar. I felt guilty with Ike at first, so I was curious to see where you'd go (I honestly thought you'd pick Tibarn in fact)
  9. I prefer the term Mook Brigade, personally, as they're basically mooks with faces. (Hell, Leonardo's base str/hp are lower than a generic archer! Can it get any more mook than that?) But I digress.Wolt is even more of a mook than Leonardo. His stats are worse than the Archer's in the chapter he starts in too! Probably. I don't think anyone denied that this is where class comes in. Renault's level is high and he fails Part 3 with Mercs. :D It depends on how well they do either job.First off, the flier has more move. Therefore she can move more, keep up with the group and help get chapters done faster. You have to stay behind for the armor. She's winning there. But how non-durable is she? How durable is the slow tank? How well are they doing on offense? Compare these, weight them and see where it takes you. If the flier happens to have really good evade, it could be argued that they are winning durability - they're evading more, and the one attack they take in a blue moon makes up for the fact that they have very little defense. However, if this hit is near fatal, if not fatal, and the Armor takes literally zero damage from every attack, I'd put the lead towards the Armor. See? This is why individual unit capability is more important than class. Until you hit stat caps anyawy, and even then very few times are those stat caps even relevant; 10 is one of the places where they are. They're apart of their class. It contradicts your generalization. Her bad offense and defense aren't caused by her caps.
  10. Actually life means nothing. But let's not get into that.You're still one of the best posters on the forum, TheEnd.
  11. Except we weigh things together and compare them between units. It's not even semi-arbitrary. Edward's considered one of the lower-middle Pawn (not Mook) Brigade units. And that's because you have really really crappy characters below him.Growth "total" is irrelevant, it's how it's spread out. If you have 500% growth in HP and 0% in every other stat, you fail horrendously (assuming your bases are like... Edward's bases, once again). Finally, Meg sucks because her bases fail for that point in time. Later on it's because she cap rams her low cap rams her low classes, assuming you get her there in the first place. In FE1/3, Avoid isn't reliable because you can cap avoid at 40 where enemies have around 100 Hit. At best you're capping at 60, but enemies will still have a bunch of hit on you. That's what makes it unreliable in those games; too high hit with too little evade to go around. FE5's in a similar boat.Unless you do that four way support with Bord/Cord/Barst/Ogma that gives +40% evade to someone. I forget the exact details, but you can probably get like 80 evade this way which makes it pretty reliable. In FE9-10, an Ike/Oscar support gives +45 Evade (Well, Ike and Oscar get +42 avoid assuming ideal supports [in FE9], with is B with each other and A with Soren/Kieran respectively) which, in a game where avoid is reliable enough due to it being 2*AS + Luck, it dodges almost everything in the game. Similar cases apply to FE6-8 only not nearly as applied, because they get 20 less evade. However, they can get potentially more defense. Them being the "worst" doesn't make it any less a contradiction.
  12. Five's tiers should have like a B rank attached. http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=D1775AF8C2291864Oh yeah the FE3 thing, I'm working on stats (currently on Final Chapter Part 1) and averages (I've done like 20% of the cast over the past three days or something) so we can do it soon.
  13. FE1-3, 9-11, and FE5's tiers typically don't give a shit about SSS rank. 9-11 takes statistics into account, not class. Because classes only matter in debates when A) a stat is capped (which it is during endgame, something that typically makes up 10-20% of the game anyway) B) FE DS In which case, being a Pegasus Knight is not a statistic. Being immune to almost all terrain (closed village doors = one of the few non immunities), having 20 Speed, and having 8 move are. The latter are the basics which matter; the former is not. To say that class directly influences role is blasphemy - it may appear that way, but it's not directly that way. Some aspects are influenced. Aforementioned caps, promotion gains and weapon. The rest is irrelevant, and purely dependent on output. Marcia with 20 in every stat and Silver Lance is doing better than Gatrie with 18 in every stat and silver lance, and class has little to do with this other than the very fact that they're equipped with a silver lance and such.
  14. It's a point for Pegasus to be able to do that. Probably because the programmers didn't give him wings of any sort. Meg and Wendy suck because they suck starting out, and they're average later on. They're armors isn't even part of it. They lack defense, they lack offense, they lack everything. Maybe if they started out a lot better and had better in every stat then yeah they'd be good. Defense is not the main reason.Some chars becoming fighters in FE DS is a bad option because they have 0% defense growth, regardless of the fact that they "shouldn't tank." Having little defense is a point against you no matter what class you are. But what if enemies don't have high skill? What if the evasion is high enough that you don't need to worry? This is where individual enemy stats come in as well. But that has nothing to do with my point.In FE10 I'm pretty sure Ike x Oscar A gets like 20% hits off of most enemies anyway. I got 0% hits in 4-1 because Ike had 32 Speed, but on average he'd have like 28 and it wouldn't be too much higher. Add in the parentheses, instead of making it seems irrelevant.A studies Law. A works as a clerk. A has a hobbie, origami. B studies Pharmacy. B works delivering newspapers. B has a hobbie, playing the guitar. Now, let's compare Armors and Pegasi. A gets attacked by unit. A attacks unit. A can move. B gets attacked by unit. B attacks unit. B can also move. Basically the same fundamental. Obviously their damage output, as well as the damage they receive themselves, differs, but it's the same exact concept. A built up Meg can evade attacks because of decent speed. A built up Sigrun can't really because of bad speed. Note how they both contradict your point.Pegasus Knights may attack from unreachable places/hit-and-run, but for reduced damage. Armor Knights will have to withstand the next turn's counterattack, but will probably deal more damage by themselves. Pegasus Knights visit the village beyond the river in one turn. Armor Knights take 4 turns to reach it, while a random Bandit will destroy it in 3. Uh... yeah. They're both combat units. They are in any game not named Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragons.Enemy-wise it matters because each class has its own base and growth, character wise class only matters when you want to get HM boosts, promotion items (6-8), and branch promotions (8). And when caps are relevant (4 and 10's endgames, which probably makes up 10-20% of the entirety of the game.)
  15. Then in order to preserve realism and give them a nerf to move, dismounting is cool. If there's a supposed "perfect" character balance, this is obviously going to put them below foot units indoors and above them outdoors. The individual character balance is the only flaw.
  16. This sounds like more of a character balance thing than a class balance thing. <_<
  17. A defense system that is typically lower for the Mage than the Swordmaster. This increases the Mage's damage output in relative terms. It's this output that's relevant, not the fact that they're a Mage or a Swordmaster. Being ranged and only ranged. Other classes have access to range and melee at the same time, which is a point for that class. Not a point against Archers.It's a point against Archers that they only have range because, generally, in every fire emblem game most of the things you're defending against are Melee units. Therefore Archers are hindered because they can't generally attack on the enemy phase, while everyone else can. This is a weapon thing, that hinders the unit because they're locked to Bows. Which is why classes aren't relevant? Tiers factor both in. Pent being a Healer puts him higher, because doing well in offense and being a good healer > just doing well in offense. The tier list determines who is best in an overall perspective. This factors in each "role." Tiers are stupid in this game, but I have too much time to kill.
  18. There are like three warp staffs in the game with 12 hammernes. What's the big deal of "wasting" it?
  19. technically the valkyrie is better if you're creature campaigning so you can have WTA against the dark element things in there.
  20. It plays like one if you remove the random factors, which are perfectly removable.
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