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Lord Raven

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Everything posted by Lord Raven

  1. He can still gain levels at Level 20. His level cap is 30. Also staff experience is just generally fast. If you make Merric a Curate he'll be going that fast.
  2. Does it even matter if it looks like one? If it's good and plays like one it should be cool.
  3. That's pretty much what it is.If the Pegasi have better defense than the Armors, then you're more likely to form a barricade with them than with the Armors. It boils down to how well the individual character does, not how well the class does as a whole. In which case, the typical armor unit has lower move, no canto, and lower speed whereas the typical flier has high speed, high resistance, lower defense, etc. FE10 contradicts this pretty well though, because Gatrie has high everything but move, whereas Sigrun has average everything but generally low speed. What happened to classes mattering now? Also the classes are irrelevant because it has nothing to do with their stats unless you're playing FE DS or FE4. or FE10. Because FE DS changes your stats around (growths and bases) depending on what class you chose; FE4 has class bases + personal bases for stats, and some classes, with their caps, are shy of doubling enemies in FE10. This is not really the case in 6-8 (well, in limited cases it is the case in FE6; unless there actually isn't a class with 23 speed). And once again, Gatrie/Sigrun. I also don't know about you but I think I'm more safe barricading with Ike and Oscar in FE10 than like Brom and Gatrie. Ike/Oscar have this sexy +45 evasion that allows them to be better than, well, Brom/Gatrie having a 4 higher cap. Notice how class is nothing to do with this; it's the fact that the individual units have access to this advantage that makes them better for barricades. Such as how two units whose job is based upon taking and dealing attacks are completely different?Pegasus Knights take attacks. They attack back. They visit villages whenever nearby, if it's reasonable to do so. Armor knights take attacks. They attack back. They visit villages whenever nearby, if it's reasonable to do so. Both do the same things. Both have different ways of doing so; typically a pegasus knight doubles and evades, the armor does a lot of damage and takes little. However, this doesn't necessarily apply to every unit of that class, which is a fault of their own and is irrelevant to the class. The Pegasus Knight normally visits a village because it's more practical than letting anyone else do it. It's rather self-explanatory why, but it's not its built-in role to do so. Nor is it an armor's built-in role to build barricades and protect units. It depends on the unit's stats, not on their class. And armors aren't the only way to do so. It depends entirely on the individual unit's ability to defend, not on their class.Healing is a different role altogether. I have thoughts on how to fit this into a tier list, but I need some time to think of it and my head hurts like hell.
  4. Lute's doubling and evading everything (almost on the latter part) anyway. The con loss isn't that big a deal.
  5. Ike because I've liked him a lot since october 2005 (No Reyson by the way, I'm almost convinced he's the very top of top)
  6. I find it odd how you're comparing Fire Emblem to Soccer in a debate where you're trying to refute the fact that comparing two classes [with supposedly different fundamentals] is a fallacy. In which case, Fire Emblem and Soccer have completely different fundamentals; Knights and Pegasus Knights have essentially the same fundamentals (to do and take damage). Any Knight is capable of going to a village; you just prefer the send the pegasus because it's a lot easier. Meaning the Pegasus can do it better.Output also trumps input.
  7. If it helps Top and Bottom are ordered.EDIT here's a pretty half-assed attempt SUPER TOP Titania Top Oscar Jill Kieran Reyson High Boyd Tanith Ike Astrid Marcia Mist [Disputing in my head for now: Ike vs Tanith] Upper Mid Volke Zihark Muarim Stefan Makalov Rhys Soren Mordecai Geoffrey Nephenee Lower Mid Ranulf Tormod Ilyana Calill Brom Haar Gatrie Tauroneo Lethe Low Sothe Devdan Largo Nasir Mia Ulki Janaff Shinon Ena Bottom Elincia Lucia Bastian Rolf I'm going to take out Ena and Nasir for now.
  8. That could be similar to Raiden's synthetic blood thing in MGS4, though. so Raiden actually makes cameos in the FE arena... the hair's light enough.
  9. His tomes also don't cost 1K a pop. <_<
  10. lol, Wendy would make a crappy anything with those bases and that join time
  11. actually the spell ones are good because the background shakes when he does it, lol
  12. That looks terrible because of Strength. Also it's the fact that she sucks for like 70% of the game and she's only average for the last 30%. Her bases suck (Chapter 8 with Level 1, and look at her bases). And these factoids are magnified when you're talking HM. <_< Also http://fea.fewiki.net/fea.php?character=wendy&game=6
  13. definitely up for a random debate right now
  14. it was probably an FAQ off GFAQs, the entire fandom says wendy sucks that's probably because anyone who claims she's good ends up quitting the forum they claim that at because a million people bitch at them for it
  15. tier centered doesn't stop people from using their favorite charactersglitch abusing is a stupid argument, the developers found wavedashing in their beta testing, and L canceling was put in 64 too (hell L canceling in Melee halves frame count like in 64, but it actually rounds off so if it were a glitch in melee, why would it round off this time and why would it be in two games at once). Name the other "glitches."
  16. They both get hate. I don't know where you've been for the past millions of years.
  17. (not ordered within tiers) i'll move jill up, and lol kieran is not even on the list it was 6 AM, I was checking to see if I had school or not (the answer was no) so I just put a bunch of stuff together (Boyd, Ike, and Soren are down to High/High/Up mid respectively) Enemy stats in parts around chapter 10 and past would be helpful in Jill vs Oscar. Oscar's getting like +42 from supports (Ike B and Kieran A) and they're both about even when they coexist. (L12 Oscar has 1 less Atk but 2 more AS, more Avoid, 7 HP, and the rest are pretty much the same). At promotion Oscar probably has like 30 more Avoid than her, though Jill has four more Def and 3 more Atk. I'd say they're definitely even, even if he's losing attack by 3. (Which sounds REALLY stupid in retrospect but still, 25 Avoid is massive) This is going to be around C17 if I'm not mistaken, so a B Ike (+20) + B Kieran (+15) = 35 whereas Jill gets like 7 evade from Mist. If you don't like B Ike for some reason (he could potentially have an A right now - but Soren could need the support too) then Jill is definitely winning. At 20/10 -> 20/15 the gap lessens to about 2 points of Attack + 4 Def + 61/65 evade vs 1 HP (doesn't matter) + 97/101 Evade. I need enemy stats at this point to determine if it's overkill or not, though. Rest assured, Zihark is going to the bottom of High if anything. He might go lower, actually.. but right now I don't care enough.
  18. It's the 3-13 Archer all over again. Only now it's like the chapter 6 dark mage
  19. I'm going to make an FE9 tier list that's probably more accurate for now I'm not putting them in order within tiers, i'll decide on the individual placements later EDIT: Top is ordered. Top Titania Oscar Jill Kieran Reyson High Tanith Boyd Ike Zihark Mist Astrid Marcia Makalov Upper Mid Volke Soren Rhys Stefan Geoffrey Nephenee Muarim Mordecai Lower Mid Ilyana Brom Gatrie Ranulf Tormod Tauroneo Haar Low Sothe Calill Janaff Mia Lethe Nasir Largo Ena Ulki Devdan Shinon Bottom Elincia Lucia Bastian Rolf You're missing a couple chars on your current list too.
  20. A combo is an unbreakable chain of attacks. Hitstun leads to combos. Hitstun is easy to break out of. Therefore, there are very few combos, if any at all. The combos that already exist are good for probably 15% damage, and once again not every character has easily accessible combos.
  21. (Oh yeah, Barst probably can't use Hammers until Chapter 6 or 7 or something because he starts with a D)
  22. Yeah, they sent it to Elincia as a sort of threat.
  23. Vyland needs a C in Axes before he can use the Hammer. Not likely unless you give him arms scrolls.
  24. Anything above an E in FE5. :( Also, FE7 Tactics.
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