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Lord Raven

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Everything posted by Lord Raven

  1. Starting to sound rude? It's probably more polite than 90% of the people posting in this thread. He has a point though. The upper tiers are hindered by the archer class; the lower tiers are helped by the archer class. The fact of the matter is... if nobody cares about something, then it should be entitled to the one that does care. In which case, there are plenty of archer spots not being used and a few chars who want it so why not? They're pretty much best as Archers anyway.
  2. actually the "fag" part is/should be in reference to people who are fags anyway ... there's no hitstun. There's no combos. That's a huge blow towards competitive potential.
  3. Or there could be a Melee with more characters. <_<
  4. this topic sucks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XcUMGS2bAuI&fmt=18
  5. Well yeah, he can solo the chapters pretty effectively.
  6. The beauty of Smash? They can be played both competitively and casually. Melee is deep competitively, and fun casually. Brawl sucks competitively, is decent enough casually. Everyone who plays at tournaments takes it "too" seriously, but what separates tourneyfags from the cool competitive players are the ones that differentiate between casual and competitive. Of course, I interpreted a second ago that the twins above me were saying that all players that play smash competitively are tourneyfags, unless my original interpretation was correct. <_<
  7. Pretty much what we're arguing.
  8. Every game has its tourneyfags.
  9. dondon151 to be fair, you're pretty secure with funds. You get like 300K to spend, if you promote like 7 characters and Eliwood you still have a good 210K left before you drop to four stars. It's not a total non-issue, but it's not that much of a penalty towards Eliwood or Lyn. At any rate, I'd go with the one that gets good boosts off the Hector support.
  10. Hector's worse for like two chapters. Hector does better beforehand and after promotion.
  11. He's better than Lyn. He also has good stats all around and plenty of support options and an Anima affinity... with another Anima support and Hector, who has a decent affinity also. His durability and offense are good overall. He just needs a little jumpstart.
  12. Oh, I see what you mean actually. I preferred Dawn's way myself, though but in my opinion they should have more attack animations and make it random (preferably putting a separate RNG in for it lol).
  13. Tanith got a little worse, but for different reasons than that. Volke got worse because his utility doesn't exist much anymore. In FE9 he could steal and for a long time, in FE10 he barely exists. Volke was a combat failure in FE9, at least they fixed that for 10. Although in 10, he's outclassed... <_< I'd think his offense is better than a non-Vague Katti sword user, considering his level's going to be higher and he has better bases than they'd have stats at the time (Mia's going to be 20/7 or something when he joins). Baselard has plenty of might for the final chapter.
  14. It's also illegal and people have their own morals to appease.
  15. Lord Raven


    ... I have to admit, Tactics sounds really stupid in FE7.
  16. I think 10's were a lot more interesting than 9's. I'd turn them on occasionally, but anyways... Removing animations altogether was definitely a step forward.
  17. Explain permanent death. I doubt this was fully the reason. I'm also willing to bet it's for helping out newbie players who often times do get their units killed. Then add more indoor chapters to complement this. Slightly worse? Their stats and move go lower. Because of their move. Which dismounting nerfs. I'm pretty sure giving Nino good growths intended for Nino to be good but look where that took us. FE7 has a bunch of usable characters, and hell a fatigue system there could've been worthwhile too. Then you don't need to use capture anymore? Heather can't even steal a Steel Axe unless she gets like three or four levels. Which is hard to get because... it's hard mode and her strength/weapons suck.(I liked counter critical, by the way). Then why didn't they take out the Arena from FE5? Surely they'd have found out before releasing the game. oh I thought it was skill/2%In which case nobody even needs the Arena by the time they get Sol. So they can't even use the Arena for the class of characters that aren't the best class in the game? That's stupid. You can get an extra Wrath scroll. Nephenee already has Wrath anyway. The only people I can think of for this are Rhys or Gatrie/Brom.Vantage+Wrath works well, also. Not Battle Saves. That's your interpretation.I personally think they got a couple second opinions on FE5's difficulty and decided to take Fatigue out as a result. I don't know why they took out Capture (breaking the FE economy is not the reason I'd think of, I'm actually willing to guess that the enemies [in FE6 anyway] are too powerful to be captured and FE7/8 run on the exact same engine as 6). For dismounting? They had it in FE3 potential to balance the extra movement of mounts indoors, where it's also more realistic to dismount indoors anyway. Plus, in FE5 there are a bunch of indoor portions anyway so it actually works to balance characters there. Though, units that fail end up failing harder; which is largely irrelevant because if something that's already terrible gets worse, then it doesn't matter much because both version suck anyway lol... better units that dismount have lower stats + move than foot soldiers at this point and considering how FE5 actually does have a bunch of indoor portions it works to balance it just fine. If "realism" can be thrown out the window in favor of gameplay (by the way, the gameplay is as a result of the plot often times; they won't throw away realism for gameplay), then we should have like pink dwarves so they can give our units lols and somehow give them HP as a result. Or Meteorites filled with candy should drop down on the world constantly and make your units faster because candy makes you hyper. etc
  18. Yeah, and Mario can make fire out of plants.
  19. Or failing this, you could just abuse her later when you have two healers for double the abuse. I wasn't even suggesting promotion, pulling off my idea required like save states, but clearly you don't have any.
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