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Everything posted by Tauro

  1. http://lifestyle.msn.com/your-life/bigger-picture/article.aspx?cp-documentid=20968901&gt1=32001 When it comes to domestic violence (DV), most people think that only women can be victims. But after reading this article, I was surprised (and upset) that women are also capable of committing DV, not just males. (On a side note, women usually make up for the lack of great strength with the use of weapons [knives, bats, hammers, et cetera] and the element of surprise, according to the article. Also, thank the high heavens the children spoke in his defence. B) ) I'm also upset that such a double standard exists: if a man commits DV, it's a crime, but if it's a woman who commits DV, it's a mental health issue. Such bias, it is. Does anyone else here think the same about this as I do? (Protip: Click the link and read the article first, then comment.)
  2. *sigh* Sothe (M), Jill (F), and Soren (A) At least Sothe's in third place. All that matters. ^_^
  3. C'mon, people, you can do better! B) For Male: Sothe For Female: Heather For those who don't want to put a gender down: Volke
  4. Disgraced financier Bernard Madoff receives a maximum sentence of 150 years in prison for running one of the largest frauds in American history. Reasonably, everybody that invested with him is extremely upset at him (which may be an understatement), even though Madoff had told the court that he was "deeply sorry and ashamed." <_< The only thing I wonder is how he could pursue such a beast in the first place, let alone on a scale of $65bn US...
  5. Speaking of the Lost Woods map I made: Do you guys on SF want to use it?
  6. Watch as I lay claim to: Tauroneo (FE9/10) Final Fantasy series Kain Highwind (FF4) Figaro brothers (Sabin & Edgar) (FF6) Tifa Lockheart (FF7) Aerith Gainsborough (FF7) Lunar: Silver Star Story Alex Luna Ramus Nash Mia Jessica Kyle Tempest Ghaleon Nall Neon Genesis Evangelion Rei Ayanami and Unit 00 Asuka Langley Soryu and Unit 02 Shinji Ikari and Unit 01 Tōji Suzuhara Kaworu Nagisa Kensuke Aida Hikari Horaki Misato Katsuragi Ritsuko Akagi So... so... many....
  7. I have to ask.

    Are you *the* Gunlord or are you a different person with the same name as him?

  8. Tauro


    Welcome aboard. B)
  9. Tauro


    Here's another: All animation, comics books, video games, et al., are inherently for children.
  10. I downloaded this before, as well. I am.. surprised that someone was able to attempt to get as close to emulating FE Gaiden on the PC. If only I could find the English translations that VASM put out before... :(
  11. Greetings, one and all. I am Tauro. If you happen to have been a longtime member of FESS, as I have, then you might already know me from my uncompleted projects, including a walkthrough for Fire Emblem Gaiden that I stopped working on towards the end due to "burnout." At 24 years old, I am practically one of the oldest Fire Emblem fans here; I might even qualify for a proverbial "senior citizen's discount." I am an infrequent poster. This means that even though I log in every day (unless something happens that knocks out my Internet connection), I only post if I have a substantial item or if it is something of interest to myself or to others. That is all that I have at the moment. I hope to have a good time here. B)
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