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Posts posted by Oradros

  1. I plan on getting all of the DLC. I just wish that it would be daily DLC, instead of weekly (which it likely will be >_<), 'cause I don't want to wait god knows how long for the Entombed Haven DLC to come out, to make Lunatic and Lunatic+ easier. .___.

  2. I. . .can't really tell who's voicing the children, but I can sort of give a guess? :U

    Inigo sounds sort of like Liam O'Brien. Kind of.

    (Female) Morgan sounds like Michelle Ruff, from the one sigh I heard. xD

    Owain kind of sounds like Male Voice 1.

    I have absolutely no idea about the other kids, though.

    Don't take my word for it though, as I'm horrible at identifying voice actors. u__u

    Anywho, back to Awakening!

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