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Everything posted by Randa

  1. we have too many iemm, i just want a real mafia game.
  2. Don't get me wrong I still think life will do well, I just don't think it'll be to the same degree as he is in traditional OC games.
  3. lol life this isn't OC mafia like your used too. It's like mafia without having to think as much iirc, so you won't have that much of an advantage.
  4. It is time to once again
  5. Yeah cc is op it'll be interesting to see how the extra second of immunity on beads will help. Though honestly the cool down is too long should be like 120.
  6. You'd be surprised. Most people are grabbing it third item it means the pen is even more OP and the power gives a huge spike
  7. Don't get me wrong merc is strong, but he's not that bad ATM. It probably has something to do with broken ass fucking spear of desolation. Makes every Mage in the game op as fuck.
  8. Well I got a couple filler games I can run just need someone to check em, and of course I need to know if people will actually play.
  9. Getting changes nothing except for the legality of your actions. There's really no difference between being over 18 but under 21 and being under 18. And the only difference between being under 21 and over 21 is some of the stuff you do now is legal.
  10. Since I have returned to sf it is time to update my pic.
  11. Randa

    Mafia Headquarters V4

    Did mafia die well I was gone, or are we just not gonna run games in anticipation of fates? :(
  12. also life in the gy > life in the game
  13. also eli that definitely isn't scum chat, thats a hydra qt.
  14. Of all the things to lie about sb. Come one bro. just messing with ya, gg all.
  15. Inputs directly from my role pm. Night 1. Refa (crossed off), mitsuki(crossed off), baldrick (not crossed off) 2. Zerosabers(crossed off), snike(crossed off), zerosabers again(not crossed off) Night 3. Just snike Night 4. Just ssg.
  16. watching fantasia while high is an amazing experience

  17. n1. baldrick n2. zerosabers n3. snike, redirected to ssg. n4.ssg not i have no idea what sb's thought process is on any of these and whether or not they were sensical decisions at the time. not that i'm knowing for making calls that make sense either but idgaf about that.
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