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Holy Bagel

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Posts posted by Holy Bagel

  1. Well, you do have to set up a team to streetpass with first. Once that is done, you get that user's team.

    I've all ready made a streetpass team. Why else would I make this thread? :|

    Randomly generated teams can be other 3DS that don't have Awakening, ya know.

    I checked the person in my streetpass plaza, and she was recently playing Awakening.

  2. Chapter 1: Reclass Draug to Pirate and forge him an axe... it was a piece of cake. :P

    Chapter 2: Up Up Up, Feed some kills to Cord and Catria. Catria will be our Gharnef Slayer!

    Chapter 3: Long chapter is looong.



    Putting this playthough on hold till I get DeSmuME not to lag so much.(I tried NO&GBA, but I get no sound out of it.) Edit: Nvm, fixed the problem.

  3. So I finish my PMU run and I want to do another one. Maybe this time I'll actually write a little playthough of it.

    This time, you can pick ANY unit in the game, except the endgame sisters. However, I will be reclassing them to whatever I please. :P

    Once the units are picked, I'll make plans for this playthough.

    1. Astram

    2. Jeorge

    3. Samson

    4. Bantu

    5. Sheema

    6. Catria

    7. Tomas

    8. Yubello

    9. Cord

    10. Yumina

    11. Caeda

    12. Michalis

    13. Draug

  4. I'm a bit bored, so I decided to do this as a little playthough. Plus PMUs are fun. laugh.gif

    This will be played on Hard, I'm still deciding whether to recruit everyone or not.

    Male Reclass sets are combined, but please try to be reasonable.(Zerker!Abel is fine, but nothing stupid like Fighter->Sage!Ryan] The only units I WILL NOT take are Catria, Katarina, and the Endgame Sisters.

    0. Marth

    1. MU [Mrym-> Paladin]

    2. Navarre [Mercenary->Swordmaster]

    3. Wrys [Priest -> Sage]

    4. Arran [Dracoknight]

    5. Caeda [Mage -> Sage]

    6. Midia [sage]

    7. Bantu

    8. Feena

    9. Mattis [Knight -> Dracoknight]

    10. Ymir [Horseman]

    11. Dice [Pirate -> Berserker]

    12. Bord [Knight -> General]

    13. Palla [Pegasus -> Dracoknight]

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