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Random User

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Posts posted by Random User

  1. You should make Jay a little more animated! Make him bob up and down when he walks and/or move his arms, perhaps?

    As for the Earthbound sprite, he seems a little big, and there shouldn't be too much of an outline between his forehead and his hair. It's also NOT COLOURFUL ENOUGH!!!!

    Ah, whoops. I just realised that I forgot to ever edit that animation with its arms swinging. Bah, my bad.

    The Earthbound-like sprite was supposed to be big. I wanted to make something a little new, while also being reminiscent or Earthbound. Perhaps I should make it more colourful, though. Thanks for the criticism!

  2. I'm playing Dejarik in another forum, and decided I would like to run my own game of it here.

    RULES OF DEJARIK, YOU ASK? All in the spoiler.


    That's the game board.

    The board is divided into three concentric circles, called orbits. The central circle is always white. The outer orbits are divided into twelve equal segments, known as rays, which are colored alternately black and white.

    Dejarik is played with a set of eight pieces, each of which has unique movement, defensive and offensive capabilities. Each player controls four of the combatants. Normally Dejarik is played with the holographic critters, but since I love me some Mario, we'll just use Mario sprites. The pieces, and their prospective ratings, are as follows:

    There are two power pieces, Mario and Geno. Power pieces have high ratings in all three capabilities. Mario has the ratings of Attack 6, Defense 5, Movement 3. Geno has the ratings of Attack 6, Defense 6, Movement 2.

    Besides this, there are two mid pieces, Goomba and Toad, which have mid-range ratings in all three capabilities. Goomba has the ratings of Attack 4, Defense 3, Movement 2. Toad has the ratings of Attack 4, Defense 4, Movement 1.

    After these, there are two defensive pieces, Koopatrol and Bristle, which have high defense ratings and low attack ratings. Koopatrol has the ratings of Attack 3, Defense 8, Movement 1. Bristle has the ratings of Attack 2, Defense 7, Movement 3.

    Finally, there are two offensive pieces, Hammer Bro and Bandit, which have high attack ratings and low defense ratings. Hammer Bro has the ratings of Attack 7, Defense 3, Movement 2. Bandit has the ratings of Attack 8, Defense 2, Movement 2.

    The objective of Dejarik is to destroy all of your enemy's pieces before s/he can destroy all of yours.

    If you want to play the game, just sign up in this thread. If two people are already playing, I can put you on a waitlist for the next game.

    At the beginning of the game, I will randomly divide the pieces between the players, and place them on opposite sides of the board. With each new game a player may have different pieces on his or her side, so it is important to know the capabilities of each playing piece.

    Order of play will be determined randomly. After setup, play proceeds as follows:

    During each turn, a player is allowed to take two consecutive actions, which can be used to either move one of his or her pieces to a new space, or to attack an opponent's piece. (So, during a turn, a player may move a piece twice, or may attack two other pieces, or move and then attack, or attack and then move.) However, a player must use both of his or her allotted actions each turn.

    Moving: When moving a piece across the game board, the piece must be moved its full amount of spaces designated by its movement rating. For example, when moving Mega Man, the player must move the piece 3 spaces, and may not move it only 2 or 1 in order to place it in a more favorable position. When moving, a piece may move to any space adjacent to its own (either around the orbit or along the ray) but cannot move diagonally, or into a space occupied by another piece.

    Attacking: If a player has positioned one of his or her pieces adjacent to an opposing piece (assuming he or she has an action remaining that turn), the player may declare an attack on that piece.

    The results of the attack are calculated by me, using the piece's attack rating versus the opposing piece's defense rating. Essentially, a number of six-sided dice are rolled equal to the attacking piece's attack rating and the defending piece's defense rating, and then the two numbers are compared. Thus, if Samus attacked the Slime, 6d6 would be rolled for Samus while 4d6 would be rolled for the Slime.

    There are four possible outcomes to an attack, determined by the roll of the dice:

    If the attack roll beats the defense roll by 7 or more, the player's piece will destroy the opponent's. This is appropriately known as a "kill". Once killed, the opponent's piece is removed from the board, but the attack piece remains in its present space.

    If the attack roll beats the defense roll by 6 or less, the player's piece will "push" its opponent's piece. Strategically, pushing is one of the most important parts of the game. In a push, the attacker "pushes" his or her opponent's piece to any open adjacent space, either to block other pieces, to set the piece up for an easy kill, or to simply get it out of the way.

    If the attack roll and the defense roll are equal, or if the defense roll beats the attack roll by 6 or less, the opponent's piece will "counter-push" the attacking piece. This works the same way as a push, except hat the opponent is now pushing the attacking piece into an open adjacent space.

    If the defense roll beats the attack roll by 7 or more, the opponent's piece will destroy the attacking piece. This is known as a "counter-kill", and can often change the strategy of the entire match.

    To-The-Death: If each player only has one piece remaining on the board, a final confrontation occurs. The two pieces move to the center of the board, and battle To-The-Death. Each piece uses its highest rating (be it Attack or Defense) to determine the outcome. If the first round does not result in a kill, then the same process is repeated, until only one is left standing. This player has won the game.

    Rules For Posting

    Don't be a dick.

    Also, try to reply to the thread in a timely manner just to keep the game going. Admittedly, I might have a hard time updating this thread during certain days of the week, but I will do my best. If you decide you don't want to play anymore, you can give your seat up to someone else.

    Any takers?

  3. I suppose the most logical explanation for that would be that his tails work similarly to the rotors of a helicopter: They spin in a perfect pattern to prevent touching each other. They would also have to spin separate from each other rather than tangling.

  4. So, I also sprite somewhat often. Not as often as I draw, but often enough. I'll just post some recent spritework.


    A character of mine along with a little sword. And then I proceeded to get bored and made all of the Minecraft tools for some reason.


    Practisng an Earthbound-like style for this one. Same character as in the above sheet. I like the way these came out.


    This last one's a sprite animation of my commonly-used persona on the interwebs, Jay. Just him takin' a walk or something.

  5. Kind of the unpopular opinion here, but a lot of life's winner also happen to be cheaters in various regards. I personally don't cheat, but I believe cheating is a legitimate method of passing a school test, because the student is taking a risk of getting caught and taking a zero by doing so. It's an all or nothing gamble that requires a certain skill.

  6. So, uh, I've not actually ever played a Fire Emblem game, to be dreadfully honest, though I think I'll start playing through them now. I mostly joined the forum for the sake of playing and getting better at mafia, haha, but I'll introduce myself anyways. I'm Random User. Yup. I enjoy gaming of all sorts, drawing, and writing mostly. Also roleplaying is always fun. I guess if you wanna know more about me you can go ahead and ask.

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