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Status Updates posted by Wake

  1. Hey, I might be looking for a GBA Spriter. If you see this and you know someone or you know spriting, please let me know via PM.

  2. Hey, I was off the grid for a while, but I hath returned-eth. Please check out my fanfic topic. I need input!! http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=41462&hl=

  3. In case anybody cares, I am now on FanFiction.net @HeartOfTheTempest

  4. It has come to my attention that I have neglected all of you. I am truly sorry. I hadn't played Skyrim in almost a year, what did you expect?

  5. So yes, in case you missed it, I have reached the sixteenth year of my (recorded)existence. According to the laws of Oklahoma, that means I'm legally allowed to have s...**cough** Drive with a license.

  6. Thanks, guys.

  7. So, yeah. I just got back from state, and I know you all missed me, because you all adore me and could not possibly live without me. That's why I'm on SF at 1;51 A.M., right? So, I placed top 8 in Cross Examination (CX) Debate, with my partner Ian. My friends Autumn and JJ placed first, and overall, Keys(my school) got second. In the whole state. I am going to sleep now, goodbye.

    1. Wake


      Autumn and J placed first in CX.

  8. So, I have Debate State this week, from Wednesday to Saturday. I will hopefully place top Eight, definitely PWN some noobs, and generally be awesome. Give me a Goddess Icon(get it?).

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Doga


      Someone I know once told me that Oklahoma is pretty awful.

    3. Wake


      You don't know me. Don't you go dissing my state, sir. As soon as I get back from state i will PWN you, but for now I have more pressing matters to attend to.

    4. Wake


      Like winning.

  9. OSSAA Regional Speech Debate Tournament this weekend. Hoorah. Go me.

    1. Wake


      That was a fun two days of no sleep.

    2. Wake


      That was a fun two days of no sleep.

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