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Fruitloop Multipuck

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Everything posted by Fruitloop Multipuck

  1. Poll: Is this guy trying to troll us by way of sarcasm, or out of being a true believer?
  2. Trolling is awesome. Flaming is meh.
  3. This place was so awesome when I first got here. The whining and flaming and such over the FESSers coming here was just beautiful. Then it settled down. Sigh.
  4. Eh, I've played forum mafia at a few other places and it wasn't a rule there. Allowing out-of-topic communication for everyone can help give the game a more secretive element, though as long as the roles that need it can still do so I suppose the others could do without it.
  5. How would that make it unfair? And I'm in.
  6. I'm assuming purple hair is that Eric Blanque guy mentioned in the article. What's this 0083 plot hole?
  7. It probably is an OVA. That seems like how they do it. UC gets OVAs, new series are AUs.
  8. Well yes, that's the point. I don't care about them either, because they had no personality or dialogue. >_> Even Starscream had pretty little going for him other than the name, though he apparently has a bigger role in the sequel so yay. Really, I think the movie works better if thought of as just another one of dozens of Transformers media rather than "G1 but better."
  9. Like having a new gundam series is actually a surprise. Character designs aren't anything special, but they're not bad. And this could be really good, but wow, who came up with the unit names? Phantom Sweep and Invincible Knights? >_> also, new mazinger yay BREAST FIRE
  10. I apologize for my random appearance here, and for what I am about to say. Though I said I would lay off of this zone, I felt the need to come and put some miserable clown in his place. Allow me to explain: Yes, Len, this is directed at you for the most part, seeing that you flame baited me here-- Do I need to show more proof of why my behavior has been taxing lately? It is because of fools such as this one that only goes on about ridiculing people and flame baiting or whatever you wanna call it. I see no silliness in this topic, rather I see it as confrontational, ridiculing, etc. And yet nothing has been done to close it. --Anyway, Len, it seems to me you wont ever learn. But I am sick and tired of your boyish games, of your ridiculing crap and whatnot. You wanna go against me, fine, I hope you have the balls to go the long way. You better get off your high horse, as people say here, and stop this sort of fucking crap. I might tend to act mighty and stuff in a fun way, but I never go around making fun of people with any excuse I might find here and there. Boy, you're pissing me off so bad that I feel the need to go on an pwnage expedition that has your ass written all over it. I am gonna pwn you so hard that by the time you come to, you are gonna realize you need two haircuts. And that is all I wanted to say...Peace.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRfQwTQK-0M Aim for the horn? Seriously?
  12. The only person who would know how to answer that question is Lenin himself, and he's long dead.
  13. People would probably do less off-topic posting here if they could figure out exactly what the topic in question is.
  14. Only reason I'd even bother with the wifi is if I learned how to hack. RNG abuse is boring, skillless, and time-consuming, and grind-esqe things like it being nearly required for a good team make for a poor competitive game.
  15. You could maybe say that about the Autobots, though I thought the ones not named Optimus Prime or Bumblebee still needed more screentime, but aside from like Megatron and Frenzy, the Decepticons were pretty much void of any personality or dialogue. And if it's being faithful to the show, yes, there should be.
  16. Would you rather him have just cool story bro? >_>
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