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Fruitloop Multipuck

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Everything posted by Fruitloop Multipuck

  1. Of course I didn't! Rather than give in to the system, I await the joyous day when my people will be recognized.
  2. If he starts cutting himself, I'm outta here.
  3. As a Cybertronian, I have a Spark. Sparks are souls. You lose.
  4. I find your argument for more draconian punishments compelling, but I am confused at how the rest of that post contradicts it. Though I can't understand why a higher warn level would be a bad thing. Do people not want to unleash their limit break?
  5. Actually, I'm Forktongue Maxiface. Optimus is SOOOO two leaders ago.
  6. No, but you're going to hell anyways because Saint Valentine is going to badmouth you for this.
  7. First he tells us not to expect his foul troublemaking, then he threatens to moderate us if we do expect it. Ban him IMO
  8. Stop that. If you keep talking to yourself, people will think you're crazy.
  9. I disagree. The other topic was nice enough to agree with my mind that it didn't exist so it doesn't anymore. This one is still here.
  10. Forget sushi, I'd rather talk about how nothing outside of my mind actually exists, especially posts #1 and 7 of this topic.
  11. Indeed, although the reason why it can't make a difference is that none of you actually exist, and therefore any non-existent debates that it's impossible for you to have are meaningless,
  12. A fellow member of the Fairhope Educational Enrichment Foundation! Welcome!
  13. Haven't shaved or had my hair cut in over a year. Being a robot tends to make that unnecessary. Unless you're Alpha Trion or Wreck-Gar.
  14. I'm not verbalizing them, there's nothing to verbalize them to. You guys don't exist, remember?
  15. If I say that I don't believe she exists either, but also explain that I'm a solipsist, do I still get beat up?
  16. If you looked around and still wanted to join, you obviously didn't look very hard. I welcome you despite your lack of perception!
  17. Fruitloop: bend over Gatrie: who are you and how did you get into my house? Fruitloop: 0_0 thats about it
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