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Fruitloop Multipuck

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Everything posted by Fruitloop Multipuck

  1. I'd be generally opposed to such a rubric since I don't see much point in ranking much other than gameplay and the other factors merely contributing to it, but if you must have one anyways...Personally, I'd say that if the story doesn't make itself intrusive in some way (unskippable cutscenes and such? Poor dialogue in a story-heavy RPG might be pretty intrusive though.) and the gameplay is awesome enough I wouldn't penalize a game for having a poor story. It might get extra points for a good story, though.
  2. Fee[Claude] is taking some pretty heavy combat penalties compared to even Fee[Levin]. You lose a point of Strength, a few points of Speed and HP, both Continue and Critical skills before promotion, and +5 Strength in Chapter 10 in exchange for a point of Magic, a few points of Res and Luck, and B staves. Fee[Noish] is higher on the list, so the combat tradeoff vs. her is likely even worse, and Fee[Claude] is currently above her as well. Is B staves really good enough to counteract all that? Fee[Levin] can already heal for 48 HP with Relive Staff right at promotion.
  3. So, has anyone ever given any thought to using Angelic Robes from the Chapter 16 Secret Shop on units with poor durability but good offense to increase their durability and therefore let us use their good offense more and thereby improve efficiency? Obviously, this is probably only viable if we have a good amount of leftover money to do that in the first place after we get all our promotion items and Killer weapons and such. Do we have said leftover money, and if so how much? (There are more options for stat boosters in the Chapter 21 secret shop to fix a wider range of stat issues, though by that point there's so little left in the game that considering it seems less likely to be worth looking into.) I'm not sure what if any changes this would cause on the list, since fairly few people would likely have the stat combination to benefit from it notably moreso than others, much less be able to rise above others with it considered, for now I'm more wondering if the theoretical idea seems sound to anyone else.
  4. Erm... this doesn't make sense since said Ike can use these resources too. Must be missing something very important... Armourslayer has huge weight, which I'm assuming prevents Ike, who is substantially slower, from doubling with it.
  5. I was talking about the pre-Chapter 8 comparisons. It's not useful in Chapter 1, granted, because he doesn't double anything anyways, but after he gets a single level-up, things change. ...Though come to think of it, why is Ike Level 3 in Chapter 1? I thought he came out of the Prologue at 2 and a little over? It has been awhile, though, so I could be wrong.
  6. itt, kirsche forgets Iron Axe exists for his early game Ike vs. Boyd comparison. Ike should still win though, yeah.
  7. Dimna > Amid? Dimna has Pursuit while Amid has Continue, pretty obvious which of those is better. They both start with 19 attack, but Dimna gets +5 Strength in a Chapter 6 event and the Steel Bow comes in Chapter 7 vendor (+4 over Iron). The good bows arrive in Chapter 8, at which point Dinma can become actually decent. Once he gets those he's like Lester with better Strength but much worse Speed and Luck and no Continue; clearly worse, but not bad. Amid upgrades to Elwind through Sety's inventory in Chapter 8, or the Chapter 9 Vendor if you didn't pair up Fury. He can pick up Thoron too post-promotion, although he'll have to fight his sister for it and she can use it before promotion. And of course, Dimna can keep up with your mounted guys, Amid can't.
  8. I wonder about Fee[Levin] vs. Radnay. Is Fee's Strength here so bad to make her offense impossible to salvage, before the Chapter 10 boost anyways, and even override her other advantages against Radnay (Radnay does get a total early +4 Strength and Luck boosts, do note)? If so, Fee[Claude] might need to move down...or she might need to move down anyways. Against the Levin pairing, slightly better Magic, Res, and Luck in exchange for a point of Strength, and slightly better Speed and HP as well as Continue and Critical skills is...not a winning trade pre-promotion, and is probably a pretty large dropoff in combat, in exchange for B staves rather than C post-promotion and not even getting that lategame Strength boost.
  9. With availability considered, might Oscar or even Boyd have a case for moving up? And Ike could maybe jump the tier gap with Tanith not existing until Chapter 18. By that point the game is already on Easy Mode, right?
  10. Sure, go ahead and move Tristan down. I do think Femina is better than at least Corple[anybody not Claude], though, as all he's got over her is B Staves rather than Femina's C Staves. Corple [Claude] has better staves while Sharlow can use Berserk once and even just might get promoted, so it's tougher, though I think I'd still go with Femina over them. Hannibal vs. Femina, he definitely wins durability. Offense, he has better Strength and weapon selection (Though the latter is only letting him additionally use Killer Bow and Hero Axe/Bow as far as worthwhile weapons are concerned, and the axe and one if not both of those bows are pretty much guaranteed to have someone else wanting them.), so he probably wins, though Femina has much better Continue activation chances. Femina's advantages include massive mobility win, massive availability win, and C staves post-promotion. I side with Femina here. Hannibal vs. healbots...I dunno, what do others think?
  11. Both Femina and Tristan are pretty horrible, but at least Femina flies around, and she gets staves post-promotion. Can use Lances too. Her Continue is more likely to activate than his Critical, though I guess Continue from her will probably leave the enemy still alive. I guess he'll have better durability from his better HP/Def than she will from Avoid. Neither of these characters are good in combat, but I'd rather have Femina ineffectively attack while flying and then get staves upon promotion than Tristan's being ineffective in general. Femina also has to bypass some staff-users to get up to above Tristan, she gets C Staves upon promotion anyways and has flying, better durability, poor combat vs. essentially no combat, plus she does stuff the first half of the generation, so I'm thinking sure. Oh, and Hannibal, but nobody cares I take it?
  12. Delmud (Claude) and Nanna (Fin) are missing, while their sibling with those parents is listed. Rana (Azel) does mess up Lester, but I'd probably list it anyways. Speaking of pairings that only really benefit 1 child, Rana (Lex) reaches Level 30 before any other Rana promotes. Eh, just throwing ideas off the wall here. >_>
  13. Alec and Noishe aren't even in the same generation as Ayra's kids, so I don't really see what the point is in bringing up Noishe and Alec is when talking about whether or not mounted units or more useful than they are; Alec and Noishe are clearly not the mounted units being discussed.
  14. Experience says Fire Emblem boards go together with drama pretty well, actually!
  15. Well, not much anyone here can do about that.
  16. No, Reikken's right here. It might not make any difference if the experience is all spread out, but if concentrating is more efficient, wouldn't you do that?
  17. Correction: I don't understand the entertainment value of said action. Would I be correct in assuming that you're an only child? What does being an only child have to do with anything? Clearly he's an only child as well. Or maybe just slow.
  18. Clear-cut tyranny. If you support this, you're a horrible person.
  19. Samus doesn't qualify then, she's a heroine.
  20. I can not conceive of why someone would want the FE8 board to not be like that.
  21. Do it. I posted an update to High and Upper-Middle based on the agreed-upon changes earlier. Oh, just now saw that you already did.
  22. Huh. I had always assumed that was scripted.
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