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Everything posted by Ghostlander

  1. If the kids are grown, and the parents are not older, yet kamui knew shara as a child... wtf? My mind is being boggled
  2. fat titties, panties, and wincest all rolled in to one huh? Hm
  3. Apparently they have the same kids, it's just they count as adopted
  4. Hey, where is everyone getting these full portraits from?
  5. Nobody said Nintendo if America won't change it to just being "best bros" or some shit. Their censor dicks are huge.
  6. Nobody talking about the fact that you can take classes from your spouse now? That's pretty cool.
  7. This. People are outraged and shocked that teenagers have sex? Or are lewd at all? Fucking under dwellers.
  8. I've seen a few full portraits floating around, and can't seem to find a more complete selection of them. Any help?
  9. I hope for no censoring. But will Dumbfuck Nintendass censor the hell out of it? Yes.
  10. Firstly, thank you for posting this, can you do more?? Secondly, L imposter (dia) is only available with female Corrin?!? NOOOOOOOOOOoooooo
  11. Where did you get that full portrait?
  12. Um. So much badassery I can't take it! So many portraits I like! Gha!
  13. Only first gen beasts are males? Well, minus male Kanna (double beast anyone??) Hopefully those child portraits come in soon
  14. Can someone give source links for these infos please
  15. https://kantopia.wordpress.com/2015/06/21/fire-emblem-fates-importers-source-menus-all-ongoing/
  16. There's a wite haired dark-mage girl in a small section of one of the fates videos
  17. Rinka best waifu. If I play a girl then nishiki cuz fox spirit child
  18. Its literally the least important thing in the entire game. A name doesn't change a character.
  19. I love awakening, and the kids, etc. But Fuck me if it's another "kids from the future are key to the plot" type story.
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