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Posts posted by Enaeius

  1. Seems like the opposite of a tease, since all it really says to me is "No game with adult Lucas".

    I don't see how that's a tease either. It doesn't really at all talk about anything to do with Lucas having been playable in Brawl.

    I'd do a top ten, except I don't have ten characters to list lol. Earlier I said I had nine. But I guess I could throw in Bowser Jr. as the tenth since I do like him.

    Oh, I was referring to the whole "Sorry, Lucas fans, but your Lucas is in another castleadventure" bit. It's not something to get upset about and is certainly not malicious; I construed it as just some friendly ribbing/teasing. Probably should have conveyed that a bit better in my earlier post.

    As for my top picks, I'm the type who likes playing with as many characters as possible so it's gonna be a tough call especially with a roster as large as this one. Well, based on my impressions of them so far, here are the top characters I would like to try:

    1. Shulk (Switching between the different Monado powers seems like it will be a blast)

    2. Robin (Smash's version of a Magic Knight. Sounds like an awesomely fun character)

    3. Mario (He's always been one of my favorites and seems to have been buffed)

    4. Little Mac (Beastly ground game)

    5. Megaman (He's Megaman. Plus the weapon variety is pretty tempting.)

    Honorable Mentions:

    6. Greninja

    7. Palutena

    8. Villager

    9. Ike

    10. Lucina/Marth

  2. He looks so adorable doesn't he? What a qt pie.



    Oh, it's quite the tease alright.

    "Once, Lucas used to be a weak-spirited crybaby. However, he has since overcome unimaginable hardships and is probably enjoying himself on a grand adventure now. Or perhaps he's had a fated encounter with someone and started a family... Nah, it feels a bit too early for that. After all, fans of the Mother series will likely forever see Lucas and Ness as young boys."

  3. I wanna hear this story.

    Well, before Brawl was released, Nintendo had released a video that included, among other things, a section about the stickers. The bottom of the sticker album has a small tab that shows which characters can equip the selected sticker and it accidentally showed the icons for the trio in question before they were revealed. Of course, the videos were edited soon afterwards but by then it was way too late. And that, as they say, was that.

  4. I await the Dunban commentary with bated breath.

    You need not wait any longer. After seeing the deplorable lack of Dunban commentary, I've decided to take a stab at it. Everyone, Dunban in all his commentator glory!

    As for Riki, yeah, he's pretty much the plucky comic relief/team mascot in the game. He's quite good in battles and has some very nice skills. His personality, however, is a bit more hit or miss with people.

  5. As requested before the crash, here are some of Ricken's supports to warm up with for the massive flood of supports that is sure to follow now that the game's been released early. Let's start with Maribelle x Ricken!

    [spoiler=Maribelle x Ricken]

    [spoiler=Maribelle x Ricken C]Maribelle: The tea is done, Mr. Ricken.

    Ricken: Thanks! Wow, it's delicious... Thank you, Maribelle.

    Maribelle: I believe that's my line. Thank you very much for saving me when I was captured in Plegia the other day.

    Ricken: Don't mention it.

    Maribelle: But, if you hadn't been there, I certainly wouldn't have been able to escape. Besides, even though they've grown somewhat estranged recently, our families are both among the aristocracy of Ylisse. If you ever have something on your mind, please feel free to come to me.

    Ricken: ........

    Maribelle: Oh my, is something the matter?

    Ricken: It's just that I didn't expect you to feel that way.

    Maribelle: My. What ever do you mean by that? Did you think I would forget the debt I owed you for saving me as soon as I was out of harm's way?

    Ricken: Not that, I meant the stuff about our families! I mean, honestly speaking, my family has kinda fallen from grace, you know?

    Maribelle: ...Well, yes, I would have to agree.

    Ricken: That's why, umm... I was surprised when I heard you talking about our families like that... Besides, it's not like I'm all that aristocratic...

    Maribelle: Fufu, what are you going on about? The source of a noble's pride is not his wealth or the lack thereof. You rescued me without regard for the peril you faced; it is that fearless heart which more than qualifies you as a proud nobleman in my opinion.

    Ricken: ...Ehehe. Thanks.

    [spoiler=Maribelle x Ricken B]Maribelle: Mr. Ricken... Do show me your leg for a second.

    Ricken: Eh? W, why?

    Maribelle: Come now, show me.

    Ricken: Ugh... Alright...

    Maribelle: As I thought, an injury. Why did you not tell me of this?

    Ricken: It's just a gash, nothing to worry about... Ahaha.

    Maribelle: You must not push yourself so. If it were to fester... No... You are probably pushing yourself just by fighting in the first place.

    Ricken: Eh! Why would you say something like that?

    Maribelle: What should be remedied is the current situation that forced children like you to push yourself like this. Even while you were saving me, if something had gone wrong, then you too would have been in danger. I'll go consult Sir Chrom about keeping you out of further battles.

    Ricken: Don't! I can fight just fine! Didn't you tell me yourself that I fought well back then!

    Maribelle: Indeed, you were wonderful. I also appreciate how you saved me. However... are you not still just a child? If something were to happen to you, your parents would mourn you...

    Ricken: Maribelle... I am indeed still a child, but I have the power to fight. Our country...our families... our friends are in danger and I can't just sit aside and do nothing. Let me protect everyone!

    Maribelle: ...I understand. If you are willing to go this far, then I have no more to say. However, whenever you get hurt, come straight to me and let me heal you. Those who neglect themselves won't be able to protect anyone. Understood?

    Ricken: ...Yeah, I got it.

    [spoiler=Maribelle x Ricken A]Maribelle: This war just continues to grow fiercer... Are you alright, Mr. Ricken?

    Ricken: Well... To be honest, it's really tough but... If we were to fall here, Ylisse would be in a real pinch. That's why... we can't afford to be defeated.

    Maribelle: ...I see that you thoroughly comprehend the importance of this war. I apologize for speaking out of turn last time.

    Ricken: Nah. You were right. I was inexperienced and could have easily died back then. From now on, I'll be careful not to get hurt.

    Maribelle: If you do get hurt, remember to tell me right away, OK? If something were to happen to you...

    Ricken: Ahahaa, I remember hearing that before. My parents will mourn me, right? I get it. I don't want to get hurt either.

    Maribelle: Yes, that is correct. Oh yes, I got some rather delicious tea recently. If the two of us are harmed, then we won't be able to drink it. Let's try to stay safe today as well, OK?

    Ricken: Yeah! I'll be careful so you have to watch out for yourself too, Maribelle! If something happened to you, I... I'd be really sad!

    Maribelle: ...Fufu. Thank you, Mr. Ricken.

    [spoiler=Maribelle x Ricken S]Maribelle: ...Mr. Ricken.

    Ricken: What is it? Oh, is it tea time?

    Maribelle: Actually, no, it's not... I wanted to make a deal with you. I... wanted to help you restore your household.

    Ricken: Huh? It's fine. It's not like we aren't able to live comfortably, you know. Besides, if it's something like that, I have to do it with my own power!

    Maribelle: Th... That is true.

    Ricken: By the way, Maribelle. I also wanted to... well, it's not really a deal but I have something I want to talk to you about.

    Maribelle: Oh my, what ever could it be?

    Ricken: I was hoping you would accept this.

    Maribelle: ...A ring? And your family crest has been engraved on it. It makes me happy to receive a gift from you but something like this should be saved for when you're making a marriage proposal...

    Ricken: I know, that's why I'm using it to propose right now!

    Maribelle: Eh? Then, the talk you wanted to have with me is the same thing I was gonna propose to you...

    Ricken: Eeh? That's what you were gonna talk about earlier!?

    Maribelle: Quite so. If we were to get married, I would be able to help you out considerably so...

    Ricken: I don't care about that! ...Hey, Maribelle, do you like me?

    Maribelle: That's... I wasn't able to say it before but... yes, I like you.

    Ricken: Thank goodness! Then you weren't gonna marry me just to help me out, right?

    Maribelle: Ugh...! I, I would never propose something of the sort to a gentleman I did not like...!

    Ricken: I see... Yeah, I'm glad. I love you too, Maribelle! I'll definitely make you happy so let's get married!

    Maribelle: Yes..., I will gladly accept. But, I did not think that you felt the same way about me.

    Ricken: Actually, I've always loved you, Maribelle. That's why, when you were captured, I had to save you no matter what. Even if Mr. Chrom... No, if everyone had tried to stop me, I would have done whatever I had to do to save you. I won't let anything like that ever happen to you again. I'll protect you from now on!

    Maribelle: Mr. Ricken... Thank you very much... You have become really dependable... It will be my pleasure to see how you will continue to grow... Let us always be together, just the two of us drinking our tea from now on...

    Ricken: Yeah... it's a promise.

    Next up we have some inter-species romance with Panne x Ricken!

    [spoiler=Panne x Ricken]

    [spoiler=Panne x Ricken C]Ricken: Hey, Miss Panne! Hey, hey, come on, Miss Panne!

    Panne: ...Oh, just stop with the fuss already. My ears are a lot more sensitive than a human's, you know.

    Ricken: I'm sorry... I just thought that maybe you didn't hear me.

    Panne: Oh I heard you alright. I just chose to ignore you.

    Ricken: Ugh... That's even worse than not being heard.

    Panne: Sorry, but I don't have any intention of getting along with brats.

    Ricken: Don't be so cold. There's a lot of stuff that I want you to teach me. Stuff like whether your other senses are as good as your hearing, and what it feels like when you transform and...

    Panne: I wonder if you would be so kind as to not hound me just out of your curiousity?

    Ricken: I'm curious about all that because I want to get along with you better. Until we're close enough to be able to talk to one another, I'll follow you to the ends of the Earth!

    Panne: ...It's a pain dealing with kids who don't scare easily. Fine. Try to keep up with me then.

    [Panne transforms and bolts off into the sunset]

    Ricken: Aah! It's not fair if you transform!

    [spoiler=Panne x Ricken B]Ricken: Miss Panne!

    Panne: ...Oh, looks like you found me.

    Ricken: I couldn't see you at all so I got a little worried, you know?

    Panne: I know. That would be because I was hiding.

    Ricken: How cold... It's not like I ever did anything bad to you, did I, Miss Panne?

    Panne: ...So far, no. But that will change soon enough. Once you become an adult, you'll have developed prejudices and won't be able to stand coming in contact with me.

    Ricken: ...I won't do anything like that. I won't bully you, Miss Panne.

    Panne: And what guarantee do I have for that?

    Ricken: Because... I was bullied too. Back in my town, the other aristocratic kids would often make fun of my family. They'd make mock us for being poor even though we're nobles. Or say that the only claim our fallen family has to nobility is our name.

    Panne: .........

    Ricken: You went through a lot worse than what happened to someone like me, didn't you, Miss Panne? But you didn't give in to them and live proudly with your head held high. I want to be great like that too. That's why I definitely won't bully anyone!

    Panne: ...Your life story has nothing to do with me.

    Ricken: That's true... Sorry.

    Panne: ...I'm also getting pretty tired of playing hide and seek with you. If you want to come along, then do whatever you want.

    Ricken: Eh, are you sure?

    Panne: I'm not saying we're gonna get along but, if it's just you following me around... I don't really care.

    Ricken: Thanks! In that case, I've got a question for you!

    Panne: Hey... Were you even listening to what I just said?

    [spoiler=Panne x Ricken A]Ricken: Hey, Miss Panne. Taguels are a race that can transform into beasts, right? So what other types of Taguel are there aside from rabbits? I really wanna kno~ow.

    Panne: ......

    Ricken: Come on, tell me, tell me!

    Panne: Oh man... I don't think you'll stop until I actually tell you so here it is. It's not like I know all the types of Taguels out there either. ...I have seen Lions and Wolves though.

    Ricken: Ee~eh! They sound really strong!

    Panne: That was a long time ago. I heard from my mother... who heard from the eldest member of our tribe... Apparently, Taguels once filled this world to overflowing and lived in a paradise-like golden age... Now though... we're only a shadow of our former selves...

    Ricken: ...Uu... *Cries*...

    Panne: Wh, why are you crying?

    Ricken: S, sorry... they just came out by themselves... When I thought of how lonely you must be, Miss Panne...Though I'm sure that a human doesn't really have the right to cry about that, but... *The tears continue*

    Panne: ...You would cry for me, a Taguel, with such intensity...? ...Come on now, wipe those tears away. What a troublesome child.

    Ricken: *Sniffle*... *Weeps*...

    [spoiler=Panne x Ricken S]Panne: Ricken.

    Ricken: Ah! You actually came to talk to me, Miss Panne! Also, this is the first time that you've used my name, isn't it?

    Panne: Is it...? I suppose it is.

    Ricken: Hehehe... I'm happy. Did you want me for something?

    Panne: Yeah. Your tears from before... I did feel something too back then. But, as I thought... I'm nervous.

    Ricken: ...Nervous?

    Panne: You're still in your adolescence. Your sincerity will disappear sooner or later. If we get any closer... we could both end up getting hurt. That's why... please don't come near me again.

    Ricken: That's not true! Ummm... Miss Panne, here!

    Panne: This is... a ring?

    Ricken: I will never hate you, Miss Panne. I'll always love you. That's why... I want you to see this through. And always stay by my side.

    Panne: And this ring, is it the symbol of your oath?

    Ricken: Yup. It's a special ring that has my family crest engraved on it. Umm... it's also used as a symbol of marriage.

    Panne: Marriage, huh. So you humans have this way of bonding too? But, are you sure about this? Are you sure about marrying a Taguel?

    Ricken: If you're worried, look into my eyes. Hear my words. I want you to see how serious I am about this.

    Panne: Ricken... ...I understand. I'll see it through with you. Together, we'll see how your vow works out.

    Ricken: Hehehe... Thanks.

  6. Anybody have Lucina X Chambray floating around?~

    Sure, no problem. In this post, Lucina's romantic supports will finally be concluded!

    First we have our valiant masked princess and the not so valiant Taguel, Lucina x Chambray!

    [spoiler=Lucina x Chambray]

    [spoiler=Lucina x Chambray C]Chambray: ...*Pant*. Looks... like I made it. Damn it! Why do I have to live in fear like that?...

    Lucina: Hm? Chambray? Is something wrong? You look quite upset.

    Chambray: Ah, Lucina. ... No, I was just thinking about how I hate war.

    Lucina: I see... Indeed, even now, many people are suffering. That's why we have to do our best so that we can end it as quickly as possible...

    Chambray: That's not it... I... I'm afraid of dying. I'm the last survivor of my race so I can't afford to die... As usual, I'm just thinking about myself.

    Lucina: ...Chambray.

    Chambray: But... please don't misunderstand me. Even I want to be of help to everyone. That's why I still march into battle. But... I really don't want to go out there. Hahaha... I'm really pathetic, huh.

    Lucina: ...I understand.

    Chambray: Lucina?

    Lucina: I'll watch your back. ...So please relax from now on.

    Chambray: Eh...?

    Lucina: I'll definitely protect you from now on. That way, you can fight without fear.

    Chambray: Lucina... I'm sorry about being so pitiful. But, thanks. You're a life saver.

    Lucina: No, wanting to relieve my friends' fears is only natural. In fact, I'm quite happy that you felt able to trust me with your concerns.

    Chambray: Lucina...

    Lucina: Well then, I'll be going now.

    [Lucina leaves]

    Chambray: Jeez... I really am quite pathetic...

    [spoiler=Lucina x Chambray B]Chambray: Ouch... Tch. It still hurts. That gash on my arm... it just won't seem to heal... I did notice the enemy but... guess I'm pushing myself way too hard. Oh well... at least I'm not dead, so getting off with just this wound is fine with me.

    Lucina: Chambray... do you have a sec?

    Chambray: Lucina. What's up?

    Lucina: I wanted to see how that wound of yours is doing.

    Chambray: Ah, it's nothing, don't worry about it. Jeez, I showed you a rather uncool side of me back there, didn't I? While disposing of such a weak enemy... I was too careless.

    Lucina: That's not true. What's important is that you're alright. More importantly, I am truly sorry for letting you get wounded after I said that I'd watch your back.

    Chambray: P, please don't concern yourself about that! We're at war so it's only natural to get a wound or two.

    Lucina: ...B, but.

    Chambray: Thanks, Lucina. From now on... I'll fight properly. I'll show them the power of a Taguel.

    Lucina: Chambray...

    Chambray: Hm?

    Lucina: ... Please don't push yourself too hard. ...That time, it felt more like you were protecting me rather than the other way around. ...If that's the case, then the promise I made is meaningless.

    Chambray: ...E, even if you say so, you're fighting too, Lucina. You can't just keep watching my back all the time like that, you know? Besides. we're friends so it's only natural that we'd help each other out.

    Lucina: Of course but...

    Chambray: How about this... I don't really like dying or getting hurt so... let's both do our best to not get killed out there.

    Lucina: Yes... I'll watch your back as much as possible.

    [spoiler=Lucina x Chambray A]Chambray: Lucina!

    Lucina: Chambray?

    Chambray: ...That wound! Were you trying to protect me again?

    Lucina: No, that's not it. I just let my guard down a little... That enemy... was pretty strong. But please don't worry; it's just about healed up now.

    Chambray: You're a really bad liar... You were bothered by how I got hurt a while back protecting you, so you were trying to cover for me all this time, weren't you?

    Lucina: ...Um, that's...

    Chambray: Damn it... What the heck am I doing?

    Lucina: Chambray... Please don't concern yourself about it. I really did just let my guard down a bit... that's all it was.

    Chambray: ...Hahaha.

    Lucina: Chambray? What's wrong?

    Chambray: It's just, both of us getting hurt while protecting the other... and then both of us insisting that it's our own fault... isn't it a bit weird?

    Lucina: ...Indeed, I suppose it is. Hehe. But... I think that's what true friends are supposed to be like.

    Chambray: What friends... are supposed to be like?

    Lucina: Yes... To help and protect one another and then to realize the limitations of our own strength and try to improve it for the other... I believe that is what comrades should be like.

    Chambray: Yeah... I agree. We're comrades.

    Lucina: Yes, that's why I'll continue to watch your back from now on!

    Chambray: Yeah, I'm counting on you. I... I might be a bit rough around the edges but I'll protect you!

    [spoiler=Lucina x Chambray S]Lucina: Cha... Chambray!

    Chambray: Lucina? What is it? You look really worked up about something so what...?

    Lucina: I, I just wanted to let you know how remarkable your recent efforts have been; in a word, you were incredible!

    Chambray: I... I see. Thanks. I still have a lot to improve on but... I guess I've become much more serious about combat than before...

    Lucina: Chambray... You've changed. I'm so happy for you.

    Chambray: Is that so? I guess it is, huh. .... Then... can I ask for a little prize for my efforts?

    Lucina: A... prize? Sure! If it's something within my power, please feel free to ask it of me!

    Chambray: Would you... go out with me?

    Lucina: Eh?

    Chambray: I, I thought I'd always stay my pathetic self but... Once you started watching my back, I finally feel like I've discovered what it means to be strong... That's why I want to get even stronger. To do that, I need you with me, Lucina...

    Lucina: ...Chambray.

    Chambray: ...Lucina, I like you. I want you to be with me... both on and off the battlefield.

    Lucina: ...Ah, ummm... yes. I... feel the same way.

    Chambray: ...Y, you really mean that!?

    Lucina: I've always been attracted... by your earnestness... It's true that you used to be half-hearted about the war. But, ever since you've decided to change and showed what a strong heart you've got, I began to grow even more attracted to you little by little.

    Chambray: Lucina...

    Lucina: And each time you got stronger, I felt happier. ...That's why I like you too. Let's do our best from now on.

    Chambray: Y, yeah! Leave it up to me! I'll get much stronger! Please stay by my side and watch over me! Lucina!

    Lucina: Yeah! Chambray! I'll get stronger too! I'll get strong enough so that I wouldn't lose to you!

    Next up we have Lucina and generation 2's intrepid scientist; Lucina x Loran!

    [spoiler=Lucina x Loran]

    [spoiler=Lucina x Loran C]Loran: Lucina...

    Lucina: Ah, Loran. What's up?

    Loran: Could you show me your leg for a second?

    Lucina: Eh...? Wh, what's this, all of a sudden?

    Loran: Hmm... I was wondering whether your leg's been injured.

    Lucina: Eh...!? How did you figure it out? Even though I kept it hidden so that I wouldn't worry anyone...

    Loran: You were... dragging your leg a bit more than usual. When I saw that, I thought you might have been hurt.

    Lucina: Loran... you're incredible. That's an amazing attention to detail.

    Loran: I believe that keeping an eye on everyone's condition and helping out when I can is all part of my duties. ...More importantly, Lucina, you need to get that leg checked out properly. I understand that you don't want to worry anyone but... If your leg doesn't get the proper treatment, it might cause everyone more trouble in the coming battles.

    Lucina: I understand... Loran. I'll stop overdoing it and go get my leg treated.

    Loran: Yes, please do so. ...Well then, if you'll excuse me.

    [Loran makes his exit]

    Lucina: Loran... What a level-headed guy. I need to follow his example...!

    [spoiler=Lucina x Loran B]Lucina: Hmm... That's weird...

    Loran: Oh, Lucina. Is something the matter? ...You seem troubled.

    Lucina: ...Ah, Loran. I was just working on my sword-swinging but, for some reason, something feels off...

    Loran: It feels off?

    Lucina: Yeah... The force of my swings, it feels a bit lacking...

    Loran: I see... But this is problematic. I don't know as much about fencing as you do. ...But, could you please show me your swings?

    Lucina: Yeah, sure thing... Alright then, here I go. ...One...Two...Three...! Haaa!!!

    Loran: Hmm... Ah, so that's what it was! I figured out what you're having problems!

    Lucina: Ee~eh! Really? You figured it out that quickly?

    Loran: Yes. You're trying to cover for the leg injury you got a couple of days ago, so your footwork's gotten a little shallower. This happens frequently with patients recovering from injuries. If you move your foot half a step deeper, I'm sure your swing will be back to normal.

    Lucina: Is that so? ...Alright, let's try it out. ...One...Two...Three... Taaa!! Ah, my swing... it's back to normal!? Thanks a lot, Loran! I'm impressed with how you were able to pick up on my habits!

    Loran: No, it was nothing.

    Lucina: You keep a really close eye on us, don't you, Loran? You're a life saver. Thanks!

    Loran: Yeah, it's my specialty. If you have any other problems, please feel free to come to me.

    Lucina: Yeah! Thank you very much, Loran!

    [spoiler=Lucina x Loran A]Lucina: Umm, Loran... Could I have a word with you...?

    Loran: Oh, Lucina... Wh, what's wrong?

    Lucina: I've been hearing a rumor recently... That your work has gotten sloppy compared to what it once was...

    Loran: Eh...! ...Th, that's...!?

    Lucina: I know that everyone already relies on you way too much... so I'm sure it's just a baseless rumor. However, on the off chance that it is true, I thought that it would be best to hear about it directly from you...

    Loran: I, is that so...

    Lucina: So what do you say, Loran? ...If nothing comes to mind, then I'll go give everyone a stern talking to if you'd like?

    Loran: Ah... Y, yes... Um, it's true...Lately, I haven't been able to concentrate on my work...

    Lucina: Is something bothering you? I could help out if you want.

    Loran: U, umm... I, how should I put this?

    Lucina: Loran, please relax. Just say whatever's on your mind. After all, you've always looked out for me before, right?

    Loran: ...Alright then, here I go. I, I seem to have lost sight of my sense of self... While I was supporting everyone like I always do, I realized something. I was wondering if this was just me imposing myself on the others. ...I mean, the people in this army, they're all pretty strong, right? So to have someone like me try to support all these amazing people, wouldn't that just be for my own self-satisfaction...!

    Lucina: Loran, you're overthinking this way too much! You do more than enough to support us! ...I guarantee it!

    Loran: L, Lucina...!

    Lucina: But... in your case, you really should take better care of yourself.

    Loran: You want me... to take care of myself?

    Lucina: Just watch out for yourself a bit. If you're not sure how to do that, just come ask me.

    Loran: Hehehe...! Don't you neglect yourself just as much, Lucina? Shouldn't you be saying that to yourself as well?

    Lucina: ...Yeah. N, no... *Laughs*! Now that mention it... I suppose so!

    Loran: Then should we start thinking about what the two of us could do to take care of ourselves?

    Lucina: *Giggles* We certainly should. That sounds good to me!

    [spoiler=Lucina x Loran S]Lucina: Loran, do you have a minute?

    Loran: ...L, Lucina.

    Lucina: I thought we were going to think together about we could do for ourselves...

    Loran: ........

    Lucina: ...Loran? I, is something wrong? Why are you being so nervous...?

    Loran: I, I'm sorry... Lucina!

    Lucina: You're acting strange today... What is it?

    Loran: T, that is... Actually... Umm.

    Lucina: If there's something on your mind, would you like to talk it out with me? I've already told you that you could rely on me if there's anything upsetting you!

    Loran: ...Understood... I'll talk...I, the reason I couldn't concentrate before...I said that I was worried about being able to help the others but... there's more to it than that...

    Lucina: Eh...?

    Loran: The one I was worried about being able to help... it was you, Lucina. That's why I was so worried and why I neglected everyone else...

    Lucina: That's... What do you mean exactly?

    Loran: Lucina, you are Mr. Chrom's daughter, a princess and a hero's descendant... What can someone like me do to support someone as great as you?

    Lucina: No, that's not...!

    Loran: I want to support you, Lucina... But, I don't think I can...! When I started thinking like that, I became unable to do anything... and I troubled everyone.

    Lucina: Eh! I, is that so...

    Loran: ...Yes. I, I like you, Lucina.

    Lucina: Eeh!?

    Loran: My apologies... I neglected everyone so much that rumors started to spread about me, and I was overwhelmed by love for you, someone who was far out of my league!

    Lucina: Th, that's not true at all!!! I, I... I'm so happy. I love you too and how you do everything within your power to support everyone... So to hear you say that... makes me really happy.

    Loran: Eh!? T, then, you accept my feelings for you!?

    Lucina: Yes, of course I do. ... My heart had already made up its mind about you long ago, you know?

    Loran: ...I, is that really so? Hooray, hooray! Thank you so much!

    Lucina: Loran, let's support each other and live together from now, OK?

    Loran: Of course... It would seem that we no longer need to think about how to take care of ourselves. We will support and look after one another from now on!

    Lucina: That we will, Loran! That's exactly what we will do!

  7. I would like to see Male Mu X Azure(parent to child conversation)

    Actually, Azure's conversation with MU is the same as the one he has with his other fathers. Now then, on to the main event!

    First we have a rather unexpected and very yuritastic DLC conversation with between Maribelle and TiamoCordelia!

    [spoiler=DLC Maribelle x Cordelia]

    [spoiler=Part 1: Cordelia > Maribelle]Maribelle: Miss Cordelia, I've come to notice that you are always by Miss Sumia's side.

    Cordelia: Now that you mention it... I suppose so. But, so what?

    Maribelle: Could it be that you are the protector of that incorrigible klutz?

    Cordelia: Huh? I haven't really thought about it before. Well, it is true that she is a handful. But I believe that you are in the same situation with Lissa, aren't you?

    Maribelle: Lissa is my best friend. Us spending time together is no mystery. Besides, unlike Miss clumsy, Lissa comforts me.

    Cordelia: I, if that's the case, Sumia is the same. She's kinder than anyone and it's fun spending time with her.

    Maribelle: Lissa won't lose to anyone in being fun! It would seem that I have to teach you the full extent of Lissa's innocence and naivete.

    Cordelia: Gah... However, I don't think Sumia's smile can be matched. Whenever that girl smiles, I find myself forgiving anything she might have done.

    Maribelle: Liz is just the same in that regard! The difference is that I never need to forgive her since Lissa would never be a nuisance or trouble anyone.

    Cordelia: I... it's not like Sumia is making those blunders on purpose!

    Maribelle: You really are stubborn...!

    Cordelia: I can say the same about you... You're so contrary and argumentative!

    Maribelle: That's... We'll continue this later! If things stay this way, I don't see us agreeing anytime soon!

    Cordelia: That's my line!

    [spoiler=Part 2: Maribelle > Cordelia]Maribelle: This time I'll teach you just how wonderful Lissa is!

    Cordelia: That's my line! I'm going to beat Sumia's sweetness and nobility into your thick skull!

    Maribelle: U, Ugh...! What am I going to do with this stubborn blockhead...

    Cordelia: I wonder if you can appreciate that girl's virtues...

    Maribelle: ...Oh, whatever.

    Cordelia: ...? Shall I take this as an admission of your defeat?

    Maribelle: Call it whatever you want. It would be a lot more worthwhile to spend my time with Lissa than to have this meaningless argument with you. Besides, it would be terrible if something happened to Lissa while I was gone from her side. I will most certainly not allow any danger to befall my closest friend. I want her to be happy...

    Cordelia: ...Eeh. What's this, we're exactly the same.

    Maribelle: Huh...?

    Cordelia: The two of us feel exactly the same way about our best friends. I too wish for Sumia's happiness above all else.

    Maribelle: Miss Cordelia...

    Cordelia: Alright, how about this? After this war is over, we'll take Sumia and Lissa out to go drink some tea, just the four of us. That's where we'll settle the matter about which of them is the more wonderful one.

    Maribelle: I see. I accept that challenge. But... I've come to reconsider my opinion of you a little.

    Cordelia: Yeah, same here...

    Maribelle: Fufufu. This is shaping up to be quite the interesting tea party.

    Cordelia: It sure is. I'm certain it will be.

    ...followed by the clash between yandere darkness and tortured light; Tharja x Libera.

    [spoiler=Tharja x Libera]

    [spoiler=Tharja x Libera C]Tharja: A frog's eggs... A lizard's tail... Now all that's left is a rooster's crest and...

    Libera: ? Miss Tharja? What, pray tell, are you doing?

    Tharja: Research... about memory manipulation sorcery...

    Libera: Memory manipulation... Is something that really possible?

    Tharja: I don't know... That's why I'm researching it. ...You'll just get in the way, so please go somewhere else.

    Libera: I see. Would it be alright if I ask you one question first?

    Tharja: ...What is it?

    Libera: How are you planning to verify the results of this research?

    Tharja: Well... I'll just use whoever I find to be suitable around here to test it on.

    Libera: In that case... How about this; If it's alright with you, could I be your guinea pig?

    Tharja: You're sacrificing yourself for others...? Quite fitting for a clergyman... it makes my skin crawl.

    Libera: ...I am not such a virtuous person.

    Tharja: Hmm... Alright then. I'll use you. Ufufufu... even if you do regret it, there's no going back now.

    Libera: When you put it like that, it feels a bit scary. Please be gentle with me.

    Tharja: There's no such thing... There are no gentle curses. Be prepared to put your mind and soul on the line.

    Libera: I understand. Let's do it.

    Tharja: That faint smile... I wonder how long it will last. Ufufu... I'm looking forward to it.

    [spoiler=Tharja x Libera B]Tharja: Alright... I will now begin the memory manipulation experiment.

    Libera: Please proceed.

    Tharja: It would be best to manipulate a memory that won't affect your combat ability...

    Libera: In that case, how about a memory from my childhood?

    Tharja: What's this... you. You're quite assertive for a guinea pig... ...Oh well, I'll hear you out this once. What kind of memory... do you want?

    Libera: That's... a memory where I'm living with kind parents and am surrounded by a loving family...Please give me that memory.

    Tharja: ...Such a lukewarm memory. Oh well. Imagine that situation firmly in your mind...

    Libera: Yes...

    Tharja: Well then, I'll start... ............ !! Wha!? ... What, what is this...?

    Libera: Is something the matter?

    Tharja: ...It's nothing. Well... I've tried the curse. ...Let me know if you feel any different.

    Libera: ...It doesn't feel like anything's been changed.

    Tharja: I see... Then it's a failure...

    Libera: Did I perhaps do something wrong?

    Tharja: The technique failed... because of my inexperience. However... what I saw when I used the technique... Was that... your darkness?

    Libera: You happened to see it, did you... It seems I wasn't able to hide it well enough. If possible, I wanted to make it vanish so that no one would find out about it.

    Tharja: ...Oh, so that's why you volunteered to be my lab rat...

    Libera: Haha, I'm afraid so. I apologize for my underhanded motives.

    Tharja: It's fine... More importantly, your darkness... is very intriguing... If I can unravel that darkness,... I'm sure I'd be able to make a mosot interesting curse out of it.

    Libera: Is that so? Then I'll stay as your lab rat for a little while longer, if I may.

    Tharja: Does having the darkness of your heart touched... not scare you?

    Libera: ...I no longer fear anything.

    Tharja: That's quite a line to say... to a curse user. As the experiment continues... I'll teach you the meaning of fear.

    Libera: Hehe, Miss Tharja's words are sending chills down my spine.

    [spoiler=Tharja x Libera A]Tharja: .......... .....I saw it. The very edge... of your darkness.

    Libera: I see... It would seem that you are now aware of all there is to know about me. All... of my childhood. How my relatives saw me as a burden and threw me away... The wounds of my heart.

    Tharja: You were loved by no one... and were of no concern to anyone. Your memories before becoming a clergyman are filled with nothing but suffering... I... don't dislike that. A human being who holds darkness in his heart brings about relief... However,... it is remarkable that you were able to go on living after going through all that.

    Libera: But... I wonder why. The oppressive feeling all around my heart, I wonder why it became a bit lighter.

    Tharja: What you know... What can be known about you... What you feel... and what can be felt about you... That is where minds and thoughts are intermingled... To cause a change in yor heart... That is the identity of curses. If I've managed to inflict change upon your heart... then I have managed

    to curse you.

    Libera: So I have been cursed then. It feels more like being saved, to be honest.

    Tharja: ...I don't know about that. At any rate, this means that you are no longer qualified as my guinea pig...

    Libera: Why is that?

    Tharja: Now that I know all there is to know about you... I can curse whenever I want.

    Libera: Is that so... That's a shame. My apologies for not being able to help you anymore. Is there something else I can do for you?

    Tharja: There isn't. If you feel that you've been saved... then forget about your darkness and go back to your comrades...

    Libera: ......... ......Thank you very much, Miss Tharja.

    [spoiler=Tharja x Libera S]Libera: Miss Tharja. If I could have a moment of your time?

    Tharja: ...What is it?

    Libera: Won't you consider touching my heart one more time?

    Tharja: ...For what?

    Libera: Would it be enough... if I said that you'll find out once you touch it?

    Tharja: ... You're much more selfish than I thought. But, very well... I will touch it. I had forgotten that I was going to teach you the meaning of fear... I will now plant something truly horrifying within you... *Evil giggle*.

    Libera: I don't mind. Please, go ahead.

    Tharja: Alright, now hold very still.

    Libera: Yes.

    Tharja: .........!! Ah... Wha, what the, this is... This... This thing is...!

    Libera: ...Did you touch it? These are the feelings my heart holds for you.

    Tharja: Why... did you make me touch that...?

    Libera: When two hearts touch one another, their thoughts are intermingled and the resulting change is a curse, is it not?

    Tharja: Yes... That's correct.

    Libera: Do you feel some sort of change in your heart? Something that is enveloping your thoughts, perhaps?

    Tharja: Y, you couldn't have... You cursed me...!? A clergyman... how dare you do something so shameless...!

    Libera: Weren't you the one who cursed me earlier, Miss Tharja?

    Tharja: At least I did not make you feel affection for me...!

    Libera: Oh? Does this mean that you feel affection for me, Miss Tharja? However, I did not make you love me either...

    Tharja: ! T, that's a lie...! Then your feelings towards me are...!

    Libera: Please live together with me. Just the two of us.

    Tharja: ...... You... didn't curse me at all, did you?

    Libera: What value is there in using curses to capture a heart?

    Tharja: ...True. In that case, I will trust my feelings...

    Libera: Then, won't you please accept this ring?

    Tharja: You certainly are well-prepared...

    Libera: This is a once-in-a-lifetime event. There is no way I would miss it.

    Tharja: You... My impression of you has changed quite a bit from what it first was.

    Libera: That change was favorable, I hope?

    Tharja: ...Yes,... It definitely was. After all... you managed to make me feel this way about you. But, one more thing...!? You come after Robin, clear...?

    Libera: Yes, yes, I understand...

  8. And here are a few more supports to tide you guys over these next couple of days. First off, we have the Marth impersonator and the one person who knew the real Marth; Lucina x Tiki! Hopefully, DLC conversations will follow.

    [spoiler=Lucina x Tiki]

    [spoiler=Lucina x Tiki C]Lucina: Miss Tiki, how are you feeling?

    Tiki: My, Lucina. I'm doing fine but... is something the matter?

    Lucina: If there is anything I can do to help out, please feel free to ask me at any time.

    Tiki: Thank you, but, there is no need to concern yourself so. ... I'm quite alright.

    Lucina: No, I'm afraid that won't do. We can't allow the Divine Dragon Priestess to be inconvenienced.

    Tiki: I accept your feelings with gratitude. However, you are one of the leaders of the army, so I would ask you to do what you can for everyone rather than just focusing on me. I would think that to be the duty of the one who borrowed Marth's name even if it was just for a short while...

    Lucina: Marth's name... huh. Speaking of which, the real Marth... What was the Hero-King like?

    Tiki: Would you like to know...?

    Lucina: Yes. The reason I borrowed Marth's name is because the Hero-King Marth is my goal. If you could possibly tell me about him, I would be thrilled...

    Tiki: I understand. I will help you as best I can. ... Indeed. Let's free up some time later. Then, I'll tell you all about him.

    Lucina: Really! Thank you very much! Then let's meet later, Lady Tiki!

    [spoiler=Lucina x Tiki B]Lucina: Well met, Miss Tiki.

    Tiki: Yes, well met, Lucina.

    Lucina: Will you be able to tell me about the Hero-King today?

    Tiki: Yes, of course. I see you're quite studious, Lucina.

    Lucina: No, not at all... As I mentioned earlier, I have at one time bore Marth's name... As such, I just want to know what kind of person the real Marth was like.

    Tiki: Let's see... He was the kind of man who always valued his friends above all else... He was kind to everyone... He was always calm and relaxed, and his smile was wonderful...

    Lucina: Eh...!?

    Tiki: Oh, is something on your mind?

    Lucina: Y... yes, that personality is quite far from what I had expected....

    Tiki: What did you think his personality would be like, Lucina?

    Lucina: Well... It's been said that King Marth led the liberation army, slew the dark dragon, and brought peace and balance to the world. I imagined him to be, uh, a military man. That is... He would... be very stern and strict.

    Tiki: Well, you are correct in that he was very strict but only with himself. ... He kept pushing himself in order to find the faint thread leading to a peace where no one had to be sacrificed... He was a really hard worker.

    Lucina: The thread to peace... I see. I wonder, if we follow in his trail, might we find some kind of hint that could help us in the present...?

    Tiki: Quite. He was in a continuous state of worry. About people who couldn't see eye to eye, about parting with dear friends, and about the betrayal of a comrade... He worried, struggled, and suffered...Perhaps that is the very reason as to why he was worthy of being the vessel of a hero.

    Lucina: To think that he would go that far... Someone like me could never hope to rise up to his level, my road only leads to continuous battles...

    Tiki: However... Even so, you should not give up at present. Like you, he too never thought of himself as perfect... That is why he cared for his comrades and fought together with them.

    Lucina: Fought together...? Hero-King Marth did that?

    Tiki: That's right. That was the single most important factor behind the Hero-King. He believed in his friends and fought by their side, and they did the same.

    Lucina: ...In other words, King Marth was loved by his comrades?

    Tiki: That's right. Lucina, you'll be just fine. You too are loved by your friends, I believe. That's why you'll have to do your best from now on so that you don't shame King Marth's name.

    Lucina: Y, yes! Thank you very much! Miss Tiki!

    [spoiler=Lucina x Tiki A]Lucina: Haaa! Yaaaah! .... Taaaaaa!!!!!

    Tiki: My, Lucina. You're practicing your fencing?

    Lucina: Ah... Miss Tiki. Yes, I was just finishing with my practice swings.

    Tiki: You... Weren't you just helping prepare the meal at the female encampment just now?

    Lucina: Yeah. I wasn't on duty but they were a bit understaffed so I decided to lend a hand.

    Tiki: And just before that, you were at the male encampment helping with the supplies, right?

    Lucina: Yes. Out of the female soldiers, I'm pretty confident about my physical strength so it wasn't a problem for me.

    Tiki: And a bit before that, I believe you also went along with the party that purchased the provisions...? You've certainly been all over the place. While it is great that you want to help out your friends, pushing yourself too hard will undoubtedly affect your health, you know?

    Lucina: No, I'm fine. I always do about that much.

    Tiki: ...Lucina, what you're doing now, is it just you trying to get closer to Hero-King Marth's level? Are you trying to become a leader who has the trust of their comrades?

    Lucina: Eh...? Ah, no, that's not it! That's just me being me! Besides, it's not like helping out at cooking or shopping would ever help me become like the Hero-King.

    Tiki: So you just naturally move to aid your friends? ...Could it be... This child might truly...

    Lucina: ...Huh? Did you say something just now?

    Tiki: N, no... But, Lucina... Marth's name that you have chosen to bear... it's incredibly heavy, you know?

    Lucina: Eh...?

    Tiki: It was only through coincidence that you bore the Hero-King's name. However, the people who saw the Hero-King's figure through you are quite plentiful... As those expectations build up, you will experience the envy of some and the hopes of others... You will be made to bear their immense pressure.

    Lucina: ...Y, yes.

    Tiki: I wonder, can you endure the brunt of such a burden...?

    Lucina: ... I don't know whether or not I can endure it. I know full well that I'm a far cry away from the Hero-King... But... if the people around me truly have such expectations of me... ...I will try my utmost to live up to them without fail.

    Tiki: ....I see that you are resolved to this. In that case, I believe that further meddling on my part is not necessary.

    Lucina: Yes! Thank you for everything! Miss Tiki, I, I'll do my best!

    Tiki: ...Yes, I have high hopes for you, Lucina. However, if there comes a time when there is a problem that you are unable to resolve by yourself... or a time when you are suffering and just can't take it anymore... Rely on me and your friends. That's also part of a hero's nature, yes?

    Lucina: Y, yes, thank you so much! I'm so happy that you think so highly of me!

    Tiki: Hehehe... that's only natural. It is expected that I'd get along well with the one who bears Marth's name.

    ...followed by the masked Wyvern Rider and, as his father, our very own arch archer; Jerome x Viole.

    [spoiler=Jerome x Viole]

    [spoiler=Jerome x Viole C]Viole: Jerome.

    Jerome: ... Oh, it's you. What is it?

    Viole: No... there's nothing in particular but...

    Jerome: Then don't come talking to me. I have no intention of getting along with you.

    Viole: I, is that so...

    Jerome: Yes, it is.

    Viole: Hmm... I have been wondering. Even though you finally got to reunite with moi, your father, you have yet to call me "Daddy!" or "Lord Father!" like Lucina does with her father...

    Jerome: ...Hmph. You are not my father. He departed from this world a long time ago. You are a stranger who just happens to look like my father. I have no right to call a stranger my father.

    Viole: Hmm... A magnificent and marvelously persuasive argument...! I don't even sense the slightest bit of childhood innocence from you...! ...No, no, that must be just you yearning for the love of your parents. Come now, Jerome. Come leap elegantly into my warm bosom!

    Jerome: ...How moronic...

    Viole: What's this! To think that my own child would call me moronic!

    Jerome: Was that all you wanted to say? Then I'll be going. I'm gonna go take care of Minervie now.

    Viole: Minerv...ie?

    Jerome: Huh...! I, it's nothing!

    Viole: Haha...

    [spoiler=Jerome x Viole B]Viole: So Jerome, did you take good care of little Minervie?

    Jerome: You...! You still remember that...! Just so you know, I don't always call her that!

    Viole: Oh? Was there something about? I just called her that because that's what Serge calls her, you know?

    Jerome: Ah....!

    Viole: Fufufu, you fell for it. Well, I can see that you do have your cute moments.

    Jerome: ..........

    Viole: Ah, I'm quite glad that looks can't kill...! I... my apologies, Jerome! This nobleman apologizes to you...! Please do spare my life!

    Jerome: ...There's no helping it, I suppose.

    Viole: Heh, I live to fight another day. However, the way you got angry just now was exactly like Serge...

    Jerome: Did you just say something?

    Viole: No. More importantly, your Minervie is over there, yes?

    Jerome: Yeah. She's my irreplaceable partner.

    Viole: Hmm... She certainly seems to be quite scary, huh... Actually... Savagery might be a more apt word for it...

    Jerome: You have no idea what you're talking about. There's no cuter Wyvern anywhere, not even in the future. Ah... That piercing gaze, those glittering scales, her razor-sharp fangs... each and every one of them is so cute... Eh, what are you making me say?!

    Viole: You're the one who just went on this tangent, aren't you?

    Jerome: Geh...! Let's go, Minerva!

    Viole: ...Oh, that's quite the speedy get-away.

    [spoiler=Jerome x Viole A]Viole: Well met, Jerome. So you're with your Minervie again today.

    Jerome: What do you want? Did you come to mock me again...?

    Viole: Certainly not, I just thought it about time for you to start calling me "Daddy". After all, your true self was quite apparent yesterday.

    Jerome: ...My true self?

    Viole: I believe you went on about how "Minervie is so cute" or something to that effect, Jerome. Your face was so unguarded and relaxed then...

    Jerome: !!!.... Minerva! Scare this guy a little!! ........ ........Minerva?

    Viole: Heh. Minervie certainly wouldn't try to threaten me. She is a part of my family, you know. ... There, there, Minervie, at least you remember me.

    Jerome: Minerva... Minerva accepts this guy as family? He is not the same person as the man you knew. ...And yet. ......I see.

    Viole: Hmm? What is Minervie saying?

    Jerome: Hah. Even though you say you are family, you can't understand Minerva's words.

    Viole: Gah....

    Jerome: Very well. Minerva said that she recognizes you as part of our family. She is an important being who nurtured me in the future. If she accepts you, then... I will reconsider my position about you. I'm sorry for treating you like a stranger, ...Father.

    Viole: !! Jerome...! Pray, what did you call me just now?

    Jerome: Ugh...! I won't say it a second time! Let's go, Minerva!

    Viole: Hold! Wait a moment, Jerome! Once more! Come now, do say it just one more time...!

    Jerome: How annoying!!

  9. Here are some of the missing level up quotes:

    Lissa (6 and up): I think I'm ready for the front lines!

    Frederick (6 and up): I will use this power to protect us all!

    Sully (0-1): Damn, why didn't I train harder?

    Which leaves us with Chrom, Frederick, and Virion's 0-1 stat level ups still unaccounted for.

  10. Time to end the non-romantic support drought. First, we have our candy-loving thief and tortured priest; Gaia x Libera!

    [spoiler=Gaia x Libera]

    [spoiler=Gaia x Libera C]Gaia: ...Hmm? What's this, a cute doll...?

    Libera: My apologies, that is mine. I dropped one by accident...

    Gaia: This is... not one of the statues or dolls used in prayer... Definitely not.

    Libera: Indeed. This is a doll I got for some children. A few kids at an orphanage I passed by kept asking me for it. I believe that wanted something to hold while sleeping.

    Gaia: You'd go so far as to take care of some kids that are more or less complete strangers to you? You're amazing. You're clearly cut from a very different cloth than me.

    Libera: ...It's nowhere near as remarkable as you make it sound. I was just asked for them so I made a couple of dolls. I'm only fulfilling my duty as a priest.

    Gaia: Eeh... It's still splendid. ...By the way, wouldn't it be better to give them some sweets along with the dolls?

    Libera: What?

    Gaia: Sweets, man. Sweets. Kids love candy and sweets, you know.

    Libera: Huh... Well, I'm afraid I haven't made any arrangements for candy at the moment... But, I'll will be sure to follow your suggestion next time around. Thank you very much for the advice.

    Gaia: .........

    Libera: ...Mr. Gaia?

    Gaia: Well... Alright then. Hypothetically speaking, if there were a large pile of sweets somewhere in here, it'd be wrong to not give the kids some too, I suppose... No, but if it's just one or two, I guess it'd be alright...

    Libera: M... Mr.Gaia...

    [spoiler=Gaia x Libera B]Libera: Amen...

    Gaia: Are you praying, Libera?

    Libera: That I am. Would you like to join me, Mr. Gaia? It will help you feel cleansed.

    Gaia: ...I see. In that case, I'll try it out once. But what am I supposed to pray for? Would it be alright if I just chant any request I wish for?

    Libera: Umm... It is true that most people pray for what they want but... prayer wasn't originally meant to be used for making wishes and requests. It was actually used to express our heartfelt feelings of gratitude to God.

    Gaia: Our feelings of gratitude to God... "Thank you for blessing our world with sweets"... or something like that?

    Libera: I, I suppose so. That is a kind of expressing gratitude...

    Gaia: I see. Then let's start praying.

    Libera: Y, yes. Allow me to join you.

    Gaia: ........

    Libera: ........

    Gaia: ... O God... Thank you for creating sweets for us...

    Libera: ... O God... Thank you for your constant protection...

    Gaia: But... if possible, I want to eat a whole lot more sweets...

    Libera: ...Huh?

    Gaia: I would like to eat more sweets; I would like to eat more sweets...

    Libera: M, Mr. Gaia!? You're just wishing for things now...

    Gaia: SweetsSweetsSweetsSweetsSweetsSweeetsSweets....!!

    Libera: Ah...! My voice can't reach him anymore...! Mr. Gaia!!

    Gaia: ... *Huff* !! What is it, Libera?

    Libera: "What is it" won't work here! Come on, Mr. Gaia... Didn't you just start making wishes in the middle of your prayer...! That won't do at all, asking God over and over for candy is just...

    Gaia: I see... My bad.

    Libera: O God... Please do forgive my friend for his impure thoughts...

    Gaia: SweetsSweetsSweets....

    Libera: Oh for the love of God, Mr. Gaia!

    Gaia: ...Sorry.

    [spoiler=Gaia x Libera A]Libera: O God...

    Gaia: .........

    Libera: ...You're thinking about something else while praying, aren't you, Mr. Gaia?

    Gaia: Ugh... How did you know?

    Libera: Because I'm sensing wicked thoughts coming from right next to me. Were you thinking about sweets again?

    Gaia: No. I was praying for... my safe return from the next battle.

    Libera: Oh my... That's quite the sincere wish from you, isn't it? I was sure that you were thinking about drowning in a sea of sugary sweets... But why the sudden change of heart?

    Gaia: I had an eye-opening experience in the last battle. If I had dodged just a second later than I did, I would have undoubtedly died. At that moment... I felt that I would never know another tomorrow. When that thought popped in my head... I suddenly felt like I wanted to rely on God.

    Libera: I see... You have reconsidered your feelings on the matter.

    Gaia: But there's no way that God would hear the prayers of a sinful guy like me who's filled with impure thoughts...

    Libera: ...That is most certainly not true. As long as there is a sincere desire to repent, God will forgive anybody's sins.

    Gaia: I see... Coming from someone as pure as you, that is quite persuasive.

    Libera: Hehe... You are quite the kidder, Mr. Gaia. I too... am a sinful human being, am I not?

    Gaia: Eh? But you're nothing like me and would never actually do anything bad.

    Libera: ...Mr. Gaia. Did you forget? All of us here... We're murderers.

    Gaia: .......

    Libera: In order to survive on a battlefield, someone else must be sacrificed... To pray for your safe return from a battlefront is to pray for someone else to become a victim.

    Gaia: Huh... Then all this time I've been wishing for someone's death without realizing it. I guess I really am beyond salvation.

    Libera: No. I am the same. Everyday, I too... turn to God and pray for someone else's death... A no-good human.

    Gaia: ...Libera.

    Libera: Even so... let us pray. For your safe return and mine... and for all of our comrades' safety... No matter how many lives must be lost in return for ours.

    Gaia: ....... Yeah...

    ...followed by the hero and the tsundere; Cynthia x Selena.

    [spoiler=Cynthia x Selena]

    [spoiler=Cynthia x Selena C]Cynthia: Alright! My latest victory phrase is now complete! I'm gonna shout it out at the end of the next battle! Oh yeah, I'm feeling go~od!

    Selena: Hah... As usual, you do the stupidest things...

    Cynthia: Hmph, don't just pop out of thin air like that! Selena, do you have a problem with my victory phrase?

    Selena: *Snicker*! To think that the same girl who just said "victory phrase" is asking me if I have a problem with it. Is there anybody other than you who doesn't think it's filled with problems?

    Cynthia: Ugh! Uggggh!! It's cool so it's fine!

    Selena: Cynthia... Do you really think so? Don't you think that everybody is feeling fed up with it deep inside?

    Cynthia: That's not true. I'm sure that somebody will say that it's cool too!

    Selena: They'd only be doing that in order to avoid hurting your feelings so that it doesn't upset the mood.

    Cynthia: Gaaah! You only think that because of your empty heart! A grumpy sourpuss like you can never understand of a hero like me who strives for victory! With that gloomy personality of yours, you're just like the villains who stand in the way of the hero!

    Selena: Yeah yeah, if the alternative is understanding your childish behavior, then I'm quite happy to be a sourpuss! ...Whatever, just do what you want!

    Cynthia: Even if you hadn't told me to, I would have done that anyway! Leave me alone! See ya!

    [spoiler=Cynthia x Selena B]Cynthia: It is I, the Warrior of Justice Cynthia! Anyone who's afraid of my divine judgement, be gone! ...OK, it's finished! *Nod* *nod* I'm gonna be using this one too!

    Selena: "It's finished", is it. That's really uncool...

    Cynthia: Selena... Did you come to complain some more!?

    Selena: Not really. I just happened to pass by. Well, it is true that I also didn't want to see some of my companions~.

    Cynthia: W, What! Then you could have just not come here! That does it! Selena, the only thing you know how to do is complain!

    Selena: Yeah yeah, sorry about that. But like you said, I'm just a contrary sourpuss. I can only do things like that. Sooo~ooryy. Ohohohoho~

    Cynthia: Why you... that's enough! If you're gonna be like that, then let's have a duel!

    Selena: A duel? With me?

    Cynthia: Yeah! I don't care if it's a foot race, fencing, speed eating, or whatever! Anyway, the loser has to apologize to the winner!!! Got it!?

    Selena: Heh... That sounds rather interesting, doesn't it?

    Cynthia: But~, I wonder if the cowardly sourpuss Selena~ have enough courage to accept a challenge?

    Selena: If you're gonna go that far then there's no way I'd try to run away. Alright then. I'll make you submit to me with pure skill rather than just brawling it out!

    Cynthia: Hmph! That's my line!! ...So, what are we gonna do? I'm fine with anything! Because I'm confident that I can beat you at anything!

    Selena: Let's see... One event isn't enough to show the difference between our levels. That's why we're gonna compete at all three of the events that you mentioned!

    Cynthia: A, all of them...?

    Selena: That's right! What's wrong? Do you want to back out after all~ ?

    Cynthia: W, who'd wanna do that! A, alright then! It looks interesting! I'll wipe the floor with you in all of the events! ...Selena, you just keep your head nice and clean for me cause I'll be coming for it!

    Selena: *Snickers*! You sound like a third-rate minion! A villain's phrases suit you more than a hero's, don't they!?

    Cynthia: W, w, whaaaaaat!!!

    Selena: Instead of catch phrases, you might be better off thinking of some excuses for when I make you surrender! Ahahahahaha!!

    [spoiler=Cynthia x Selena A]Cynthia: ...You did well by not running away. I'll praise you for that at least.

    Selena: That's my line.

    Cynthia: But now... it's time... yes, time for me to teach you that justice will always prevail.

    Selena: Jeez... you're being an idiot hero like always...

    Cynthia: That's right, I am one who strives to be a hero! A hero will always triumph! And evil is forever fated to be defeated!

    Selena: Go on then. I'll start by measuring that seemingly bottomless strength of yours. First off, the endurance match!

    Cynthia: Alright! ...It's on!!

    [Theatrical Blackout]

    Cynthia: *Pant* *Pant* ...! T, to think that you're actually keeping up with me...!

    Selena: *Pant*... *Pant*... That's not it!? I ran first so how are you keeping up with me...!!

    Cynthia: Wh...Whaaat!! *Pant*... *Pant*...!

    Selena: *Pant*... *Pant*... Even so... if we start brawling, we'll just end up in another pointless argument... In that case, let's move on to the next event!!

    Cynthia: Alright!! Next up is fencing! I'll... stand firm!!

    Selena: Aaah! Gah! Ouch!! I'm getting bumps!!

    Cynthia: Owowow... To think that wooden swords would hurt this much when they hit...

    Selena: I'm tired, I'm hurt... My body is no longer listening to me~!!

    Cynthia: When you feel like that, the only thing to do is to eat and recover!! On to the eating match!! Let's go!!

    Selena: *Swallow*... *Groan*...! N, no more... I'm full... I can't move... at all!

    Cynthia: M, me... too...! I... don't want to see anymore bread... for a while!

    Selena: So this event is a tie too...? Even though we competed three times, we still can't determine a winner... ...Aah, I'm exhausted. That's it, I'm done!! I don't want to move anymore today!!

    Cynthia: Actually, I feel the same way. Oh, somehow... I just don't care anymore...

    Selena: ...I thought you were just an idiot pretending to be a hero but... you're pretty good. I've changed my mind about you and your guts...

    Cynthia: Thanks... You too aren't just a grumpy sourpuss, Selena... I actually want to take a page out of your book as far as determination goes.

    Selena: It looks like... we're gonna get along much better than I had expected. That's... from now on, I suppose we can friends from now on...

    Cynthia: You're not very honest, Selena. ...But now that I think about it, our mothers were best friends... Maybe we're fated to get along.

    Selena: Fate, huh... If you start talking about that deep stuff now, we're just gonna fall asleep...

    Cynthia: Ahaha... I'm pretty tired and sleepy too... Let's sleep here for a bit and then let's go get a cup of tea together, Selena...

    Selena: Yeah... Sure thing... *Snore*, *Snore*

    Cynthia: *Mumble* *Mumble*... Zzzz.

  11. Sumia and male My Unit's support does. Not sure if female My Unit has a different support with her.

    Unfortunately, Sumia has the exact same support with Female Rufure.

    The B support was funny. Fe!Mark seems to have a habit of getting guys to do what she wants. I google translated her with wood, and from what I saw she pretty much makes him her bitch XD.

    Well, let's take a look and see. Female Mark x Wood!

    [spoiler=Female Mark x Wood C]Wood: There you are! I found you, Mark!

    Mark: W, what is it, Mr. Wood!? You're so out of breath... Did something happen!?

    Wood: The instant I saw you, it felt as though I was struck by lightning...!

    Mark: Huh...!?

    Wood: You are my comrade, bound to me by the threads of fate that transcend time itself...! ...My battle partner!

    Mark: Hmm? What are you talking about?

    Wood: I understood at once... We shared a powerful connection in our past lives. If the two of us make a Double, no one will be able to match us!

    Mark: Ahahahahahahaha!

    Wood: H, hey! Why are you laughing!?

    Mark: That was great, Mr. Wood! Are you practicing for a play or something?

    Wood: No! I was being serious!?

    Mark: But you say that we were partners in a past life. How can you know something like that?

    Wood: That's... I know it because my sixth sense says so!

    Mark: Ahahahahaha! You're really funny! That's why I laughed without meaning to!

    Wood: Looks like you have no intention of taking this seriously... Jeez...!

    Mark: But if you really are my partner, ...you'd hear out my request, right, Mr. Wood?

    Wood: Y, yeah! Of course I will! I'll prove that I'm your partner!

    Mark: Well, if I am to have a partner, it'd be really nice if it were someone who can cook!

    Wood: C, cook!?

    Mark: Yeah, someone who'd cook some food for his comrade! I think that's the kind of person who's best suited to be my partner!

    Wood: A, alright then. I'll cook something up for you!

    Mark: Fufufu...! I'll leave it up to you then! I'll be looking forward to it, Mr. Wood!

    [spoiler=Female Mark x Wood B]Wood: Mark! I've just finished the meal!

    Mark: Whoaa! That looks delicious!

    Wood: I know, right? But... I still haven't come up with a good name for it...

    Mark: Bottoms up! *Nomnom* *nomnom*...!

    Wood: I'm still talking, you know... Ah, well.

    Mark: Wow, it's really delicious!

    Wood: Heh, it was a piece of cake for me! Hm... So now are you finally willing to accept that we are combat partners, bonded together in a past life?

    Mark: Yup! That's the first hurdle cleared! Now for the second hurdle!

    Wood: Huh!? The second hurdle?

    Mark: That's right! Hmmmm... OK then. If we are to become partners, we need some object to make an oath with!

    Wood: A, an object...!?

    Mark: For something like this, it has to be a jewel, don't you think? Oh... I really want a jewel!

    Wood: O, OK! A jewel it is! I'll prepare one right away! Leave it up to me!

    Mark: Sure! Mr. Wood, I'm counting on you!

    [spoiler=Female Mark x Wood A]Wood: Mark! I've got it!

    Mark: Hmm? What did you bring, Mr. Wood?

    Wood: The gem! The one we were gonna use for our oath as partners! ...Jeez, you're the one who wanted it!

    Mark: Ah! Now that you mention it, that's right!

    Wood: Don't go forgetting about it then... Oh well. Go ahead and take a look at this pair!

    Mark: Incredible! A glittering black jewel...!

    Wood: Yeah. This one that looks like a glimpse of hell's abyss is a black Onyx.

    Mark: And this one is a green gem...! It's really pretty too!

    Wood: This is an Emerald which holds all the slumbering radiance of the earth beneath us...!

    Mark: Wow...

    Wood: Now are you willing to accept me as your partner?

    Mark: Yes, it's obvious that you're quite concerned about me. I recognize you as my battle partner. I'm sorry about making you do all that stuff! Let's do our best as a team from now on!

    Wood: Yeah! I'm counting on you from now on!

    Mark: But what exactly do combat partners do anyway, Mr. Wood? Would it be fine if we just fought next to each other?

    Wood: ...Eh!? T, that's... Now that you mention it, umm... I haven't thought about that part yet...

    Mark: Ahahahaha! You definitely are a funny guy, Mr. Wood! You just jump right into things!

    Wood: S, shut up! I'll just give it some thought later! Let's do our best from now on! Partner!

    Mark: Yes! I look forward to working with you from now on!

    [spoiler=Female Mark x Wood S]Mark: M, Mr. Wood...

    Wood: What's wrong? You look upset...? You're my precious partner; you can tell me anything!

    Mark: Mr. Wood... Back then, I was testing you.

    Wood: Hmm?... Oh, you mean with the hurdles and that kind of stuff? What about it?

    Mark: Actually, I didn't need cooking ability or jewels... I just wanted to see how much you cared about me, Mr. Wood... I'm sorry.

    Wood: W, well, I kind of understand where you're coming from. It's fine, don't worry about it.

    Mark: But I haven't been able to verify the thing that I truly wanted to test yet... Could you try guessing what I really want, Mr. Wood?

    Wood: What you really want...? Eh, is this the third hurdle?

    Mark: Yes, please think of it as the last trial.

    Wood: No problem. Let's think about this a bit. ....Hmmmm.

    Mark: Well? Mr. Wood. Were you able to figure it out?

    Wood: No, it's no good.

    Mark: I, I see...

    Wood: B, but... there is one thing that I'm sure of.

    Mark: Eh!? W, what is it...?

    Wood: I'm sure that... Mark is the person I like most in the world!

    Mark: M, Mr. Wood...!

    Wood: I know that this is not a good enough answer! But I love you! I said all that stuff about being battle partners because I wanted to be together with you... That's why I kept up this long!

    Mark: Correct! That's the correct answer, Mr. Wood!

    Wood: Ee~eh...!?

    Mark: I wanted those honest, undecorated words from you! Because it's you, Mr. Wood, I went along with all that stuff about cooking and gems... but that wasn't what I was looking for at all!

    Wood: Mark... you mean!

    Mark: Yes! Of course, I love you too, Mr. Wood! From now on, I look forward to being partners with you in battle and in life!

    Wood: A, alright!! Understood! From now on, it's not just about battles! I swear to forever be with you from here on out!

    Mark: Yes! I'm so happy! Please look after me from now on!

  12. This time, it's a double whammy! First off, we have Nono and Sol...

    [spoiler=Nono x Sol]

    [spoiler=Nono x Sol C]Sol: Hmm...? I think I hear a bird chirping... looks like it's pretty close by too...

    Nono: Sol! Just the guy I wanted to see! Sol, you always carry medicine with you, right? Please give one to Nono!

    Sol: Hold on a sec. What do you want to use the medicine for?

    Nono: A birdie was hurt and it collapsed on the ground. We've gotta treat it or else!

    Sol: ...I'm afraid I've only got medicine for stomachaches. It won't work on the bird's wound.

    Nono: Oh no... What are we gonna do? If we leave it like that, the bird will...! Oh, the Heal Staff! We can fix him up with it, right?

    Sol: ...Look, Nono. No matter how awful what happened to the bird is, that kind of thing happens all the time. Both the medicine and the staff are valuable resources. We have to save them for when something more important occurs...

    Nono: Something more important!? Nono can't just abandon someone who's suffering right in front of her!

    Sol: Nono...

    Nono: Idiot Sol! Uwahhhh *Cries*...!

    Sol: I... Wow, I've somehow become a really cold person without even noticing... You're right, Nono... Sorry, I was wrong. I'm gonna go get Liz. Can you watch the bird until then?

    Nono: *Sniff*... Really? Thanks, Sol.

    Sol: I'm the one who should be thanking you. Thank you, Nono.

    [spoiler=Nono x Sol B]Sol: Nono... I've brought a change of bandages.

    Nono: Thanks, Sol. Looks the birdie's doing a lot better now, huh?

    Sol: He sure is. That's because you did your best to nurse him, Nono.

    Nono: Hey, what do you think about naming the birdie "Janaff"?

    Sol: Hmm...

    Nono: It sounds pretty cool. After all, Nono thought it up, you know?

    Sol: Nono... I don't think naming the bird is such a good idea. Don't you think it'll make it hurt more when you two part ways?

    Nono: We won't be separated! Janaff and Nono will always be together!

    Sol: But, won't it be difficult to keep an eye on the birdie all the time while fighting?

    Nono: Nono will do her best to watch out for him. I'll be Janaff's mommy! That's why... OK? Please!

    Sol: Alright, I get it... ... Let's go talk to Krom about it. I'll help look after Janaff too.

    Nono: You will? Hooray!

    [spoiler=Nono x Sol A]Sol: I see Janaff's become much healthier.

    Nono: Did you know that he was just flying with Nono in the sky? Hehe, it felt great!

    Sol: Looks like you're also feeling much better, Nono. Guess being together with someone does that... huh?

    Nono: Wow... So many birdies...

    Sol: Janaff... Oh, do you want to join that flock?

    Nono: No way! There's no way he'd want to do that, right? Janaff and Nono will always be together, right?

    Sol: That flock of birds... they've been circling around us for quite some time now. They must be Janaff's family and they've come to pick him up.

    Nono: You're wrong! Nono is Janaff's mama! Nono'll turn into a dragon and chase them away!

    Sol: ... You shouldn't do that.

    Nono: But...!

    Sol: Do you think it'd be best for Janaff to be here like that? Would keeping him with you by force really be for Janaff's sake?

    Nono: ...No. ...You're right... Nono knows she shouldn't do that... It wouldn't do any good to trap him with us... Janaff... isn't a slave... I'm sorry, Janaff. Even though Nono's your mommy, she was being so selfish... *Sniff*... I'm sorry... Go on now...

    Sol: Look, Nono. Janaff's going back to his flock... He looks so happy. I'm sure he's thanking you. Come on, we have to wave him goodbye.

    Nono: Yup... Bye bye, Janaff... Be sure to get along with everyone...

    Sol: ...They flew off.

    Nono: ......... Bye bye... Bye bye, Janaff...

    Sol: You did your best, Nono.

    Nono: Bye bye... *Sniffle* Janaff... Uwaaaa~hhh *Bawling*...!

    Sol: You were a great mama, Nono. You were terrific...

    [spoiler=Nono x Sol S]Sol: Nono.

    Nono: Sol? *Giggle*...

    Sol: What's up? You look really happy.

    Nono: I dreamt I was flying with Janaff this morning. Janaff came to Nono in her dreams to let her know that he's alright!

    Sol: Yes... That's right. I'm sure Janaff is doing great.

    Nono: So did you want Nono for something, Sol?

    Sol: About that... Well, I've had a lot of thinking to do too. I was thinking about giving this ring to you, Nono.

    Nono: A ring? Sol, do you want to marry Nono?

    Sol: So you already know what the ring means, huh. That saves me the trouble of explaining it. Nono... I feel that I can become more honest if I'm with you. I can get back my heart which was imprisoned by common sense and the rules of society. I... want to give you a gift. The gift of

    a family.

    Nono: Is that so... If Sol and Nono get married, they'll become family, huh...

    Sol: That's right.

    Nono: Alright! And if Nono becomes a mama again, our family will get bigger!

    Sol: Haha... Well, that's true.

    Nono: *Giggle*... Nono is so happy. Is it really alright for me to take the ring?

    Sol: Of course. I had it made for you after all.

    Nono: Thank you! I love you, Sol!

    ...followed by Tiamo, tragically unnoticed by Krom, and Callum who slips everybody's notice.

    [spoiler=Tiamo x Callum]

    [spoiler=Tiamo x Callum C]Tiamo: ...Alright. Doesn't look like anyone's found me.

    Callum: ...Tiamo... What are you doing?

    Tiamo: Ee~eh!? Callum, you were here? Hmph... Guess espionage is pretty difficult.

    Callum: Sorry... You were training, huh...

    Tiamo: It's fine. I was discovered because of my own lack of experience.

    Callum: Is there somewhere you're supposed to sneak into... Tiamo...?

    Tiamo: No, but you never know what kind of skills you're going to need in the future. That's why I want to increase my skills even if it's only a little bit.

    Callum: ...You're incredible, Tiamo... You're always trying to develop yourself...

    Tiamo: You're just as incredible, Callum. You'll never lose to anyone in espionage skills.

    Callum: ...I ...It's not like I'm trying to do this...

    Tiamo: That's also a talent. I'm quite jealous. If it's alright with you, could you teach me some of the tricks behind erasing your presence?

    Callum: ...Even if you say it like that... there aren't any... tricks behind it... Well... Please do your best... in training...

    Tiamo: Callum? I wanted to talk to you a bit mo... He's already gone... As expected of him. My skills are nothing compared to his. I have to reach his level somehow...

    [spoiler=Tiamo x Callum B]Tiamo: ...Hmm. Looks like it was a success.

    Callum: ...So... you're still working on your spying skills?

    Tiamo: Callum! I just managed to hide my presence and go around the campsite. I think I finally figured out the trick behind it.

    Callum: ...That sounds... really difficult.

    Tiamo: Where were you, Callum? When I made a lap around the campsite, I didn't see you around...

    Callum: Me...? I... I was patrolling the camp grounds.

    Tiamo: Huuu~uh! You were!? ...I didn't notice you at all.

    Callum: But... you walked right by me, Tiamo...

    Tiamo: Then, I was discovered again? Hmph... I still have a long ways to go.

    Callum: That's because you normally stand out, Tiamo... I think you're doing pretty well...

    Tiamo: I really stand out that much?

    Callum: ... W, Well... You have a strong presence... You're beautiful and your hair is pretty and always fluttering in the wind...

    Tiamo: ... I guess I should cut it then.

    Callum: Huh... P, please don't... It'd be a waste to cut such lovely hair...

    Tiamo: Hehehe, that was just a joke. ...I'm so happy to hear you praise me like that.

    Callum: ...Y... yeah.

    [spoiler=Tiamo x Callum A]Callum: ... Hmmm... I haven't seen Tiamo... all day long... yeah. I wonder... is she working on her espionage skills agai...?

    Tiamo: Bingo.

    Callum: Waah... When did you...?

    Tiamo: I've finally managed to sneak up on you, Callum. Heh... Things really have a way of changing. Now I'm the one who can find your presence and you're the one who's training.

    Callum: Speaking of which... you noticed me... That's amazing, Tiamo.

    Tiamo: I still can't hide my presence as much as you, Callum.

    Callum: But, you... you're hiding it well enough to use in real combat...

    Tiamo: No, not just yet... I'm jealous of you, Callum. No matter how much I train, I don't think I can ever reach your level.

    Callum: ...Why.... why are you that concerned about it? Even though you can do all other sorts of stuff...

    Tiamo: All other sort of stuff... huh. But, all those skills, they were never my decision. I want to be able to decide something by myself. I want to acquire something that I am unequaled in, something I can truly be proud of.

    Callum: ... You... do have something that you'd never lose to anyone at... that's what I think... You... you're a much harder worker than everybody else... Every day, you acquire so much... Isn't that... something that you won't lose to anyone at...?

    Tiamo: ...I suppose it is...

    Callum: ...That's right... Someone like me can never imitate that... ...That's why... you're fine just the way you are... at least that's what I think...

    Tiamo: Hehehe... Thank you... I feel a little bit more confident about myself now.

    [spoiler=Tiamo x Callum S]Callum: Oof...! Haaaa....!

    Tiamo: You seem to be in high spirits, Callum.

    Callum: Yeah... The technique you taught me... I ...wanted to master it as soon as possible.

    Tiamo: Hehe. To think that I'd use my training to find your presence like that. I'm probably the only one who knows that you train in secret like that.

    Callum: ...Yeah. The only who can find me easily... is you.

    Tiamo: I suppose so. Hehe, that makes me kinda happy.

    Callum: By the way... There's another thing... that is exclusive to you alone... Here...

    Tiamo: ...My, that's a beautiful ring. Is it handmade?

    Callum: Yup... It's not very expensive but... it's the only one of its kind...

    Tiamo: Hmm... That's amazing. I didn't expect that. To think that you can make rings...

    Callum: I worked very hard... to make it... I wanted to give it to you...

    Tiamo: Hmm? To me?

    Callum: Yeah... I... like you. More than...anybody else... That's why... ... Won't you.... accept it?

    Tiamo: Hmmm. I wonder what I should do~

    Callum: Huh...!?

    Tiamo: I'm joking. Thank you. I'm so happy. I'll treasure it.

    Callum: Thank goodness... To be honest... I thought that you might... reject it...

    Tiamo: Why would I?

    Callum: Because... someone like me... who doesn't have any presence... or... any other... good points...

    Tiamo: That's not true at all. I certainly don't think so. The current me can find you easily. And I can also find your good points too...

    Callum: Tiamo... Thank you...

  13. Well then, here's my stab at the Frede-niku pun. Without further ado, Rufure x Frederick! With more to hopefully come soon!

    [spoiler=Rufure x Frederick C]Frederick: You still haven't mastered the basics yet. Again!!

    Rufure: Yes, sir!! Here I come...!

    [Theatrical Blackout]

    Frederick: Hmm. This is enough for now. You're coming along nicely. You learn things remarkably fast.

    Rufure: *Pant* *Pant* *Pant* ... Th, Thank you... very much... Because of you... I was able to... improve my fighting... B, but, I'm so exhausted... its feels like I'm about to die...

    Frederick: That's quite the exaggeration. If this level of training is enough to kill you then you shouldn't be fighting.

    Rufure: That's true... It's still exhausting. Speaking of which... why aren't you at all tired!? Why are you standing there with that relaxed face without panting in the slightest!?

    Frederick: This is only natural for someone who serves Lord Krom. If my breathing was to be disturbed by something as insignificant as this, I would be unable to protect my master.

    Rufure: Wow. You must have trained everyday to build up your strength like that.

    Frederick: Indeed. Every morning, I'd start the fire before the crack of dawn, then I pick up any stones on the path that look like they could hurt everyone's feet...

    Rufure: ...None of that... has anything to do with building up strength... does it...

    Frederick: Did you say something?

    Rufure: ...No, not at all! I see. Then as thanks for training me, please let me help with starting the fire. Things would go a lot faster with my magic, right? I can just shoot my lightning at the wood, it'd ignite in a flash and...

    Frederick: It will also probably turn into a wildfire just as quickly.

    Rufure: ... Heh, hahaha... Then, I'll grant you one favor, anything you want! Think it over until the next time we meet, ok?

    Frederick: I understand. I'm not used to asking people for favors but... if you insist this much, then I'll take you up on your offer.

    [spoiler=Rufure x Frederick B]Frederick: Miss Rufure. About the favor you were gonna do for me...

    Rufure: You've finally decided! What is it, what is it? I'll listen to whatever favor you might have.

    Frederick: I recall that you served up some bear a while ago. I was hoping you would instruct me as to how you can eat a bear.

    Rufure: Ah... I did do that, didn't I. I remember Liz was shouting about how the bear reeked... You weren't able to eat it either, Frederick?

    Frederick: That is so. As a matter of fact... I'm afraid I'm no good with eating the meat of wild animals especially bears! However, now that the war has become this unrelenting, that is no longer acceptable. Should the day come when bear meat is the only food we have, I must be able to eat it with no problem. That's why I wanted to overcome this issue right away...

    Rufure: I see your point. It won't do to have you collapsing from hunger before a battle. I understand. Let's work together to solve your problem with bear meat.

    Frederick: Thank you very much. I will strive to reach your level, Miss Rufure, where you would eat everything from bears to deer without the slightest hesitation!

    Rufure: .......

    Frederick: Miss Rufure?

    Rufure: ... Heh heh. Hey, Frederick? You can eat regular meat right?

    Frederick: Y, yes. I have no problems with veal or pork.

    Rufure: Then let's warm up with them. Try eating this piece of dried meat.

    Frederick: Yes... ...!! Uggh! I, it stinks! *Nom* *nom* ... What is with this piece of meat!?

    Rufure: That's the bear from earlier.

    Frederick: *Girlish scream* Eeeeek!! Medic! Mediii~iic!!

    [Frederick faints]

    Rufure: ...Hmph. That's what you get for being rude. But... I guess he really can't eat bear meat, huh.

    [spoiler=Rufure x Frederick A]Rufure: Frede-rib! Hey, Frede-rib! Try eating this bit of dried meat.

    Frederick: Please don't parody other people's names! Besides, I'm not going to fall for that again.

    Rufure: I thought you wanted to get over this problem, didn't you? I'm not a monster, you know. After that incident, I've been giving you all kinds of dried meat, haven't I?

    Frederick: That's true but... My apologies and thank you.

    Rufure: Come on now, eat up. We'll start with chicken, then pork, and after that will be beef.

    Frederick: Ugh... Well, if that's all then I should be alright.

    Rufure: Next up will be sheep. It's a bit weird though...

    Frederick: Ugh... I'll manage somehow...

    Rufure: There you go. Now for the deer.

    Frederick: Uggh...

    Rufure: Pretend that it's the bear from before.

    Frederick: Gaaaah!! Uggh...! I'm dying...! Medic... Where's the medii~iic!!?

    Rufure: Oh for the love of... You're making such a big deal out of this, Frederick. Well, If this level of training is enough to kill you then you shouldn't be fighting. ...Hmm, I seem to remember hearing that line somewhere before.

    Frederick: That's the line I told you earlier... Indeed... If such a minor thing is enough to make me yield then I have no way of protecting everyone in battle... Very well...! Miss Rufure, please continue!

    Rufure: Your own words were enough to motivate you!? Oh well... It's good that you're still determined to do this. I won't hold back, Frederick!

    [spoiler=Rufure x Frederick S]Rufure: Alright! Crocodile meat conquered! You did well to get this far!

    Frederick: *Pant*...*Pant*... It's all thanks to you...

    Rufure: Next up, at long last, is...

    Frederick: Wild bear meat...

    Rufure: ...Go ahead.

    Frederick: ...Ugh. *Nom nom*...*Nom nom*...*Gulp*.

    Rufure: ...You did it! You've managed to gulp it down, didn't you!? Alright, Frederick! You've finally overcome bear meat!

    Frederick: ...Thank you... very much...

    Rufure: Your face looks a bit blue there. Are you alright?

    Frederick: ...Yes. With this, it looks like I'll be able to avoid fighting while starved. It's all because of you, Miss Rufure. Thank you very much.

    Rufure: Heh heh... Thank goodness. It wouldn't do if you weren't able to protect Lord Krom and the others, after all...

    Frederick: ... Actually, Miss Rufure, I have made a vow regarding today's bear meat. Once I'm able to eat it without vomiting, I swore to give this to you...

    Rufure: ...Huh? This is... a ring? What's this about...?

    Frederick: Please... marry me.

    Rufure: Eeee~eh!?

    Frederick: Now that I've gotten over my problem... I no longer have an excuse to be together with you. The one I want to protect the most is you and I would be quite lonely if I were separated from you like that... Won't you... please remain by my side like this forever?

    Rufure: ... ...... Oh Frederick, I did say I would only grant you one favor. Besides, using bear meat to propose isn't romantic at all...

    Frederick: So... that's a no?

    Rufure: ...Of course it isn't. I'm beyond happy. From now on, please be my Knight and no one else's. I love you, Frederick.

    Frederick: Ah... these words are too precious for me... I love you too. ...From now on please let me protect you, not as a knight, but as a man.

  14. Here we go. Olivia x Ronku!

    [spoiler=Olivia x Ronku C]Ronku: Gu...aaaah!! ......... Tsch. ... I failed, huh...

    Olivia: ...That's too bad...

    Ronku: Olivia... You saw that?

    Olivia: I, I'm sorry... I saw Lord Basilio using that same technique before so... I got a bit nostalgic.

    Ronku: ...That's right. This is Basilio's technique. I wanted to see if I could do it too but... What a mess. When Basilio would slice a water jug, it would be cut... but no water would spill out.

    Olivia: ... H, He did, didn't he? To be able to preserve the shape of the jug... and until someone touches it, it would remain intact like that.

    Ronku: ...What am I missing? Is it strength... accuracy... or perhaps speed...

    Olivia: ... It's not strength, I think. Actually, Lord Basilio... he seemed to try to not put any strength into the blow...

    Ronku: ... You certainly seem to have observed it well.

    Olivia: Ah, Um... yes.

    Ronku: ...I'll give it another try. If you notice anything else... please let me know. However, I would prefer that you not come too close to me.

    Olivia: I, I understand...

    [spoiler=Olivia x Ronku B]Ronku: Fuuu...haaaaa! ... Ugh... Another failure...! I still can't make the jug keep its shape after being cut...

    Olivia: ... U, Um, Mr. Ronku. It's almost time to eat...

    Ronku: ! ... Don't come any closer...

    Olivia: I, I, I'm sorry...! You're... not very good with women, huh.

    Ronku: I'll pass on the meal. I don't feel like eating.

    Olivia: That won't do... S, skipping meals... isn't good for you. Besides... Mr. Ronku will definitely be alright, I think. After all... Lord Basilio recognizes your talent too...

    Ronku: How do you know about that...? Did Basilio... tell you this?

    Olivia: Y, yes. Just a little while ago, Lord Basilio said... that your gift with swords is just as strong as his. And it's not just me, he seemed to have told several people that... Mr. Ronku, it seems that Lord Basilio expects a lot from you.

    Ronku: Basilio... he said that...

    Olivia: You look really happy, huh...?

    Ronku: T, That's not it at all. ...On second thought, I do feel a bit hungry now.

    [Ronku dashes towards the dining hall]

    Olivia: Hehe... he's embarrassed... He was definitely embarrassed. Even though he looks so scary, Mr. Ronku does have his cute moments...

    [spoiler=Olivia x Ronku A]Ronku: ... Even this... it's still no good!

    Olivia: U, Um... You were very close...

    Ronku: Close...? How was that anywhere near being close...? Did I even once manage to keep the jug's shape intact!?

    Olivia: ...That is...

    Ronku: Damn it... Will I never be able to surpass Basilio, no matter what I do...?

    Olivia: Umm... But, Lord Basilio has said that...

    Ronku: ...That my talent with a sword is equal to his, right? If we look at from a different angle, aside from my skill with the sword, I'm nowhere close to him in any other area...!

    Olivia: That's not true at all! Y, you'll definitely reach his level! After all, you've been working so hard at it!

    Ronku: With this swordsmanship, with this farce! I understand... This technique isn't missing speed or power... What it lacks is a strong, unwavering heart... A single unflinching strike is critical here...!

    Olivia: Mr. Ronku...

    Ronku: I can't do it... There's no way I can do it. Not with a weak heart like mine... a heart that trembles at a woman's approach...!

    Olivia: Mr. Ronku!

    Ronku: H... Hey! You! Don't grab my hand like that! Let go!!

    Olivia: Please take a deep breath, Mr. Ronku. Calm down. Mr. Ronku can definitely do it. I, I believe in you!

    Ronku: Olivia...

    Olivia: You'll be fine. Because you work harder than anybody else, Mr. Ronku...!

    Ronku: ...I get it! I get it...! So please let my hand go already...!!

    Olivia: ...Ah! Oh... I'm so embarrassed~ ...!! Um, I... I'm sorry...! You're dripping with sweat... a, are you alright...?

    Ronku: I feel terrible... But, your voice has reached my heart... I'll accept this challenge... as long as you still believe in me.

    Olivia: Y... yes! I have faith in you!! Someday, Mr. Ronku will definitely surpass Lord Basilio!!

    Ronku: Th... Thank you.

    [spoiler=Olivia x Ronku S]Olivia: ...........

    Ronku: Haaaaa!!!

    Olivia: !? Huh... Did it miss...?

    Ronku: ...Come closer, take a good look at the jug.

    Olivia: Ah...! It's been cut! You cut it, Mr. Ronku!

    Ronku: ...So that's what it was. I finally made it...

    Olivia: ...A, amazing! That moved me!

    Ronku: ...!!

    Olivia: Ah... Sorry...! In all the excitement, I somehow ended up grabbing your hand... Even though Mr. Ronku isn't comfortable with women... I'm very sorry...!

    Ronku: Nah... If it's you, I'm fine. I'd actually rather that you stayed like that.

    Olivia: Eeh!? T, That's... I'm so embarrassed!!

    Ronku: You're the one who grabbed my hand in the first place, you know.

    Olivia: Th, that may be but...

    Ronku: The fact that I managed to learn this technique... is all thanks to you. I received a lot from you... In return, I want you to take this. I had it made for you.

    Olivia: What a beautiful ring... Um... Could this be...!

    Ronku: ...That's right. ...Won't you please marry me?

    Olivia: B, but Mr. Ronku, aren't you uncomfortable with women...

    Ronku: ...I am indeed uncomfortable around women but it's different with you. Even when you're close to me, I don't feel annoyed or embarrassed at all.

    Olivia: Eh... Then, it's not that you hated women, Mr. Ronku... You'd just get shy around them and run away... is that it...?

    Ronku: ...That's not all of it, no... but there might be a little bit of truth in that...

    Olivia: Eh... R, really? Fufufu. Hahahaha...!

    Ronku: ...Why are you laughing?

    Olivia: It's... It's just... It's just that I realized that you're the same as me, Mr. Ronku...! I am really shy so I understand your feelings... I understand them all too well. Being two bashful people, I'm sure we'll get along just fine, huh...

    Ronku: !? Then you... You're accepting my proposal then?

    olivia: Yes...! Of course I accept. I too... love you, after all...

    Ronku: ...I see, thank heavens. From now on, I dedicate my sword to you. Please don't leave my side.

    Olivia: Mr. Ronku... I'll always be by your side... Always!

  15. Aaaand Enaeius beats me to the punch again. Hmm, what now? I pretty much rely on online translators for kanji, so I don't think I'd be able to do MU/Nono...Fred/FeMU, maybe?

    Oh, I didn't realize you had been working on it too. Sorry about that. As for the script problem, I (and a couple of others) have already linked to this site before but here is a site with the script for most of the supports.

    Now then, it's time for one of the earlier requests: Noire x Jerome! Will she go psychotic again or will she manage to keep her cool this time? Also, expect Olivia x Ronku and Nono x Sol to make their appearance soon.

    [spoiler=Noire x Jerome C]Noire: Phew... I'm beat...

    Jerome: .......

    Noire: Huh...? Umm...

    Jerome: .......

    Noire: Umm, Jerome...?

    Jerome: ...What is it?

    Noire: Jerome, is something wrong? Do you... want something from me? You've been staring at me for a while now...?

    Jerome: No... There's nothing in particular.

    Noire: I, is that so...?

    Jerome: Am I intruding?

    Noire: Ah, no... I've already finished my work so it's alright but...

    Jerome: Since I seem to have bothered you, I shall excuse myself...

    Noire: Ah, no, I didn't mean it like that. ...He's already gone. I wonder what that was all about...? N, no way... Could someone have asked him to keep an eye on me...!? E, eeeeeek...!!!

    [spoiler=Noire x Jerome B]Noire: Ah, Jerome...

    Jerome: ........

    Noire: Ah, um... Do you really, have no business with me...? Lately, you've constantly been near me but...?

    Jerome: ...There's nothing worth mentioning.

    Noire: R, really...? I... if there's something on your mind, you can just tell me about it, okay?

    Jerome: ........

    Noire: Jerome...

    Jerome: ........

    Noire: ...... *Mumbles*

    Jerome: What...?

    Noire: Are you really trying to be this suspicious, you bastard!? You've been keeping watch over me lately!! Did someone ask you to do it!? If that's the case, then tell me his now now!! Otherwise, scram!! Suspicious people like you should remove themselves from my sight!!

    Jerome: Eee~eh!?

    Noire: Muahahahahaha! Scared you, did I!? If you have some sort of explanation for this, now's the time to say it!!

    Jerome: ...M, it, it was my bad!! I, I was just worried about you, Noire...!

    Noire: Huh... you were worried?

    Jerome: I thought you were pushing yourself too much these days. I was concerned so I decided to see for myself.

    Noire: I... Is that what it was?

    Jerome: Yeah, you've always been delicate and had a fragile body, right? If you push yourself too much and collapse, you will slow down the army's march... If I have offended you then I apologize. I'm sorry.

    Noire: I, is that so...

    Jerome: ...I'll be going now. Please excuse me.

    Noire: ....... Aahhhhh.... Oh man... I did it again...!

    [spoiler=Noire x Jerome A]Noire: Ummmph... uh. This package... it's pretty heavy...

    Jerome: ........!

    Noire: W, wo, woah... Ah! Kyaaaa!!!!!! ... huh? I, I didn't fall?

    Jerome: Are you alright, Noire?

    Noire: Ah, Jerome! You caught me? Thanks, I was feeling a little dizzy there.

    Jerome: Be careful!

    Noire: ...Eek! I, I'm sorry.

    Jerome: ...Moreover, didn't you realize that this was impossible from the start? Your feet were already wobbling before you even tried to lift that thing!

    Noire: I, I'm really sorry... I made you worry about me again... I didn't intend to push myself so much... but I suppose that's exactly what I did, huh?

    Jerome: That's because you try too hard when there's no one around. Normally, you stay in the background.

    Noire: That's right... From now on... I'll be more careful...

    Jerome: Yeah. Don't think that you have to do everything by yourself. If you get hurt, it'll be everyone's problem. If something's too hard for you, I'll help out. So just come to me from now on.

    Noire: I... I understand. I'll do that from now on.

    Jerome: ...I'm sorry for raising my voice back there.

    Noire: Me too... I'm sorry for treating you like you were suspicious. I'm sorry I didn't apologize properly earlier...

    Jerome: A, Ah... You just took me by surprise a bit, that's all. I'm fine.

    Noire: Thank goodness... Alright then, I'll go back to carrying the packages so could you please keep an eye on me so I don't try to do too much? ...No, can you give me a hand?

    Jerome: Sure, no problem at all.

    Noire: Th... Thank you, Jerome!

    [spoiler=Noire x Jerome S]Noire: Ah... Jerome. So you've come by again today.

    Jerome: Yeah... I just thought there might be something I could help you with...

    Noire: You're being really nice to me, Jerome... C... Could it be... Are you planning something!?

    Jerome: What the...?

    Noire: No... Jerome's not the type to do something like that... So if that's not it then... Are you... in love with me...?

    Jerome: N, There's no way that's it!

    Noire: Eeek! I, I'm sorry! Th, that's right... That's right... That can't be it! Then I'll ask someone else to help me out from now on. I've bothered you too much, Jerome...!

    Jerome: Ah, no, that's to say...

    Noire: That's to say...?

    Jerome: Um, no, I mean...

    Noire: ........... This is irritating...

    Jerome: N, Noire?

    Noire: Muahahahaha! You really are an indecisive bastard!!

    Jerome: W, what the heck!?

    Noire: Do you even understand what feelings made me say those words to you, you idiot!? I was trying to tell you indirectly that I liked you!! Don't embarrass a girl like that!!

    Jerome: Y... you like me!?

    Noire: That's right! If you're a guy, then say it clearly!! How do you feel about me!?

    Jerome: .......... I... I, I... No, I too... I like you too!!

    Noire: Eh... Really? Oh my... I, I... I'm so embarrassed...

    Jerome: H, hey! D, don't go back to normal all of a sudden like that!

    Noire: B, but...!

    Jerome: Jeez, you... Are you mocking me?

    Noire: I, I'm doing no such thing... B, but I'm really happy. Thank you. Now that you've finally said it outright... I'm happy. From now on, please keep on help me... okay?

    Jerome: Of course. If I leave you alone, you'll probably collapse again. I won't watch you from afar anymore. From now on, I'll be right by side to support you.

    Noire: Thank you, Jerome...

  16. Now then, prepare yourselves for a lot of Fred, everyone. This time, we have two Fred supports. First is Velvet x Frederick in what is a much more different conversation than I had expected.

    [spoiler=Velvet x Frederick]

    [spoiler=Velvet x Frederick C]Frederick: W, what is that huge beast!? M, Miss Velvet!? Why did you come rushing at me in your transformed state!? A...Ahhhh...!

    Velvet: Phew... I've finally caught up with you. I wanted to ask you something, if it's alright with you?

    Frederick: W, why did you have to transform... and dash towards me like that...? Did the... enemy attack us?

    Velvet: Oh, I'm sorry. Running as a human is pretty tough. Could it be that you were frightened?

    Frederick: N... No way... None whatsoever...

    Velvet: ... You're lying. Your heartbeats have sped up quite a bit from before. You're obviously nervous. If you're not good at dealing with Taguels, you should have just said so earlier... there's no need to force yourself like this. After all... I'm used to this reaction.

    Frederick: That is most certainly not the case here! I've never had any problem with the Taguels! If you want proof, haven't all of our previous interactions been fine!?

    Velvet: That's true indeed... Then, what is the problem all of a sudden?

    Frederick: It's a rather embarrassing tale but... I was attacked by a wild dog during my childhood... My wounds were life-threatening... So much so that I was on the brink of death for several days. When you came running at me in your Taguel form... you looked almost exactly like the dog from my childhood... Ugh...!

    Velvet: I, I'm sorry, that I made you recall such an unpleasant memory. Then, would you like me to stop fighting near you for a while?

    Frederick: ...No, that would not be necessary.

    Velvet: My, I would expect nothing less from Krom's knight. Standing before the enemy, all your fears are shoved to the side, huh...

    Frederick: However, I would request that you please don't come into my line of sight too often while transformed.

    Velvet: ...Ah, out of sight, out of mind, huh.

    [spoiler=Velvet x Frederick B]Velvet: I've shifted, Frederick. I'm pretty far away right now, is this distance alright with you?

    Frederick: I... it's fine.

    Velvet: Alright, how about this then?

    Frederick: S, so far, so good.

    Velvet: How about over here?

    Frederick: Ugh...

    Velvet: Heh... No good, huh. Looks like the earlier distance is your limit.

    Frederick: S, so it would seem... Very well, it's a little late now but if you would tell me what you had wanted to ask me about the other day.

    Velvet: What I wanted to ask...? Hmm... I wonder what it was. It's been a while so I'm afraid I've forgotten what it was.

    Frederick: My apologies...

    Velvet: No sweat. If I've forgotten it then it probably wasn't anything important. More to the point, Frederick, what are you going to do now? Do you intend to keep living like this with a phobia of beasts?

    Frederick: Of course I would like to overcome this if at all possible but...

    Velvet: If you truly wish to conquer this fear, then I will help you out.

    Frederick: Really?

    Velvet: Yeah. Your friends have helped me out quite a bit... "In times of trouble, we help each other out" or something like that, right?

    Frederick: Haha... You truly are quite a woman, Miss Velvet. I'm afraid I'll be troubling for a little while but... I'm counting on you.

    Velvet: I understand.

    [spoiler=Velvet x Frederick A]Velvet: ...I've transformed again. How many times does that make it? Anyways, isn't this distance actually farther than it was at first?

    Frederick: Ugh...

    Velvet: Jeez, the distance is just as long as before. I'm starting to get bored... Hmph...

    Frederick: I'm sorry... But, no matter what... anything closer than that is impossible.

    Velvet: ....... ...Hmm, not even I can handle that remark without feeling hurt.

    Frederick: My sincerest apologies...

    Velvet: I guess I'll have to resort to some drastic measures here.

    Frederick: W, what are you talking about?

    Velvet: I'm talking about this!

    Frederick: U...gh... Jumping at me all of a sudden like that...

    Velvet: Hehehe. I'm not one for beating around the bush. So how is it? You look a little less frightened now.

    Frederick: ...Indeed, I don't feel any more fear. No... On the contrary, this pelt... it feels quite soothing...!

    Velvet: I see. Thank heavens you were able to persevere.

    Frederick: Yes, thank you very much! Ah... A rabbit's pelt feels very good to the touch...!

    Velvet: Ow... Owowowow...! Hey! It's good that you've gotten over your fears and all, but don't pull on my ears!

    Frederick: I... I'm sorry...!

    [spoiler=Velvet x Frederick S]Frederick: ... Miss Velvet.

    Velvet: What is it?

    Frederick: I've already gotten used to approaching you in your transformed state. You helped me even though it took this much time... Truly... Thank you very much.

    Velvet: Why are you thanking me for this again? What, you want me to go back to the rabbit pen now that our business has been concluded?

    Frederick: What the... Most certainly not! Please don't ever say anything of the sort again, not even as a joke! You... have saved me. Today... I thought I would give this to you...

    Velvet: My! That's a ring! Fufu, I suppose that you'll now ask me to never leave your side again?

    Frederick: Just so. I want us to spend the rest of our lives together. Please become my soul-mate.

    Velvet: Soul-mate? Wow! And to think that you were so scared of me not so long ago! It seems that I'm really getting ahead in life. I'm overjoyed. I too... would be very lonely if I couldn't spend the rest of my life with you. Your proposal... I will gladly accept it.

    Frederick: Thank you so much. I love you, Miss Velvet.

    Velvet: Me too, Frederick...

    Next up is Nono x Frederick!

    [spoiler=Nono x Frederick]

    [spoiler=Nono x Frederick C]Frederick: Miss Nono.

    Nono: Eeeek!

    Frederick: Eeh!? P, please wait!

    Nono: ...What?

    Frederick: Umm... Why did you run away from me? Did I... perhaps wrong you in some way?

    Nono: Nono saw a scary dream today. A dream where someone took away my fruits.

    Frederick: Huh... And this dream, what, pray tell, does it have to do with you running away from me?

    Nono: The one who took away my fruits was you, Frederick. Nono doesn't want her fruits to be taken.

    Frederick: I, is that so... Even though it was just in a dream, I seem to have troubled you. Well, if I give you some fruits the next time the rations are handed out, would you at least be willing to hear me out?

    Nono: Eh, really!? Then, I'll listen! What is it, what is it?

    Frederick: Would you please be my companion for a bit?

    Nono: Eh... You want me to go out with you... Actually, Nono prefers gentler guys.

    Frederick: Th, that's not the kind of companion I was talking about! I want you to show me the power of a dragon!

    Nono: A dragon's ...? Why?

    Frederick: It's a rare chance indeed to duel a dragon. Experiencing your power would be useful for future reference.

    Nono: Okay but... Nono is really scary as a dragon, you know?

    Frederick: That is precisely what I'm hoping for. Please accept.

    Nono: Hmm....

    Frederick: ... I'll give you the fruits from the time after that too.

    Nono: Gladly!

    [spoiler=Nono x Frederick B]Nono: Frederick, are you okay?

    Frederick: Of... Of course. A burn like this, it's nothing worth mentioning... If I just leave it alone, it'll heal by itself.

    Nono: Really...? But, the hair that's been burnt won't come back even if you leave it alone, right?

    Frederick: Ugh...!

    Nono: Nono doesn't want to end up burning all of Frederick's hair, okay?

    Frederick: ...T, then we will leave it at that for today! But thanks to this, I learned quite a bit. Now then, while this pain is still fresh on my mind, I shall go train by myself.

    Nono: .........

    Frederick: What's wrong, Miss Nono? Were you injured anywhere?

    Nono: Frederick is stupid. He's the only one who's hurt all over. Even though there's no one to see it, no one to tell him that he's a good boy.

    Frederick: ...I suppose so. But, this is for the sake of protecting everyone ...

    Nono: You're going to work hard all alone for that?

    Frederick: Eh...? Umm, what are you talking about?

    Nono: Frederick, you said earlier that you were going to train by yourself. Being alone is lonely. Nono knows this because she's been all by herself until she came here. Nono doesn't want Frederick to work hard by himself.

    Frederick: Miss Nono... You are very kind. But just the fact that someone thinks so kindly of me is enough to not make me feel lonely at all.

    Nono: Really?

    Frederick: Certainly. As it may be, it would be really helpful if you could accompany me again!

    Nono: Sure, I got it!

    [spoiler=Nono x Frederick A]Frederick: Miss Nono, I was hoping you would spar with me again...

    Nono: Eh? But we did it yesterday and the day before that, right?

    Frederick: Just a little bit more and I should be able to grasp the trick behind dodging breath attacks. Please reconsider!

    Nono: Okay! I understand. But, why does Frederick try so hard at fighting?

    Frederick: Let's see... I believe I've already spoken of this before but, if I get stronger, then I will definitely be able to protect Lord Krom and everyone else. Furthermore, as my fighting technique grows and develops, that same desire should be conveyed to the others. That way we'll be able to reduce casualties as much as possible and achieve the army's goal.

    Nono: If you do that, will someone tell you what a good boy you are?

    Frederick: I am not doing this just for praise. If everyone is alive and well, then that is enough for me.

    Nono: Uuh... That's really hard. Nono wants to be praised a lot. Does Frederick not like getting praised?

    Frederick: That's not the case. I too would like to be praised. However, I do not make it my goal.

    Nono: I see. Frederick's really admirable. If nobody praises you, Nono will do it. There, there, Frederick. You're a good boy, trying so hard for everyone's sake.

    Frederick: Hahaha, thank you. You just reminded me of my mother somewhat.

    Nono: Ahem. Even though Nono looks like this, she's a grown woman, you know.

    Frederick: Indeed. Miss Nono is a wonderful woman.

    Nono: Ehehehe, Nono got praised too. I'm really glad I got praised!

    Frederick: Indeed.

    Nono: Then I'll try even harder at our next duel so I can get praised even more!

    Frederick: I'm counting on you.

    [spoiler=Nono x Frederick S]Nono: Frederick! Let's practice! Here, Nono will turn into a dragon for you!

    Frederick: Miss Nono? It's quite rare for you to be the one asking for a duel. Did something happen?

    Nono: Nono has decided. Nono's decided to spar with Frederick. Then, if Frederick tries hard, Nono will tell him that he's a good boy. Even if nobody else praises Frederick, Nono will praise him. When Frederick takes a break, Nono will take a break with him too. This way, neither Nono nor Frederick will ever be alone again. If we can help out big brother Krom then we'll get praised a lot too.

    Frederick: But... that way, we will be together all day, every day.

    Nono: Is that bad? Does Frederick not like Nono? You know, Nono really likes Frederick.

    Frederick: Fufu. Thank you very much. I too like Nono.

    Nono: ... Uh uh. That's not the kind of like I mean. Nono likes Frederick as a man.

    Frederick: M... Miss Nono!?

    Nono: I like how you try so hard by yourself to do something as impossible as protecting everyone. Frederick is always thinking about protecting everyone but... Nono wants to protect Frederick. Hey, you said that you thought Nono was a wonderful woman, right, Frederick? If you still think of Nono like that, I'd like you to answer me properly... Frederick, how do you feel about Nono?

    Frederick: ......... If you're going this far, then I too can't lie right now. The truth is, I thought I'd be saying this a little later but... ... I too love Nono. You are always there for me and... before I even noticed it, you become more important to me than anybody else.

    Nono: ...Really? Yay!!! Then, you will marry Nono...?

    Frederick: But of course. However, I don't have a ring at hand. I'll order one right away so if you could just wait a little bit for me?

    Nono: Yeah, that's fine! Until then, let's keep practicing! Nono will transform now!

    Frederick: Thank you very much, Miss Nono. As long as you're here, there's no longer any need for me to work hard by myself...

  17. As requested, here's Cynthia x Azure! I'll also probably start on some of the other requests pretty soon.

    [spoiler=Cynthia x Azure C]Azure: *Sigh*

    Cynthia: Whoa. You don't look so good, Azure. What's wrong? Did you perhaps try to talk up another girl and ended up failing and being yelled at?

    Azure: Yeah, that's right~ I'm really depressed right now... It's embarrassing that she got so mad at me... My heart is hurt all over... So can you just leave me alone for a bit?

    Cynthia: Hmph. Like always, you're nowhere near as good at flirting as you want to be, Azure.

    Azure: Eh... what a horrible thing to say. But, next time, I'll definitely do it right.

    Cynthia: Yeah, that's the spirit! Being depressed doesn't suit you at all, Azure!

    Azure: Thanks. If I keep chatting up girls without ever giving up, then someday I'll definitely find someone who can see my good points. That's why I'll never give up until I become popular!

    Cynthia: Yeah, do your best! Hmm? But... Azure's good points, huh. ... Does Azure even have any good points...?

    Azure: ? Cynthia, did you say something?

    Cynthia: No, no. It was nothing! Anyway, it's great that you're feeling better! Yup, yup. Azure feeling better is the most important thing here!!

    [spoiler=Cynthia x Azure B]Azure: Aah... I failed again... Even though I invited a girl to tea, I just ended up getting yelled at and rejected...

    Cynthia: Heave-ho, heave-ho... Phew. It's become really heavy. ... Oh, if it isn't Azure? How are you doing? Is your flirting going well?

    Azure: ...Cynthia. Can't you tell from my face...?

    Cynthia: Oh my... You failed again, huh. Oh well, there's no helping it, I guess. Everyone has days like this. ...Hmmm? Actually, aren't all your days like this?

    Azure: C, can't you stop prying like that? Don't crush my heart any more than it already is!

    Cynthia: Ahahahaha! Sorry about that!

    Azure: M, more importantly, what are you doing, Cynthia? What's with this package that you're carrying with both hands?

    Cynthia: Ah, this? I got some sweets as presents from the girls in a street I just dropped by.

    Azure: Sweets...? Presents...? A, and you got them from girls...?

    Cynthia: Yup. I was just walking by when a lot of them just gathered around me. They all cheered for me and said stuff like "You're just as cool as the rumors say." and "Do your best!".

    Azure: Ugh... Something like that... I, I'm so jealous!

    Cynthia: Hehehe. Well, don't feel too bad about it, okay?

    Azure: N... now that I think about it, you've always been liked by the girls, haven't you, ...Cynthia? They'd always say something like "It's wonderful that you're so hero-like!" as far as I can recall.

    Cynthia: Yu~p, that's right. I wonder why though? I don't really get it myself.

    Azure: That's awesome... Even if you just leave them be, they still like you anyway... Jeez, that's completely different from me...

    Cynthia: Oh my... Looks like you got depressed again. Cheer up, Azure. Come on, I'll share my sweets with you.

    Azure: ...T, thank you. Somehow I just feel even more defeated but, thanks anyway...

    Cynthia: Yeah, yeah, don't say stuff like that. Eat this and feel better again.

    [spoiler=Cynthia x Azure A]Cynthia: Phew... I've got all sorts of sweets again. There's no way one person can eat all this...

    Azure: Ah, Cynthia...

    Cynthia: Hey, if it isn't Azure. Are you on your way to try and flirt with some of the girls right now?

    Azure: ...No, I've already done that. Today was another failure. Anyways, you're carrying another large package as always. Did the girls give you some more sweets?

    Cynthia: Yup. Do you wanna eat some, Azure?

    Azure: No, not today. I just don't feel like it. Nevertheless... Huh... Why is that only you are popular, Cynthia...? I mean, it's not like I don't have looks or a good personality...

    Cynthia: Well... By the way, Azure? Is it really so bad to not be popular?

    Azure: Huh...?

    Cynthia: ... Until now I haven't said that I thought poorly of you, Azure, but... Is there really a need for you to try so hard at flirting? Wouldn't it be fine if you're not liked by a whole lot of girls?

    Azure: T, that's... Umm. My feelings of wanting to be liked by girls... it's not really logical. How should I put it... It's more like an instinct I've had since birth, you know?

    Cynthia: I, I see... But... I don't know about the other girls but I like you quite a bit. We' re childhood friends so We've always got along well even when we were kids. And I've always known that you're a good person. ... Can't you go back to being that person, even just a little bit?

    Azure: C, Cynthia...

    Cynthia: Aren't there a lot of people who accept you as a comrade already by your side? So can you stop getting so depressed just because you failed at chatting up some girls?

    Azure: ...You're right... Yeah, thank you! It's exactly as you say. I'll stop being depressed and keep on being cheerful!

    Cynthia: Ye~ah~! Thank goodness! You've finally gone back to being the cheerful Azure!

    Azure: Yeah, thanks to you, Cynthia. Alright, I'm all cheered up now! I'll go flirt with the girls again immediately!

    Cynthia: That's right! That's the spirit!

    [spoiler=Cynthia x Azure S]Azure: ...Cynthia, can I talk to you for a sec?

    Cynthia: Azure... What's up? You're so quiet all of a sudden.

    Azure: Yeah. I just wanted to ask you something...... The other day, you said that you liked me, didn't you, Cynthia? ... Was that... Um, was that as a childhood friend?

    Cynthia: Eh...?

    Azure: The fact that you liked me... I keep thinking about it over and over... After that... I just don't feel like trying to chat up girls anymore. And with that... I finally realized my true feelings... I realized that I love you, Cynthia. This isn't just some casual emotion. I'm serious... that is how I truly feel.

    Cynthia: ...A, Azure...

    Azure: I know that it's convenient for someone like me who's always flirted with girls to say that to you. But, I just recognized my true feelings. That's why I have no choice but to say it... Cynthia... Won't you please tell me your answer? If it's okay with you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want you to be happy forever.

    Cynthia: .......

    Azure: ...Hahaha, that's a no, huh? Today's another failure, huh. I guess that not even something like that is very persuasive when it's coming from a man with no tact like me.

    Cynthia: ... No, I accept.

    Azure: E, Eeee~h!?

    Cynthia: I've always liked you, Azure. I... I hate seeing you sad and depressed, that's why I kept cheering you up...

    Azure: I, is that so...!?

    Cynthia: Actually, I really hated it, you know? I hated the you that kept flirting with all the other girls! But I hated seeing you depressed even more so, that's why I... I tried my hardest to cheer you up...!

    Azure: C, Cynthia...! ... I'm sorry! I'm sorry for walking all over your feelings like that...! But I'm really happy...! Thank you! Cynthia!!

    Cynthia: Well then, Azure! We'll always be together from now on, just the two of us?

    Azure: Yeah, of course! ...I guess?

    Cynthia: You guess? Why do you look so nervous all of a sudden?

    Azure: Ah... No, it's just that my real intentions...!

    Cynthia: Y, and just what do you mean by your true intentions! Hmmph! Azure!! ... Why do you look like you're about to run away!!?

    Azure: Ah... No, it's just that I felt I was in danger!!

    Cynthia: Azuuuu~ure!! Hey!! Where do you think you're going!

    Azure: S, sorry, Cynthiaa~! But you'll always be my number one~!!!

  18. And here is yet another support. This time it's the dragon and the dragon rider; Nono x Serge!

    [spoiler=Nono x Serge C]Nono: Ahaha, that was fun, Minerva! Let's do it again! Again!

    Serge: Nono. I'm very glad that you're playing with Minerva, but I think it's time to take a break. Grappling with you in your dragon form really wears her out.

    Nono: Eh, really? Sorry, Minerva. Did you get tired?

    Serge: I'm very sorry about this. It looks like you still didn't get your fill of playing but...

    Nono: Nah, Nono's fine. Don't worry about it, okay? Poor Minerva. Nono can wait.

    Serge: ...If you'd like, would you like me to play with you?

    Nono: Eeh? Serge, won't you get hurt? Cause dragon Nono is really strong, you know.

    Serge: Hehehe. It'd be troublesome if you underestimate me. After all, I did win against Minerva before, you know?

    Nono: R, really?

    Serge: Really. If you don't come at me seriously, I might just beat you.

    Nono: Fufu, alright then. Nono will come at you with everything she's got!

    [spoiler=Nono x Serge B]Nono: ... How is that? Want me to press harder?

    Serge: No. This feels just fine. Getting a massage from Nono was worth all the effort.

    Nono: When Serge tried to strike dragon Nono, I flung you away. I'm just trying to convey my sincere apologies for that.

    Serge: My, you know some pretty difficult words. Guess Nono is a studious person, huh. Hehe....

    Nono: You lied to me about beating Minerva just out of consideration for Nono's feelings. I would have been able to just wait so you don't have to go so far just for Nono, okay?

    Serge: But I actually did win against Minerva.

    Nono: You're lying again... Ah, Serge, did you lose some of your hair?

    Serge: My... You saw it. But, this is the proof of my victory. Minerva's breath scorched my hair a little when I was catching her.

    Nono: Eeh! You're still alive after being hit by her breath?

    Serge: Actually... Minerva was weakened quite a bit when I met her. Her breath was also weak; it was just enough to singe my hair... That's why I was able to tame her with my power.

    Nono: I see... After that you became friends with Minerva? Nono thinks it's great that you were able to become friends even after fighting each other!

    Serge: Fufu, thanks.

    [spoiler=Nono x Serge A]Serge: ...Are you alright? You didn't hit your head, did you?

    Nono: I'm okay.... Hehehe. Nono lost.

    Serge: I'm sorry. I didn't think you would try to attack me in this form.

    Nono: But, if I turned into a dragon, Serge would get hurt, right? Nono doesn't want that.

    Serge: I see... So it was for my sake. Thank you, Nono. But, I don't want to hurt you either. That's why I want you to shift next time we fight, okay?

    Nono: No, Nono will be fine like this. Don't worry about it, Serge!

    Serge: ... This is quite the mess. Then, would you like to stop grappling and try to play a different game?

    Nono: Ah, okay... let's play something else!

    Serge: How about drawing? That way nobody would get hurt.

    Nono: ... Well. Let's play some hide and seek instead, okay?

    Serge: My, do you dislike drawing?

    Nono: No. It's just that Minerva can't draw, right? But if it's hide and seek, all of us can play together!

    Serge: Fufu, that's true. Very well, then let's play some hide and seek.

    Nono: Yeah! Nono won't lose!

  19. I put off MirielxSol because it was pretty difficult. I may come back to it but if someone wants to translate it go ahead.

    For your reading pleasure, everyone, here is Miriel x Sol!

    [spoiler=Miriel x Sol C]Sol: ...99 ...100! *Huffs* ...

    Miriel: ... Why were you repeating the same movement several times over?

    Sol: Eh? I was just working on my sword arm, you know?

    Miriel: ... What results are gained by repeatedly swinging your sword?

    Sol: You see... Once your body memorizes a technique, the movement becomes much sharper and stronger.

    Miriel: Rather than teaching your head, you would focus on your body... I see... That's quite interesting. Would you kindly allow me to observe this process...?

    Sol: I would, but... I've already finished practicing... so I'm pretty tired right now.

    Miriel: Is that so... That's a shame...

    Sol: Ah, don't make such a sad face... Alright then... I'll keep going a little longer.

    Miriel: That would be very helpful. Then... I would request about a hundred strikes.

    Sol: A hundred? That's a little... too much.

    Miriel: Is that so... What a shame...

    Sol: ........

    Miriel: A terrible shame indeed...

    Sol: ... Alright already, I'll do it! ...1! ...2! ...3!

    Miriel: Thank you very much.

    [spoiler=Miriel x Sol B]Sol: ...I'm finally there! *Pant*... *Pant*..

    Miriel: ... The time Mr. Sol took to complete ten laps around the campsite was... Hmm, I see...

    Sol: Miriel is becoming more and more of a demon... So... Can we end your observation of my running at this?

    Miriel: I understand... Let's take a break.

    Sol: Ha... Thank goodness. Did you get any results from your observation?

    Miriel: As a matter of fact... I also observed other people besides you, Mr. Sol. Your results were... astonishingly average and right in the middle of the curve.

    Sol: Average? Me?

    Miriel: Physical strength... Running ability... Stamina... all of them were average. Moreover... every single one of your abilities was right in the middle of the curve. That can't be a coincidence...

    Sol: Ah... That's right. I guess I really am that kind of guy...

    Miriel: You are already aware of this?

    Sol: I, whenever I do anything, it's in my personality to just match everybody's pace. Even in practice, I would always do that... My body probably tried to be average.

    Miriel: Your body tried to be average...? That proposal sparks my interest quite a bit. In order to ensure the accuracy of these results... let's check them once more.

    Sol: Huh?

    Miriel: Let's have you run... one more time. I request ten more laps around the campsite.

    Miriel: You really are a demon...

    [spoiler=Miriel x Sol A]Sol: ....99 ...100! Alright, it's finished!

    Miriel: ...I see. I have observed the result of swinging the sword for myself. Compared to how it was at the beginning... your movement has become a blur.

    Sol: That was thanks to you pushing me to my limits, Miriel. Well, even though I did achieve some results, I'm still an average guy in the end...

    Miriel: Indeed... You are still at the center of the curve. This is... a most intriguing development.

    Sol: ...? Isn't this just the same as always?

    Miriel: No... Your physical abilities have all developed at a remarkable pace. Yet you are still at the precise center of the curve. In other words...

    Sol: Eh... Then, everybody developed their abilities at the same rate as me?

    Miriel: The fact that you are completely average is common knowledge, Mr. Sol. The desire to not be surpassed by you... to not lose to you... the people who thought this way were influenced by you and intensified their own training.

    Sol: ... So it's not just me who's keeping pace with everyone else. In order to keep up with me, everybody changed as well. I was able to affect them this much... Thank you, Miriel. I learned a very important lesson from you.

    Miriel: Not at all... I too was able to acquire very interesting results. Would you permit me to continue observing you from now on?

    Sol: Of course. Stick close and observe me as much as you want.

    Miriel: I'm grateful for your cooperation.

    [spoiler=Miriel x Sol S]Sol: ... And done! *Huffs*... Hehehe. If I am to become the mean of the party, then I have to make the most out of my training.

    Miriel: ... You are... the owner of a remarkably blessed ability.

    Sol: Eh? Aren't my abilities average?

    Miriel: Being average all around is quite extraordinary in itself.

    Sol: I see... That's one way of looking at it. Ah, but I've finally found something that I'm not average at.

    Miriel: That's rather interesting... What is it?

    Sol: ... If I say that it's the depth of my feelings for you, I'd sound incredibly conceited but... I have no better way of saying it so I'll just have to go with that. I, I like you. My feelings towards you will not lose to those of anyone else.

    Miriel: Mr. Sol...? D, do you truly mean that?

    Sol: Yeah, I mean it. Here, this is my proof.

    Miriel: This, this is... a ring. In other words... you want me to become your partner in life?

    Sol: That's right. I want to marry you. At first... I hated how you made me practice and run so much. To be honest, I used to be terrified whenever you'd show up. But now, it's the complete opposite; whenever you're not around, I get so anxious that I can't focus on my training. If possible, I wanted you to continue your observation by my side forever... That's what I think.

    Miriel: Is, that so? I am truly thankful that you allow someone like me to keep observing you like this. That is... I too have favorable feelings for you... ... The ring, I'll gladly accept it.

    Sol: Thank goodness. With this, I can be forever one with you, Miriel. Let us be happy together... much more than average.

    Miriel: That you're aiming to exceed the average is... actually most interesting. However, I have faith that I shall see the realization of that goal someday...

    Sol: Yup. I want you to observe it forever. Thank you for accepting my ring. Miriel... I love you.

    Miriel: Yes. Umm..., ............. Me too.

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