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Posts posted by SniperGYS

  1. I think I need some help with my Summer!Innes, he is +Spd -Def

    What can be the best for him?

    I was thinking in refine the flag to def to patch him a bit  and I already give him Luna, now about skill slots I was thinking in this:

    1 -  Flashing Blade, Desperation (I still have a spare Mia) + Iote seal

    2- Fury, Renewal + Iote seal

    3- Shield and Def+3, one of them skill and the other from seal

    4- Brazen Atk/Def (when I get another 4* Ares), Desperation

    Or are there a better option for him?


  2. 3 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:


    • Innes's title is "実は泳げる" (jitsu wa oyogeru), "Actually, I can swim" or "Can actually swim".
      • Probably referencing Xander's "泳ぎの鍛錬中" (oyogi no tanrenchuu), "Learning how to swim".

    Innes really like to show that he knows how to swim... NowI'm tempted to give him the swimming googles, but Leo is rocking them. Why we can't have 2 copies of the same accesorie??

    Fun fact:

    In spanish, Innes title is "Estratega solar" that in english is "Solar Strategist " I think? Anyway, it has nothing to do with either his japanese or english title

    PS: Any build for my +Spd -Def S!Innes?

  3. Still not believeing this is true until official video.


    6 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    ...But where's the veil on this supposed Tana? It just disappeared here.

    Pretty bad and very random choices though imo. Does Noire have any popularity at all?

    Cordelia's already gotten a seasonal.

    I've never heard of Innes or Tana being popular either.

    No Ephraim despite having Sacred Stones characters.

    Also, more boring Awakening seasonals. Very meh.

    Saving my orbs if this is indeed real. And SO disappointing.

    Excuse us who like Innes.

    If Frederick was able to have a summer unit, before Lon'qu who was higher up in the popularity poll for Awakening, what is the problem with Innes? Ephraim already have 2 alts (Legendary and his future Brave).

    What is poor with Tana and Innes, 2 of the important characters from Sacred Stones?

  4. 37 minutes ago, FuranSuwa said:

    Unless they announce a PoR HD made by the studio that remakes old games in hd like they did with Zelda.

    If they announce a Tellius remake before a remake of Jugdral, I'm going to scream and punch something.

    Better have a remake of something we hasn't have and is older

  5. 13 hours ago, Jotari said:

    So for a long time we didn't have Leif in this game and it was really weird. Lesser characters from his very own game were getting in before him. It was pretty much accepted that he was the most deserving character that hadn't been added yet. So, now that Leif has been in for a few months, who is the new Leif? Of all the characters (or even alts, like Shield of Seals Marth perhaps) who are not in the game, who do you think should be.


  6. I have over 340,000 feathers and I don't know what to do with them.

    I already promoted the characters I like, and the only thing I can think is +10 my Oboro... But I hasn't summoned an Oboro in a long time, so...

    An aside of Oboro, most of the characters I want as +10 are 5* exclusives or doesn't have enought copies of them (Arvis and Julius, Angrykumi, Gerome... long list), the only exception is Ares than thanks to god is now available as 4*... yet, I keep summoning other characters and he is only +1 for now (but that's fine since he is still new)

    My problem is not motivation to +10 , is the lacking of my favs or copies of them :/

  7. Sunglasses/Black Glasses/whatever they call it  for my Oboro, Takumis and Summer!Leo

    ... Also a lil crown for Innes maybe? Or I can just put Feh on him, that would be cute

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