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Everything posted by SniperGYS

  1. Spear Master is so cool! I love the desing (the one of your units not the generic with the weird hat) and their fighting animation, I love the class so much that I think I'm overusing Oboro just to see her battle animations haha... Also Snipers, because I like the class sisnce my first FE game, but now they are better: dat critical animation and the fluffy thing in their waist make me love the class even more
  2. Pokémon... Like Pokémon Conquest (the crossover with Nobunaga) but now called "Pokémon Emblem"... With the option to give supports with characters and Pokémon, let you have kids and choose their started pokémon... battle animations like in Fates, double attacks being like this: first attack the pokemon then the character, or dual guard with the pokemon defending their master... All the pokémons available, and any character can bond with any pokemon, but the characters having more affinity with certain types Ahh, I can dream at least Also, yeah a spinoff with Koei's Samurai Warriors would be cool, with the main characters and maybe the "non lords more popular characters" as DLC ????
  3. Ah, so no more Javelins in Birthright. I will check who from the three have high magic then (probably Hinoka, she has winning good stats lately). And I got Peri's Lance, I can try to use it. Thank you!
  4. I have the magic naginata, but I don't think Oboro could do good damage with it (Orochi would do better with it I think), I was searching Javelin because is a physical and I would like to have one with Oboro, one for Hinoka and one for Subaki, but I can't find them in the Nohr or Valla castles I visited
  5. I have the special edition, thanks to god for finally Gameplanet doing something good!! ... Too bad I'm so attached to the Hoshido characters that I probably will play the Noht route less (like 2-3 times and that's all) ... I'm thinking in staying with Revelations more because all the siblings together.
  6. Aside of my love for the OTP support... I found me liking Jacob x Hana for some reason,still don't know how it happened but it's ok, I liked that S support. I also like Leo with his son, already saw the localized version and is still good. Other ones I liked: Kaze x Azura, Kisaragi x Kinu, Kaden x Oboro, Oboro x Belka, Takumi x Leon... But I'm sad Forrest x Soleil was totally changed, I liked the japanese one a lot, now... I have mixed feelings of their support
  7. Small question: How can I get another Javelin or a 1-2 naginata/spear? I'm playing Birthright right now, and the only weapon with 1-2 range spear/naginata I have, is the Javelin that Silas have when he joined... I would like another one for my other characters, but I don't see them in the castles I visited. Thanks in advance!
  8. Did you talked with her with Kaden? And she survived the chapter? That are the only reasons I can think of why she didn't joined you, as... She start as a green unit, right?
  9. For me, I find Oboro good as a tank right now, I'm playing in Hard mode, and a lot of enemies hardly damage her... The promoted Wolfskin do 0 damage to her... Of course I already promoted her and I have her in a Pair up with Takumi, but she can take lot of hits without the Pair up too, I don't know if that will continue like that in future chapters, but she has been my tank since she joined And by personal experience, Kagero do a good job in the fights too
  10. For now I only have Rinkah and Oboro... And I'm in go to have Takumi and Ryoma for skills... After that... I don't know But for Revelations I'm sure I will get Leo with Takumi and Oboro with Beruka (probably A+ all the siblings)
  11. I just realized... That I can't give the amiibo accesories :( So... Nothing to send, only a tower someone give me and a Dirty Kerchie? Or whatever is called
  12. Ah! I wasn't giving anything because I don't have that much, as my castle don't have the best resources... The only accesories I have are the default ones and the amiibo ones. So... I don't lose them? Maybe then I'll start giving Emblem seals every time I visit someone (Plz if someone have Takumi with Lethality I will love the visit your castle c_c)
  13. Here is mine: Only Hoshido for now (as I started with that). The castle have... Lazuli and Beans... Lot of beans for some reason... (How can I get a fish pond?) Btw, If someone have a Takumi with Lethality, plz send me the code, I want to buy the skill :S
  14. In Awakening: Gaius Then I made a MRobin and let him marry Miriel Now in Fates my Corrin will marry Kaden for Hoshido and Revelations ... Leo in Nohr (as I find everyone else boring or uninteresting) And if I end playing with a MCorrin, probably Anna
  15. I did the Quiz... And when the site was to show the result, the site cracked and didn't show anything... Did that was the Revelations result xD?
  16. Azura, chapter 5... She dodged an attack that was to kill her and she counter attack with a critical... It was glorious
  17. Yesterday I played Chapter 5 in hard mode, and in the map were 2 units with pair up, when I moved Kaze to lure the mages near the pair units, the paired units started to move from their original position and attacked Kaze
  18. I already sent her a message... Again... After the first time I hear her singing I sent a message and now I did it again... She don't deserve the blaming some people are giving to her :/
  19. This exactly what I wanted to post... What If I could have the good things... Yes, what if I could S support Oboro x Leon... It would be good, so good~
  20. Kaden all the way! Oh of course minus in Nohr... Then Leon here, the other paths is Kaden
  21. The first thing that crossed my mind after hearing this, was Takumi shouting "IS NOT A PHASE!" to everything like a rebel kid
  22. Forrest? Oh well, sounds ok to me... Still a boy right? It's ok, at least sounds similar to Foleo I'm happy Shigure keep his name! Congratz boy! Now... I hope Kisaragi keep his name too Oh, I actually make a joke about that in my fanfic...
  23. Hasn't played but I spoiled the whole game already, the three routes. I'm only missing some supports and dlc, but really I don't care about the supports that I hasn't see, I already read the ones I care, so yeah, the only new for me is to see what localization did to the dialogues I regret nothing
  24. TANKumi for sure... And Dread Fighter Kana, the tail will make him look like his dad just need to add some ear (I know there are a tail accesory, but I like the class too) And I'm in an internal debate if make Leon a Dark Flyier or a Grand Master
  25. And using it! 3th route one, the important one Btw, If someone wants to suggest change for my pairings, feel free (minus the siblings, I like them like that)
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