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Everything posted by SniperGYS

  1. Oh, It was in 2005, after Sacred Stones was released... At the time, I was joking with my mom and asked for a GBA game, I thought she will ignore it, but then she said "Which one?" , so I showed her a magazine with an article of Golden Sun. Next day, when she come back of her job, she give me the game... But it wasn't Golden Sun, it was Sacred Stones! And she told me she forgot the name, but remembered it was something related to "Fire" (Yeah Sun and Fire LoL) and it had a picture of character with a sword, so yeah... And that was how it happened, never played Golden Sun, but I played nearly all of the Fire Emblem games... And thanks to Fire Emblem, I started to play Smash too
  2. Yeah, it would be cool they at least could marry in Hoshido, so we could have this in the Hoshido route: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CVSkvFtUAAAXUrg.png *link from the card forum section* The Wyvern class Ryoma, in Hoshido... The class fits him in my point of view, and both even have red armors! Matching color with the wife! Ugh, so sad we can't have that... We can't have all the good things likeLeonxOboro I would like to have that hack
  3. I'm afraid of what will happen to most of the characters, specially Hoshido... If they will keep their names with small change (like Kaze) or they will have new names... God! I'm afraid of what will they do with Oboro! As her name can not sound like an actual name to some people, so...
  4. * My Castle... I want to decorate it with the statues and see my team getting along in their mini sprites hehe * LANCER CLASS!! * The battle animations, I love watching the animations
  5. From kizuna_fecipher twitter account: Basara Camilla... Ugh, now I want to see Leon and Takumi's cards and see which classes they got (dark knight takumi plz dark knight takumi plz) Kitty man! The herons... These ones are cool! Kisa-baby
  6. Ok I finally found something I dislike from Fates! So I reblog what I like and add Dislike: * Again like in Awakening... WHY THE BACKGROUND IN THE SUPPORTS IT'S ALWAYS THE SAME??? Its something stupid the see, for example, the characters talking about how beautiful the landscape is (like in Foleo and Kisaragi's support) but we only see the room's wall? Oh yeah what a beautiful wall we have! :/
  7. Like: * The return of the playable lancer class! * The battle animations, I really enjoy watching the characters attacking and doing criticals (what is Fire Emblem without spinning after all?), you don't know how much I like seeing videos of the Holy bowman's critical animation * Flying class with bows * Pegasus for the males! * My castle. I really like that idea of customizing the castle's yard and see the characters "expending their time" around the buildings. Dislike: * Actually I don't know, hasn't played the game yet... The videos I watched didn't show me something I don't like
  8. I wonder if there will be a card with Leon with a class he obtained from Hinoka and one for Takumi with a class from Elise x) ! (BECAUSE I NEEDWANT!) The new 3DS theme made me cry... Because we probably will never see it for a NA 3DS
  9. I like Leon and Foleo's support, especially the C one. I really like how Leon felt bad for what he said to Foleo in his recruitment chapter, and after that, he try to understand his son better and try to support his hobby. Seeing a young man like Leon learning how to be a good dad, sounds good to me. And similarly, I like Takumi and Kisaragi's support,Takumi like Leon, try to learn what to do, but the contrast that is Kisaragi who ends giving lessons to his dad, it give the support a different charm. It's like the supports trying to show you that you can learn from your errors and that you can learn from your kid.
  10. I don't hate any character actually, but there are some ones I just don't have too much interest in them. One of them is actually Silas, I see that lot of people like him, but I find him... A bit boring? Also, I didn't find Asama interesting, but maybe I need to read a bit more of him. Another one is, welp... Odin. I wasn't a fan of Owain in Awakening, I find him a bit annoying, and having him back in Fates, will not make me change my opinion of him. I'm just not a fan of characters with personalities similar to him.
  11. They can make a demo based in Chapter 6, let you choose Hoshido or Nohr, so you can have an oportunity to use both sides and see which one you like the most? But yeah, probably in January we will see one
  12. Ah Yes Yes! I want both families in amiibo, it would be cool! And hey... If there are amiibos for lot of Animal Crossing characters, why not one for each royal? If they can for AC, they can do it for Fire Emblem too! I'm sure I will throw all my money to Nintendo for all of them! But I don't know what will they could be able to do for the games... Anyway, I wish for more FE Amiibos :3
  13. -Sorry double post because of some lag- - Can someone delete this one please?-
  14. Random kitty! So, now the Hoshido army have a Husbandoo bear and a kitty, sounds good! Thanks for the translation! And yaaay! Next chapter is the one with my favorite trio: Takumi, Oboro and Hinata! Can't wait to read what was really happening in their little fight
  15. What I want, just because I want~ * DLC with conversations like Awakening scrambles, because I really like conversations :V . I just want more interactions between characters that can supports, characters that CAN'T support (Like Oboro with Piery maybe? Both lost their parents in front of them :/), and special conversations for the mothers with their kids (and dads in the case of MKanna and Shigure) * Takumi4Smash! * Also Takumi and Leon amiibo \o/ ! * The TCG characters in the game, the new girl Yuzu caught my attention (wonder if there are another char for Nohr too) * Fire Emblem Fates badges for the Badge Arcade (like the japanese ones, but that will be after the release of the game I guess) * Not too much censorship, only the necessary * A DLC with Christmas hats for everyone! * The Special Edition of the game for Mexico... Gameplanet didn't have it... yet. * Official OST * An Anthology for Invisible Kingdom, I really liked the Hoshido and Nohr ones * ARTBOOK! I want that too. And Oboro x Leon but that will never happen.
  16. If this book have lot of images I will buy it, if not, then I'll pass as I can't read japanese :/
  17. It looks that they will take they're time Maybe because they talk about clothes and clothes are a thing associated to Oboro? ... Or the artist just wanted to draw him/them, I don't have any other idea x)
  18. Leon probably will still be in the top if NOA make a poll next year, but I'm not sure about the other characters... Didn't in the Awakening one, Walhart ended too high in popularity in contrast to the japanese one? I think I remember that happened... So yeah, will be very different probably But what will not change are the ones I vote
  19. If you find a good translation plz tell me, because I read it and I didn't liked it, but I think that maybe was because of the translation, so I don't know if he reallys acted like that or if it was the translator fault :/ I was thinking why they choose Oboro and Saizou supports for the picture, over some of her other supports (like Tsubaki, I like that support more than her one with Saizou, or NishikiSusukaze), but maybe it is because that supports along with Takumi are the ones that involve clothes, but I think that Takumi will be in the Invisible Kingdom ones, I hope for his supports with Leon!! ... But if they choose Takumi supports with Camilla would be glorious and hilarious! Oh, now I don't know what I want, if a picture of him and Leon or for Camilla trying to feed him ! Which other supports do you think they will use? Who's more with me for a picture of Camilla trying to feed Takumi?
  20. I liked the pictures! Saizou looks so good with that clothes (Good job Oboro!) btw. Can't wait to see which other supports they will choose, I was thinking maybe Leon and Takumi supports will have a picture for the IK one (as they are so popular haha). Too bad the wallpapers are so... simple, I like the support pictures more
  21. The only thing I can complaint here is... WHY THE KAMUIS ARE SO HIGH??!! Why waste a vote in the avatar instead of another character? Kamui isn't that interesting in my point of view, I actually wat to punch some sense in them... Damn... Oh well, at least I'm happy because my favorite 3 charas are in the top! Yaaaay! Good Leon and Takumi still in the top good, Oboro is in the top too!! Yaaaay! Good for you girl, so proud of you! I'm so proud! The new arts in the site look cool too, and they will add more, wonder if they will make an art for Takumi supports with Leon for the IK section O.o? The arts are based in the supports right? Saizou looks good with that clothes btw, Saizou you lucky Oboro can help haha AHAHAHA, some japanese fans of twitter made me realise that... Takumi 3th and Oboro 3th... And now some of them are calling Takumi x Oboro = 33 haha xD
  22. Yes! Something like that! She probably pointed the first naginata in a menacing way to the poor samurai... It would be funny if said samurai was Hinata, but probably that wasn't possible x] Btw now that I mentioned Hinata, when I was writing a chapter of my fanfic... I started to think that he probably is that types of people that just couldn't keep his mouth closed. Not in the way Odin does, but in the form that Hinata is unable to stop saying what he thinks, while he is in front/near the people that he is talking about
  23. *Name: SniperGYS - Even if that doesn't sounds like a name *Gender: Congratulations! It's a gurl! *Hoshido/Nohr: I will play 3 routes, and I will use the same build... But she will more a Hoshido yeah *Class: Idk yet *Appearance: *Who will he/she marry: Nishiki for Hoshido and IK, Leon for Nohr probably And anything else you can think of: The whole army will think she is creepy as hell for trying to ship everyone and asking them if they are married already (Takumi is the one who ends more annoyed than anyone),
  24. Wonder if she will be added to Fates via DLC (along with Ema and Yuzu of course) I like Elincia's card, looks good, but I don't know what to think about Mia's one, it looks a bit weird. The IbunRoku cards looks cool too, and it looks that I will cry over the "joining" cards, the ones that form one picture... I'm still crying because I want Takumi SR card to put it with my SR Leon :/ . The cards art is still good, but that Siegbert card... It made me remember this meme: LoL
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