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Everything posted by SniperGYS

  1. Thank you! The seals was a mess for me, especially when talking about the childrens, but now I know what to do for Kisa-baby! And oh yes, I'm gona have some lobsternoodle ; ] Thanks again!
  2. Here is a silly headcanon that I have: Baby Youkos, Garou and Dragons (like Kanna) randomly transform as they can’t control the shift. Example: One moment everyone see Kamui carrying baby Kinu, but minutes later they see Kamui carrying a little puppy. Also... I don't know others but I think that: Oboro literally kicked her way into the Hoshido Army, like one day she appeared and scared everyone, so their let her join. I thought something like that, but with Brunhilde because of Dark Magic, then I feel bad for Leon. With Ryoma my first thing was a situation similar that Hector with Armads, that can fit for the Nohr route, and in the others two, he being to aware of it and searching a way to avoid the bad fate. And in case of Marx, maybe stubbornness can be a thing, as he sounds very stubborn in the game as he didn't wanted to acept that Garon was bad (and I remember that in a translation of the Hoshido route he said something similar to "maybe father will come back to normal if we do what he wants"), and even didn't wanting to hear Kamui in the third route
  3. Thank you! I still have problems understanding the seals, and now that the game is more near, I wanted to clarify this haha! Oh my, Kisaragi sounds so good in your description... I was thinking in letting Oboro to pass Counter, but now that you mention Ogre Strike, sounds better! (But I think I can still give him Counter via logbook?) Thank so much! This is a great help!! The official poll results hasn't been revealed yet! Probably the day is near, as they say they will show it up this month!
  4. I have a pairing question here. Who is a good support for an Oboro!Kisaragi? I like his supports with Midorki and Kinu, but... I have doubt if he share a class with them, and get nothing via marriage seal. So, did he overlap classes or he is safe in that aspect ? Or are there a girl who give him better classes? Thanks for help!
  5. Oh! You're right! He he, I even forget how the thing was, thats what happen when you end liking the character that ome people wanted you to hate and blame lol? Ok, I'm fixing it! Btw I add this one confession: - For some reason, every time I hear in the radio the songs: Breaking the Habit & Numb, somehow I end thinking in Leon for the first one and Takumi for the second... Yeah LoL
  6. Woah! That sounds really sad for Kisa-baby :0! But yeah thats basically what my headcanon was about! Now... Think if all the sacred weapons have a side effect :S
  7. - I like the third path the most, just because I like the chessy happy ending with both families together - Despite what some people say of the story, I'm sure I will enjoy the game anyway - All the "#BlameTakumi" thing was what made me to start giving him attention and now he is my favorite character - I put a Fates picture that I printed in my job desktop and changed the cursor of the job computer to a mini sprite of Kisaragi - Also now I have too much headcanons... Some of them contradict canon but I like them that way - And last... I confese I like the idea of Leon x Oboro too much and I fell sad that they can't get supports (it's my crack ship)
  8. Oh! I have a lot of them haha, but they aren't interesting or anything, so I only let here one. Ah, I'm terrible at explaining stuff, so, I hope I didn't made this very confusing :S
  9. Yes the pictures are from the Nohr Comic Anthology!! I just make a post with some more pictures of Marx: http://snipergys.tumblr.com/post/133639222115/rip-leon-aka-poor-leon-fell-from-the-tree-my
  10. Izana is the C-3PO of the army!! Now who will be R2-D2? LoL
  11. Oh yes! The story of the Hoshido Bear! I really like the idea of them adopting the bear x)
  12. Oh, today I saw the Mabel Amiibo from the Animal Crossing series, and I tought it would be cute to have custom designs based on AC for the Fates characters, especially I tought on Oboro, as Mabel is from the AC tailor shop and Oboro loves to make clothes... Or Foleo with a cute AC design based on Mabel! Or what about the merchant class with a custom desing based on Tom Nook? And maybe the customs can give some bonus on stats, to make them usefull in battle
  13. My list: * Run to Gameplanet for my copy the release day * Start directly into Hoshido in hard, then Nohr in hard and finally IK for my happy ending * Make Oboro's dream to become true with letting her to marry Takumi (see? She will have her store and be with her lord forevaaa) * Give Takumi the skill "Lethality" (either with a random file made by me and streetpassing myself or buying it from another castle) and let him kill Iago in the three routes! * Also make Takumi my most powerfull unit * Start my drago-foxy family * And have fun with my castle, I want to decorate the garden And... Fill the support log, that will take lot of time
  14. I can't wait! I'm here sitting in my job, on my desktop, trying to not scream of joy trying to not scream of joy and scare the poor students near me. Hope the special edition will be available here in Mexico, I already preordered the game, so I can change my preorder for the new edition if it's available for us
  15. I scaned my copy the other day, if you want, you can use the scans! But the files are very big
  16. Despite how much I like to have my MU married to Gaius, their supports aren't my favorite LoL , actually my favorite ones didn't involve Robin: * Inigo x Severa - I like the whole support convo, idk why exactly * Lucina x Gerome - Him having a crush on her since childhood? Yes! Also I like the fact that she understand him even if he say nothing * Lucina x Laurent - Another good support convo from start to end * Cynthia x MMorgan - Adorable * Nah x Yarne - Cute and adorable too
  17. I was thinking that we probably will have a DLC with the Limit Breaker skill, but I don't have ideas for new maps
  18. Takumi!!! Actually, I didn't gave him too much atention at first, but then all the "blame Takumi" started, and I got interested at what they were talking about, so... I readed supports, watched LP videos then I fell into Otoutos hell , and yeah, he is now my favorite. Then after him is Leon and Oboro... And of course Nishiki the husbando
  19. Ah yes, that's what happen when I try to scan, also the scan look a bit blurry from the middle of the book, like this: Your efforst for scanning are really showing, your scans look very good Yeah I hear that before, but I'm sure I really don't want to do that haha , they are so expensive to rip them appart, it's like stabbing my soul xD But... If fans didn't care that much about the quality, I could scan the Hoshido Anthology if nobody scan it with a better quality, also... I ordered the Awakening Anthologies too, I don't know if someone scanned them when they were released
  20. Oh my! How do you where able to scan them so clean? Every time I try to scan my Hoshido book, the scans look terrible from the side near the middle of the book :S Also thanks for the scans! Good to see them while I wait for mine~
  21. Lol Foleo... What are you doing to your dad? And maid Marx ... He looks creepy with that expresion LoL ... Btw... Did the Nohr Anthology have Leon like the Hoshido Anthology have Takumi? Takumi appeared a lot in the Hoshido Anthology, so I wonder if it's the same for Leon haha Thanks for sharing the photos, I can't wait for my copy to arrive! (in like 2 weeks maybe :S)
  22. I hope they show a new NA trailer and finally the release day! AndTakumi4Smash!Okno Also maybe what about some news for Genei Ibun Roku FE international release date? Maybe?
  23. Oh! Hoho, finally I can understand what happen in the second (I think? the one with FKamui) Oboro's comic! Poor Oboro, her senses are like an alarm that works when near of Nohr people, and Kamui didn't realise what the problem is. Thank you for the translation!! I want Takumi's merch too!!
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