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Everything posted by SniperGYS

  1. OMG YES!! I'm gonna bought this next month! Since I loved the Hoshido one, I need the Nohr one too! The Hoshido Anthology was funny, even if I can't read everything and that some characters appear just for one page but... I can't stop laughing a these three parts: 1- Oboro giving accesorios to Takumi (also offering to give him a "Relaxing massage" when she entered the bathroom with him and Hinata, and she and Hinata doing the "skinship" to poor Takumi) 2- Sakura stripping Ryouma by accident 3- The story of the most Best and Canon shipping: Setsuna x Husbandoo Bear At first I didn't know if I would buy the Nohr one too, but since I really liked the Hoshido one, yeah, I want the Nohr one too! Did there would be a 3 comic anthology? Now I want one with both Hoshido and Nohr together just to see more funny stuffs...
  2. Oh thank you! I didn't know Nintendo Dream made a characters poll too! And wow, the results were similar to Famitsu... Now I wonder if the official poll will be similar too or if it will be very different, but anyway, I'm glad Takumi has his popularity, the poor boy deserve it Now, I probably sent my last vote, now to wait for the results!
  3. Ok!! My previous photo: http://img02.deviantart.net/ebde/i/2015/230/c/0/my_fe_collection_by_snipergys-d969wso.jpg Now I can add this:
  4. Voted today already!! Only 4 more days!! Can't wait to see if the results will differ from the previous poll Btw, I know this has nothing to do with the topic, but I find pointless to create a topic just for it, so... I saw these photos in twitter, Did anyone know what is this? I only know that is from the Nintendo Dream magazine Looks that the little angry prince is still popular
  5. IK Didn't played the games, but I will love IK more just because I prefer the happy ending, I can have both families, Takumi is alive and fine and happy and yeah, just because I can have both sides together
  6. I know its hard to think of them with a really young age, especially because they can have kids, but, since I like Prince of Tennis, I just stopped to think too hard about the characters being more younger than they look LoL ... Because in Tenipuri... Haha, oh well, Nintendo probably will say the characters are more older in the localization Maybe the game consider Kamui can look younger because of their half dragon status?
  7. A lot of Japanese fans from twitter put Takumi and Leon in the range of 15-16 years old, and Ryoma and Marx near 23, then they base the others around that ages, but I can't remember every one.... For me, based in the age of previous Fire Emblem characters (like Roy and Lyn being 15 in their games), the little knowledge I have of the game story and considering that they are actually very young... I think the royals are like this: Ryoma & Marx - between 23-25 Camilla & Hinoka - between 20-22 Kamui - 18-21 Takumi & Leon - 16-17... Actually I see them as 16 Elise & Sakura - 14-15 ? For other characters is more hard to say... But some ones: Orochi - between 25-27 maybe??? Tsukuyomi - 14-15 Piery - between 17-19 Belka - around 16-18 Shinonome & Siegbert- between 15-16 Kisaragi & Foleo - between 10-12 Hinata - around 18 Oboro - Pretty much near Takumi and Leon's ages (some Japanese fans think of her as a 15) Luna, Lazward & Odin - around 19-20 Zero - Around Camilla and Hinoka's age Flannel & Nishiki - around 19-20 maybe?
  8. I can only think in these ones: Camilla - Flannel, Takumi, Ryouma Ryouma - Camilla, Kagerou, Crimson/Rinka Leon - Hinoka, Nyx (idk really, magic buddies I think), Oboro (let me dream!) Joker - Felicia, Flora, Kamui Takumi - Oboro, Camilla... Kazahana maybe or Elise... I'm really not fond of most of his romantic supports, it feels like if most of them come out of nowhere :/ Oboto - Takumi, Leon, Hinata (+ Nishiki !!) Kazahana - Tsubaki, Hinata, Takumi/Lazward Hinata - Pieri, Kazahana, Oboro Marx - Pieri, Hinoka/Sakura, ????? Ups, sorry for my Hoshido bias, even if I like the Nohr pals, I find it more hard to think about them I have ideas but I'm a terrible writter specially in english X/
  9. Thanks so much!! Hehe poor Sakura, Ryouma scared her... and in the other one, Sakura is saying that Kamui looks like Sumeragi? or I'm confusing her words? PS: So Takumi is more like his mother? Interesting... But I still prefer my headcanon that obviously contradicts canon, that Takumi has a different mother than the other 3 LoL
  10. Thank you!! I'm buying a copy, so I really appreciate a translation of what it's going on. Thanks a lot and good luck!
  11. Whom did you marry your MU to? Which route(s)? Hoshido & IK : Nishiki Nohr: Leon Why did you pick that character? For Nishiki I really don't know, it was like, when I first saw him in that Famitsu leak (i think?) I just say: I will marry him! And that's all, I didn't even knew how his personality was at that time, but I still chose him. Now that I learned more of him, I feel impossible to say "NO" to him haha... But If I had to let him marry someone else, it would be Oboro... and let Takumi for Kamui even if I'm not very fond of their supports LoL And for Leon... At first I didn't wanted to let Kamui get married to the siblings, but when I was thinking who to marry from Nohr... Well... Nobody caught my attention from the Nohr side, I saw the guys and nop, nobody make me say "HIM!" like Nishiki... Then I learned more about Leon and I was all: Oh well he is cute, and you have Mamo's voice, your stuck with me otouto-kun! Which marriage was your favourite (if you married more than one character)? Didn't played the games yet, but I'm sure I will love to keep Nishiki with me!
  12. For some reason I can't send a vote, I got an error message every time I press the vote! button... Anyway! I'm still in hyper mode as... I didn't played the game yet, so, yes super hyper! I need to play it at least two times (every route) before the hyper go away mmm... Yeah, me too! Even if I already know what happens in the three routes and I understand why people complaint about the story, I'm still sure I will enjoy the games a lot and I will like the story and love the characters. people say I have bad tastes anyway
  13. These artist from the anthology made some pictures for celebrate the release of the book: https://twitter.com/ichika__h/status/647377139617021952 https://twitter.com/goripety/status/647346471528869889 https://twitter.com/mi_kamada/status/647328962150989824 Ah, the pictures are good... Too bad I will receive the book until half next month :S
  14. I only have these: Next month I will receive my cipher series 2 box and maybe the Hoshido and If anthologies... Not sure about the anthologies yet
  15. Sure, I used the links from the artist original post: The ones of Charlotte: okome_di Joker & Marx: kuma_yan
  16. Awww, thanks! But too bad I live too far from all of yours, so it would be more hard to make a trade or similar... Also, I will receive my cards until half next month :S Btw, I saw in twitter these pictures of some cards without the "SAMPLE" mark and the cards text: Charlotte: okome_di Joker & Marx: kuma_yan PS: A little request for the ones who already have the cards... ¿Can someone please scan the cards of Leon, Takumi and Oboro? I just want the pictures while I'm waiting for my box
  17. Well... After reading some more supports and learning who can support who, these are the most close to my finish shippings: Hoshido: Nohr: Invisible Kingdom: I'm still not sure about some pairings and maybe some ones with the question mark, will change when the game get released, but for now, let's say these are the ones I will make
  18. Haha, yeah Oboro looks a bit like Lucina in that picture, but I can still distinguish her by her expression, she looks good he hair down, now I can compare her hair while down, with that picture of Takumi with his hair down too. And Piery looks cute, but that poor random cheffs look very scared hehe. I hope we could have these sketches in an official artbook!
  19. TANKumi is finally a reality without hacking! How I wish to have the games... Enjoy the new dlc people who have the games! Take some screenshots plz :D
  20. AAAH! FINALLY OBORO'S CARDS!! One is a normal card! the other sounds a bit hard to get (it's a holo card, right? ) I hope to get both of her cards, they look awesome... Actually all the cards look so cool and bdss! And I wasn't expecting Grey's card to be part of series 2, I knew about Foleo's card but didn't think he was in too! Oh man, now I can't wait to receive my box! I probably will receive my package next month mmm...
  21. Oh yes plz! I will throw my money to Nintendo for unique family conversations! Maybe we can have some maps like the "Ultimate training" from Awakening (Roster Rescue, 5 Annas and Death's Embrace)... And... I like the idea of a Winter map xD , but sad part is that the game will not be in english for this year's winter mmmm, still I would love to see the characters with a Santa's hat in battle LoL
  22. Plz tell me these aren't all the cards from boosters (I can't read japanese, so Idk what the page say)! where is Oboro ? I don't want to wait until the IK cards for her! Anyway, some cards look awesome, and dat Dark Mage Leon... Good Fanservice I think (IS is making me feel like a sinner haha), I can't wait to have my cards, but probably I will receive them until next month, since shipping service is soo slow in my country
  23. Ah! Thank you!! Awww, I care about the story, I didn't played the game yet... And I don't think I will hate it
  24. I tried Final Fantasy Tactics long time ago, but didn't went far than chapter 3th? Mmm I don't remember that much about it either, I failed to find it interesting In the other hand, Pokémon Conquest was good for me, I loved it, it was a compilation of 3 things I like: a gameplay similar to Fire Emblem, Pokémon and KOEI Warriors. But another SRPG I liked was the Luminous Arc games for NDS, they are SRPG too, and even have something similar to supports, but maybe people remember these games more for the fanservice? Maybe you can check them, I can't say they are "TOO AWESOME" but is another option you can try
  25. Awww that special card of Hinoka looks cute... And holy wow Leon in the dark mage oufit ! But... But... I'm still here waiting to know if Oboro's card is part of series 2... I think she is, as Kageoru, Zero and Tsubaki's card are in the booster, but I didn't hear anything of her mmmmm Bantu's card looks awesome
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