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Posts posted by SniperGYS

  1. MAMA GUNTHRA!!!!!

    And here is, another opportunity to finally get mama gunthra, please finally come to me. Darn, I feel so tempted to try for some more Innes to have a + one... And try for another NY!Takumi since mine is -spd. But at the same time I want to keep saving my orbs in case new characters I want appear mmmmmm

    And about Ryoma... I keep my opinion to myself

  2. I don't know which ones are rare but...

    • Leo, since I got him the only time I used real money and it was to trying to get him... And yeah, it worked
    • Linde, have her since the beginning
    • People mentioned Luke, so yeah I got him... And I'm going to sacrifice him... Why is he still a 5* ??
    • Elise?


  3. Lyn - The ones with bow are the best! But Legendary one is the one I like the most, also Wada Sachiko :B):

    Lucina - Bunny Lucina is so happy and I like, but Brave Lucina looks so cool!!

    Tharja - Even if people hate this version, her bride one looks amazing with all the details

    Robin - Girl Grima wins, there are no contest

    Corrin - I actually don't like any of them, but I voted for NY because I needed to choose one


    Now for the ones that are not in the poll:

    * I like both version of Leo, but Summer one... Yep, I really dig Tobi's artworks

    * The Takumis is same with Leo. Fallen!Takumi looks cool, but NY is so happy and... Freacking Tobi!!!

    * NY!Camilla looks the best

    * Misterious lady is the cool one

    * Love both Shigures, Can't choose one

    * Kinshinoka

    * Legendary Ike  and Legendary Ephraim for me (but we still need to see brave Ephraim)

    * Valentines Roy and Hector... And Eliwood of course!!!



  4. Since there are a bunch of characters I don't care and never tried to get them (like Saber for example), I have A LOT of holes in my "characters album" but the ones I really really miss, either because collection or because I really want them:

    * New year Camilla, I have the other 2

    * Normal Azura, I have the other 2

    * Armor Lyn, I have all the others Lyns

    * Normal Ephraim

    * Magic Eirika

    * Normal Hinoka

    * All Lucinas, I only have LuciMask because she was free, aside of that? Nope! Not even normal Lucina!

    * Seasonal Xanders, only have the GHB one

    * Both Olwens, I really want one of her  gotohellReinhardIdon'tneedmoreVantage3

    I can't remember more



  5. Takumi, Hinoka and Leo

    I can only choose one so. Takumi, Leo and Azura.

    The others I'm between: Ok-good (Camilla, Sakura, Azura and Elise), Meeeeh (Ryoma) and I Want to punch your face (Xander and Corrin).

    Takumi and Leo are the ones that did it for me, they are interesting and had more development. Hinoka I like her a lot and I even like her voice.

  6. Innes and Takumi - Both start competing each other to see who is the best just to end always in a tie, then they expend too much time together trying to find a way to win over the other, but end finding they have lot in common and become friends (if it happened with Leo, then will happen to Innes too).

    Leo and Linde - Like in warriors but longer and they just being nerd dorks.

    Seliph and Lucina - A talk about their dads and how they couldn't spend lot of time with them.

    Fallen!Takumi and Fallen!Robin (any one) - AKA, Grima and Anankos become freinds and exchange ideas of how conquer their own worlds.

    Ryoma/Xander and Shiro/Siegbert - "So you are my son?" "Yeah/Yes" "So who is your mother?" "For sure no the one you are married right now omg!". Family shenanigans  because multiverse is always "fun"

    Summer!Leo and Oboro - "I know you hate me but please MAKE ME SOME CLOTHES!!!"

    Alfonse and  Gerome - "Are you Zacharias???????"

    Oh, I was forgetting this one:

    Ares and Odin - "MISSILETAIN!!!"  "... Lene, I got a Moonbow for you"  (ok this one is actually the story of how my Lene ended with Moonbow)


  7. I forget the last 3*Oboro I got had perfect iv, so I lv her up with crystals while thinking: lv her up and merge her with my 5* +4 Oboro

    Why is that bad? Because I wanted to lv her up via training for her to win lot of sp and be able to learn the skills I wanted for her quickly... But I lost that option by upgrading her at lv 20 after using the crystals.

    Now I have a low sp 5*Oboro , that is going to take a while to win the sp she needs!

    So good I realised my mistake before merging her because if not...

  8. I don't want returning characters again!

    One of the stuffs I hated from fates whats that! I didn't liked Owain in Awakewning, and having him... Again... In a new game? Blaaarg! Also it destroyed Inigo and Severa for me, I liked them but having them back again it kinda ruined their possible paired endings (and even solo endings, how did Severa were able to go and shout to their parents from time to time, if she is not even in Ylise?). Returning characters is bad, only bring them back if is a sequel or crossover game, if not, let them keep shining for what they were in their original game!

    Tedious gimmick maps like Revelation. The idea was cool but... Make it good or don't make it

    No online or Online region locked. Keeping online with region was stupid (mostly like the reason for it was stupid...), and the lack of online game in Echoes kinda make the 3th classes totally useless (since I have seen people beating Thabes with 2th class only)

    Wrong backgrounds in supports! If the supports are made outside battle maps then... CHANGE THE BACKGROUND ACCORDING TO THE SUPPORT! If the characters talk about a mountain, use a mountain bg! If the characters talk about training in the forest, use a forest! Really, it bothered me a lot how the bg was always the same wall  in Awakening and Fates, even when the characters are like "oh here we are in this beautiful forest"  and all you can see is a godamn wall

    I can't think on more right now, I'm actually fine with whatever other stuff returning, even kids, just add a good reason for them and is fine. I actually would love having "My castle" again, because it was fun, creating a place for your units and watching them "working" and expending their free time on it, it was A LOT better than the godamn barracks from Awakening.

  9. Cool the new Lyn, gonna try for her.

    There is green bow now... How I wish an Innes for the blue bow, but I  would love a color bow Takumi too.

    For now gonna try for Lyn, specially since I couldn't get Mama Gunthra on the other banners and Surtr burned my hopes for a free one, so I'm lacking my Wind legendary :/

  10. From the siblings: Xander

    BGecause Elise too pure and I don't want to hurt Leo (and actually Leo didn't wanted to fight you so he has no sense to be a main boss). I can see Camilla falling into "Ananko's possession" but for some unknown reason I can't see her as a main boss, so I choose Xander... Also I don't mind hitting Xander with a sword in the head  for a bit until he goes back to being a good boy.

    Actually, I never feel bad for "killing" him on Birthright since it has sense, so yeah, him being a final boss it would have been good on my opinion

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