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Everything posted by SniperGYS

  1. I really don't know which I spoiled the most, I feel that I spoiled in equal amount for the 3 routes... Anyway, I will end watching full gameplays from the 3 games because can't wait xD
  2. I didn't played the games already (waiting to english version because I don't know japanese), but for what I watched and readed... Man, I really like Takumi a lot! It didn't help that he is an Archer, I just love the Archer class (Idk why). I think I will have a 2 slot with a file just to marry my avatar to him (Sorry Oboro, I will take your husband for a file). And I'm with everyone about Takumi being like more real in his interaction with the avatar, it's good to see how he becomes more warm little by little. I can see that lot of persons played the games already, so, can somebody explain to me some details about Takumi? I just want to know a bit more of his "infection/possesion/whatever is called" , how it happened and if it's happens in the three paths... I know what happens at the end of Nohr, and I readed that in Hoshido he is affected by it too (but saved by Aqua?), but it happens in third route too? I'm just curious about the whole thing, I readed some of his supports hoping he talks about it with someone but nope See ya later, I want to trying to draw Takumi right now xD
  3. I liked this guy from the first time Nintendo showed him, so yeah, count me into the Nishiki club! Gotta marry my avatar to Nishiki and have a DragoFoxy family!
  4. Choose Other Like, I'm fine with it, but I will be fine with whatever clothes IS throw to him, so I'm fine with his design
  5. Mmm, I only have some ones: FAvatar x Nishiki - Hoshido and 3th route! FAvatar x Leon - Still not sure Takumi x Oboro Lazward x Luna Soleil x Foleo Ryoma x Elise - for the 3th route Marx x Sakura - 3th route That's all for now
  6. I didn't readed that much for now, but I really liked Soleil and Lazward supports, he is such a good dad (the A supports is a bit sad). Nishiki and Flannel supports are funny... And well yeah, somehow I started to like the idea of Kinu x Grey, and now I readed their supports and I liked it more
  7. Nishiki! Decided from the first time he was showed in the magazines! And now that more info of him has been revelead, he looks like a cool and cute option. I will buy both versions, but Idk who I will chose from Nohr... Maybe Leon
  8. I'll use the same nickname I use everywhere, I'm very attached to my "nickname/username" . And for the build... Idk really... I will decide when the game be released in English :S (but I already chose my S support xD)
  9. I have it already. The store in which I preordered Pokemon Y gave me the game today :S
  10. Here: Well, I don't know why, but I always think in Lucina with a Cubone... Gerome with a Hydreigon (I know Noivern looks more like a wyvern, but I like Hydreigon more lol), Inigo with a Roserade, Brady with a Magikarp!!! Yeah a Magikarp, because Brady thinks of himself as useless for fighting, but he become a Gyarados in the end~ !! Cynthia with a Lucario, Owain with any Semi Legendary Pokémon! A Semi Legendary as a parody of the "Legendary Missiletainn" Sumia or Cordelia with a Rapidash (pokémon needs a pegasus :/) , Kjelle an Aggron... Henry with a Gengar it's a good idea, and maybe Stalh with an ... And my Avatar with a Growlithe!! Just because it's my favorite pokémon
  11. I didn't know what more to say, my english is not thaaat good, so it's hard to write what I think But, I prefer to use the pairings I like, even if they are bad for stats and optimization
  12. How I wish to be able to buy it!! Sounds pretty interesting, and it will be good to know more of the kids
  13. I think that's more for using the pairings that you like the most, because you don't receive more children with these supports, but... I remember that I watched a video with someone using Gerome (I can't remember who his father was, but I think it was Frederick) paired with Vaike!Kjelle and it was very good, as Vaike!Kjelle has very good strenght, she become more powerfull with Gerome's support bonus, maybe you can try it
  14. These four are my highest, nothing interesting Only Gerome is totally maxed... Well Lucina is only lacking the mag stat, but well, I don't care about her magic lol
  15. Kjelle, because the chapter it's easy... And her defense it's useful. Next one, don't know, it can be Laurent, Gerome or Cynthia
  16. Oh yeah, a battle for Chrom xD!! Wathever pair win is good, I like both, but my vote is for Sumia x Chrom, because is the one I use Lol
  17. Wow, Chrom x Sumia it's winning, just like in the Nintendo poll, it can be possible that the finish poll be a battle for Chrom xD?
  18. Aww no Cordelia x Stahl, they were very close (at least the last time I saw the poll), anyway: Go Severa and go Philanderer xD! But whatever pairing won, will be good~
  19. This looks like a battle between Severa and Cordelia, their pairings are very close! Maybe the final can be between Inigo x Severa VS Stahl x Cordelia? It would be funny :D
  20. FE6: Fir... Hugh! Because I'm just a fangirl FE7: Ninian (she is important in the story, and more dancers?) FE8: Joshua FE 9-10: Haar and Jill! Or just one of them I just wanted some of my favorite characters... Oh, and Rath or Sue! They could have used the Bow Knight class...
  21. Oh Lucina, why I can only choose one? I want to choose all the options I want Seliph x Lucina option... I think they are good together
  22. I think I'll go more with personalities and story, like characters with a strong personalities and/or characters with a tragic/sad story....
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