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Everything posted by SniperGYS

  1. It looks that Laurent is the only one who say how much time he has in the actual timeline... But Inigo say that he used to have trouble for sleeping after arriving, so it sounds like if he already has long time in the actual timeline, and Kjelle were training with her Master, so it looks that she had some time too And... I have the idea (or headcanon) that Gerome has only some days in the actual timeline when you find him, because he say that he only comeback in time to release Minerva, and I don't think that he spend two years and never released her in all that time
  2. Actually nop, I didn't know, thanks for the data Ouch! I forget about her, Donny and Ricken
  3. I think they are in a range of 16-19 Something like: Laurent: 21 Maybe? Because of time travel failure, 17-18 in Future Past Inigo, Gerome, Yarne, Severa, Brady, Owain, Kjelle and Noire: Around 17-18 Lucina: Around 19 Cynthia, Nah, Morgan: Around 16-17, because they look younger than the others... And Nah need to be in an age near of Inigo because of what she say in the support This is wrong I'm sure, but that's how I think it is, they need to be in an age near of marriage after all...
  4. Happy Birthday Gerome!! He got... 10 exp that he don't need anymore... An urge in Str! Yeah! And an Underdog Bow... Uh, Oh well Lol
  5. Not THAT awesome, but I think it's awesome because Say'ri is taking revenge, plus it was in my Support file in wich everyone have pretty bad stats
  6. I don't remember which options I chose, but here is a photo, and I think the voice is the last option? I don't remember which number of option is, but I chose it in base of the japanese voices
  7. This!! Mainly the Ballistae part... Also, the Canto Skill, the Arena (ok, useless with the infinite grinding but I missed it), Berserker/Mute/Sleep staff, and the Poison status
  8. My bday is one day after Lucina , so, it's close to Laurent too
  9. Eh I like him, but I don't worship him or even think of marrying my Avatar to him (well, only for the support log), I just think he is ok, and I only use him because I don't know who other character to use, still I prefer to use other characters (aka Gerome, Lucina, Gaius, Severa and Inigo)
  10. Lol "Happy Birthday to you". What a good compilation of his seiyuu hehe that reminds me that sometimes I think in Male Morgan saying "Ecstasy!"
  11. This happens to me, but with Ricken and Maribelle, even if the probability of Dual Guard/Dual Attack is high The support log can make some WTH moments too, like if you see Laurent's support with his father, and this happens: THIS Or if Gerome is Morgan's daddy: And Gerome say this line from the generic support Oh and this risen:
  12. Yeah, I'm sure this OVA or whatever it is, it will be better than all of Ash's adventure.. It would be cool if they make one of these for every generation
  13. I think the same --- Now I find hard to find my headcanon pairing for Laurent, I really like all his S supports (Except Nah), maybe Kjelle, but Cynthia, Severa and Lucina are good too (and Noire... I think she is Brady's headcanon wife)
  14. Google, when I was searching the locations of the items in the desert map in Path of Radiance, that was like... 4-5 years ago (or maybe more...)
  15. I did my pairings based on what I think it fits better for them, I really don't care about stats and skills, I don't need a super army for streetpass, is hard to streetpass someone where I live after all... But yeah, I saw the personalities of the characters and thought if it will be good for them, that was without read the supports (but now I readed all the supports thanks to the support log...)
  16. Their supports are very good, I already did that pairing in my game That is very cute, and the bunnylords sounds good ! You are the one who made the confession in tumblr?
  17. Yeah, I found a Shiny Joltik in my White game, I was very happy because I love Joltik and I wanted one in my team! And then... I saw the Joltik has the Unnerve hability ... But I still love my Joltik
  18. At first I though that Cherche x Henry would be pretty unpopular, but it looks that it has some fans (and I even found some fanarts in pixiv...) Maybe mmm, Laurent x Lucina, I don't see that too often, Vaike x Panne... And I like the idea of Cherche x Ricken too (but mostly because I like Ricken's convesation with Gerome in Future Past)
  19. Severa use the "you're not THAT much older than I am" in her supports with Frederick and Virion (and Gregor), and she uses "you're not much older than I am" with the other characters
  20. Favorite is Gaius, well, not for nothing I choose him as my avatar spouse, I like him, he is funny with all the obsession with candies (I wanted to vote Priam but he is not in the poll haha, I like him too) For least is more hard, I like all the guys... But I vote Vaike, he is funny yeah, but... I don't really use him, maybe because of his starting class, I'm not very fond of his class...
  21. Aaah, Laurent's quote in Future Past is not here, I "like" that one, is pretty sad and shows how much the children suffered. Well, from the options I choose: Male first gen: Kellam (pretty depressing) Female first gen: Emmeryn (tearjerker quote) Children: Gerome Specific chapter: Libra
  22. Favorite is a hard choice, I really like Lucina, Gerome, Inigo, Laurent and Severa, but well, I choose Lucina because she was the first one, I liked the others only after read all their supports Least favorite I think is Nah, say thanks to her supports :/ , I still like her because she has her good points and she is a good person
  23. Team Name: Sniper's Team - And there are no snipers in the team Greeting: Hey! Challenge: Take That! Recruitment: Gotcha! Mmmm, some Ace Attorney here
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