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Posts posted by SniperGYS

  1. Well, using in my team:

    Avatar x Gaius - Because he became like my favorite character gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

    Lissa x Frederick - I like Knight x Princess relationship

    Chrom x Sumia - Because I can't pair him with Cordelia

    Cordelia x Stahl - See above :S , and they look good to me, now they can play the harp together

    Sully x Viron - I... Just don't know

    Ricken x Mariabelle - I liked their supports, she looks a bit harsh but she really wanted to help the boy with his family

    Lon'qu x Olivia - Actually I don't know hehe, but I think that is cool

    And I'm only in chapter 12, but I want to pair Henry with Cherche

    These are my main character, but I'm trying in the skirmishes with Vaike x Panne... And I don't know if pair Donny with Nowi or Miriel ... And I want to pair Libra with someone but I don't know who Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

    And with the kids... I don't know either, maybe Lucina with Gerome blink.gif

  2. Oh! It was when Sacred Stones was released...

    I asked my mom for a new gba game, I wanted "Golden Sun", and she said that it was fine, so, when she returned from his job, she bought the game, but when she gave it to me... It wasn't Golden Sun! It was Fire Emblem Sacred Stones! And I asked her how she confunded the games, and she told me "I remembered that the game was related to fire" (because of "Sun") ... So I played my new game, and I loved it! Never played Golden Sun, but I played all the Fire Emblem from 6 onwards~

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