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  • Birthday September 16


  • Member Title
    Gothic Lolita

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    Chiki's basement

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    Path of Radiance

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  1. Hey, a lot of people in FFtF don't take things too seriously anyway, which in my opinion doesn't really do the site justice. Still, you have to admit Olwen said some pretty condescending things which resulted in people acting hostile toward him. FFtF wasn't the best place to provide your thoughts, honestly. PMing a mod or making a ticket would've worked better.

    1. Camilla


      I know Olwen has worded some of his opinions in not the best way possible, but he has been trying to improve how he presents his opinions. I could see why people would disagree with him, but I really don't think he should be treated like that. I care about him a lot, so it honestly makes me kind of sad to see so many people hating him even if it's an online place.

      I already tried PMing a mod and not much came out of it.

      I believe Olwen has recently tried too now.

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