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About Camilla

  • Birthday September 16


  • Member Title
    Gothic Lolita

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    Chiki's basement

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Path of Radiance

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  1. And I think he improved. Before he seemed really stuck-up, but now I think he's just presenting his opinions like the rest of people on SF do. Unfortunately, his past posts drive some people here to mock him relentlessly, which doesn't help out his case in the slightest. It's getting out of hand to be honest. And it must kinda hurt seeing someone close to you get so much flak. I hope you and Olwen can get this sorted out.

    1. Camilla


      I honestly think it's really unfair how things are working out. I know things won't always be fair, but still :/

      And thank you for being understanding and serious, and not just laughing at me or whatever like everyone else.

      It's honestly really good to see not everyone is like that.

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