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  1. tried making it so he stands up more when he raises his arm, the idle frame is supposed to look compressed though, I guess the perspective does not work so well when working in such a small space, but it's supposed to be like he's squatting and we can see his head and tops of the shoulders. EDIT Also, which color pallets look best? 1, 2, 3, or 4?
  2. I'm actually really happy with how the attack animation looks!
  3. While I work on Fire Head, a little something else I'm working on. BELIEVE IT! ninja class. Knees are hard to properly sprite... Not looking forwards to all the scarf frames I'm gonna have to make
  4. And out of left field because I got tired of fidjiting with the shaman and druid,,, a Fire Dragon! And if all goes well it should be universal, since I'm planning on it acting like a Mage and have the Dragonstone spell animation being a stream of breath fire.
  5. Still working out what I want the Druid to do, the Blue frames are super WIP and just give an idea of what it's supposed to come out too.
  6. Taking a break from Druids to work more on Shamen, I'm getting it to smooth better as it goes, and I think it will be complete shortly, then I can finish Druid, Brigand, and maybe Beserker.
  7. Yes please script them! I am terrible at scripting and thus never do it! Pirates done, and I also have a Female Assassin to post.
  8. REALLY REALLY REALLY rough draft of the Druid, I wanna spruce up the cape a lot more, and also add some odds and ends here and there (like maybe some armor to make sense of the class' typically low speed).
  9. Here's the Pirate in full Sheet mode, I changed the crit to be like the Beserker's because I plan on changing the Beserker's sheet too. Also a little graph of my current plans:
  10. I went with how Awakening handled Throwing Axes, with them being normal axes lobbed hatchet style. Under normal circumstances the Pirate would move more, I had just gone to far into the GIF when I realized I needed more room and just rolled with it, at the end of the cycle you can see he does a little 'hop' it'd be a bit more of a Jump in a more spacious environment, when I iron out some of the other issues I'll tackle that (I am working on something for the critical's spin).
  11. Just saw I had these sheets I had been working on lying around, so I touched them up some and animated them to see what they look like. Opinions? [spoiler=Finished sheets] Pirate Female Assassin
  12. Sorry about lack of anything lately, I've been down with the flu the past few days, I'm still not 100% but I will post this.
  13. the alt. sheet will probably be completed around 11pm central times.
  14. Staff infections may happen, it shouldn't be too tough to splice them in. Here's sheet form, with the alt at the bottom.
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