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Sine Diego

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Posts posted by Sine Diego

  1. With Pokemon X and Y coming out real soon, it'll be a safe bet that those game will be parking themselves in our 3DSs for quite some time. I, however, have the special Fire Emblem 3DS which has the digital version of the game inside it. Which means that i'll have two excellent games on me at all times.

    This has got me to thinking: If pokemon were in the world of Ylisse, which ones would our heroes and villains have?

    There's the obvious choices, such as Henry having Gengar and Miriel having either Alakazam or Metagross, but then there's those that are not so immediately obvious, such as Stahl and Lon'qu.

    What say you guys? Who do you think will have which Pokemon?

  2. Nope. If you read a few page back, I post a tiny assumption that the Avatar might have twins and, in story mode, one of them made it through the time hole. Although, now that I think about it, the Avatar we play as might as well have just one Morgan while the TFP Avatar had the twins. Hey... timeline theory.

    Also... can I do Laurent/Avatar.... please?

    Then why were they BOTH named Morgan then???

    Seriously, the only thing I can think of is that Grima somehow used his powers of evil or something to make some kind of copy or clone of Morgan or something.

  3. Noire and Brady's supports are full of heartwarming goodness.

    Nah and Laurent's... I can't help but be reminded of Ragna and Platinum to a certain extent. It seems like Nah and Laurent JUST met one another. And yes Nah, you are incredibly cute and adorable.

    Y-Yeah... She does tend to be rather aggressive in her romantic supports. I think that's the joke since she's just as childish as Nowi despite having to mature faster emotionally when she was growing up. It's kinda like her inner child just bursts through her mature persona when she's with the other children.

    I see Nowi and Nah as immature in different ways.

    Nowi plays a lot of games, has a casual attitude when it comes to fighting and can get a bit pouty, but approaches romantic relationships with a serious and grown-up mindset (for the most part), and, lest we forget, has a thousand years worth of real-life experience to call upon when needed.

    Nah is a dutiful soldier that takes the time to read up a whole bunch, but has little experience when it comes to healthy interaction with other people due to her less-than-ideal childhood, and tends to act immature when with her man of choice (for the most part).

  4. I have a few nicknames that I came up with over the course of my playtime.

    Chrom: Chromulent

    Frederick: Fred

    Virion: Miles

    Vaike: V

    Sumia: Pie-girl

    Lon'qu: Lonny

    Ricken: Sasuke

    Maribelle: Bella

    Panne: Marzipanne

    Cordelia: Delia

    Nowi: Yawi

    Tharja: Thar she blows! (or Thar)

    Cherche: Cher

    Basilio: Basil

    Severa: Snape

    Laurent: Laurent of Arabia

  5. Also, the Avatar in any class that doesn't use magic. The later scenes become lol when a myrmidon casts thoron.

    Whenever I reclass my avatar to a non-magic using class, I simply give him the Levin sword or one of the other magic weapons to compensate.

  6. Sorta. Its weird. Morgan's writing is just all over the place. Like my Morgs is Lucina's brother and he mentions something in the past in one of their supports but he has no real memory of anything other than his mum. So i dunno....

    Anyway, trying not to have Lucina marry Owain because like....reasons. lol!

    I actually took quite a bit of thought on what exactly Morgan's deal is, which I compiled onto this here post.

  7. You thought Lucina possibly hooking up with her cousin is bad enough?

    It's possible for Lucina to hook up with a male Morgan while she's his AUNT. Specifically, a Lucina who's brother is Inigo or Brady, and then have a female Avatar hook up with said Inigo or Brady.


  8. That's assuming there is a Morgan in Lucina's future. If you marry a second gen, then... oh. That would work too. You just skip the first part.

    I considered that as well, but like you said, if Morgan is a child of a second gen, then simply disregard the first line, since the rest works out. Also, if you look closely enough at Morgan's supports with the non-sibling second gens, they never seem to mention having met or knowing Morgan prior to the trip through time. This allows Morgan to be the child of any of the characters without leaving some big plotholes.

  9. Here's my interpretation on this whole timeline thing, with the information that's available to me:

    The Morgan from Lucina's future? Future Grima killed him/her before s/he could take her trip through the time portal, and he then hopped in instead of him/her. Everyone assumes that the Morgan encountered later on is form their future, and be none the wiser.

    The Morgan that ends up in the ruins to be recruited? S/he's from the Future of Despair (hereby referred to as F.O.D.) S/he was sent back after the Shepherds took out F.O.D. Grima, but his/her mind was deliberately erased and had fake memories placed in him/her by Naga so that s/he'll have a new lease on life. So, in a sense, his/her appearance at the Ruins of Time basically seals the Shepherd's victory in the F.O.D.

    As for the opposite-gendered Morgan that also showed up in the Future of Despair? I have no clue whatsoever. My little fan theory is that the other Morgan had a similar memory change and time trip that the normal Morgan goes through. However, not only does this other Morgan get sent much further back in time than intended, but ended up on a completely different continent. Like, say... Elibe.

    As for how the F.O.D. occurred in the first place?

    My little theory is that the timeline branches at the end of the game, when you get to choose who deals the final blow to Grima. If the Avatar offs Grima, we have Branch 1: the Good Future. Grima's dead for good, the Avatar is brought back in due time (i'm guessing a year at most, due to how little Chrom and Lissa have aged at the ending cutscene) and they all live happily ever after

    If Chrom offs Grima instead, we have Branch 2: the F.O.D. Grima simply goes to sleep once again. However, since the Avatar still bears the Mark of Grima on his/her hand, that means s/he's still capable of being possessed. And since the Fire Emblem is now at full strength, it can be reasonably assumed that the remnants of the Grimleal could steal the Emblem away years later and successfully redo the awakening ritual at the Dragon Table. Grima awakens once again, successfully ambushes and kills our adult heroes (including the amnesiac Morgan, thus creating a stable time loop in that regard), and the two Morgans (which were born at this point) joins up with Grima since they still love dear old dad/mom despite being possessed and help the dragon find the children that escaped the initial slaughter, thus leading into the three DLC chapters.

    Watch all this theorizing be flushed down the drain once the F.O.D. chapters be translated and released to the rest of the world. :D

  10. Finally beat the game, so I can finally put this up!

    Brady X Lucina (romantic), complete!

    [spoiler=C support]

    Lucina: Hello, Brady.

    Brady: ...Nnngh? Oh, uh, hey... *cough*

    Lucina: Oh, dear. Are you not feeling well?

    Brady: Whatcha talkin' about? Just look at me!

    Lucina: Er... truth be told, you look at least as ill as you sound.

    Brady: Aw, stop your worryin'! It's just a little cold!

    *Cough* *hack* *wheeeeze*

    Lucina: Brady, if you're ill, you should be resting.

    Brady: I'm fine! I just need a... Need a...

    Hommina... Hoomina... Ahhhhgkbh-CHOOOO!

    Lucina: There, do you see? You can barely speak without producing a bizarre sneeze.

    Brady: Q-quiet, you! It ain't a... Ahhhhgkbh-CHOOOO!

    ...Ain't nothin' "bizzare" about it.

    Lucina: I have the prefect thing for a cold. Allow me to fetch it for you.

    Brady: Keep it! S-save it for yourself. Look, just leave me to dribble in peace, yeah?

    Lucina: Well, please be sure to go easy until you're better, yes?

    Brady: Enough already! Make like an ox cart and... uh... haul off!

    Don't want you catching the dreaded red, too.

    Lucina: Well, if you're certain you don't need any help.

    Take care, Brady.


    Brady: Gah... Nice going, tough guy! Why ya gotta make everyone all worried...

    [spoiler=B support]

    Lucina: Yah! Haah! Rrraaagh!

    Brady: Yeesh, does that gal ever get tired? She's been swinging that sword for hours!

    Lucina: Hyaaaah!


    Brady: Muh?

    *sword dropping sound, music stops*

    Brady: Lucina! What happened? What's wrong?!

    Lucina: Oh... B-brady.

    It's nothing. My sword hand slipped and I dropped my sword. ...It's fine.

    *music starts back up*

    Brady: Fine? Ain't nothing fine about it! Now gimme a look at that arm!

    Lucina: H-hey! Brady, what are you...?!

    Brady: And your neck, too.


    ...Yup. Figured as much. You're running yourself ragged. No more practice.

    You need forty winks, and you need it yesterday!

    Lucina: What are you talking about?

    I'm not tired, and I certainly don't have time for a nap.

    Brady: Maybe you should stop worryin' about us chumps and listen to your body!

    You go out on the battlefield like this, and you'll get yourself killed!

    Lucina: Just what do you mean by that? How can you-

    Brady: Hey! Experienced priest here, remember?

    I may be hopeless myself, but I can tell a thing or two about other people's health.

    Now hold still...

    Lucina: B-Brady, I don't...

    Brady: ......

    Body feel sluggish today? Heavier than normal?

    Lucina: How could you possibly-

    Brady: Swollen neck. Your muscles are inflamed...

    Lucina: How would my neck make me feel heavier?

    Brady: Neck's the only road what leads between the brain and the body.

    Every signal's gotta pass through it, and inflammation slows traffic down.

    Even just a little exertion can wipe ya out like an old rag.

    Lucina: Is there a solution?

    Brady: I told ya! Get your keister in bed!

    And stick a cool, moist cloth under your neck while you sleep.

    When you get up, give your neck a gentle stretch. Roll your head around. Massage it.

    Lucina: All right. I'll give that a try... Thank you, Brady.


    Brady: No rushing, either! And actually sleep, for the love'a clams!

    ... Gone already. Typical *smiles*

    [spoiler=A support]

    Lucina: Brady...

    Brady: That's my name!

    Lucina: I'm a little late in this, but thank you for your help before.

    I did as you said, and I feel completely recovered!

    In fact, it may just be in my head, but I actually feel lighter on my feet than ever.

    Brady: Well, don't go pushing yourself, twinkle toes. You only get one body.

    Lucina: I'll be careful.


    Meanwhile, I fear you're looking as sallow as ever.

    Brady: Hey, this is my natural colour!

    And quit yer worryin' about me! We're done here! Git!

    Lucina: Not yet, we aren't! It's my turn to aid you.

    You didn't let me help you at all when you came down with that cold.

    I won't be denied the chance again! I WILL help you, Brady.

    Brady: You can start by lettin' go! Gya! Getcha stinkin' paws off'a me!

    Lucina: Struggling is... futile! Hurk! I can... outgrapple you!

    Brady: Waugh! What part of helping me involves a submission hold?!

    Lucina: The part where you refuse to submit!

    Now, submit! Give your body over to me!

    Brady: D-don't go sayin' crap like that where folks can hear y-OUCH! Agh! Uncle! Uncle!

    Lucina: Believe it or not, i'm quite the masseuse.

    Brady: GAAH?! My neck! My back! Ngh! ...Oh god, I heard somethin' snap!

    Lucina: Does that hurt? I hadn't begun to apply any real pressure.

    ...I think someone might be exaggerating.

    Brady: I think someone might have his shoulder dislocated! Please stop! Owww!

    Lucina: ...Oh. Sorry. I didn't realize.

    Brady: Yeesh! Feels like I just ran through a gauntlet or two...

    Lucina: How very strange...

    Everyone else i've done this for has needed at least that much pressure to feel it.

    Brady: Well, I guess i'm just one'a the gods' special little critters.

    Next time be a bit more gentle, will ya?

    Lucina: I'll be more careful. I promise.

    Brady: Good. And, uh, thanks, I guess. ...For the thought, anyway.

    [spoiler=S support]

    Lucina: Brady! Have you heard?

    Brady: Heard what?

    Lucina: Oh! Oh, no you clearly... Yes, well, um... It seems that...

    People seem to think that we're a couple.

    Brady: Whaat?! ...How?!

    Lucina: Rumors that we're together are flying all around camp...

    Brady: Yeah, but WHY?! Who started 'em? And what for?

    Oh, man, whoever it was, they're about to enter a world'a pain!

    Lucina: I don't know that it was any one person. Perhaps it just spread on its own.

    We have been fairly close as of late. Wrestling, massages... that sort of thing.

    Out of context, I suppose they could have appeared as intimate behaviors.

    Brady: ... A WORLD'A PAIN!

    Gah! How could you be so calm when ya say junk like that?!

    Lucina: S-sorry! I didn't realize I oughtn't...

    Brady: Course whoever saw us just HAD to view it in the most scandalous way possible!

    Lucina: Quite the misunderstanding, yes.

    Brady: Anybody with half a brain would know i'm way too big a weakling to be with you!

    Lucina: ...Th-that's not true at all!

    Thanks to your advice, my body's never been in better condition!

    I... I really appreciate that.

    Brady: Oh yeah?

    Lucina: ......

    Brady: Enough to act on some crazy rumors?

    Lucina: I'm sorry?

    Brady: No, I... I mean, only if you wanted, but... I dunno. If they're already sayin' it...

    I mean, why not, right?

    Lucina: *blush* Why not... be a couple, you mean?

    Brady: *blush* Y-yeah! Or goin' steady, or whatever ya wanna call it.

    I like being with ya, Lucina. Even when ya just about broke my darn back, heh heh.

    So, if everyone else is gonna set the stage for us, why waste the opportunity?

    Lucina: *smiles* I always felt that your kindness kept my spark alive amidst all this darkness...

    If you'll have me, Brady, I'd be honored.

    Brady: Hey, same here. So... Sure, I guess? Let's do it.

    Lucina: It's a bit ticklish, putting all this into words, isn't it? Heh, am I blushing as red as you?

    Brady: Gah! I didn't even realize till now! I must look like a damn tomater!

    I admit, I only did this support because it was unclaimed, but I'm glad I did! These two are equal parts hilarious and adorable!

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