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Le Communard

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Everything posted by Le Communard

  1. Bhutan - 0 Georgia - 1 Greece - 7 Hedjaz - 3 Honduras - 8 Iceland - 4 Ireland - 6 Iron Guard Romania - 6 Japan - 10 La Plata - 16 Mexico - 4 Ottoman Empire - 6 Pacific States of America - 17 Persia - 8 Phillipines - 3 Republic of the Scilies - 7 Serbia - 6 Shangqing Tianguo - 5 Siam - 4 Transamur - 3 Turkistan - 3 Union of Britain - 7 Xibei San Ma - 6
  2. I'm not sure that's a good thing--I wasn't exactly at the top of my game back then <_<. I'll try and stop in a time or two again, though, say hello.
  3. No, not actually. But, as you can see, a significant amount.
  4. I'm sorry, but I don't even joke about Euro Beat.
  5. Trashy Eighties Euro Synth Pop, actually--and I do not: I listen to traditional Chinese.
  6. Ah, Comrade Inui, I salute you. You might perhaps remember me from FEFF as Captain Yossarian/Alexander Kerensky, although probably not, I was never terribly active. It is good to see some old blood--these young whipper snappers make me feel old.
  7. Armenia - 0 Bhutan - 2 Georgia - 3 Greece - 7 Hedjaz - 3 Honduras - 8 Iceland - 4 Ireland - 6 Iron Guard Romania - 6 Japan - 10 La Plata - 16 Mexico - 4 Ottoman Empire - 6 Pacific States of America - 19 Persia - 10 Phillipines - 3 Princely Federation - 3 Republic of the Scilies - 7 Serbia - 6 Shangqing Tianguo - 5 Siam - 4 Transamur - 3 Turkistan - 3 Union of Britain - 6 Xibei San Ma - 6
  8. Fictional nations must be destroyed. Armenia - 3 Austria - 3 Bhutan - 2 Fengtian Republic- 3 Georgia - 2 Greece - 7 Hedjaz - 3 Honduras - 8 Iceland - 4 Ireland - 6 Iron Guard Romania - 6 Japan - 10 La Plata - 16 Mexico - 4 Ottoman Empire - 6 Pacific States of America - 18 Persia - 10 Phillipines - 3 Princely Federation - 3 Republic of the Scilies - 7 Serbia - 6 Shangqing Tianguo - 5 Siam - 4 Transamur - 3 Turkistan - 3 Union of Britain - 5 Xibei San Ma - 6
  9. Firefox was good once but then it became bloated and decadent. Chrome is the wave of the future.
  10. Hey, just because I know trashy eighties Euro-synthpop does not make me... ...yeah, Human League doesn't really help my case.
  11. EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY: Don't you want me, baby? Don't you want me, oh?
  12. Forum, I just recently became aware that my avatar had previously been appearing very grainy in non-chrome browsers. I just tinkered around with some thing, and I think it's fixed, but I was wondering if that is actually so. Yours Truly, Le Communard.
  13. Armenia - 4 Austria - 4 Bhutan - 3 CNT/FAI - 14 Fengtian Republic- 3 Georgia - 3 Greece - 7 Hedjaz - 3 Honduras - 8 Iceland - 4 Ireland - 4 Iron Guard Romania - 6 Japan - 10 La Plata - 16 Mexico - 4 Ottoman Empire - 6 Pacific States of America - 16 Persia - 10 Phillipines - 3 Princely Federation - 3 Republic of the Scilies - 7 Serbia - 6 Shangqing Tianguo - 5 Siam - 4 Transamur - 3 Turkistan - 3 Union of Britain - 7 Xibei San Ma - 6
  14. Dude, you just hurt the CNT/FAI for 6: one, this means war, and two, you only get 4 points. Pay attention.
  15. Armenia - 4 Austria - 4 Bhutan - 3 CNT/FAI - 18 Fengtian Republic- 3 Georgia - 3 Greece - 7 Hedjaz - 3 Honduras - 8 Iceland - 4 Ireland - 4 Iron Guard Romania - 6 Japan - 10 La Plata - 16 Mexico - 4 Mongolia - 3 Nepal - 1 Ottoman Empire - 6 Pacific States of America - 16 Persia - 10 Phillipines - 3 Princely Federation - 3 Republic of the Scilies - 7 Serbia - 6 Shangqing Tianguo - 5 Siam - 4 Transamur - 3 Turkistan - 3 Union of Britain - 7 Xibei San Ma - 6
  16. Le Communard


    Mr. Darcy was like the Edward Cullen of Victorian England. Or something like that.
  17. if you can't stop lovin' me, if you've got the no-o-tion--I second that emotion.

  18. Armenia - 4 Austria - 4 Bhutan - 3 Bosnia - 0 CNT/FAI - 16 Fengtian Republic- 3 Georgia - 3 Greece - 7 Hedjaz - 3 Honduras - 8 Iceland - 3 Ireland - 4 Iron Guard Romania - 6 Japan - 10 La Plata - 16 Mexico - 4 Mongolia - 3 Nepal - 3 The Netherlands - 3 Ottoman Empire - 6 Pacific States of America - 16 Persia - 10 Phillipines - 3 Princely Federation - 3 Republic of the Scilies - 7 Serbia - 6 Shangqing Tianguo - 5 Siam - 4 Transamur - 3 Turkistan - 3 Union of Britain - 7 Xibei San Ma - 6
  19. I was expecting at least a little of that famous FESS drama, not some shrug off. It was quite anti-climactic.
  20. Ok, the Camels one was pretty damn funny. And I never laugh at those things.
  21. Yeah, I'm not gonna' lie, that was pretty underwhelming. Best response that didn't but should've happened: Then... wait... whose picture did I...? EWWWWWW!
  22. Wow, some of the traps here are really dedicated. I'm impressed. :)
  23. Le Communard


    The men hunted. The hunting was good, a manly hunting, a good thing. The men took their dogs. The dogs were brown and gold and black and green and cyan, beautiful dogs, the colors of the fall. The dogs were good. The men were going after game, game being a manly thing to hunt. One of the men was from the War. The War had not been good--there had been neither game nor fish. Nor had there been love. But it did not matter, since love was not to be. There had been loud explosions and death and despair. The men were stoic as they had headed out. They had shown no emotion. The Veteran took liquor from his flask. He unscrewed the top with his pale hands and drank from it. The liquor was good. It had been a long, hard winter, and there was not much game in the forest. The game was scarce. Like love. The men took out there guns. "I see no game" "Neither do I" "This is not good" Things were not manly. This was bad. The men conferenced with each other. It was a conference of brotherhood. They talked of game and boxing and hunting and fishing. But although they were manly, they could not agree. This was bad as well. THE END Gentlemen, I give you Ernest Hemingway.
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