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Le Communard

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Everything posted by Le Communard

  1. You're being contrary for the sake of being contrary, I know you. How could an Ugrian word be of Basque descent? They're half a world away from each other, and have been since the beginning of linguistic history for all we know. With no evidence for it and plenty stacked against your "hypothesis" is nothing but an assumption, and a silly one at that. [/quote Don't you know anything about the great eighth Century Celto-Finnish-Basque trade triangle? Please.
  2. Do you really buy those revisionist theories? What's next, more of the Russo-Turkish nonsense? All the responsible scholars have vindicated the Basque descent hypothesis, why persist in this willful backwardness?
  3. Now that's something I could support--yes, sir: let the Free Market decide. None of this "moderation" bullshit--the Invisible Hand of the Forest should dictate our actions, not tyrannical regulatory bodies. They're getting in the way of me making money! Isn't that against our Constitution or something?
  4. A fifth column! A fifth column I say! Afghanistan - 7 Alash Orda - 3 Armenia - 3 Austria - 3 Australasia - 1 Azerbaijan - 3 Bengal - 3 Bhutan - 3 Bohemia - 3 Bosnia - 3 Burma - 3 CNT/FAI - 9 Caribbean Federation - 3 Commune of France - 9 Croatia - 3 Delhi - 3 Fengtian Republic- 3 Galicia-Londomierz - 3 Georgia - 3 German Empire - 3 Greece - 7 Hati - 3 Hedjaz - 3 Honduras - 6 Hungary - 3 Iceland - 3 Ireland - 3 Iron Guard Romania - 6 Italian Federation - 3 Japan - 3 Kingdom of Canada - 3 Kingdom of Spain - 2 La Plata - 3 Legation Cities - 3 Lithuania - 3 Mexico - 4 Mongolia - 3 Nepal - 3 The Netherlands - 3 New England - 3 Norway - 3 Ottoman Empire - 9 Pacific States of America - 10 Panama - 3 Persia - 8 Peru - 3 Phillipines - 3 Poland - 3 Princely Federation - 3 Republic of the Scilies - 7 Serbia - 6 Shangqing Tianguo - 5 Siam - 4 Transamur - 3 Turkistan - 3 Ukraine - 3 Union of Britain - 7 Weissruthenien - 3 Xibei San Ma - 3 Yunan Clique - 3
  5. Well, it's possible, but I'm still not holding out hope yet. White & Sea.
  6. Is that any good? I seem to recall it being one of the few things this season that didn't look like total merda.
  7. Actully, I take back Crusader Kings II: apprently it isn't happening. Instead we're getting a new Magna Mundi! Not that that means anything to any of you, but this is pretty much the greatest thing since Jesus the savior.
  8. No, I'm still working my way through the Original.
  9. Pinned means it'll always be at the top of the page. But usually it gives threads like this a sense of false gravity and people avoid posting in them. Anyway, the two threads don't exactly overlap, so you should be fine.
  10. There already is a topic for this, but it's been pinned and there's no better way to kill a thread than that, so what the hell. I just recently finished Honey and Clover II. What a spectacular show. Everything every indie romance wanted to be ever but wasn't. Truly something Anime fans can hold up to the world that there are things in the medium that transcend the dreck. I'm a little disappointed it's over, but it had retched it's natural conclusion, and I didn't feel like there was anything substantive to add. I'm just glad they didn't try and milk the franchise. I finally broke down and started FLCL recently too. I'm about a third (i.e. 2/6's) the way through, and it's better than I thought it would be. I still haven't exactly figured out what the deal with it is, but hope springs eternal. I hope to finish up Ergo Proxy and EVA soon as well, but things remain to be seen.
  11. Rushed? My understanding from all the hints they've dropped it's thats its been being developed concurrently for a while. Anyway, we probably won't see it until something like December even then. I'm resigned to it not really being a great simulation for the Middle Ages, but the Clausewitz engine is very transitional, and we just have to take our lumps and enjoy it until we can move on to something better. I don't know--it's been a while, but the announcements I was reading before seemed to indicate it might be good, and you know I usually object to MMO's on principle. We should at least give it a good chance.
  12. The real US Release of Dragon Quest IX, Victoria 2, Kharkov 1943, hopefully Crusader Kings II. The Old Republic, but I don't really think that's supposed to be this year.
  13. ...at least you can read it. Personally, I'm glad all the evidence has been destroyed. FEW was doomed from the start, but I'm convinced the FESS coup was Providence or the FBI.
  14. Afganistan - 7 Alash Orda - 3 Armenia - 3 Austria - 3 Australasia - 1 Azerbaijan - 3 Bengal - 3 Bhutan - 3 Bohemia - 3 Bosnia - 3 Burma - 3 CNT/FAI - 9 Caribbean Federation - 3 Combined Syndacates of America - 3 Commune of France - 6 Croatia - 3 Delhi - 3 Fengtian Republic- 3 Galicia-Londomierz - 3 Georgia - 3 German Empire - 3 Greece - 7 Hati - 3 Hedjaz - 3 Honduras - 6 Hungary - 3 Iceland - 3 Ireland - 3 Iron Guard Romania - 6 Italian Federation - 3 Japan - 3 Kingdom of Canada - 3 Kingdom of Spain - 2 La Plata - 3 Legation Cities - 3 Lithuania - 3 Mexico - 4 Mongolia - 3 Nepal - 3 The Netherlands - 3 New England - 3 Norway - 3 Ottoman Empire - 9 Pacific States of America - 10 Panama - 3 Persia - 8 Peru - 3 Phillipines - 3 Poland - 3 Princely Federation - 3 Republic of the Scilies - 7 Serbia - 6 Shangqing Tianguo - 5 Siam - 3 Tibet - 3 Transamur - 3 Turkistan - 3 Ukraine - 3 Union of Britain - 7 Weissruthenien - 3 Xibei San Ma - 3 Yunan Clique - 3
  15. Jar Jar, you're a genius!

  17. I'm intervening in the Spanish Civil War. Hurting Kingdom of Spain and Carlist Spain, healing CNT/FAI. Afganistan - 6 Alash Orda - 3 Armenia - 3 Austria - 3 Australasia - 1 Azerbaijan - 3 Bengal - 3 Bhutan - 3 Bohemia - 3 Bosnia - 3 Bulgaria - 2 Burma - 3 CNT/FAI - 7 Carlist Spain - 2 Caribbean Federation - 3 Combined Syndacates of America - 3 Commune of France - 6 Croatia - 3 Dehli - 3 Fengtian Republic- 3 Galcia-Londomierz - 3 Georgia - 3 German Empire - 3 Greece - 4 Hati - 3 Hedjaz - 3 Honduras - 6 Hungry - 3 Iceland - 3 Ireland - 3 Iron Guard Romania - 4 Italian Federation - 3 Japan - 3 Kingdom of Canada - 3 Kingdom of Spain - 2 La Plata - 3 Legation Cities - 3 Lithuania - 3 Mexico - 4 Mongolia - 3 Nepal - 3 The Netherlands - 3 New England - 3 Norway - 3 Oman - 0 You're already dead. Ottoman Empire - 13 Pacific States of America - 10 Panama - 3 Persia - 8 Peru - 3 Phillipines - 3 Poland - 3 Princely Federation - 3 Republic of the Scilies - 7 Russia - 3 Serbia - 4 Shangqing Tianguo - 3 Siam - 3 Tibet - 3 Transamur - 3 Turkistan - 3 Ukraine - 3 Union of Britain - 3 Weissruthenien - 3 Xibei San Ma - 3 Yunan Clique - 3
  18. What are you talking about? I remember said game, and you only needed your own repair for said certain Robotic party member, not for crafting.
  19. Operation, of course. This would likely be a 50 point advantage, considering it requires some mental might to utilize correctly. Certain factors however become limitless with this capability. A 50 Horror Rating? That's mighty disturbing. You could kill with that alone. What's the INT threshold?
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