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About Evangellist

  • Birthday 12/06/1997

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  • Interests
    Video Games (SHOCKER!) Golf, Reading, and sarcasm. (Yes I count sarcasm as an interest, use it enough and it becomes a hobby :D)
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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game

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  1. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late!

  2. As well you should be, other than the Tactics series I think FF6 is the best of the lot. Kefka FTW
  3. Your username pleases me to no end ^_^ And the fact you have Tactics Advance on your list makes me even happier.
  4. It's like Walking Dead or Heavy Rain, they're made to be experienced, they're not good 'games' but they're made like a visual novel, or interactive television. I love games like that.
  5. I actually quite like Spec Ops as well, it was a bit generic in the shooting but the best storytelling in any shooter I've seen.
  6. You like Grimoire of the Rift AND Pokemon Colloseum??? FINALLY SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS ME T_T
  7. On my normal file, I've got 61:11:08 and on total I've got 124:37. -_- Don't judge me it's a good game!!!!!!!
  8. Wants to stop procrastinating and finish his video review of FE: Awakening....

  9. I do like both Galaxy games. Then again, who doesn't? It's like hating fun if you hate them.
  10. Love Dragon Quest 9 too, one of my favorites as well. I dabbled a bit in Dungeon Defenders too, that game is like crack. Majora's Mask is my favorite Zelda, along with Twilight Princess. I also love Ogre Battles, talk about a game that was ahead of its time! Wow, nice list, I can safely say I love all of those, except for Wings and the Lost Ocean which I haven't played. Xenoblade was absolutely marevlous. I think everything made by Valve is sort of implied anyway. :D If I had to actually make my list, it would be like this: 1. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance/Fire Emblem Awakening (Trying to decide which one I like more.) 2. Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3. Final Fantasy 6 4. Skyrim 5. Luigi's Mansion 6. Pokemon Emerald 7. Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep 8. The Walking Dead 1-5 9. DragonQuest 9 10. Metal Gear Solid 2,3, and 4. Honorable Mentions: Portal, Portal 2, DragonQuest 8, Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, Pokemon Colosseum, Call of Duty:2 and Call of Duty 4, Borderlands 2, Soulcalibur 5, Persona 4, Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn, Super mario World, Super Meat Boy, Streetfighter 4, Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift, All Pokemon games, Castle Crashers, and Final Fantasy 9.
  11. Love Skyward sword (I still don't understand why Egoraptor and Jontron hate it. <---- Odd youtube reference I pulled out my butt.) and I LOVE MGS 3, and MGS 4 is worth a play. I also love the Batman games, Pokemon Emerald is my favorite pokemon (3rd gen FTW.), haven't played Battlefront 1, but love battlefront 2. I love all the Pokemon games too, love oblivion and skyrim, Nintendo games always strike my fancy too, I find they're the most polished of any game company. My favorite Zelda is Majora's Mask, I own like 3 copies of that game. Yeah, I love Mario too, hard not to love it. And Luigi's Mansion is easily a top ten for me, ^_^ First gamecube game.
  12. Good justification and example, Pokemon fan I see. O.o Metagame reference GOOOOO!
  13. When you recruit Owain, his battle cry is "SACRED STOOOONES!" and another time he says something like "radiant dawn" . I really enjoy his odd quirks and references. :)
  14. Also just got Walhart, making him an addition to my Spotpass team. His lines are pretty hilarious, and his stats are nice too. I like his support conversations with your Avatar, he so far was the only villain in the game I would recruit, due to the fact that he isn't a complete sadistic tool, (E.G. Gangrel.) and has redeeming qualities, and a really cool axe. :D
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