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Posts posted by Toogee

  1. The combination of Eva and Shiny Amon/Ra explained the rest of the story (more or less) of the emblem magic they wielded. Though initially worried she said something she shouldn't, Jam was feeling pretty proud that she got the ball rolling on that front. Keeping all these secrets was becoming a real pain in the butt. And this wasn't even everything they were keeping secret. Still, now that they were on the same page, they could move ahead with actually saving the world.

    Malik was giving the silent Rexian expression that said "shut your hole", specifically to Jam. This seemed to be a good time to duck out and cause trouble elsewhere. While Daichi was addressing Angelica and the bird people, Jam got up and left the meeting.

  2. From the look Daichi gave Jam, the dancer was starting to believe she had said something she wasn't supposed to. Whatever anger he had was focused on her. She didn't care much for it. Fortunately, Eva spoke up to get his attention. Jam thought it best to shut up before stoking Daichi's ire once more.

  3. On 5/9/2018 at 3:50 AM, Mercakete said:

    "You are on an important mission," Daichi replied, both calmly and seriously. "As one of the Hikiba, it is my duty to escort you to the emperor as quickly as possible. Hindrances to this mission will not be permitted. If this group insists on harassing you, I will speak with them myself." <I thought it was only the Ursian and Neviskotian militaries who can in with those two ships, but perhaps I was mistaken.>

    "Sweet, that works out pretty well," Jam commented. This Daichi guy was really helpful. He really needed them to see the emperor. With Amon being all wishy washy on what to do first, it was refreshing to see someone make a decision. As long as no one said anything stupid, this meeting would go off without a hitch.


    "And if that doesn't work, we can always drop another magic boat on 'em, right?"

  4. On 4/22/2018 at 9:32 PM, SnakeMomMelissa said:

    "Ka, ze, mi, Da, i, chi. Kazemi Daichi. Kazemi-san. Even I can get it right, come on." Eva rolled her eyes, but couldn't help smiling at Jam's shenanigans. "And it's not about you or who caught you the first time, it's about sending anyone alone. I wouldn't want to send Malik off tailing this person any more than I'd want to send you. We can't afford anyone getting into trouble like that... Not when things are so fragile for us moving around." There was also Canaan... They really couldn't afford to get into any sort of trouble around here. Kazemi could only keep them safe from so much.

    Jam reluctantly nodded; she wasn't sure she agreed. She was getting sick of Neviskotia and Ursian forces dogging them the entire journey. The dancer wanted to go on the offensive and get them to back off. But Daichi pointed out that there were more important matters at hand. He decisively made the decision, unlike the wishy-washy "should we, shouldn't we" discussion the group was having. Jam was turned to his line of thinking: meeting with their foes wouldn't matter if they were eaten by bird people.


    "You know, I agree with...Ka...ze...mi...Da...i...chi," Jam commented, being very careful with the pronunciation of Daichi's name. She winked back at Eva in thanks and continued.

    "None of this matters if we're all eaten by bird people. If Ursia and Neviskotia know what's going on, and they still want to go after us, that's on them. Now let's go tell that messenger girl to go pound sand and we can be on our way to KaYoMama."

  5. Jam scowled at Malik after the tease. She was never going to live that incident down. Any effort to get back into the fight would be met with a mention of her capture, most of all by her own inner voice. That made her even more mad. 

    "Hey, he had powers and a dragon! He could have captured any one of us! Now shush before you insult Kamikaze Dyed Chi and ruin the whole mission."

  6. Back at the Weyland outpost, Jam watched from just outside the meeting room as Amon, Malik, and Eva debated on their next move. One of their pursuers had found their location, but which one? Juggling multiple meetings and their forces already scattered, there was a real danger of endangering their mission to stop the gate. 

    "I'm no tactician," Jam interrupted, "but whoever wants this meeting, if they were looking for a fight, they'd have an army at our doorstep instead of some messenger. I say we play the same game. We send our own messenger to figure out who we're dealing with. The rest of you can go deal with King Kigen or whoever it is you're talking to."

    "And FYI, Greta's off doing something, so I'm free for such an errand."

  7. Jam was getting cabin fever. She had been stuck indoors since their arrival in Kigen. Between Ursian and Skotian search parties and the differing culture of the natives, the dancer couldn't venture out and perform. She thought about dancing for their demon guest Canaan. Surely he was just as bored, maybe moreso. Her boredom had led her into the meeting room, though she stayed in the back and listened. When talk turned to etiquette lessons, Jam joined the others in support.

    "I'm in too," Jam announced. "Speaking of culture, do the Kigenese tip. I'm hoping to get some extra coin with a couple street performances."

  8. Jam was sceptical of Canaan at first, but the fact that he spoke their language was enough to humanize him in her eyes. His desire for a monkly lifestyle away from his fellow demons assured her that he probably wouldn't eat them in their sleep.  Still, she was concerned with people finding out and turning the entire country against them.

    "So...what's gonna happen when people do find out? Hate to tell you, but you can't hide forever. I mean, we haven't been here a day and me and Thales found you."

  9. "Yeah Eva! Hold him there so I can kick him some more! Gotta kick that eavesdropping habit outta him!" 

    Jam's flurry of shin-splitting kicks stopped before it started. She had just noticed the other guests in the room. Most notable was Canaan, who was instantly recognizable as not human at all. In fact, he looked more related to the things they fought at Weyland's than anyone in Kigen. She stood there, shocked that such a being was in Eva's room of all places. 

    "WHAT. THE."

  10. On 10/1/2017 at 10:33 AM, Toogee said:

     I'll try and get a post out sometime today.

    I'm a sucky person who sucks. I finally posted though.

    On 10/1/2017 at 6:53 PM, Phoenix said:

    So you're in the final stretch? Go for it, man lol Also, thanks for trying to keep up in spite of that, but make sure you don't overdo it, too.

    Thanks :).

  11. On 10/8/2017 at 2:33 AM, Xinnidy said:

    Well, that was interesting, just what was going on in that room anyways? Thales had his ear against the door now, having moved slightly closer. Eva was the easiest to hear, even able to make out some words. Something about fighting and cool? She repeated the latter, for sure. There was a different voice, also female, which Thales quickly attributed to the other woman that was leading the ones taking the chest. He knew that one hadn't come out of the room, so it checked.

    A third voice surprised him, much lower and... almost speaking in growls? Something like that, they were whispers, but it was an accent Thales had never heard before. Was it because he was whispering. Wait, there can't be a man in there, didn't they all leave? What in the... The key was probably sitting in the lock, much to Thales' chagrin, he was hoping to take a peek, but it wouldn't hurt to make sure. Now this is interesting... something that doesn't add up. Was that the chest? Now why would there be a human in that large chest? That seemed... roundabout. Hopefully his movements weren't catching the attention of anyone, slow and steady...

    The moment Jam was told there were rooms, she disappeared to go claim her spot. She went down a hallway to go find a room. What she found instead was Thales listening through a closed door. How rude! The dancer walked quickly towards him and began to hear muffled female voices. Naturally, she began to draw conclusions.

    "The nerve!" Jam called out to Thales. "No listening on girls! That's so rude! Back, back!"

    She proceeded to start kicking at Thales' shins to get him to back away from the door.

  12. If it hasn't become obvious by now, I'm going to be pretty busy for the next two months and two weeks as I try to wrap up school once and for all. If a battle happens between now and then, I probably won't be able to participate, but we'll see. I'll try and get a post out sometime today.

  13. On 9/13/2017 at 0:19 AM, Phoenix said:


    "I'm not so sure of that," Anna admitted, frowning slightly, "Unless you know the general area, just one person would have a lot of ground to cover. You're also at a scouting disadvantage in particular since the fallen manage very well, day or night. In fact, I'd advise being especially careful at night. That's not to say you shouldn't have scouts, but you need a way to make sure they make it back alive. I'm not sure how the siege gate's being guarded, but we agree on that much, it's definitely being guarded. They might have their own scouts patrolling half a dozen miles away. We just don't quite know what you're getting into, yet."

    "It always comes down to this," Shadrak scowled, "...'How do we do this important thing without getting killed?' We might have all had spirit springs by now if our avian friends had cooperated with us more closely." The druid sighed, half angry and half regretting having reopened his own wound just to make a point.

    "Spirit springs?" Anna cocked her head at the now slumping druid, "why are you trying to turn yourselves into vasili? Actions have consequences, you know."

    At first, Jam intended to stay outside with Greta while the others arranged to get a plan together. It was nice to finally be in the city and see what Kigen was all about. Just as she was admiring the new scenery, a few of the male citizens were glancing at her. It seemed she wasn't the only one with an admiration of the exotic. If she wasn't so drained from the boat ride, Jam would have started a dance routine. Customs be damned, she could be making good coin just standing out here.

    However, what she wanted most was to get her own room and sleep for the rest of the day. This place reminded her of the last Weyland estate she stayed at. If this place was half as good as that, it would be a welcome change from the hammock back on the ship. She slipped inside to see what the hold up was. What she found was the others talking about scouting, demons in the north, spirit springs, and of course, that siege gate they've come to destroy. Considering that was there whole purpose of being here, Jam decided to butt into the conversation. The sooner they could take care of the gate, the sooner they could get things to a relative normal.

    "If it's scouts you want, count me in," Jam declared. "I've scouted with Bert before. In and out of that bandit camp and no one was the wiser! But it'd be nice to rest up first. We get rooms here, right?"

  14. On 8/20/2017 at 5:03 PM, Phoenix said:


    "Huh?" Greta got the first part of what Jamilla had said, but the part about Pete threw her for a loop and her self assessment made the merchant laugh. "Hah, I guess ya would, but it's more about makin' sure I can do business here and be taken serious. I need one'a the guys to 'help' out with that," she explained, keeping her voice down as a precaution.


    13 hours ago, -Cynthia- said:


    Nadya decided to lead Luca over to where Greta was to check on things- she seemed to be talking with Jam. Jam knows Greta from before she met us, right? Maybe she wants to help too.

    "Hey y'all. Need any help from me? Not sure how much use I'll be tryin' to convince armies to help us, but I figured I should try and do somethin'," Nadya offered.


    "Greta's gonna open shop while Shad distracts the locals with his 'manliness', I guess," Jam replied, still a little weirded out about how business was done in Kigen. "I'm sure Shad can have three cousins, right Greta?" 

  15. Once Greta's wagon was off the boat, Jam decided to go over and see how everything was going. She couldn't help but overhear Nadya and Shad talking about him being a merchant and Pete being a better cousin. Initially confused, the dancer continued to Greta to investigate.

    "What's this business about Shad playing merchant and Pete being a better cousin?" Jam asked. "And for the record, I would make a great cousin."

  16. On 8/16/2017 at 11:48 PM, Enaluxeme said:

    I'd prefer if you noticed me of your absence instead of disappearing if you want to stop or have to leave for some time. Makes us not waste some days waiting for a post.

    In  that spirit, I think I have to bow out. I've suddenly become busy and won't be able to keep up with this. Feel free to bunny Ahava if you need a healer for the maps.

  17. "Thank you," Ahava replied as she took her new mend staff and headed on her way. Even down south, there were concerns for the brewing conflict. There would be no safe haven for anyone. It was more important than ever to provide healing magic to those in need.

    She headed for the tavern, figuring Abeloth would likely be at a popular drinking spot. Sure enough, He was tucked away in a corner, supposedly alone. Ahava sat at his table to deliver the shopkeeper's rumors.

    "Apparently, Vinhon is pulling their patrols, particularly the ones between here and there. I fear the journey ahead won't be any easier."

  18. On 8/11/2017 at 0:55 AM, Enaluxeme said:

    a certain cleric was shopping at the town she was staying at.

    "I'm sorry ma'am, I'm afraid I have no restore staves to sell you. However, I can provide you with a better healing staff or a special potion. It can be drunk or directly applied to wounds, and counters the effects of most poisons. Or at least, all those that can be applied to weapons."

    The merchant shows a Mend Staff and an Antitoxin.

    Ahava could only afford one of the items. Though she was concerned about dealing with poisons, the offer of a stronger staff would help with more grievous wounds. Who knew what to expect from the road ahead? Perhaps the merchant...

    "The mend staff please," Ahava replied, handing over the amount of gold. "Do you happen to know what the road to Vinhon is like? Any bandit activity?"

  19. Between being chased by Ursians and and kidnapped by Neviskotians, Jam had no interest in siding with anybody. They were here to talk with Kigen. She had no idea why they had to side with either country to do that. Pete's suggestion to side with Neviskotia over "what they had to offer" was particularly offensive to the dancer. There was far too much bad blood, starting with the black dragon that decimated Greta's group.

    Fortunately, the conversation veered away from choosing sides to simply talking. Jam wasn't a fan of confronting either side to begin with, but it was better than fighting their war on a chosen side.

    "I guess if talking gets them off our back sooner, then I guess it can't hurt," Jam relented. 

  20. Jam had overheard the conversation between Pete, Amon, and the avians. They were concerned about the rival armies coming after the group. It seemed like a battle was unavoidable: their only option was to choose an ally and foe. The dancer had a novel approach.

    "What if we get the Ursians and the Skotians to find us at the same time?" Jam suggested outloud. "If we can get them to fight each other, maybe we can skip town while they're distracted."

  21. Seeing that she was stuck in the village, Ahava decided to seek the merchant stalls before they closed for the day. If they truly were to head out, it was a good idea to top off supplies before doing so. She focused on dry foods that wouldn't spoil during the journey ahead: nuts, jerky, and water. A pack to carry all the items was conveniently in the next stall. With her skill with a staff, Ahava didn't need much in the way of first aid. Still, she could've used a restore staff, especially after that last battle. 

  22. Ahava was a bit disturbed by the revelations of the bandit attack. Poisoning their own men. Warp circles. This was beginning to sound much bigger. With the captain sending soldiers to a castle, it seemed there would be an opportunity to follow a group. Abeloth seemed to be really pushing getting soldiers to join them. The cleric found it odd for someone she had only just met. She decided to tell him something about it.

    "You know, you don't have to find me an escort," she said to Abeloth. "There are plenty of mercenary groups passing through in all directions. I'm not in a rush. Besides, with everything going on here, I'm not sure leaving is such a good idea." 

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