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Everything posted by Kirokan

  1. Today's concept art! 146-147 Nolan and Laura And more: 208-209 Nasir, Ashera, and Yune
  2. And here is the next highest in priority: 045 Leonardo It must be her small stature, but yes it tricked me too!
  3. While I work on Leonardo's profile, here's Laura: 047 Laura Yeah I was thinking the same thing XD
  4. Happy New Year everyone, today is the last of Astro's current batch of translations: 119 Gareth Next on my own priority is Leonardo it seems, so hope to get to him as things settle down.
  5. Today's Astro pages: 101 Giffca 106 Mordecai That's a shame to hear, hope all improves at least! Yes, we'll get everyone eventually! I'm surprised Jarod has a page, so will add your priority to them both! Things should pick up again after the holidays are over.
  6. As the profile said, Gatrie doesn't mind (or realize) much himself. xD Next Astro page! 100 Skrimir
  7. Hi everyone, hope you're enjoying the build up to new year's! I've been editing and implementing AstroKnighticalFeats' translations, here's two of them so far: Gatrie Caineghis
  8. Today I translated Senri Kita's comments to the cover illustrations, games, and fans. 248-249 Book Cover Illustrations + Senri Kita Commentary
  9. Yes, I was thinking the high angle was probably part of it so didn't make too much of a fuss, as I draw things myself so know how that goes. xD As far as we can see, it is indeed a "start-game" relationship chart. Endings are largely ignored for leaning on one or the other, probably as not to give any official preference toward one or another, too.
  10. Senri Kita actually drew the cover art for these books, by the way. But I agree that the modest designs are my favorite in the series, and were done really well. You're welcome : )
  11. Final (planned) update! Bulk download: Here! (Password: kantopia) Imgur gallery: Here! And with that, this project is complete! Thanks so much for your continued support everyone! Join me over on Volume 2!
  12. Noted Zihark! Hopefully Vincent finds a way to implement those corrections soon, too. It does indeed say that, so is not Vincent's error. See my notes on her profile page here. I feel it was changed slightly in the localization due to wording among other things. I suppose one can read Rafiel's lines in English to mean such, but the word in Japanese 伴侶 is more often reserved for partners in the lovers' sense.
  13. Just letting you all know that Vincent posted a news recap post of our work here so far : ) He also translated the relationship chart!
  14. I'll send it over to you Vincent : ) Feel free to take a look at it and translate it too! This time I scanned every page so have them all on-hand. xD
  15. Today I looked at some of the covert art sketches. The one with the Dawn Brigade would've been cool, though I agree that maybe the Wyvern took up too much room. xD 246-247 Cover Art Illustrations
  16. Here is Sanaki's pages: 074 Sanaki 172-173 Sanaki, Sephiran, Zelgius, and Sigrun The concept art is all there is for Sephiran and Zelgius as well. Sigrun has another page.
  17. That's not too much trouble at all. : ) I prefer email myself, really. xD
  18. Well I got someone who is interested in buying it "in an instant": ) But, they seem to be having trouble signing up for SF, so are asking if you can contact/reach them on their twitter? And yes, I would much rather a fan experience it too xD And so you get a better value too, rather than what you may get for store credit.
  19. I'll pass it along on twitter and link back to this thread with a screen shot of your post and see if that gets anything : )
  20. Well, glad you found it eventually : ) Welcome aboard, if you have any requests for particular characters you want to see first then please let me know!
  21. Yeah, I loved using it to make training dummies to level up Edward and co xD I thought Ana meant she never saw the term, though, not the actual skill itself! I used "evil eye" as it was her epilogue title: "Mistress of the Evil Eye (邪眼の主)"
  22. While researching whether Nailah and Rafiel are husband and wife, I discovered that Elena and Ashera have portraits I have not seen before on the character relationship page. I isolated them and magnified them by 2 (with pixel resize) for a clear look. If anyone is interested in retouching them up for better quality, feel free to ask and I'll send you them as they originally were in the scan. Apologies if these did appear anywhere. I have played the game again relatively recently but may have missed it or something. xD They do not appear in the book's full-body portrait gallery, however. So this is all there is. I'm pretty curious about that too. Looks like there was potential to explore that between these two, but as Ana said, if they can't have kids I suppose that solves that issue. Geoffrey and Elincia's relationship chart doesn't seem to allude to that (then again that is relationship during the game). Whenever I get to their profiles I'll let you know for sure though!
  23. Today I did Nailah's profile and her concept art (includes Volug's too): 115 Nailah 202-203 Nailah and Volug The main post isn't up yet, but I made some notes on word choice below: Does anyone know if they were officially a couple/husband and wife in the games? Or in the in-game relationship chart? What does it say in English? The one Vincent posted just says "Helps"... I feel like they were going for a sort of Ike color scheme, as he is blue and red, so blue-violet with orange or something. xD Either way, I agree Elincia's went really well! Oh okay, sorry my translation took so long if there was an earlier one! I can only do so much at a time xD Anyway next seems to be Sanaki. AstroknighticalFeats is doing a great job with the laguz translations so I hope to post more of his soon after I check them for errors and such.
  24. Oh, I think I see what happened. fangpoint made a typo that said "fame" in the previous post when they meant to say "same" as Fir and Marisa. : ) But yes, I did like that she wants to look cool and skillful in order to get the attention of skilled warriors to fight. xD
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