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Everything posted by Kirokan

  1. Oh yeah, smiling Lethe was a little scary to see. xD Yeah... a lot of profiles do this it seems. Zelgius for instance only actually discussed him in one or two lines (granted, there was not much to say about him in that game, though that's what would've made it more interesting if they did!). Me too! Glad you liked that : ) I feel like the squint is part of that "gentle demeanor" they described in his design, as it is often assigned to the gentle/soft spoken characters in Japanese media.
  2. Phew, here's a quad-post! First, thanks to AstroknighticalFeats, we now have the Mordecai profile: Mordecai (P. 71) (Thanks AstroknighticalFeats!) And then I did some more concept art: Oscar, Boyd, Gatrie, & Shinon (138-139) Caineghis, Ranulf, Lethe, & Mordecai (146-147) Horses & Wyverns (164-165) I feel kind of bad for Shinon there, but I guess he would prefer it that way though. xD
  3. I would be willing to hear you out. Feel free to send a PM even if you do not wish to express it here. : ) Though Awakening may have been on the lower side of enjoyable stories to me, it does not mean there is any reason to try and convince others of this, nor is there any reason to get upset if people disagree. Many others have stated such already, but I figure it may be worth reiterating again.
  4. 8-4 didn't come in until Shadow Dragon, I believe, as it's not on their portfolio. I took a quick look at the localization staff for both games: FE9 Localization: FE10 Localization So despite NoA handling both, RD had a much, much larger group on both ends. Perhaps there was more coordination/editing involved too? I feel like when I'm done here that I should go look even more in-depth at all the continuity/translation errors, like Vincent posted on that page provided, and these few posted here. It would be a big help if someone could make an ultimate list of them and send them to me later on. (I'm still very interested in the extended script and translating it too, even). Though, with the RD book out on Oct. 28th, wonder if it's better to read that before or after. But I have hopes that the book will give us a lot of info that was otherwise cut... Anyway! Uploaded Vincent's two landscape posts, and also my own for Titania's Concept Art and Elincia's Page 2 (as well as Geoffrey/Lucia)
  5. That's an awesome page! I think I read it ages ago, but gave it another run through now. Will keep it in mind as I translate more stuff here. And awesome, looking forward to the much easier Laguz landscapes. Darn those complicated Beorc! ...also that explains why my RD transfer would always freeze when using my other memory card... xD Let's not mention the current issues with Russia and Crimea, though... (xD) Thanks for double checking... I guess I'll stick with what NoA did... but will keep that in mind going forward when other inconsistencies pop up (and mark them accordingly).
  6. Was he? When I looked at the script for RD, Valtome referred to him as:being of Cador (though not Earl or Duke) "Valtome: Uwee hee hee. You're not even a tiny bit surprised, Lord Zelgius of Cador? What a frightful bore you are. I came here in secret just to surprise you." The only reason I went with Duke in the end is for consistency with what the FE wiki says: "Zelgius's title as the Duke of Kadohl, or Cador, depending on the translation, is similar to the title given to Macbeth in William Shakespeare's play Macbeth, where he is bestowed the title "Thane of Cawdor"." I'm not sure if that changed from FE9, but that was my only cross-reference as it was hard to find otherwise xD In Japanese, though, as you said Earl would be more accurate, as it says カドール伯爵 Though, now that they mention translation, was he called Kadohl in the European version? Ahh...wish they could keep things consistent. xD
  7. Yep! Elincia actually has a second concept art page (and Ike's hasn't been done yet), so was going to do those two, which lines up with that. : )
  8. Updated main post with Zelgius profile (was requested) and VincentASM's Laguz history page! Also updated a note from the book regarding character profiles, and which information is from the design documents (and so may be at odds with the final game). I haven't heard back regarding the Mordecai profile yet...so will see what I do next!
  9. You're welcome! And please feel free to do German translations based on these. I sent pages 178-181 for VincentASM to look at, so hopefully we'll see those up soon : )
  10. Your request has been fulfilled! Mordecai takes next priority, though I sent the scans for Blumpen to work on (as they kindly offerend to do so). So I may go for Zelgius next as I got some requests for him. Of course still want to do concept pages. I have all the weapons scanned... I suppose there is no point in translating their descriptions beyond their names though! (as they seem like in game text...) So may be simple enough.
  11. Sure! That'd be a big help since a lot of people want Mordecai. I already got the character data bits translated, but you're welcome to handle the description if you wish. I'll PM you the page. EDIT: Sent you the PM! Thanks : )
  12. Yes, when I was translating I was thinking of this chapter too being at odds with the history. Perhaps it was a value Crimea was founded on that got diluted along the way (and Daein occupation brought out more of the racists xD) That's pure speculation though! I also do think the old map you uploaded sounds more like what they describe, with Laguz being along the south rather than the west. Either way great work on the history, I'll upload it along with whenever I get to my next post.
  13. Sorry about not getting to more character profiles yet! (Though I assume the hobbies and stuff are what most people wanted xD) But decided to iron out a few more of the concept art sections first. I just updated the post for Box Art designs. Fun to see how the more classic looking FE cover changed to the one we know today!
  14. After some cleaning and organizing, here are all the portraits of characters in Path of Radiance --which also feature parts originally obscured by text boxes (I love how Boyd is actually all clench-fisted xD) All Character Portraits (Blank) Alternately, you can view the character portraits in an imgur gallery I created for them. I also isolated three that were clearly marked "Unused." They were Soren, Zihark, and Marcia. Soren and Marcia may be hard to notice, but view them side by side with the ones they ended up using and you will see the differences (can see side-by-side in above gallery). Zihark is clearly different. I translated these tidbits, though they didn't offer much: Soren, Zihark, and Marcia's unused Character Portraits (with translations)
  15. Just updated main post with translations of pages that show the basic class designs: Basic Class Designs (1) (166-167) Basic Class Designs (2) (168-169) It's nice to see average/civilian Goldoans on the second page. Some of the other designs (generic fighter lady and such) are fun too.
  16. This is a reminder that if anyone else has any Japanese skill/access to the book and would like to help out to feel free to PM me! I think I'll try to cover the generic class pages tomorrow. Some nice art/design there. After that I'll get to Mordecai's profile as it is the highest for character requests, followed by Brom, Zelgius and Sephiran thus far.
  17. Wonder if she will have design art in Volume 2, and if so, whether it will address that similarity or not. : )
  18. Uploaded Reyson, Leanne, Naesala, and Nealuchi's concept artwork today. (I like the comment on Naesala's daggers, that seems to be in a lot of anime and such too, the weapons the character never uses xD)
  19. Finished Ilyana, Stefan, and Calill's concept art page today! Stefan loses his blue hair to be different than Lucia and Geoffrey it seems. xD
  20. I guess I must've had Majora's Mask on my mind. xD Fixed, thanks for pointing it out.
  21. Fixed, it was 23, but it seems my finger was one to the left, so became 12. xD
  22. Okay, I can finally stop for today. It took several hours, but just so we no longer have to rely on questionable translations, I went through and translated all personal data on every character. It is not their full on profile page descriptions, but basically the hobbies, likes, dislikes, etc. It's on one blog post here, but also spoiler tags below: Phew, that's enough translation for today! Will resume tomorrow.
  23. Soren and Ike (Titania too) have some pretty detailed concept artworks. Microwaveit should be working on Soren, so you should see that soon! Elincia has a page II that bleeds into Lucia and Geoffrey as well, as the previews above show. Someone remind me: Does Janaff have trouble seeing at night in the game? There's a word here that can mean "night-blind" but also "eagle-eyed" in his description, so need some context. xD
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