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Everything posted by Kirokan

  1. Page 68 is up and starts a new chapter with another food burning joke!
  2. Page 67 is up! Ends this chapter with the usual over-dramatic Odin and a little bit of a misunderstanding regarding clothing. xD I love you too for having a double Mia pic and badge. xD You're welcome, and thank you for reading : ) Really? Just seven? Felt like we had more by now! xD Keep up the count! A picture says a thousand words, and this one says a thousand puns. xD
  3. Page 66 is up! Jakob being the usual Jakob, and then Sakura being adorably shy. Regarding the people on Page 65, I think it's Hana (since she mentions training on Page 66 too) and Oboro, and then Orochi afterward.
  4. Page 65 is up! Today involves playing with Jakob's loyalties and the world turning upside down. xD They've been on the offensive with plenty of stuff with fanbase and game mechanics alike. xD You're very welcome : ) I'm glad I can bring something to the fanbase in this way that isn't just pre-release info. xD It's pretty much a joke on picking a team based solely on female units and using only them simply for appearance, which pokes fun at those who decide on things that way. Making a harem out of the girls on one side or another. You're welcome, and thank you very much for that! I sent a personal email to show my appreciation, and only wish I could do more!
  5. Indeed, it was Arthur and the emphasis on his poor luck. xD I saw others thought it was Gunter too though! Page 64 is up. A joke on Sakura's name (though only implied for those aware of it, but I left a note on my blog as usual), and then Camilla acknowledging (once again) where (some) player's priorities may be at. xD
  6. Page 63 is up! It features an overprotective Jakob and a slip up that leads to disaster. xD Poor Arthur. You're welcome : ) My favorite ones are these ones too. xD I'm glad the notes come in handy for you and others : ) I'll of course continue to put them in when needed. The fact you chose Hisoka at THAT moment as your pic made this all the better. xD
  7. Page 62 is up, and I think it provides an example of me needlessly overthinking/working things to reduce any need for explanation as evident in the left panel. There are notes on the blog for those interested to see the original joke and how it was adapted. I enjoyed the right panel a lot though, I always did wonder what happens when someone wants to high five their ninja friend. xD Where do they go when a battle ends... You're welcome!
  8. Page 61 is up! More Effie and food jokes, and then the usual Camilla is obsessed with something or another! xD
  9. Page 60 is up and begins a new chapter! Just a joke on Effie and food it seems! It was so hard to say they'd end up biting off their tongues trying. xD Ah, yes it is. Thanks for pointing that out, I corrected it for the final edition : )
  10. Oh you guys. xD Today we end the chapter with Page 59. Garon gets to appear in one of them with a Felicia joke. The other features that terrible tome Ginnungagap. xD
  11. Page 58 is up! We get another Oboro one and her approach to Nohrian food resembling that of a guilty muncher. xD The other one is just another joke on Felicia's destructive capabilities.
  12. Page 57 is up! (And marks the halfway point through the book. 57 pages, or 114 comics, left!) Lots of Oboro today! In English, it seems to be: "'''Takumi''': All right, Azura. What's going on? You're giving me that look again. '''Azura''': I'm sorry. Your kimono is all twisted at the bottom. You'll want to fix that." In Japanese, when looking it up, seems to be nearly the same. His clothes were not on backward, but the hem of his kimono got twisted/turned inside out (likely due to their length). The exact wording is "着物の裾がめくれてるわ" (the hem of your kimono is turned inside out). Glad you enjoyed, no problem! Guess that's why she's featured more today! xD
  13. That Arthur and Effie one is just surreal, I have no idea what its about. xD I assume the doubling chins = manliness = muscle = attractive to Effie? I dunno... Anyway, Page 56 is up! Niles putting dirty images into Corrin's head and all the siblings bickering over different things (of course, bust joke is expected!)
  14. Page 55 is up! Saizo trying to be a show off and... Arthur just looking creepily awesome of which Effie approves, I guess! I'm well enough to continue for now! Thanks though : ) And he's back indeed xD Yeah, this author has a slightly different style to them. Well, they change up at Page 60, so hopefully something funnier comes along. xD Not just you seeing some of the other comments : ) They seem to have a theme of presenting a character in a sillier way, rather than things related to the game as much (I think every comic so far by them has done this).
  15. Page 54 is up! Anyone with a grumpy resting face can relate to the one on the right, and anyone who knows someone who tries to act cool no matter what can relate to the left. xD A bit later today, I think I feel an illness coming on... sigh. You're welcome, I hope they continue to be enjoyable to you!
  16. Page 53 is up! Thankfully neither joke is perverted. I quite enjoyed Astral Realm (as I wondered that myself), anddd for all the "poke fun at Ryoma fans", the left comic "Can't Hide" brings back the Ryoma jokes. xD (and I wondered about the knight armor myself at that moment in the story...) @lucisferre Yep! Specifically, they used "谷間" to make it even more blatant. xD
  17. All these crossouts... xD Page 52 is up and starts a new chapter with Leo and Camilla. Yes, the title of the chapter is an unfortunate pun, made more obvious by the picture and '''s I included. xD
  18. Page 51 is up (and ends this chapter). We get one with Selena up to her usual 1-upping silliness, but also a final meta-stab at certain parts of the player-base. xD
  19. Thanks, that really means a lot to me considering that's one of my primary objectives with this 4Koma book compared to before. : ) Yeah! I didn't actually realize that until someone pointed it out to me over on twitter! xD How lucky/coincidental/fittingly-good timing!
  20. Page 50 is up! Today we get another jab at Lilith (yay!) regarding the gold bars xD And then Corrin is suffering from Kana being "daddy's little girl" I guess due to the generational differences? Non parents lose out on those, huh? xD xD Ah, he wasn't comparing himself to Jakob beyond the joke presented here. No need to worry about it : )
  21. Page 49 is up! A stalker joke and Jakob refusing to accept things! (A bit earlier today since I'll be busy later today...) Probably is something like that with Kaden. You're welcome as usual!
  22. Page 48 is up! Today we get post-war worries and Peri's mental health, as well as a look at Kaden's favor-repayment stuff. xD Right? xD Yep! It goes off her Conquest recruitment where she is hiding outside the Hoshidian-occupied fort.
  23. Page 47 is up! Corrin is now a social worker and Jakob gets the usual hard red hand mark on his face for something accidentally perverted! No, I think you're right. I looked it up quickly and it's said "Sigh-liss" it seems. xD But I did that to avoid confusion (and for people who may be saying Sill-loss like I may have been!) I edited the note to better clarify that point. : ) So please don't worry!
  24. Page 46 is up (a bit earlier today!) Corrin continues to be less bright than usual and a joke on Silas/Saizo xD (changed slightly from the Japanese version due to localized names, not by toooo much, but if interested, check the notes on the blog post!) And then Jakob being Jakob to Hayato. You're most welcome! Thank you for reading. : )
  25. Page 45 is up! Some jokes on our animal friends and the perfect duo. Oh I thought they were referring to where they can buy this comic. No idea about the official one, but I provide a link on the original post (and if amazon isn't selling it, I will gladly see if I can find it anywhere else xD)
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