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Everything posted by Kirokan

  1. Page 44 is up and begins a new chapter! So time to adjust to a new art style and sense of humor again. Take a stab at the Valla Curse while at it. xD I think for that comic it was to emphasize what Azama said about her too, and what she originally thought Forrest was accusing her of. xD I think that particular artist is a big fan of hers! She was up on that onigiri at the start of the chapter, after all. xD I'm glad the translation notes came in handy. : ) It's harder to convey the he=hi thing to non Japanese speakers too, so I'm glad going with He-dude turned out to be a rather popular decision xD
  2. Page 43 is up! We get some girly Forrest and manly Rinkah-ness (and Azama being Azama about it), as well as Arthur and friends. xD You should! xD Go for it. Kana is interested in maintaining the status quo rather than surpassing, I guess. xD Who knows what that womwn as thinking there! Yeah... it may be risky writing stuff on your copy. Maybe in pencil, but even that has the potential to go wrong : \ You're welcome! Glad it came in handy for you. : )
  3. Page 42 is up! Not much dialogue in the both of them. Adorable Kana and...Asugi being same old Asugi.
  4. Great! I really appreciate that, but please don't spend too long doing so, I'm sure there are many other things you could be doing xD You made my heart skip a beat for a moment there with the first part xD Since even putting in minor edits is a huge undertaking!
  5. Page 41 is up! Another Lilith joke (and limited food types in your castle if you don't visit others) and a joke on accessories (with an absurdly long meta-joke of a title) and how Corrin always tries to please everyone. For the record it's not a case of "Japanese that could not be expressed in a short way" and a literal translation of it, but actually a title that was quite a mouthful in Japanese as well. xD I guess there is just one general story of east vs west and royal families in the Japanese mindset. xD You're welcome! I'm glad you enjoy them both here and there : ) I only noticed that after you brought it up xD Well glad you found enjoyment on that gif is another way! Was it really executive-screwed? I haven't seen it in years but I remember it quite fondly. Mind sharing your thoughts in a PM? I'm genuinely interested on hearing what you have to say and what went wrong with R2 and such. : )
  6. I think the pentagram pops up a lot for the magical/witches in general too! Wouldn't be surprised though. xD ^Was all that came to mind when translating that one. xD
  7. Er...well it may be irrelevant to the topic of MyCastle/Skinship at hand, but Page 40 is up! Featuring creepy Rhajat and Peri wanting to kill things!
  8. Page 39 is up! Sakura being Azura'd and some more Nohr vs Hoshido culture clash. xD I enjoyed today's from a translation perspective. I hope you do too. xD Those curious can see the notes I made on the blog post. You're very welcome! Thank you for reading : ) I should share this around in regards for Page 38 and include it in the final zip/rar when it's complete. xD
  9. Page 38 is up! I'm proud to say it's not like yesterday. xD Oh and it involves Ryoma! That is really funny since I have a friend who uses this exact crop as their reaction to a lot of things too xD It was strange indeed, but I guess Camilla being Camilla and Kagerou butt-busting people was...a show of power? (This is just reaching xD) Aw thanks, but I wasn't taking any of the responses negatively or anything. I'm just the messenger, and am aware that everyone is aware of that! Or, I'm hoping they are anyway. xD
  10. Page 37 is up! Not only do we get a boob joke, but also a butt joke this time. xD Yay...? Yep, it can work like that. Please may come off as a sort of more polite way than implied though. : )
  11. Page 36 is up! The start of a new chapter so just one strip. It features Benny, whose hair is a bird. xD
  12. I believe just a generic dark knight. That is a fun image to imagine though xD
  13. Page 35 is up! More fun with Xander and Ryoma. xD It also ends Tsukiyama Ryuuji's chapter, so this is the last page with those who are a fan of their style. Very much so! xD He's asking Azura to stop teasing him. : ) Yep! Same Kanji and all, so likely the same artist. Surprisingly they weren't involved in the 4Koma Character Book... Actually, it was just a blunt 'やめて' I translated it to get the implied intent across a bit more then "Stop" would've : )
  14. Page 34 is up! Today we get a animosity between Hoshido/Nohr via chopsticks joke, and Corrin's daughter being as silly-innocent/naive/dimwitted as him, I guess. xD This was too cute. xD Very interesting... it says it was going to be serialized in a magazine, and would be a joint effort by the writer (Shin Kibayashi) and designer (Kozaki) as you said! I do wonder if it was serialized and nobody noticed, but I haven't seen or heard of it at all. Would've definitely heard about it by now if it was!
  15. Page 33 is up! A look at Selkie & Ignatius's C support silly-ified, and a joke on Benny's bear friendship. xD Thank you! I'm glad I recalled it correctly then : ) Yes, Tsuku-yato has a lot of explaining to do. xD I didn't know he was doing one. But I haven't heard anything about it either...
  16. Hubba, I guess. xD Or maybe the Rainbow Sage this time around... I think there is a accessory called the Jailer's/Jaikeeper mask? I don't remember what it was translated to exactly, but I recall seeing it there as a separate accessory from the Faceless mask : )
  17. Page 32 is up! Rhajat's legs, Hayato's height, and scenes ruined by dressing your guys in silly accessories are touched on today. xD That would be bad, very very bad. xD But that does make me wonder if there should be a competition for a parody thread where someone takes these pages and changes them to how 4Kids would do it! You're welcome! Thank you for reading :D
  18. Page 31 is up! We get a fun joke about Azura's poor defense (despite being able to use such a heavy weapon) and another Lilith-eats-the-containers-with-the-food joke. xD Glad the correction helped!
  19. Slight error on page 30! It was a vague pronoun thing that led to confusion on who was talking. Edited it up to fix it. The overall meaning (jealous of the hair, not using the cape despite having one) remains though! : )
  20. Page 30 is up! A joke on that ridiculous Wind Tribe level and a joke on male Kamui/Corrin lacking longer hair options, I guess. xD Yep! Specifically magpies, for their love of shiny things. xD I guess maybe I should have used "magpie" instead of the more general crow...but hopefully the association works well enough.
  21. Page 29 is up! Fun with Scarlet's armor and crows liking sparkly things, and then Beruka mistaking romantically bringing a man down versus lethally...xD Sorry it took a bit longer, the left panel had a few Japanese puns that I had to think hard on how to convey. If interested in what those were, you can see the notes on the individual blog page. Maybe I should've asked our resident pun master for help. xD All of this, especially that death metal version. This needs to happen as many others have said! xD Yes. xD Songstress Iago!!! That would be amazing. Singing for Garon! Please do! I really look forward to it as others do xD
  22. Page 28 is up and starts a new chapter under a new artist. And I like how its started, silly Elise and her imagination. xD I think the Awakening one did something similar with Emmeryn... It seems to be a general Nohrian thing. Hoshido has katanas, Nohr has swords. Hoshido has tea, Nohr has coffee. xD And ah yes, that makes sense! I hear this on many castle visits, and it is so cringe-worthy yet amusing at the same time. xD
  23. Page 27 is now up, featuring a silly Mozu and then another My Castle joke --this time dealing with the strange servants you can pick to be the attendant... xD Simply amazing. I really hope this takes off. xD And ah, sorry for assuming such. Still, I would love to see what you have : ) The joke revolves around the concept of "wabisabi" which partially has to do with her posture there too. The way she is drinking it is associated with a refined, yet archaic demeanor. So comes across as a rather "old lady," beyond simply the fact its green tea. xD So you're safe if you drink green tea! Just don't appreciate the aesthetic of it or else you'll look old!
  24. Page 26 features silliness with accessories and a joke on wabisabi green tea making you look old (and refined). xD Me too, all out in that silliness. A lot of us can relate to it as a result. xD I managed this, though with Pebbles rather than Daikon Radishes. xD One day indeed! Glad you got it in the end : ) I try to convey their jokes with as little explanation as possible! I would love to see your own strips. If you do, please post them here or in some thread or another. It would be fun to try to translate it into Japanese for my Japanese friends, too. xD Yep, I felt like it was making fun of his refusal to open up in that path specifically. xD Loved both shiny face and eyeless Ryoma. xD
  25. Page 25 is up! They're both fun, one about skinshipping silliness, the other with Ryoma being awesome (and that face he's making xD) The Niles one was just about how he was making something as simple as cooking into a disgusting thing. xD How so? : ) (ahhh I see a typo on that page... gah and it can never be fixed now...not easily anyway xD) You're welcome! Hope you continue to check back for more. : )
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