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Everything posted by Kirokan

  1. Exactly what it was going for I believe. xD Even sillier that she eats the meat and the rest of the stuff raw, but then demands this wheat be made bread! (And of course, Corrin acting like she's been a picky eater the entire time rather than just this one time. xD) It's a good one. xD
  2. You're welcome everyone! xD Sakura is adorably innocent across the games (English and Japanese both!) So glad the comic did that too. Page 5 is up! Enjoy!
  3. This thread is moving way too quickly to really write any meaningful comment. xD I am glad to see people are on both sides of the argument, and I can see most of the points here. It was a little mean to call out Thane at the start there, but glad that resolved fast. (EDIT: Or...not?) Regarding Revelation: (Someone mentioned it earlier): It is usually a favored path in both moderate gameplay, pairing units, and story result because it is built to reveal everything, as the name implies, but that leaves much to be desired in the other two paths, rather than leaving one with any satisfaction. I recall this was a major complaint that the "definitive" path was locked behind a paywall, basically. I still have slightly ill feelings about it, and am nearly done with Revelation here... Regarding Corrin in Conquest: For the people wondering if localization would "fix" his character back when it was just the JP version, after playing Conquest, the story and characterization is 95%+ accurate, for better or worse. I am not sure why people were hoping for localization to do much about that, after all they do not write the game. A few minor changes were made, though, some that change his character ever slightly, for anyone interested, with moments such as this one in Chapter 26 (spoilers, obviously). Small tweaks like that can go a long way, but I do not think they manage to really address all the issues people have above without altering the entire story. It comes down to the source writing in the end, as others have pointed out. : ) A dedicated Fire Emblem site with fans both old and new. There may be some moments that don't reflect the community in the best light, but there are great people who can manage to discuss things in a mature manner. : ) I was unaware people were trashing the choice itself, I mostly saw complaints on how Kamui goes about handling things and the path falling short of the promises about the deeper/more complex story and such. xD This was a point too, as Hoshido really has few flaws aside from a bit of political meddling and Nohr hating... the localization even got rid of the Kitsune having mischievous undertones to them. xD It will certainly tie things together, and it is certainly a "superior" path ...which is rather unfortunate as it leaves the other two a little in the dust. : \ I like the last paragraph here. When thought about that way (going through the other two paths and then Revelations), it does make sense to see the "what if" on this and that path and then see how it resolves. But, I just wish it was done in less of a way that may "cheapen" the other two paths for people, if that makes sense. I can vouch for Thane and Blazing Sword among others, yes. : ( (But still done in ways that make sense rather than illogically!)
  4. Page 103 Page 104 Page 105 Page 106 Page 107 Page 108 Page 109 Page 110 Page 111 Page 112 Page 113 Page 114 Page 115 Page 116 Page 117
  5. UPDATE: This project has been completed! Thanks for your support and comments everyone. : ) I'll have the bulk download up later over the weekend (probably on Sunday!), so look forward to that final update. For now, enjoy the rest of it! Download them all in RAR format here. Password is: kantopia --- Hi everyone! Me again with yet another 4Koma project! A Fire Emblem Fates related one again! I'm still around doing localization comparison posts as I play the game too, but this will be another big focus of mine. My copy of Fire Emblem if (Fates): 4Koma Kings came in, and so my third Fire Emblem yonkoma book translation project begins! Spread the word to anyone interested. Those unfamiliar/new to the forum, I did this with the Fire Emblem Awakening: 4Koma Kings and the Fire Emblem Fates: 4Koma & Character Book, And, like last time, I will be scanning, cleaning, translating, and uploading them on my blog (and in this thread, too) as they come! I'll reserve the second post this time as the last two times I would reach the image limit. xD Please support the authors by buying a physical copy yourself! It makes for a fine addition to any Fire Emblem or manga collection, and does not cost much either. : ) I don't get anything beyond practice out of this and it is all done on free time, which is why the pace may be rather slow (a page or two a day)... I apologize if anyone is in a rush to see the entire thing... but I wouldn't mind donations if you're feeling kind enough to give any : ) Also like last time, I am not posting any raw scans. I'm also not quite sure what the legality of this all is, either...so if someone else is already doing this or if there are any other issues, then please inform me/shut this thread immediately! I'll keep updating this post as they come! Check back often! --- Notes: -Comics/pages are read from right to left -Localized names will be used, but if you see me slip up and use an original Japanese name (as I'm so used to them), please let me know. : ) -The first few pages are a little blurred on the sides, but as the book gets used to the scanner the quality will hopefully improve --- Cover: Page 4: Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 <Last colored page> Page 11 (Table of Contents) Page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 Page 38 Page 39 Page 40 Page 41 Page 42 Page 43 Page 44 Page 45 Page 46 Page 47 Page 48 Page 49 Page 50 Page 51 Page 52 Page 53 Page 54 Page 55 Page 56 Page 57 Page 58 Page 59 Page 60 Page 61 Page 62 (literal alt here) Page 63 Page 64 Page 65 Page 66 Page 67 Page 68 Page 69 Page 70 Page 71 Page 72 Page 73 Page 74 Page 75 Page 76 Page 77 Page 78 Page 79 Page 80 Page 81 Page 82 Page 83 Page 84 Page 85 Page 86 Page 87 Page 88 Page 89 Page 90 Page 91 Page 92 Page 93 Page 94 Page 95 Page 96 Page 97 Page 98 Page 99 Page 100 Page 101 Page 102 <Scroll down to second post below!>
  6. Apologies for the double post (more to bring it to attention), but I focused on a larger change today (the largest I've seen thus far in the game, actually): Izana & Izumo's portrayal in this game are vastly different. Fans have already been talking about it, but I present a side by side. I do feel bad we lose out on some of the world building aspects (Nohr attacking Hoshido straight from there), and how the neutral country is now more of a carefree country that leans to overindulgence. xD EDIT/UPDATE: As not to triple post, here's a look at the two beaststone using classes: Garou/Managarmr being made to Wolfskin/Wolfssegner Youko/Kyuubi no Kitsune being made to Kitsune/Nine-Tails
  7. Kirokan


    Hello! I don't normally reply here much, but passed through this thread and didn't see any replies, so welcome! I'm one of the local translators here. xD Sacred Stones is a lovely game, and I am glad Conquest is currently your favorite. If you pass along your Castle info, I would love to visit! EDIT: I saw you posted in the Castle Code thread, so no worries!
  8. Today I looked at an interesting change regarding Nyx's death quote. I'm not quite sure why it changed, but had a few theories. I haven't read all her supports yet, but from the ones I did read nothing really makes the localized one make sense. xD Read about it on my blog here! Indeed, I noticed the culturally aware/those raised in that sort of culture (like us) often took it better than not. In this case, as you (and I, on my post) said, it was probably just to avoid any other issues to potentially come out of it. Thanks for the link! The awareness thing I guess was also a change to better build up to that scene, calling his dad out and such.
  9. I was clearing the other two paths before making a definitive castle in Revelation, so here it is if anyone cares xD Style: Valla Castle Address: 11598-36138-39050-07871 Resources: Pearl, Onyx, Bean, Berry Will be constantly updating as I play, hope to be a good skill resource later. But for now the units are placed quite defensively.
  10. Today I took a more in-depth look at the Ryoma slap change with Shiro as well as other differences in Paralogue 7! Very interesting, as usual, December Knight, thank you! The backlog continues to grow! (Not a bad thing : ) ) Sounds like the usual expected changes! Thanks for bringing it up : )
  11. Ah, I see. xD Will add it to the list of aged Elise lines! I can't help but laugh at poor male Kana's memeification on getting "friend-zoned" all the time, though it does make me feel bad that it happens, too. Don't think I need to make any posts covering this considering all the coverage it already got! xD Interesting, will note it down, thanks! Microwaveit always makes such wonderful posts : ) Thanks for the link! It is definitely something to note down. Sorry about the slow reply here! I was getting links to the changes people have spotted thus far, and have been meaning to add them to the OP. With Pokemon Day ahead though, may have to wait till after that. xD
  12. I'm trying to locate this line. Do you know what chapter/scene this is in? Then I can look at what it was originally. : ) That's strange since Camilla is the only one of the siblings who didn't seem bothered by even Iago and Hans's actions later on, so you think her past would also be taken lightly and that nothing would bother her. xD I noticed that too in Ch. 15. I also found Iago's line "You and your loopholes" very amusing (which didn't exist in Japanese), likely a self-aware stab at how the path goes for Corrin/Kamui. EDIT: xD I took a look at Elise's "hating women" line in Chapter 20.(Conquest). Surprisingly it is the opposite of one might expect, that the (joking) misogyny claims would be in the Japanese one and erased in the English one. Not this time, it seems! Also a look at Iago's "You and your loopholes" line from Chapter 11 of Conquest.
  13. Thanks for posting, I came here to post about that too actually xD That's a really strange one... EDIT: On my blog, a user pointed out the existence of this video/joke support from FE7, posted back in 2009. Do you think they would reference a relatively obscure thing? xD That makes this even more awkward then... EDIT: You're right... they talk as if the C support (in Japanese) happened... very, very strange.
  14. I do wonder where some of these changes come from... xD Very interesting... I remember writing a summary on that chapter, so it sticks out to me. And no worries, this thread is about all changes, not just supports. : ) I double checked Camilla's, it lines up with the text dump, so that must be where it came from. : ) So I'll assume the others are right too for now. Her Japanese one doesn't mention anything about adoptions and such at all. I suppose they wanted to paint her as more motherly... I think at this rate Soleil is going to have to get a major post of her own. xD I see... very interesting when some references are kept and others removed. Thanks! EDIT: Also today I decided to look at the "technical age" line xD Was curious what they replaced in Japanese with it.
  15. Yep! That would qualify. Thanks! This was a big help December Knight! Thank you very much for providing source links too : ) That's a bit of a shame to hear about Nyx. I wonder why with [T]Subaki only so far... I guess in one way that makes a more unique relation compared to the rest, and yet it makes little sense to reject him that way and not the others xD I'll look deeper into that as Nyx is one of my preferred characters. The second link covers that issue pretty well. Whenever I get there in the English run I'll do a better comparison.
  16. Interesting... will we'll have to see if this happens in the Japanese one too, but definitely looks more server/base-game related rather than any sort of region thing, I think.
  17. I found a minor change in Chapter 8 of Conquest, pertaining to Jakob's character and how they portray him. It's relatively minor, but since this is about subtle differences that can shape characters in the long run, I decided to make a post on it. Some small spoilers for Conquest Chapter 8! Read it here.
  18. A note that they referred to the MyCastle area as a parallel dimension. I'm not sure if that was the best word choice, even though I can see why it translated to it. Parallel implies a whole different dimension and world entirely, even though it always seemed more like a Pocket Dimension. It's just a very minor thing, but the connotations are different. Yet, the child realms are referred to as Deeprealms, which is a good way to imply a pocket dimension (Secluded Realms/Regions is how Vincent and I translated those). No rush! I'm compiling most stuff in this thread and game, but probably will post a lot slower until I'm done with the game too. I look forward to it, thanks for all your work : ) I don't think it's unpopular. : ) It works especially well when no child results from the 2nd gen marriage, because it means it does not have to lead to children as generation 1 supports are, and so, limited by sometimes. xD Ooh, I like that if there's slight variety. I wonder if that was in the Japanese one as well? I did not see too many of Silkie/Kinu's, so would have to double check. A friend of mine said she thought it was a serial killer and the last words his victim heard. xD Was there not a five minute time out in the Japanese ones? Or is it a general update sort of thing?
  19. I assume even with the "technically adult"-ness of Elise they also wanted to remove any content that would be disturbing to those who still don't accept it. Either way, not all changes are bad. : ) Thanks for the contribution Thor! If you're planning an in-depth post of your own on that matter, I will be sure to link directly to it from my own blog when the time comes. Please keep me updated on your progress and whenever the full post is posted. Looking forward to it, as I did like Marx/Xander in Japanese! I got my game a little while ago, so am writing text that stands out as odd compared to what I remember in Japanese as I go along, now. Hmm interesting. Noted it down. Thanks!
  20. Really love your picture! Have a link to the full thing? : )

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kirokan


      Much appreciated! She's one of my favorites too. I covered a tidbit regarding her death quote today, I felt it changed her personality a bit. As a Nyx fan, what do you think? https://kantopia.wordpress.com/2016/02/29/fire-emblem-fates-localization-nyx-death-quote-change-major/

    3. Xaos Steel Wing

      Xaos Steel Wing

      Interesting! You do such great write-ups for the smallest details.

      I think the "fallen dragon" may actually be referencing... endgame stuff. Nyx is a fortune-teller so she may have had some vision or premonition of the "fallen dragon." Even it was one just prior to her death. It's indirect but if the whole war and conflict is caused by the said "fallen dragon" then that is indirectly the true underlying cause of her death.

      I like the Japan...

    4. Kirokan


      That's a great way to look at it actually, that I didn't consider! I really like it. May have to edit the post to add that theory. : )

      And yeah, nitpicking trivia to the extreme is my favorite thing to do xD

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts : )

  21. Much more! Though it's sad how they both hate on you. xD Back when I played it Revelation wasn't out either. so could only go the other way. I believe it is immediately available for people with the Limited Edition though? (Still waiting for my LE to come in) Come now, that shouldn't mean anything here. xD EDIT: Thane's post. I swear I was going to post the same thing. xD
  22. I chose Nohr back when I played in July to see the story first and such. What happened though was a curious result where I found it hard to choose Hoshido the second time because it would mean going against everyone I just spent the entire game with. In that sense, it actually has a reverse effect. I found it harder to choose Hoshido over Nohr, because I played Nohr first. xD
  23. This is just embarrassing to hear that... people should not be doing an "eye for an eye" system with all this, but rather pushing for a way for everyone to enjoy it at the same time. Pokemon X/Y did this very nicely. I know there are a ton of factors that goes into determining what gets released where and when, but the ones between English speaking countries never made sense to me. xD I understand that extra time is probably taken for the other languages (French, German, Spanish, etc), but it does not make it any less disheartening...
  24. Thanks for the contributions everyone. : ) Will start compiling them and adding them to the main post to look into. That's probably something more for the Localization Info change : ) Unless it's a drastic weapon name difference, in which case here works too! You are helping just by contributing the above too, please don't worry! And for pointing out the things with Joker/Jakob. Thanks! No worries about the length : ) This is meant to be an informative thread after all. Those are some minor differences that do make greater impacts going forward, so significant enough to look into I think. Thanks! That is a little odd... I wonder if it is due to the the maps in the background? Do you have a comparison shot on the exact same menu/chapter preparation? And are the picture saved in the same format/quality? Either way, interesting to point out. : ) That's totally fine. I agree about how silence can really help sometimes, and they don't need to insert words everywhere. I'm glad it's still fine overall though! But still enough to note : ) Very interesting... thanks for the heads up! Mm yes it does seem like that could be a possibility. Keeping that I guess to make you feel better about the purchase. xD
  25. You can still help in many ways, as you played the Japanese ones and can read them. : ) So you have at least one side of it that will be a help when more start coming in! Noted! I assume that will already alter things in her support. xD
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