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Everything posted by Kirokan

  1. From skimming things a lot of it is things you already know, but what makes it hard is trivia that is unknown is buried deep within... so yeah we may need to take a very close look at it... Anyway, here you go Vincent! I scanned the same images that the news post had (in addition to the Roy one above), so hopefully you find some use for them. Blog post here.
  2. A lot of the books are interviews and such, so there isn't actually too much to scan for those interested on the design side of things. That may make it a bit easier for people wanting to scan things. : ) However the thick spine does make it hard to get anything clear closer to the inside of the page without totally tearing the page out. xD
  3. I uploaded the Roy named Ike image a few days ago, so here's a scanned higher quality version. I've been going through the book slowly too, digging up other tidbits and scanning some art and designs for myself and others, too. But looks like someone already handled some of the more interesting interview bits. : ) Good info to see! EDIT: Wonder if there's anything more in the interviews, or whether it would be worth it to get the word for word interview for that section. Do you have the book, Vincent?
  4. I plan on importing it with money from people who donated for my other translation work, and will hopefully translate anything interesting that comes out of it (or by request if people want certain pages translated). Maybe even the whole book, depending on how my schedule/donations line up! For now though, the full translation for anyone who cares: Blog (or see below):
  5. I compiled the artists and what works they did, so here's the full list. Pick a favorite! I'll add it to the original post too. Tomoki Yuuya -Kamui -Nyx -Lazward -Flannel -Velour -Soleil Kotoni Shiroishi -Aqua -Cyrus -Saizou -Asama -Setsuna -Yuugiri -Mozume Uka Nagao -Ryouma -Suzukaze -Tsubaki -Crimson -Izana -Midoriko -Mitama Shou Akizuki -Marx -Harold -Siegbert -Ignis -Lutz Waranabe -Hinoka -Felicia -Hinata -Tsukuyomi -Kanna -Kisaragi -Hisame -Shara Suzuka -Camilla -Gunther -Elfie -Zero -Kagerou -Pieri -Benoit -Gray Hana Ichika -Takumi -Kazahana -Oboro -Nishiki -Kinu Misato Kamada -Leon -Joker -Dia -Foleo -Eponine -Lilith Hayasereku -Sakura -Rinka -Orochi -Asura -Flora -Fuuga -Yukimura -Shiononome Karei Kukure -Elise -Odin -Luna -Shigure -Sophie -Ophelia Lala (Rara) -Belka -Charlotte -Matoi Nako Shirataki -Marth -Lucina Hako Itagaki -Ike -Robin
  6. There seems to be a divide between people who prefer Kozaki's style and those that don't (which is totally fine)... I didn't think they looked too cheap (aside from the oddities as some, as many including myself mentioned Belka) xD I sort of prefer some of the artist's styles here more than Kozaki. So I guess it's just a matter of taste, which is obvious from the get-go. My only issue with this is why would these romanizations take precedence over the text dump from the game itself which had different romanizations (as you pointed out above as I typed this message), and that the "official"-ness of the book isn't really as great, I would assume. Likewise, for "intended names," why would Ryouma become Ryoma... xD (though that's explainable, like Saizou became Saizo, so they just assume the reader may know long vowels I guess) But I used different romanizations myself so I'm not really one to talk! I used Asura since アシュラ is a reading for 阿修羅 (which read Ashura indeed) then translates to the Asura (the fighting demon) we all know and love. xD But it is read with the sh sound, yes. That's why I didn't go with the game romanizations Yep! Several different artists, which is why the style varies. I'll get a list of them up eventually. Um anyway Marx is up!
  7. You know, another thing I liked about some of the artworks is that they have that "classic FE" vibe to them. Do others see that too or is that just me? And that's just some. Something about the poses, or maybe the faces that aren't drawn by Kozaki...etc Yes, she looks to be a protagonist from a Studio Ghibli film here... xD Ah, well I didn't mind the bent over-ness too much as she has nice, modest clothing. But yes, that Belka... @CocoaGalaxy I assume they use that symbol for general skirmishes/MyCastle sort of things, too. But that's an assumption! Otherwise, artbooks for FE making mistakes is nothing new : )
  8. Thanks and you're welcome! I loveee how Oboro turned out! I was worried since its multiple artists and such. But...Belka just looks strange...very strange. The proportions xD And Midoriko here reassures you that you can, in fact, marry a child. xD
  9. Okay everybody, so for those of you who want just the character artworks (untranslated, though technically translated in the Character Threat and on the SF sub section for Fates), I set up a blog post here: There are a lot of images, so it's not viable to paste them into this post. So please view them on the blog! Took hours of scanning and editing, so hope it pays off (there's still some issues, like slight blur in the first images, some borders still visible, etc, but please don't harm me) I'll add this to the original post as well. EDIT: Or should this be its own thread... xD
  10. I believe the paleness may have come from my scanner itself. xD They do have slightly more color on the actual cover. : )
  11. Ryouma's pages are now up : ) Also I decided for those who just want the artworks and don't really care for the translation, I'll upload those hopefully in a few hours (or by tomorrow) Maybe Vincent can make use of them too. : ) But the comics will still come day by day with the profile translations.
  12. Thanks everyone! I aim to work at just one or two pages a day, usually a profile/pic and the comic that follows. : ) Again, the quality is a little low on the first few but it will improve...soon. xD Hehe, no worries. Do you mean the "charm?" 不思議な魅力 is what they use, "mysterious appeal/attraction/charisma" I'm aware : ) I translated them in the character thread and so use them for the main book profiles. The titles too I did from their epilogue ones. It does make things easier! Page 8 and 9 are up! Featuring Aqua.
  13. Page 6 and 7 are up, Kamui's profile and comic. The pages are slightly blurred on the sides and other areas, but I promise the quality will improve (as the later scans came out better when I got the method down better...) Ah, yes it does, independent from the text dump, as I said, Syalla is Shara as I have written it in my own translations, as one example. This explanation I hope answers your question. And yep! I went with the Valkyria example, in fact, and so wrote Gunther, but have seen it as Gunter (and it is written such in the official localization, I believe?) Amazon.co.jp has an English language option : ) The rest is straightforward from there! http://www.amazon.co.jp/ Look at the top bar, should find the option saying "English." Then, just open the page I linked in the original post, and it should be easy from there. : )
  14. You're welcome everyone : ) I'm using the names that I used in the Character Thread --though it was interesting that some names (Like "Syalla") the comic wrote differently than the game's text dump romanization (in this case, they wrote "Shara" too!) But yes, I meant to say they are not their officially localized names, like how Joker's name is Jakob in the west!
  15. UPDATE: The project is now fully complete! It was a lot of work, so I hope you all enjoyed the end results! I did it all on my free time, so please consider donating if you are feeling up to it. : ) Lastly, you can download the file in bulk here (password: kantopia) Feel free to send any comments, questions, or concerns to my email or just PM them. Email I check a lot faster... See you all next project! --- Original Post: Hi everyone! My copy of the Fire Emblem Fates: 4Koma & Character Book finally came in today! Just like last time with Fire Emblem Awakening: 4Koma Kings, I will be scanning, cleaning,translating, and posting them on my blog (and this post too) as they come. This book contains full body artworks drawn by various artists of every playable character in FE14, as well as two four panel comics that feature each character on every page (check the Table of Contents for a sample image). Unlike 4Koma Kings, the entire book is in color too. I believe the profiles are the exact ones from the game, however, which I translated over in the character thread already. I will still put them onto the pages as they come however. I don't know if this substitutes for official artwork/full body pictures (as seen in Famitsu or other magazines) and whether or not there will be an official character book down the line. Regardless, some of them are drawn nicely (and others...a little oddly) so it is still something for those who may have wanted reference material at least for full body pictures of the characters. Please support the authors by buying a physical copy yourself! It makes for a fine addition to any Fire Emblem or manga collection and seems to count as the character book, too, and does not cost much either. : ) I don't get anything beyond practice out of this and it is all done on free time, which is why the pace may be rather slow (a page or two a day)... I apologize if anyone is in a rush to see the entire thing... but I wouldn't mind donations if you're feeling kind enough to give any : ) Also like last time, I am not posting any raw scans. I'm also not quite sure what the legality of this all is, either...so if someone else is already doing this or if there are any other issues, then please inform me/shut this thread immediately! I'll keep updating this post as they come! Check back often! A list of artists and which characters they did can be seen in the spoilers below: --- Current Progress: COMPLETE Notes: -Comics/pages are read from right to left -The Japanese names/equivalents are used as all the localized ones are not known yet -The first few pages are a little blurred on the sides, but the quality will improve since I found better ways to scan it... I will hopefully re-scan some of the earlier pages later on. For those who just want the artworks and do not care for the translations, I set up a blog post here where you can view (and download) them all. --- Cover: Page 04-05 (Table of Contents) Page 6 (Kamui Profile) Page 7 Page 8 (Aqua's Profile) Page 9 Page 10 (Ryouma's Profile) Page 11 Page 12 (Marx's Profile) Page 13: Page 14 (Hinoka's Profile) Page 15 Page 16 (Camilla's Profile) Page 17 Page 18 (Takumi's Profile) Page 19 Page 20 (Leon's Profile) Page 21 Page 22 (Sakura's Profile) Page 23 Page 24 (Elise's Profile) Page 25 Page 26 (Joker's Profile) Page 27 Page 28 [Felicia's Profile] Page 29 Page 30 [Gunther's Profile] Page 31 Page 32 (Suzukaze's Profile) Page 33 Page 34 (Cyrus Profile) Page 35 Page 36 (Rinka's Profile) Page 37 Page 38 (Kazahana's Profile) Page 39 Page 40 (Tsubaki's Profile) Page 41 Page 42 (Harold's Profile) Page 43 Page 44 (Elfie's Profile) Page 45 Page 46 (Saizou's Profile) Page 47 Page 48 (Orochi's Profile) Page 49 Page 50 (Asama's Profile) Page 51 Page 52 (Setsuna's Profile) Page 53 Page 54 (Odin's Profile) Page 55 Page 56 (Zero's Profile) Page 57 Page 58 (Hinata's Profile) Page 59 Page 60 (Oboro's Profile) Page 61 Page 62 (Nyx's Profile) Page 63 Page 64 (Luna's Profile) Page 65 Page 66 (Belka's Profile) Page 67 Page 68 (Tsukuyomi's Profile) Page 69 Page 70 (Yuugiri's Profile) Page 71 Page 72 (Kagerou's Profile) Page 73 Page 74 (Nishiki's Profile) Page 75 Page 76 (Lazward's Profile) Page 77 Page 78 (Pieri's Profile) Page 79 Page 80 (Benoit's Profile) Page 81 Page 82 (Charlotte's Profile) Page 83 Page 84 (Crimson's Profile) Page 85 Page 86 (Flannel's Profile) Page 87 Page 88 (Asura's Profile) Page 89 Page 90 (Izana's Profile) Page 91 Page 92 (Flora's Profile) Page 93 Page 94 (Fuuga's Profile) Page 95 Page 96 (Yukimura's Profile) Page 97 Page 98 (Mozume's Profile) Page 99 Page 100 (Kanna's Profile) Page 101 Page 102 (Shigure's Profile) Page 103 [i reached the max image limit for posts, so just hyperlinks from now on...] Page 104 (Deere's Profile) Page 105 Page 106 (Sophie's Profile) Page 107 Page 108 (Midoriko's Profile) Page 109 Page 110 (Shinonome's Profile) Page 111 Page 112 (Kisaragi's Profile) Page 113 Page 114 (Gray's Profile) Page 115 Page 116 (Kinu's Profile) Page 117 Page 118 (Hisame's Profile) Page 119 Page 120 (Mitama's Profile) Page 121 Page 122 (Matoi's Profile) Page 123 Page 124 (Shara's Profile) Page 125 Page 126 (Siegbert's Profile) Page 127 Page 128 (Foleo's Profile) Page 129 Page 130 (Ignis's Profile) Page 131 Page 132 (Velour's Profile) Page 133 Page 134 (Lutz's Profile) Page 135 Page 136 (Ophelia's Profile) Page 137 Page 138 (Soleil's Profile) Page 139 Page 140 (Eponine's Profile) Page 141 Page 142 (Lilith's Profile) Page 143 Page 144 (Marth + Ike's Profile) Page 145 (Lucina + Robin's Profile)
  16. Hi everyone! If you haven't seen me around for awhile I've been busy (but you may have seen me post here and there). I'm not sure if anyone still cares about the story, but, anyway, I finally completed summarizing everything (minus one or two DLC that I will not bother with... I can't afford it. xD) This is a compilation list of all the Fire Emblem: if (Fates) story summaries I have written. This means the Prologue, Hoshido, Nohr, Touma paths, every Paralogue, some of the DLC (Invisible History 1 + 2 and Awakening), and all the amiibo missions (which are fully translated rather than just a summary). They can be found on my blog here, or links to the respective pages below: A big thanks to Linkmstr's Youtube page for covering a lot of the paralogues I didn't get, and so could read them all there. With that I think there's just a few epilogues to cover and my work is done for this game. xD I may be unable to check back at this thread directly for error corrections and all that, so feel free to PM me if you don't see me replying. : )
  17. Up to the end of the Favorite Character poll so far. Blog post here, or see below:
  18. I'm not going to do the usual Famitsu-photoshop, but I am going through all the results as we speak to give the points, and will post it as a giant wall of text when it's done.
  19. I was just about to post all the scans I got xD But those are the two most important. The one with Takumi is "character most satisfied/content with" (favorite) and the one with Aqua is indeed "most married."
  20. I don't think I'll buy this week's issue just for it, but I may be able to get the scans soon... may as well take a look.
  21. I posted this in the other thread, but figured people passing by who did not see said thread may want to see it, so here it is. I marathoned it in a six hours session to write up the full summary as quick as possible for those who are interested. And so off to sleep I go! Forgive typos and all that please xD A quick general disclaimer that I use officially localized Awakening names but still call Hydra...well, Hydra, among some other things. There may be some translation hiccups here and there too as a result of the marathon-into-late-night-ness, but the overall contexts and feelings are there. Blog posts here (for Part 1) and here (for Part 2). Or, see below! Part 1: Part 2
  22. Ah, I just finished writing a full on summary for this, but I am sure people will prefer a full text translation to look at. Best of luck : ) Looking good so far from the skim.
  23. EDIT: Made a separate thread here for it. Phew, marathoned it to write up the full summary as quick as possible for those who are interested. (I saw someone already linked the first part of the summary too, thanks!) Blog posts here (for Part 1) and here (for Part 2). Or, see below! As usual it was hard work, took about 5-6 hours, and so off to sleep I go! Forgive typos and all that please xD Part 1: Part 2
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