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Everything posted by Kirokan

  1. To the above, yes it is confirmed they are one in the same, referencing events in Awakening. I wonder why they are helping the clearly evil team that has ties to black dragons like Grima was. Why? They do not even refer to any plot to overcome the dark king, they serve obediently. Why? Why are they doing this? Why do they only then disappear after the story's events? There really is no way to help that plotwise, it is simply put in for fans. Not totally a bad thing, but I wish they went with expies instead of the actual characters.
  2. So that's why there's a meme about it. xD Makes sense... That's the great irony here... but playing Nohr/liking the Nohr siblings will make Hoshido's emotional moments even stronger : ) The decision point alone is painful. Yep, agreed with the general consensus. Yes, personal opinion plays a big role of course. I would say it's better than Awakening, but others like Awakening better. I hope everybody reading this thread keeps this in mind going forward. : ) I cannot say enough about how I do not think the translated dialogue will help the overall plot much, unless they literally change the plot itself. It will make characters better in their mannerisms, yes, for those who do not understand, but it will do nothing for the plot flaws which is what is being discussed most. Yet, characters for Nohr are already said to be better (for the most part), so this will not help plots in anyway, really.
  3. You're welcome! I have not actually covered a lot of My Castle yet, but there is an entire thread dedicated to it, so perhaps you may find help there? : )
  4. I was going to cross check it, but thanks for doing so for me then : \ I was her mother, so didn't suffer this support conversation xD...
  5. Out of curiosity, how are people playing the third path? (Ahh I hate it how quotes show whats in the spoiler...xD) Next, I added some methods that Japanese users surmised are the way to get some characters (Draj, Nacht, etc), but if anybody could confirm, that would be nice. I have the game but with everything else going on, progress has been slow. xD
  6. I'm glad they came in handy. You can restart simply by doing a soft rest (L + R + Start), then doing "Start from chapter save", which on the main menu is the first option, followed by the first option on the follow up menu, then choose your save. It will start you back in My Castle if you did not save on the battle map. If you are on the battle map, choose to "go back" (red button) and try it in My Castle.
  7. You're welcome : ) Some parts were more complex than others, but I'm glad I was able to help in someway.
  8. I agree with your points here. Hoshido seemed better overall to me. Nohr had a story, and it worked, but just was not as was expected, and so can make it falter. I think overall the stories for both games were better than Awakening as there was nothing strange like time travel involved (yet. Did you play the third path already? Or is this just based on the info in the text dump and such? Been avoiding most things about it, but in "some aspects" worries me about what it's not as good as in the "other" aspects. xD I think there were better hairstlyes in this, and the clothing would have been had fem kamui not been pants less : ( In Hoshido though she got a better upgrade design. xD Robin or Kamui...hmm, well they both have their ups and downs, Robin I guess can put it to amnesia, where as Kamui...can put it to sheltered life or something. In the end I think a shift to the third person may be better, but that's just what I think.
  9. If for story, then Chapter 26 of Hoshido/Birthright, with all that is going on is a really nice one. So much emotion fueled in there! But I guess you may want to be able to understand the dialogue for that one. As for just a favorite battle in general... that's a hard question, actually. xD
  10. Just so you all know, I translated menus here, (they're on the forums as a stickied thread, too) and chapter information here, and...story summaries and all that : ) And if you have any other questions, feel free to ask. Character profiles are around too but may have spoilers and such, well more than the above sections. : )
  11. Gameplay: There is plenty more variety in Nohr, and will certainly provide a challenge at lower difficulties than Awakening did. I didn't feel like any balance was really broken nor was there much issue in Hoshido weapons VS Nohr ones. Nope, not as grindy at all. Nohr does not even give grinding opportunities, so plays like a classic FE game in that sense that the EXP and funds you get are from playing the chapters. Story: Nohr's story has an entire thread dedicated to exploring it's flaws, the majority of the opinions consider Hoshido to have the better story. I vouched for the points that were brought up. I understood 80-90% of the dialogue, so I could support saying that the translations would not really help the story, unless the localization changed the actual plot --which they would not. Hoshido has a more satisfying conclusion than Nohr, and overall is done better, with more emotional moments. However, there are still unanswered things on both paths, likely left for the potentially "end all be all" third path the game seems to be pushing for. Nohr has a better variety of characters that fits the aesthetic of Fire Emblem more, however. The Royal Siblings on Nohr are more interesting than those on Hoshido, but overall story goes to Hoshido. Yes, definitely, IS seems to be pushing for third path at this moment. We are hoping it is not any more "canon" than others, but... Kamui did not appeal to me (and others) as much as some of the other characters in the game. Ironically, they had better flow and development on the Hoshido path than the "deeper, darker" Nohr one. They are not really a Mary-Sue in some senses, but I guess you can consider them to be such in other cases. As I say to others, I do not think the localization can "fix" the story no matter what they do with the dialogue, unless they literally change the story, which as far as localization is concerned, they do not do. I am sure they could attempt to make justified reasoning for this and that, but that would be quite the uphill battle that destroys the meaning from the original game and brings in all sorts of complications.
  12. Kamui could die and the level kept going, on Casual at least. So I assume the same as Phoenix.
  13. I do not think they should be completely disregarded, as they are still people who are still having some sort of issue with the game in some way. But yes, it should not be taken as an extremely valid opinion among the general populace. It's rating is fairly well on the eShop, for instance. I'll take a look at some examples later.
  14. There's an amazon.co.jp link in her youtube video credits: If physical shipping (would be about 10 dollars) doesn't work overseas, can just download the mp3 album there, too. : ) I'm pretty sure music CDs can be shipped, though.
  15. It's what I'm known for, Saizou. xD In seriousness though I'll be reviewing the translation to see how some things can be better said and such, but this version gives you the idea and all. : ) Thank you so much for posting about the lyrics being uploaded, as I was waiting for that forever. xD
  16. Indeed, I listened to the song and fixed the mistakes as I went through for the romaji. Here you go! Romaji for hitori omou: Translated hitori omou:
  17. These three will always die on that route. In my and many other play through, and the text dump, all point to this. They are the only ones who die, and there are no others who have preventable deaths as far as I know.
  18. Ah, have you corrected your initial post then? I do not actually, what happened at that time? Of course, take your time. You are busy with Fates as well, so should relax and enjoy it. : )
  19. Ah, thank you so much for this! Been looking for the official lyrics so I can do a translation : ) I romanize it too so will pass it on to you.
  20. Ah, okay in that case I can join the discussion. : )
  21. You cannot save them in this path. Aqua was cursed and her singing just makes the "illness" spread faster. The more she sings the quicker she fades. She promised not to fade, but broke it by the end. She apologizes but says Kamui can now lead the world to a good future. Kamui then mysteriously meets her again where they first met, where she mentions "worlds that we're not aware of" before disappearing again, saying they'll meet again someday, somewhere.
  22. Yeah... It really is unfortunate that you need to play all three to get the whole story, rather than just having things explained in different ways in each one that would give you full knowledge of what's going on. You have to buy all three to do so... No for Ryouma and Takumi, and Sakura/Hinoka don't die. Spoiler tags are in case people have not played Hoshido or the Third Route. This is discussing Nohr, so it is safe to assume not everyone here has played Hoshido yet. : ) The Nohr path is not the darkest, and not that dark at all. I would say it's darker than Awakening, sure (even though the future story in Awakening is pretty dark, too!) but it certainly does not beat, say, FE4, or even FE12's side story. By dark, all that actually happens is some civilians get murdered, as do some soldiers who surrendered. That's it. Nameless people. It is tragic, but as far as the player cares, they likely care very little... Both the Hoshido brothers commit suicide. Hoshido had more emotional and arguably "darker" moments which is odd as this was meant to be the darker one of them. xD
  23. Pixiv is where a lot of Japanese post their art, so it helps knowing Japanese (or you can go to wiki, find the Japanese name there, and paste it in) Please do not worry about looking ignorant. Everybody starts somewhere, and I am just glad we could point you in the right direction. : ) You can also go to Japanese Miiverse for the game, a lot of really great art there!
  24. Wait, before I click this spoiler tag, is this pertaining to third route stuff? Though I guess the concept of this thread already gave it away...? xD EDIT: Well nobody answered, so I will assume it is third path stuff and leave the thread then... xD
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