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Status Updates posted by Phoenix

  1. Awesome sig XD

  2. And another birthday arrives.

    Happy birthday. Have a good one ^_^

  3. Band wagons ... gotta love'em.

    Happy birthday ^_^

  4. Space? Yeah, plenty ^_^ Check my about me section for all the positions, and Lightning's profile to check the ones that are taken. (I haven't updated yet)

  5. New temperature change area ... because replies come that often ... ... ... New temperature has fallen to around 950 degrees BTW ... F. not C.

    1. Show previous comments  97 more
    2. Phoenix


      <.< >.>

      If only we could lure one of those Londo Bell lunatics into the weapon's range ...

      Did you run a check after hearing the click to see if anything was wrong?

      Going to make a new update now so when the next three messages max it out we'll be okay XD

    3. Midnight Nightmare

      Midnight Nightmare


      well...that's why I called you, I want you to check it and if it explodes you will be fire resistant :)

      Okay :)

    4. riariadne


      Halp I need better armor.

  6. Happy Birthday! ^_^

    <.< >.> am I the first one?


  7. Just go back to what you always do for now. We're not fully set up yet. Once we are, then we'll start organizing things quickly and you'll be called to action.

  8. Until he earns a higher position yeah I guess :/

  9. He's the secretary for the time being, and Junior Lieutenant. He's keeping track of the new recruits and positions so I don't have to update every time someone joins. Lazy me -_-

  10. Can you handle the monumental responsibility of such a position? If so then sure. Just make sure you let Lightning know so he can add you to the list and tell SapphireFox so she can play with you a little bit ^_^

  11. Check my about me page. A list of filled spots is in Lightning's profile too since I haven't updated yet -_-'

  12. Yep ^_^


  13. Seriously? HAHAH!!! Epic ... thanks, Lieutenant Colonel SapphireFox XD

  14. Alright then. Those were the only prerequisites I could think of so you're on the tank crew ^_^

    You get to roll in and crush people when we need you.

  15. So you want to pilot the tank huh? Seems reasonable. Are you good at running things over?

  16. New area for replies to my temperature ... which is now a whopping 1,500 degrees BTW ^_^

    1. Show previous comments  97 more
    2. riariadne


      Junior LT. Sounds awesomer.

      Ca I be Junior Lt. Colonel?

    3. Midnight Nightmare
    4. Phoenix


      If I up your rank that much, you've got to give me a good reason-wait ... what's with these junior ranks? You'd be a Lieutenant from the get go if not for that.

  17. Ahah! So you are the one that my Lieutenant Colonel SapphireFox speaks so highly of.

    I hereby invite you to join the Spetsnaz Brigade. If you decline I will be very sad until soothed with song and/or dance -_-

    Umm also ... something about "And Keyword ... IF"?

  18. Yeah, The Dark Phoenix is a minor turn on, though that won't make me any more reasonable in the rp ^_^

  19. Happy Birthday guy I've never met who is only friends with the Red One and her brother ^_^

  20. Someone really likes explosives o_O'

  21. Lieutenant Fox. That's got a nice ring to it. I'll let you decide what kind of explosives you like to use ^_^

  22. Yes! Now I've a Lieutenant! Two more of those and we'll be able to start mobilizing muhahahaahaaaah! >:)

  23. Truth: A platonic friend to a man is reminder of how badly he messed up. A platonic friend to a woman is a reminder of how well she can do in the future :/

    1. Show previous comments  97 more
    2. Phoenix


      Yeah ... , like you but less cute, more 6 foot 2 ^_^

    3. Midnight Nightmare

      Midnight Nightmare

      your just a foot taller.... :D

    4. Phoenix


      but my legs are longer hahah! B)

  24. *gives caffine*

    *wonders if she would join spetsnaz as well* <.< >.>

  25. lol would you like some caffine with your liveliness?

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