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Status Updates posted by Phoenix

  1. Proto you know he isn't lol

    Happy birthday anyway, man ^_^

  2. Yeah, Shanice can take the shape of just about anything except inanimate objects. It's not the smartest shapeshifter but it knows how to screw with people(succubus joke XD)

  3. You guys just can't help but read the spoilers huh? Good thing nothing embarrassing ends up in them. -_-

  4. Happybirthday!

    Wyverns rock! You all know it ^_^

  5. Happy birthday, Whase! You're legal now, so be extra careful ;)

  6. Uh ... happy birthday ^_^

  7. Hey, happy birthday, Quester ^_^

  8. Cs are for below average students.

  9. So tab syndrome has claimed you too huh? Remember back in the day when we couldn't do that? o_O' Scary @%#$ ...

    It's nice to know there's at least one other Vegas person on here.

  10. quote:I'm not really seeing Morgan with 6 arms, controlled by a Hive Mind, and wanting to eat everything?

    Are you sure? Just needs a little tweak and ...

    quote:I'm seeing Morgan with 6 arms(four hidden ^_^ , controlled by a Horrifyingly aggressive Mind, and wanting to bite everyone's heads off.

    Close enough lol

  11. I totally forgot to start adding you guys :)

  12. Happy Birthday ^_^

    Ah Proto's always on the look out for those lol

  13. Well I've got reason to complain. The other Cynthia's never on, and Bianchi is ... well ... she's Bianchi >.>

    Also ... Morgan=Tyranid

    Look it up ^_^

  14. You're online here and on FEUniverse at the same time? lol

    BTW, why no mention of Vegas? I didn't think anyone on here was from or in Vegas -_-

  15. Yes, it's as you thought ... Happy Birthday wishes ^_^

  16. Happy Birthday ^_^

    Must ... think of ... better way to say that >_<

  17. He's younger than I expected. Five years younger.

    Well happy birthday nonetheless ^_^

  18. Hah! First comment!

    Welcome to the forest ^_^

  19. Your birthday is May 3? Haha! That's when one of our annoying bills hits! Well at least something good happens on the 3rd today.

    Happy Birthday ^_^

  20. Wait a minute! There's two Cynthias? o_O'

  21. Proto beat me to it? What the ...? Whatever <_<

    Happy birthday!

    My gift to you? An add ^_^

  22. Happy birthday lol didn't know death had an age

  23. Happy Birthday :)

    Also lol @Generic Officer and DAGRON's pics

  24. Happy Birthday!!

    I hate being generic, but it's 12:31 AM here. Sorry :(

  25. Happy Birthday....

    @Proto: You know he isn't lol

    1. Logician


      Proved you wrong, didn't I?


    2. Phoenix


      Just wow ... lol welcome back.

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