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Status Updates posted by Phoenix

  1. *eyes are burned by bright blue hair*

    Happy Birthday @_@

  2. That happened a little too fast. Depending on how fast the main party's moving along, the 24x thing might have to be ended very soon.

  3. We're in Vaorin? I guess I should check the posts ...

  4. Happy birthday lol

  5. Happy Birthday, LL ^_^

  6. Oh good morning lol

  7. Happy Birthday, Kiryn ^_^

  8. *sets up a vicious trap* ^_^

  9. Happy birthday, guy

  10. Happy Birthday, person I know

  11. Happy Birthday again ^_^

  12. ping *bandwagon'ing*

  13. *yawn* Happy Birthday

  14. Year three ...

    Happy Birthday ^_^;

  15. And this year you get high powered laser cannon I found just lying around somewhere.

    Happy Birthday! ^_^

  16. Hmm, what's the usual anyway? lol

  17. Pretty good, just running the rps like usual. Doesn't mean a whole lot but I'm content for now lol

    And you?


    What's up? ^_^

  19. Oh thanks ^_^

  20. Uh ... happy birthday again ^_^;

  21. Happy Birthday, man ^_^

  22. Happy Birthday.

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