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California Mountain Snake

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Everything posted by California Mountain Snake

  1. Today I saw a bird.

    I wonder if I too can ever escape. My mind is my prison, holding me, isolating me. I was placed in isolation once for shanking my scalp open to try to let it out.

    Why does no one understand?

  2. Because you're a hopeless fanboy buying into the Sqeenix self-perpetuating money-making machine. It would probably be easiest if you just killed yourself.
  3. I think it's time we had a talk about us.

  4. Emerald Fox: I don't sleep motherfucker, all that yak and that durbin, doing 120, gettin' head while I'm swervin'. Black Knight: durrr durr durrrr
  5. lol Nessie, what a joke. Everyone knows Champ murdered that fucking pussy ages ago, Godzilla too. Champ fucking rocks.
  6. That's exactly right, although North America has little to do with that (forestation in Western countries is largely on the increase) "Land use change" (a euphemism for the forest burning and deforestation that occurs mostly due to squatter farmers expanding farm land) has been attributed with half of the increase in CO2 in the atmosphere. This also invalidates most underdeveloped countries' excuses for why they shouldn't have to reduce their pollution levels. Many countries like India or Brazil claim that since all of the extra CO2 in the atmosphere came from Western industrialization activities, it should be their job to clean up their mess and reduce CO2 emissions, rather to expect these underdeveloped countries to sacrifice their own future development and industrialization in order to save the environment, a problem that they see as not being their fault. However, analysis shows that about 50% of the world's CO2 increases comes from areas like Brazil, Indonesia, India, and Africa where significant tropical deforestation has occurred, making this issue very much their problem. One of the leading suggestions to combat rising greenhouse gas levels is to reverse this process, and "reforest" previously decimated lands. Only problem is it has a several generation implementation schedule, and the rate of deforestation in these countries isn't really slowing down any.
  7. No! I must be expecting atrocity, a massacre of plot and character development! Only then will I be able to enjoy it!
  8. I have low expectations. Hopefully if they're only moderatly exceeded I can enjoy the movie.
  9. Donald duck has an lateral lisp (sometimes called a elliptical s), not the interdental lisp stereotypically associated with homosexuality. Why is this topic still alive is beyond me.
  10. Ecosystem fail. Volcanic activity changes over the course of thousands of years. Point being - it doesn't matter how much CO2 volcanoes spew into the atmosphere; relative to the scope of human lifetimes the environment has reached perfect equilibrium. Every year the amount of CO2 generated by volcanoes is perfectly offset by that removed through natural processes. It wouldn't matter if human CO2 contributions were only 1/1000th of that emitted by volcanoes (in reality it is much higher), the point is that in the past 30 years alone CO2 concentrations have gone up 11%, which is colossal when you consider the fact that such changes usually require thousands of years. The danger isn't in "how much" we disrupt the environment, it's how quickly we're throwing delicate natural cycles out of equilibrium, and as much as everyone likes to talk about cycles, which do change over time in natural and periodic ways, they forget that these cycles reciprocate over the course of several thousand years, never over the course of one century. Despite this, climate change doesn't really concern me as much as how lavishly we waste our resources. Basic metals like aluminum, copper, tin are all reaching the points of diminishing returns in mining, with economical mining of copper, perhaps the most important metal in the manufacture of all electronic goods, expected to end within decades. If the global rate of consumption continues along this path, climate change will be a small worry.
  11. If that was right, why is it that I don't hate you? Why don't I hate your mom? ITT: comback fails. Trolling and flaming need to be differentiated from highly critical or acerbic posts. The reason Blacken pisses so many people off is that he's never wrong, and sometimes a dick about it. He never just says "ur dumb" (unless that's self evident), he ussualy says "You're a retard, and here's why", which goes from being an insult to at least an objective statement (if he puts up a good argument, you cannot deny the possibility that you may in fact be retarded.)
  12. Even better, the listed reason for the warn is "Flamming in the Flamming vs. Trolling thread"

    irony fail :[

  13. I drink a lot of milk, and out of the carton it is more expensive once for ounce, so I prefer a plastic gallon for the economy of it. Plus I've had a few cases of opening a carton and getting a mouthfull of curds, so I've come to distrust cartons slightly over time.
  14. lol 10% warn level.

    Guess I don't know where the line is until I cross it.

    Nyoro~n :3c

  15. All of your avatars: Word of advice, don't insult FESS members.
  16. That fucking cat

    is not so fine.

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