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California Mountain Snake

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Everything posted by California Mountain Snake

  1. Oh my God are you fucking "Sothe"/"Biscuit"? lololololololol , now nothing can protect you.
  2. Lyric correction, it's actually "Durban", a variety of marijuana. Figures, since yak (Conac) and bourban is kind of redundant :\.

  3. This is the same site of dubious veracity which published the bullshit "chair exploding" story. Also, read the subcaption to find where you can buy one of these (spoilers: you can't because it isn't real). Still, if they ever invent one, it better wash its hands between customers. But I swear, if the next "technological update" topic I read here links to Stan Meyers and his magical car that runs on water, I'm going to go ballistic.
  4. Um, no. I think you've gotten lost. FFtF is that way. Bye now.
  5. Although I'm having trouble deciphering this post, I believe Musashi's original intent (if that is who you were trying to refer to) was to conclude the argument that was evolving in this thread by putting it back on topic. I believe if you read later, Musashi can be quoted as saying "I can't think of a forum that doesn't allow its members to voice their concerns." I do not beleive he was trying to stymie all discussion. Yokai and my posts are completely on topic, and relevant to voicing our concerns, which makes them germane to the discussion. Although Cynthia's post is nit picky and mostly irrelevant, it is saved by the fact that he does comment on his opinions towards Löki, and his belief that there can be reconciliation in the future, making it mostly on topic. I am confused by your reaction ( for reasons outside of the grammar).
  6. None of the text you bolded accuses any Serenes members of "hating" Löki. Also, those comments are only directed at those who wish to take serious action against Löki because of his actions, which is obviously not you. It is self evident that the prevailing desire to punish Löki is based from members' dislike of him, not because of any alleged rule breaking or official standards. This does not require further clarification.
  7. Considering I don't go in the kitchen that often, it doesn't matter how loud she is. :o
  8. I refuse to sign this. Edit- Expanding upon that: What I see here is basically a call to ban member because he is annoying, idiosyncratic, and appears to have an innate capability to make everyone around him go crazy and become completely obsessed with his comments (in stead of dismissing them like most people do with dumb comments). What I don't see are plausible grounds for expulsion. And this whole "he breaks the rules" argument isn't going to fly. Many, many, many posters "break the rules" on this forum, and considering the rules are 10 statutes of vaguely definable limitations anyways, it would be possible to claim that every single person on this board has broke the rules at some point (In case I didn't make this clear enough: Mods, take note of your sucky rules). This reduces our argument here to the obvious truth: no one cares here that Löki broke the rules. The real motivation is that people simply don't like him. He is loud and annoying, basically the village idiot, and you seek to ban him from your cozy gated community. I cannot support such motivation, such principals, or such an action. If I could sign ten times against this I would, and if this is taken into action, any lingering respect I have for this forum and it's members will evaporate. ALSO, Löki, don't you fucking quote me and say something like "good to see someone agrees with me", because I'm not talking about you or your pathetic ass. I'm talking about the frightening prospect of allowing this forum's governance to be dictated by a popularity contest, regardless of how fucking annoying the dumbass is (read:you)
  9. Outside of all this "relative perspecitve" nonsense, French is the one thing that is feminine on every fundamental level. Either that or just fucking gay. :D
  10. Old fad is old. I'm glad I'm not in high school anymore.
  11. Jesus fucking Christ, this is why we have science people: Whoever claimed the child was "blasted" off the chair has no understanding of physics. The chair had no energy of its own, the pressure in the cylinder could only possibly have equalled the weight of the child (his mass being pulled down by gravity was the only force acting on the chair, outside the minimal weight of the seat itself), and the energy would have been a lot less due to the fact that nothing is perfect in terms of energy transfer. Even more so, this cylinder would have exploded in more directions than one, removing even more force that could have acted directly on the child. Probably in the end, the child received less than 10% of his weight in explosive force, probably around seven or eight pounds. But we're forgetting something else! Even if the "shards of metal" could be torn apart by seventy or so pounds of force (laughably un-fucking-likely), they would have had to travel through the foam and seat by themselves, with maybe only a pound of force acting on each individually. It's unlikely they would ever escape the seat, and if they did, they wouldn't even be able to break skin. The world isn't ending, no need to worry. The fear-mongering peasants can go back to being stupid.
  12. The nurse's are poisoning you.

    Yes they are, my darling.

  13. Some stoned leching Dutchman, probably.
  14. Have you even watched the original show? The Transformers toys came way before the show was created. The series was created for the explicit purpose of giving Hasbo's toys air time and marketing them to kids. Once they watch the shows, they want the toys. The whole point of the movie in-between seasons 2 and 3 was to kill off all the old characters and introduce a new cast, with coresponding toys, which the kids would have to buy again. Pure marketing genius. If you read any "depth" into the show, then you're just a sucker.
  15. Do you even know what you're talking about? Micheal Bay's masterpiece was a perfect tribute to the original series: a glittery, showy spectacle with more product placement than you can shake a stick at, and made of pure fun and explosive entertainment. Actually, in every way his movie exceeded the standards of the old show, which was frankly a piece of shit (now Beast Wars on the other hand...) I plan on going to see the new movie twice, three times if I really like it!
  16. Tell that to Sweeden. They have one of the highest standards of living in the world and a democratic government. How this goes "against everything western civilization has been fighting for" is a little unclear to me.
  17. Do you think if Metal Rabit killed himself, that would become a fad among Serenes members? What a jizz-in-my-pants exciting thought.
  18. Good thing too. When he's caught the war on terror will be over, Iraq's ethnic factions will lay down their arms and vote with their consciences, and we will finally have peace in the Middle East. Hallelujah, praise Allah.
  19. Then let me bring this happy train to a dead halt , and just tell you no one is going to do this for you. period.
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