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California Mountain Snake

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Everything posted by California Mountain Snake

  1. Provocative, eloquent, poignant, even daring. Oh dear would you smell that, I think I've shit my nappy.
  2. Can't blame a guy for trying, even on a person who speaks like a troglodyte. Bitch.
  3. The Street Sharks think your bannishment is jawsome.


  4. Revan, I think it's about time you just shut the fuck up you cockmongling cuntwaffle.
  5. In real life my cousin (In gaming life, well, you know who you are). Although we're the almost the same age, she was always a year ahead in school (born before the cutoff), and I was always trying to prove I was just as smart as her. When she got into Princeton instead of dampening my hopes it actually encouraged me, because although I never would have thought I could get into an Ivy League school, if she could I figured maybe I had a shot too. Friendly rivalries pay out in the end. At least for me they did. Last I heard the Crimson were owning Tiger face too. Nyah nyah.
  6. Berries and cream berries and cream I'm a little lad who likes berries and cream!
  7. [To those of you paying attention, there are 2 things which have been removed from this thread. Can you find them all?]
  8. You answered my question: this just comes naturally for you. Ok, they get 10-15% of the sales. This means that their profits are directly proportional to how many records they sell. They sell twice as many records, they make twice as much money. Before you go on a tangent next time, please understand basic mathematical terminology. I know it's a lot to expect everyone to have passed 5th grade math, but there are plenty of adult education programs out there if you need them. The rest of your post was such an irrelevant compilation of trite nonsense that rather than spending time to pick it apart, I will respond lol.
  9. Are you trying to be stupid? It what god-forsaken recess of your mind does it make more sense to pirate music and software that hundreds of people worked on and depend on good sales for profit, while the movie industry even in these dire time is unflagging in it's ability to make profit, and the only one who loses out in the end if a movie is pirated is the studio (production, actors, etc are all paid before the movie is released). In stark contrast, musicians garner their revenue directly proportional to how many CDs they sell, they don't get a $20 million commission from a recording studio just for releasing the album, the album has to sell too. Your argument defeats itself.
  10. I concede, you caught me making a typo. Spelling has never been a strong suit of mine, in fact I used to take special ed. classes for the spelling tests in elementary school. Never really got over the shame of that. Even to this day I spell check everything I write, but obviously as you've discovered spell check doesn't pick up on incorrectly placed but correctly spelled words. But I've learned to deal with this problem. I can only pray you find a way to deal with yours Löki. Earlier this thread was fun for me, but now I'm kind of sad, because I really realize that you are a person, sitting behind your computer in mey-hi-ko somewhere, snickering, reading, and typing this stuff. And it breaks my heart. Find help dude.
  11. It's not that you don't understand it. You don't want to understand it. You dismiss it. You're afraid of it. You bathe in your ignorance, because it is the only thing you've ever known. God hates a thinker, and with your head of pipe cleaners and bell whistles you're obviously headed straight for the Golden Gates.
  12. Really? I'd actually love for you to enlighten me. Honestly. Show me where I am wrong and I will concede to your mastery of the English language.
  13. This is a simple rhetorical strategy: try to equate two non-equal ideas. But labeling evolution as a "belief", you make it as easily dismissible as your psychopathic notions. You make it look like somehow we're on "level playing fields", each of us holding our own "beliefs", which are of equal value. The incongruity in this gimmick is the fact is evolution isn't a belief, and if you understood it even you would have a hard time arguing against it
  14. What the fuck man? Don't insult Destiny Hero like that. Also, what you're failing to understand Löki, is that no one hates you. Nobody gives a fuck about you. That's the point. You create these threads, advertise your backwards ideas because you want to create a stir, you want people to look at you. They're a cry for help. Even if people hate you, they're still looking at you, right? But even here you fail. No on gives a shit.
  15. If I add this smiley does it mean that when I say "your smile shines of shit and your "thought" processes offend your own Creator" that you won't take offence
  16. Then what's your point in talking son? The point of discourse is to share, contrast, and evaluate ideas. If you withdraw from those, than you have contributed nothing, and you might have well just kept your mouth shut.
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