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Shadow Mir

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Posts posted by Shadow Mir

  1. On 9/20/2024 at 7:30 PM, Jotari said:

    This conversation is a few months old, memory might be slipping there. But, if we're not talking about that then what are we talking about? Because I remember this being about how the changes to the DS version impact Marth. He's equally as sword locked and lacking in elixirs on the NES and SNES too.

    Anyway there aren't a huge number of ranged enemies in Shadow Dragon. Bosses are the only enemies that really carry javelins or hand axes, and the bosses are stationary. Even mages are only common in the Khadein and Thabes chapter with most other chapters only have one or two (and for Khadein, use pure waters, not just for Marth, for everyone, you will have the spare turns trekking through the desert). Shadow Dragon also isn't that heavy an enemy phase game. At least on Hard 5. Giving someone a forged hand axe and letting them demolish all the enemies on enemy phase isn't how you play it because enemies just hit too hard on H5 to endure many enemy phase attacks. It's all about surgically taking out what enemies you can on player phase.

    Fair point, but swords were much better in those games because of lighter weight when weight mattered (lances have javelins, but in 3, those kill your AS). Anyhow, my last post was referencing Marth soloing SD on H5. Between how hard enemies hit and how unreliable dodging is, that isn't something I can see as feasible without extreme rigging.

  2. 17 hours ago, Jotari said:

    He can do it precisely because you are under estimating Marth's combat abilities and overestimating the weapon triangle. I linked the play list of him doing it. Go ahead and watch. It takes planning and patience, but Marth's combat ability in Shadow Dragon is literally good enough to defeat every enemy in the game unaided, including Medeus.

    Um, where does the weapon triangle come into this?? Because I consider his sword locked status to be concerning when he is easy pickings for literally anything with ranged weapons, as he can only kill one on player phase while whatever he didn't kill gets free shots at him. I'd consider that far more concerning than the weapon triangle. Especially against mages, given that resistance is low. I'd also note there are no elixirs or anything of that sort in this game, only vulneraries, which heal a measly 10 HP.

  3. On 8/18/2024 at 7:36 AM, Jotari said:

    You're dragging up a month old conversation here. What I believe I said is that the changes to Shadow Dragon DS do more to help Marth's combat than hurt it. This is true. In all versions his combat is rather moot since you're probably sending him to villages, but the the things Shadow Dragon does for him, giving him extra levels, more chapters to play and the ability to forge weapons helps him more than the minor disadvantage that going against weapon triangle hurts him. He's still a rather accurate and solid damage dealer that won't be tearing through the game like Alm or Ephraim, but can contribute to killing enemies if he's in a position to do so. His best outing is still the NES game, but that has much less to do with any mechanics of that game and more to do with the game in general being piss easy so you can have Marth move through hoards of enemies to get to villages with basically no thought or consideration. Marth on the DS is still good enough to genuinely solo Hard 5 if you plan and play well.


    I know this is an old post, but how the hell can he solo hard 5?? That sounds like a serious stretch at best without Marth going Ultra Instinct or something, given SD is probably the most anti-sword game in the series (which is ironic as hell, considering swords were the best weapon type by far in the game SD is a remake of). Nevermind how he can't 1v1 Medeus, any chapter with lots of ranged foes is big trouble for him.

    That aside... 

    While Revelation gets a lot of flak for its balance, Birthright and Conquest aren't much better than it is imho.


  4. Make effective weapons great again. They weren't great in Three Houses, and Engage made them godawful (tfw you do 10 damage to a General's 70+ HP with the Armorslayer.... and can't double them because the damn thing has the weight of a truck!). The effective axes really got the short straw though, with the typical worse accuracy of axes without being any stronger to make up for it. Shout-out to the Wyrmslayer for not being effective against the stuff it would've actually been a big help against! Damn near all the good effective weapons in Egnage require Engaging to use.

  5. On 8/18/2024 at 12:22 PM, Dark Holy Elf said:

    I don't think 1-6-2 Fiona is losable via RNG alone, it'll only be a concern if you're going slowly. The only time I've ever felt remotely threatened is on a playthrough where both Jill and Volug were banned, which won't be the case here.

    A Myrmidon has crit on her... yeah. And you probably ain't killing him before he gets a chance to attack her, and potentially kill your run... with you being able to do bugger all to prevent it! (Iirc, Volug moving his max move every turn cannot make it before then, as this happens on turn 2)

  6. On 7/27/2024 at 8:39 PM, Jotari said:

    Because he can now forge rapiers to kill any horse or armour. He gets ten extra levels of growth he didn't have before, and he gets dedicated prologue chapters to use them.

    You said earlier that you aren't likely using him for combat... in which case the Rapier being forgeable is a moot point. However, it doesn't help that it's probably the most cost inefficient weapon to forge because it has low might compared to other effective weapons... especially relative to the new one SD added. Also, that would mean those extra levels prolly ain't coming into play. Regarding the prologue chapters... those are exclusive to normal mode. And almost every unit discussion I see is on the hardest difficulty. 

    Re: the discussion on consumable items... I'm starting to believe healing items are underrated, at least in Fates and Three Houses. From what I have seen on YouTube, many times people only pack weapons on their units... and inevitably end up in dicey situations where dying is a real possibility, or worse, suffer casualties. Can't judge on other games, though.

  7. On 8/15/2024 at 5:19 PM, Dark Holy Elf said:

    I have to admit, I'm not sure why RD is considered specifically bad to ironman? It doesn't have ambush spawns, there are lots of characters who join up to speed / ready to go at various points. Is the argument that the first few DB maps have a punitive loss condition of "any unit dies = game over"? I can see that, but worst comes to worst you restart the run after having invested like 10-20 minutes in it tops.

    Off the top of my head... Multiple defeat conditions in most chapters is an issue. Especially 1-5, where Jill is likely gonna be a dummy and do something to kill your run. 1-6 part 2 is another one, as again you are at the mercy of RNG and an NPC unit. 1-9 is really awful, too. I would also imagine part 3 DB would be hellish if you lost units. 2-2 is yet another issue, with fog and multiple loss conditions, one of whom is guaranteed to get one-rounded if they get attacked....But of course, all this is just me. 

  8. On 8/9/2024 at 3:45 PM, SnowFire said:

    So a non-correction correction, got it.  As I said, Valkyrie's Luck cap is indeed 30 (and is the relevant one since Priscilla is our super-Luck character, most other characters don't get close to cap).  Also, checking, a wiki says that the Druids on Genesis have 6-9 Skill, so 20 + 3-5 = 23-25 Crit.  So 23-25 Luck suffices.   This is even easier if your Tactician element lines up or, more likely, that your luck-stacking unit has any sort of Support nearby - by this late in the game a B rank is very reasonable even on a ranked run with no stalling, and you can easily get 5-10 Critical evade off that, rendering this trick viable for some less Luck-happy characters if they have the right sort of friend.  (For Priscilla herself, her native Wind does indeed have Crit evade, so a mere B-support with Raven should offer +10 Crit Evade if you're willing to staple him around, meaning you need way less Luck.)  And this is all assuming you've waited for the Magic Seal to pass - you can of course try to gank the Druids while they can't counter.  Or use Longbows / Brave weapons as mentioned before.  Or just send in expendable units that you don't care if they die.  A high crit evade unit is just one option for dealing with Luna in an Ironman.  (Oddly enough, you didn't mention a more reasonable concern - that if Priscilla's HP is bad enough, she might just die to a non-crit.)

    As for Priscilla, yeah, she's definitely got issues.  She needs to get over Raymond and stop throwing herself into the service of random armies on dangerous quests on the wild hope that he might randomly show up.  (If you meant as a unit, Priscilla is usually considered FE7's premier healer if Pent isn't taking a break and does well in tier lists, and is probably even better if you're not power-leveling an enemy phase juggernaut.  Certainly not an unreasonable unit to invest into.)

    What, The. Everblooing. FUCK. Mate.  :facepalm: You make it sound like only that class has a 30 Luck cap... Also, the issues I had in mind were the fact that, being a healer, getting her leveled up was slow as hell, and also the fact she has WTD against Luna. On top of that, trying to fight mages with mages prolly ain't getting you anywhere fast... what good is Priscilla not facing Crit when she takes something ridiculous like 8 hits to take out a Druid, while they do her in in only two, or even one if she gets screwed in HP??

  9. 11 hours ago, SnowFire said:

    (You could also power-level Priscilla such that her Luck gets so high she stops being able to get crit'd...  Luna is 20 Crit, Valk Luck stat cap is 30, and Priscilla has super Luck growth.)

    All units have 30 luck cap in that game. Reaching it, though, is another story.

    EDIT: Serra and Priscilla are the only units I can feasibly see getting anywhere near it... and they both have issues.

  10. 5 hours ago, Shanty Pete's 1st Mate said:

    It gives you enough units to replace and progress without dipping into the babylogues (which IMO are non-starters in an Ironman, as almost every kid is a Game Over condition, sometimes as green units).

    Special mention to Asugi (whose fleeing is a defeat condition; just ask @Alastor15243) and Ignatius (who might as well be, given if he goes, the village he is guarding, which is the defeat condition, is wide open! Furthermore, he starts well away from you, just because)!

    1 hour ago, Zapp Branniglenn said:

    In defense of FE6 and 7, I find those games are always shoving good to great units into your party in the latter half. Losing an early growth unit feels like such a non-issue. And there isn't a death in the first half of either game that would make me consider stopping the run. Maybe FE7 Marcus, but I'm racking my brain trying to figure out where Marcus conceivably dies. Meanwhile losing Ceada or Lena in Chapter 4 of Shadow Dragon would prompt me to start over from the top. Even after all those hours tanking hand axes from the bosses. Losing my only good flier and only source of Hammerne puts the rest of the run at a huge handicap.

    Tbh, I'd say losing Caeda also means losing the Wing Spear. And that would be really awful...

    Anyhow, I cannot emphasize this enough. BE VERY VERY CAREFUL OF NON-ZERO CRITICAL CHANCES!!!

  11. On 7/21/2024 at 8:01 PM, Jotari said:

    I would say most of the changes made on the DS are actually to Martha's benefit than his detriment. He's still better on the NES, but that's more down to enemies just straight up sucking in that game. But his combat is honestly a moot point because you'll rarely ever actually end up sending him into combat.

    Um, how do they benefit him??? Because I really ain't seeing it.

    ...anyway, besides Wendy, Sophia and Lyre, who are other units considered among the absolute worst in the series??

  12. Unfortunately, GBA supports require the characters to be adjacent to each other for multiple turns to build. And many of them require dozens of turns adjacent to each other just for one support, to the point you have to intentionally stall to pursue supports. As you would expect, it's easily my most hated aspect of the support system. Furthermore, you can only have 5 supports per unit.

  13. On 7/17/2024 at 4:33 AM, Eltosian Kadath said:

    Roy would probably be the most consistent pick, but hearing someone suggest Lyn or SD Marth wouldn't surprise me either, and a dark horse pick of Micaiah wouldn't be out of the question.


    On 7/17/2024 at 4:52 AM, Jotari said:

    All the lords in the most recent games have been very solid units. People criticize Alear, but really it's easy to build a really strong and competent Alear in Engage since your Emblem builds are far more important than stat lines. All other recent lords have been either broken or medium serviceable.

     Micaiah is better than Roy by virtue alone that she has staves. She's also far easier to level thanks to sacrifice, and while you are risking a game over putting her anywhere near combat, she can still deal decent damage with Thani.

    SD Marth is honestly really hard to rate because the game pushes you to outright never use him for combat. He's always going to be too busy going to villages or, to a slightly lesser extent, chests. And that's a niche and a roll and it's pretty damn vital and centralizing to the game, so it's pretty subjective to say "he sucks because he's busy doing this" or "he's great because he can do this". In either case, even on hard five, I don't feel like it's as difficult to keep him alive compares to Roy/Lyn/Micaiah who can all suddenly cause a game over from a stray bolting or ballista shot. And if you really want Marth to contribute to combat then he can, even untrained. Since Shadow Dragon is all about that forged effective weapon damage. Rapier might not be as much if a meme as Wingspear but it can still absolutely kill things with a few points from a forge.

    Lyn is the closest to Roy in gameplay, unsurprising given the same engine, but she still has some distinct advantages over him. Most noticeably that you don't actually have to deploy her for most chapters. But also if you use her in Lyn mode then she will get enough stats to contribute well for quite a while in Hector or Eliwood mode. Her promotion, if you actually want to use her, also comes much earlier than Roy's and gives her bow access which is quite a boon.

    So, yeah, I would say Roy is still in first place as a uniquely bad Lord. But he's also not quite as bad as people make out either. He can certainly contribute, take hits and double enemies. He also uses swords in a game where swords are probably the best weapon type and his promotion gains are pretty huge and the Binding Blade is a tonne of fun to use giving him both range, super high might and defensive boosts. He's just dragged down phenomenally by his very poor and very long middle game when you've just his level cap and he's just not promoting or getting stronger while everyone around him enemy and ally alike are. He just needs to be written off as basically useless all the way from when you first see Zephiel, up until you fight Zephiel.

    I see. I have seen people suggesting Roy's support list makes him decent, but personally, I am very skeptical of this, as less than half of his support options are particularly good units, and all of those are mounted units.

    Re: SD Marth: I'd say what makes him bad is him getting screwed over by the game's changes more than anything else. In the original games, weapon weight actually mattered, the weapon triangle didn't exist yet, not everyone could get a class upgrade, and stat caps were only 20. SD made weight mostly a non-factor, added the weapon triangle (to Marth's detriment, as axes are virtually nonexistent after the early chapters), made promotion nigh universal (the classes that are exceptions get an extra 10 levels; this doesn't help his case), and increased stat caps. Also of note, the game added the Wing Spear, which is the Rapier on steroids. On top of all this, Marth doesn't even do great against the final boss, especially on anything above Normal, as then it's highly likely (or guaranteed, on H2 or higher) he's getting doubled.

  14. 11 hours ago, CadetCasey said:

    Regaining HP from attacking in general is very very good. In FE4, the only weapon that recovers HP from damage dealt off the top of my head only has 10 uses, and that's for a good reason. If someone procs it many times or consistently procs it, they become a machine that mows down entire armies.

    Like was said earlier, Nosferatu is also in Genealogy, and its mechanics make it insanely good. Namely, the part where you need a skill to follow up, which means without bad luck or an enemy that straight up one-shots you OR an enemy that does have the follow-up ability, you can hold on as long as it lasts. That's a stark contrast to Blazing Blade, Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance and Three Houses, where it's heavy to the point you're likely risking being doubled.

  15. 13 hours ago, Zerius said:

    Both Sol & Luna are great Skills after experiencing other Fire Emblem games which has those skills but I have to say Sol cause your unit needs to have enough HP to survive and you have to prevent them from being lost, Dark Mages from the GBA games doesn't have this issue since they can use Nosferatu to recover HP if the damage hits and Sol is random chances to get their HP's up so you don't have to keep wasting so many Vulneries/Elixirs, if Sol was actually like Noseferatu getting HP back after the damage dealt this would be a great skill.


    Luna, I really love Luna as its one of my favorite skill in some of the other FE games really don't understand the whole hate of Luna seeing how useful it could be during Player/Enemy phase, the whole use of Luna is to able to pierce your way through the enemy so you have a good chance to not use 2 units to fight an enemy that's blocking your way through so that you can let another unit to pass if the unit thats attacking the enemy unit can't be able to get a crit like for e.g. trying to catch a thief before it tries to steal a chest or before a Brigand/Pirate tries to raid a Village.

    The problem with both is that one cannot rely on them, as they're chance based. Also, Nosferatu became heavy to the point of not being worth using in Blazing Blade and Sacred Stones. 

  16. 8 hours ago, Hrothgar777 said:

    On a typical chapter (the last chapter was an exception), I spent only one week in Garreg Mach and spent the rest grinding. I fought every available battle without skipping any, and I maxed my professor level early, which meant I got three per week. I also gravitated toward higher level and/or monster battles, with paralogues being an arguable exception in that I often did them months after they first became available.

    Geez. Honestly, I cannot help but say auxiliary battles are a waste of time on Maddening. They just ain't profitable enough to justify wasting a weekend.

  17. 4 hours ago, A.G. Zhark said:

    Xander ended up killing Takumi and wasting all of my time taking out every enemy unit aside from Laslow, Perry and Garon.

    There is a way to finish that map easily. Fly Corrin to the exit.

  18. 9 hours ago, A.G. Zhark said:

    Yes. One reason I did not struggle in Binding Blade is because you are actually given an opportunity to train your units. Fates has these slow "challenge" maps, the "invasion" maps are more for endgame content, and the Arena can't be constantly used and you can't choose what units can enter. 

    Honestly, "mild" isn't one of the words I would use to describe Binding Blade difficulty wise. In fact, Binding Blade is the absolute bottom of the barrel map design wise and unit balance wise imho. Also, the arena is very risky.

    8 hours ago, A.G. Zhark said:

    And about Attack Stance and Pair Up, I find those useless in this game. It's completely inferior to Awakening. Cohorts cannot use offensive skills, cannot do follow-up attacks, etc.

    They aren't useless. Like was said earlier, they changed pair up to make it more balanced compared to Awakening. Since you played Blazing Blade... remember the Luna spell? Well, it got nerfed in Sacred Stones.

    9 hours ago, A.G. Zhark said:

    And of course I know this is a defense map, but few of these kinds of maps in the Fire Emblem series can be cut short if you defeat the boss.

    Unhappy Reunion isn't one of those, though, so don't feel obligated to pursue Takumi.

  19. 16 hours ago, Zapp Branniglenn said:

    You're typing up about map design and unit balance and Revelation is The Worst in those areas. In the entire franchise, not just the three versions of Fates.

    Should've stuck to just the three versions of Fates tbh. I call bullshit on it being the absolute bottom of the barrel in either one, let alone both. Especially map design. Unless you think spamming long, winding maps makes for good map design??? 

  20. On 4/30/2024 at 8:58 PM, Hrothgar777 said:

    For the middle, where you can approach Death Knight from the side, I realized the trick is to sacrifice one unit to bait him out

    Impregnable Wall is a thing. And it's extremely good.

    On 4/30/2024 at 8:58 PM, Hrothgar777 said:

    Do you have any tips for this map? It's a suck-y desert one and the boss has three revival stones, because of course he does.

    Like the turtle, Wind Caller attacks resistance. Also, get well away from the north and west sides of the map, as once he is attacked, be it by your units or the yellow team, extremely dangerous Wyvern Lords spawn there (however, they won't do anything if they cannot reach anyone). Miracle is a pain in the arse here, because of course it is. He has Giant Wings as a barrier ability iirc, so sword, lance and axe users are more likely to whiff. Saving Ashes and Dust for him is an excellent idea as it will break all his barriers in 2 uses (he's 3x3, so aim for the center). However, I would agree with saving it for his later lifebars. Also of note, he gets Darting Blow (+6 AS on initiative iirc), so be careful of that.

  21. On 4/16/2024 at 2:45 AM, JourneymanN00b said:

    Thanks a lot for the reply. And yes, I am aware of not being able to access the DLC, which is why I put myself under Ironman restrictions to make the best of the situation. I am not sure if I will do multiple playthroughs, although I could maybe see myself doing a second playthrough if circumstances allow it.

    Unless you have any other specifications that you would like me to try, I will count your suggestion as to play the Ironman run in Birthright on Hard and Classic, with no other restrictions. It should theoretically go smoother than my Lunatic Classic attempts on Awakening, but I am going to look at the guides and familiarize myself with the mechanics before I say anything more. I will start a new thread in the Fates subforum as soon as I am ready to set up my run.

    I'm gonna warn you now - with the death of 3DS online, a lot of Fates's features became a lot harder to use. And they were already hard to make use of to begin with since they needed stuff that is tied to the passage of real time.

  22. On 4/11/2024 at 9:23 PM, Hrothgar777 said:

    How do you tank that stupid turtle?


    I beat Chapter 17 (second Gronder Field) today, and that was no mean feat on Maddening. I took a break for like a month because I knew this battle wasn't going to be a fun one. Leonie's paralogue became available on like Chapter 14 but somehow it's STILL harder than what I just went through.

    Any tips on clearing this absolute abomination of a map? I'm Golden Deer, my archers are Claude and Shamir, I've promoted Lorenz to a black magic user, Lysithea and Marianne are what you expect them to be. I have Felix as a brawler but I've also kept Raphael in that role for some reason. Leonie's a horse archer (not a very good one), and I normally don't use Lindhardt so he's a stick in the mud that I just have to keep alive somehow. Byleth is Byleth.

    That turtle attacks resistance iirc. Therefore, a mage that chugs Pure Water should shrug off his attacks. Also, his own resistance is garbage compared to his defense.

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